Fortune telling by coffee grounds ear. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of symbols. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of numbers

For a long time, people have tried to look into the future using various kinds of fortune telling. Indeed, sometimes it is so tempting to open the “door” of fate a little! Among the most popular and “delicious” methods is fortune telling on coffee grounds - identifying the symbols (pictures) that form at the bottom of the cup and their exact interpretation. So, today we will find out what coffee drawings mean from the grounds left over from drinking your favorite invigorating drink - letters, numbers, figures of animals and humans. In addition, we will take a closer look at how to correctly tell fortunes, as well as brew coffee for this “magical” ritual. So, let's get down to the most interesting fortune telling!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - symbols, their meaning and interpretation with photos

The history of fortune telling on coffee grounds dates back to Italy in the 18th century - a list of basic symbols was compiled there that needed to be used to “decipher” the past and future. In general, this method of fortune telling appeared immediately after the invention of coffee - the Middle East is considered the birthplace of this divine drink. Thus, even Turkish sultans and Russian tsars listened to the predictions of their court “magicians” on the grounds left after drinking aromatic coffee. In our country, coffee gained popularity under Peter the Great and was considered a drink of the nobility, but over time it became available to other segments of the population. Thus, at many social gatherings it has become fashionable to invite fortune tellers (“coffee girls”) to entertain guests by interpreting the meanings of the symbols remaining in the cups.

How to guess correctly using coffee grounds? First of all, you need to take high-quality ground coffee, a white porcelain cup and saucer. The surface of the selected dishes should be smooth, without depressions or bulges, as well as colored patterns. To achieve the desired consistency, mix two tablespoons of coarse and the same amount of finely ground coffee. When the drink is ready, let it cool and drink - there should be about a tablespoon of grounds left at the bottom of the cup. Now the fortuneteller takes the cup with his left hand and thinks intently about the question that interests him, while performing three circular movements clockwise. This is necessary so that the grounds are distributed on the walls of the vessel. Then we quickly turn the cup over on the saucer and, after counting to seven, remove it. That's it, you can start fortune telling! Before you start unraveling the symbols and their meaning, you should remember that the past is shown by the grounds remaining on the saucer, and the coffee drawings in the cup “speak” about the future. In this case, we study the signs in a certain order: from left to right and vice versa, at the bottom of the dish, from the edge of the walls towards the center. Let's study the meaning of the most important symbols and figures that appear on the sides of the cup.

List of symbols (figures) of coffee grounds during fortune telling - what they mean and how to interpret:

  • Dragon - the appearance of this “fierce” symbol at the bottom of the cup promises the fortuneteller positive changes in life, and is also a warning about the presence of envious people in the immediate environment.

  • Horse - if the coffee spot resembles this noble animal in outline, then you will meet a loved one or receive news from him. The horse's head is interpreted as a "portrait" of a loved one. Half a horse means that your wish will only partially come true.

  • Heart - this beautiful symbol promises the fortuneteller love and the emergence of new feelings. The size of the coffee heart determines the strength and duration of love - the more, the stronger.

  • Duck is considered a symbol of changes relating to the home sphere, namely relationships with a loved one and relatives. If the figure of a duck is surrounded by positive symbols, then this combination can be interpreted as stability, stability and wisdom.

  • Dolphin - the image of a dolphin made from coffee grounds is a good sign, since the fortuneteller will experience well-being, prosperity and new life prospects.

  • Fish - means the ability to adapt to the surrounding society in order to achieve your goals. The appearance of this symbol at the bottom of the cup is associated with events in a person’s social life - work, career, relationships with partners and colleagues. If the fish “swimmed out” closer to the edge of the cup, then you need to pay attention to relationships with parents, children and loved ones.

  • Giraffe is a warning that the fortuneteller needs to reconsider his attitude towards life, and also separate just dreams and real goals.

  • Bird - symbolizes positive changes in life, the end of one stage and the beginning of the next. Perhaps you can expect a career advancement, an increase in salary, or the successful implementation of your creative ideas. If the pattern on the edge of the cup resembles a flock of birds, a successful start to a new business or project will soon await you - and well-deserved fame!

Correct interpretation of symbols when fortune telling on coffee grounds - in pictures

Fortune telling with coffee grounds has long been considered one of the most popular ways to find out the future, as well as correctly interpret events from the past. Indeed, for this you do not need to turn to a fortune teller or soothsayer - everyone can easily master this fascinating science. And if earlier during fortune-telling it was customary to read various magic spells, today the ritual has become as simple as possible - but no less interesting than a hundred or two hundred years ago. So, the coffee has been drunk, and the cup and saucer are covered with fancy patterns and spots - we begin to interpret the symbols.

When looking at the figures, we pay special attention to clearer pictures, since they provide the most accurate and correct information. The location of the symbols also matters for their interpretation - we start from the handle and clockwise. So, if the figures are placed towards the handle, then they can be interpreted as some phenomenon that will soon enter a person’s life. As an option - the head of a man, woman or animal, or a knife blade. On the contrary, with the direction of the symbols from the handle of the cup, one can hardly expect important life changes. When solving the drawings on the cup, it is important to study the ones closest to the handle - such signs usually relate to the most personal (relationships with relatives, family, everyday life). The location of less significant symbols is on the opposite side of the handle.

The figures on the left will tell about upcoming events that are a continuation and consequence of certain events of the past. On the right side there are signs for interpreting the future, which is in no way connected with the fortuneteller’s past. In addition, depending on the location of the symbol between the rim and the bottom of the cup, you can determine the time of the event. If the sign is located near the rim itself, the predicted will come true within 1 - 1.5 months, in the “equatorial” part - within 2 - 4 months, near the bottom - towards the end of life’s journey. What signs can be “read” on coffee grounds?

Among the most common symbols are human and animal figures, letters, numbers, lines, and geometric designs. To obtain the most accurate prediction, you need to interpret not a single symbol, but taking into account all those that are on the same “time line” with it. For example, a sign in the form of a suitcase itself means travel. But with a human figure located nearby, specifics are added to the prophecy - most likely, a visit from guests from afar is planned. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of some common symbols of coffee grounds in pictures, which are often formed during fortune telling.

How to correctly interpret the symbols of coffee grounds during fortune telling - meanings and pictures:

  • Cat - symbolizes poverty and cunning. If the cat is located near the edge of the cup, your enemies are not asleep, involving you in their dishonest games. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your own surroundings, stopping such actions. Is the animal at the bottom of the cup? Expect a serious quarrel with relatives.
  • Mouse - like the previous symbol, is considered a negative sign. The appearance of an image of this cute little animal on a coffee cup warns of impending losses incurred by the fortuneteller through the fault of people close to him.
  • A dog is a good positive omen, meaning friendly support in difficult times. If a sick person is doing fortune telling, then the figure of a dog on the coffee grounds can be interpreted as help, which will lead to recovery. However, it happens that the dog has a clearly visible grin - in this case, the symbol is interpreted as a possible betrayal of the best friend.

  • Bear - warns the fortuneteller about danger, which can only be avoided by making the right choice. If there is a sign next to the bear that resembles the outline of an eagle, a dangerous situation will not affect you. Moreover, you will receive the laurels of the winner! If there is a line that looks like a snake near the bear, this promises big trouble.

  • Tree - there are many interpretations of this sign of coffee grounds. Thus, a tall tree with a straight trunk and a lush crown symbolizes the appearance of lucrative job offers and new business partners in the future. In your personal life, wide opportunities also open up - several interesting acquaintances can happen at the same time. It’s even better if the tree is strewn with fruits, because this sign promises to receive a large sum of money or inheritance. A tree with a crooked, twisted trunk predicts an unsuccessful outcome of new beginnings and inevitable losses.

  • Child - this symbol means experiences and grievances of the past, as well as the inability to overcome obstacles. The appearance of a child’s figure near the edge of the cup symbolizes personal grievances and complexes that can interfere with the growth of well-being or creative development. If the child is located at the bottom of the cup, then this indicates the presence of grievances and other negative emotions that stand in the way of building harmonious relationships in the present.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - the meaning of symbols and signs

Strong aromatic coffee is one of the most popular drinks, without which many cannot imagine breakfast or lunch. In addition, with the help of a cup of coffee, you can find out your future by correctly deciphering the meaning of the remaining symbols on the grounds. So, completely different patterns may appear on the bottom or walls of the cup - lines, numbers, letters, human and animal figures. In our list you will find an interpretation of the main symbols that are most often formed on coffee grounds as a result of fortune telling.

What do the symbols-parts of the human body on coffee grounds mean - list of interpretations:

  • Head - your life will soon change thanks to a young man you know
  • Eyes - the sign promises life changes in the sphere of relationships, study or work
  • Lips - wait for the good news
  • Woman - the appearance of this symbol portends to the fortuneteller a pleasant love affair or a quick marriage
  • Hand - symbolizes the collapse of expectations and hopes

Geometric shapes - how to decipher their appearance on coffee grounds:

  • Quadrangle - to good luck in love affairs, a new acquaintance or favorable development of relationships with a man
  • Small dashes - expect a promotion up the career ladder or a salary increase
  • Triangle - if this geometric figure appears on the coffee grounds, you have a fateful meeting ahead
  • Ovala - predicts a wedding for a young girl, and promises a happy family life for a married woman
  • Cross - the appearance of this symbol prophesies a wedding, happiness in personal life, a calm and harmonious marriage
  • Square - the drawing can be interpreted as a prosperous life in the future
  • Stars - all problems will be left behind

Guessing on the coffee grounds - interpretation of the numbers:

  • 1 – symbol of happiness
  • 2 – to unexpected problems and troubles
  • 3 – fate predicts good luck for you in matters of finance
  • 4 – all your endeavors are “doomed” to success
  • 5 – the appearance of a number indicates gossip and slander surrounding you
  • 6 – promises a happy marriage
  • 7 – predicts reciprocity in feelings and harmony
  • 8 – to disagreements and quarrels
  • 9 – expects to meet new people
  • 0 – your wishes and dreams will come true

Letters - meaning on coffee grounds:

  • A - to victory, luck and luck
  • B - any of your undertakings will be promising
  • B - prophesies fun, celebration and good mood
  • G – to troubles at work
  • D – get help from a good friend in solving problems
  • E – listen to your intuition and everything will work out
  • F - for good news
  • Z - you will be overcome by melancholy and boredom
  • And - quick changes in life
  • Y - fate warns of possible troubles
  • K – problems with relatives are likely
  • L – a loved one can betray and change
  • M - happiness awaits you in the future
  • H – to mutual understanding and harmony
  • O - a friend will need your help
  • P – there will be expenses associated with family and friends
  • R – to good luck in material matters
  • C - wait for news from the past
  • T – your future is in your hands, don’t look back at the past
  • U - fortunately
  • F - you will find love in the face of a friend
  • C - you will soon receive a large bag of money
  • H - help will come from a man
  • Ш – unexpected problems are possible
  • Sh - the fortuneteller will need patience
  • Kommersant – by showing persistence and determination, you will achieve a lot
  • Y - fate will give you love and happiness
  • b - your friend needs help
  • E – a loved one needs support
  • Yu - caution in making an important decision will lead to victory
  • I - be reasonable

What do the drawings mean - interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds, video

Fortune telling on coffee grounds allows you to get answers to many important questions while enjoying the taste and aroma of your favorite drink. The main thing is to stock up on good brewed coffee, and also to correctly interpret the symbol-drawings that appear. In the video you will find the most accurate interpretation of the signs of coffee grounds, which are most often formed during fortune telling.

Video with interpretation of the meanings of symbols when fortune telling by coffee:

So, fortune telling with coffee grounds is a popular way to find out the future in the comfort of your own home, accessible to every person. What do the symbols mean in coffee fortune telling? With the help of our selection with pictures (photos) and videos, you can determine the most accurate meaning and correctly interpret the patterns on the coffee grounds. Good luck with your fortune telling and positive emotions!

Have your fortune tellers' predictions come true?

Fortune telling on coffee grounds has been known in Europe since the 18th century. and still serves as one of the favorite predictive arts. The vast majority of “coffee fortune tellers” are women, and their clientele also mostly consists of women and girls. Men usually do not take this fortune telling seriously. Perhaps the reason for this is the specific language of fortune telling, which was formed in a female environment and poorly reflects those objects and phenomena that are interesting to men.

This is how Italian and French fortune tellers tell fortunes.

They leave the grounds in the coffee pot after the coffee and try to drain all the liquid from it so that the grounds are a completely dense mass. They leave her in this state for at least an hour.

Any grounds, fresh or old, are suitable for fortune-telling, as long as they are almost dry, when the fortune-tellers want to do the experiment. Prepare a white earthenware plate, without stains, completely wiped and dried over the fire, if the weather is damp. Stir the mixture with a spoon and carefully pour it onto a plate so that there is no more than half of the plate. They begin to shake the plate in all directions for a minute, then pour everything that is on its surface into another vessel.

When all the water is drained, only particles of the thicket will remain, arranged in a very diverse manner and making up a countless number of hieroglyphic signs. Of course, when these signs are very confused or the grounds are very dense, or, finally, the plate does not have a smooth surface, then the fortune tellers add a little water to the grounds, heat it up and begin to guess again.

When the grounds are poured onto a plate with all the prescribed precautions, they begin to disassemble and explain the signs and figures that came from it.

To get the best results when telling fortunes with coffee grounds, you need to prepare a mixture of two types of grinding coffee - coarse and fine. Place 2 tbsp in a cup. l. coarse coffee and 1 tsp. thin. Cups should be without patterns, with a wide edge. You will also need a saucer. The cup needs to be warmed with boiling water and then dried quickly. Put coffee in it in the specified amount. Place the cup on a saucer so as not to stain the table or tablecloth. Pour boiling water over the coffee, close the lid and let it brew for a little over a minute. Then the person being told a fortune must drink this coffee or at least take a few sips. Then he pours out the unfinished coffee, leaving no more than 1 tbsp in the cup. l. liquids. When you have done all this, you need to take the cup in your left hand, make a wish and make three circular movements with the cup counterclockwise so that the grounds are distributed along its walls. Then quickly turn the cup upside down and place it on the saucer - let the liquid drain. Next, take the cup and place it on the saucer with the rim up. You will see that the coffee grounds form on the walls of the cup those same figures, dots and lines, the meaning of which you will have to reveal.

The saucer shows the past, the cup shows the present and future.

Fortune telling will be successful only if the fortuneteller is favorably disposed towards the person to whom he is telling fortunes.

The fortuneteller must not forget for a second that he wishes the person well.

The signs on the outside of the cup speak, as a rule, about external, purely material signs of the near future, the situation on the bottom speaks about something purely personal, about what is in a person’s soul.

The signs for a saucer and a cup are interpreted the same way.

The cup needs to be turned over the way you want, and not in some special way.

In what order should you look into the cup?

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup away from the bottom towards the center.

2. Horizontal lines from left to right.

3. Horizontal lines from right to left.

4. Bottom and center.

1. Suppose that in the cup on the left, in the direction of the horizontal line, there is a person on whom a dot is visible. He is in the garden, there is a butterfly on his head - this means that this person is the owner of the cup, who will receive a love letter from his beloved and will soon meet him. If violets are visible around a person, it means that, despite her poverty, she is marrying a rich man (marrying a rich woman). If there are ants around a person, then these are people with small souls who cause trouble to everyone. If someone is standing on the right side, then this is a friend, and if there is someone on the left, then it is an enemy. The sediment at the bottom of the cup shows the person's heart. If the sediment is thick and swollen upward, this person is experiencing grief; if the bottom of the cup is open, then grief is far from it.

2. If small dots are visible in the cup, this is money, and the more dots, the more money. If you notice a small chick or something like a butterfly in the cup, then you will receive a letter. If the bird is closer to your heart, then you will receive a letter from a friend or stranger informing you about some kind of work, and if it is far from your heart, you will receive news from afar. If there is a face in a cup, shadows, then the largest of the faces is the face of the owner of the cup, and the rest are either friends or enemies. If the shadow is black and close to the heart, it means an enemy, but if white lines are visible on the invisible shadow, then someone will do good to you. If there are white lines on two shadows, then it means you have two good friends. If you see a line upward from your heart, it is curved and there are black spots on it, then you will come somewhere, despite the obstacles, you will reach your goal. If there is sediment at the bottom of the glass in the center and there is a bulge the size of a pea on it, this is due to illness. If the bulge is black, then it is death. If you see the shadow of a mountain in a glass, it means that you are loved for your intelligence, or you will receive a promotion. If there are black shadows around the house, then your condition is dangerous; wealth will not soon visit your house.

And now a little more about those symbols that can be imprinted on coffee grounds.

The meaning of the symbols seen

The head of a man without a body is a young man who properly influences your destiny.

Face in profile - reliable protection.

Two faces in a circle - marriage awaits you soon.

A face in a circle means someone has strong feelings for you.

Two faces separated by a line means your partner will cheat on you.

A man's head in a crown - you will receive help from influential people.

Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Favorable resolution of the intended goals.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - wealth in the house, profitable acquaintances, entertainment.

A woman’s head with a high hairstyle is a desire to show her “I”. One of your friends will do you a pleasant favor: help you with money, introduce you to the right people.

A head with long hair is a long road.

A drooping head is a serious illness.

A head with protruding ears - you are in doubt, but you must make a decision, fate will help you with this.

Two heads turned towards each other - you are loved and you have a reciprocal feeling for this person; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

A face with a long nose - your lifestyle will interest some envious person.

A face with a humped nose - be attentive and careful in some life situations.

A person with a damaged nose - be careful. There may be financial costs.

A person with an animal - someone wants to give you a helping hand.

The young man is headed for divorce.

An old woman is a reliable love affair.

Angel - quick healing. You are under the protection of higher powers.

Mother of God is a favorable sign, expect happy times.

The disadvantaged and weak will find protection in you both materially and spiritually.

Horseman - unexpected news, news, meeting, receiving long-awaited news.

A horseman holding a rod in his hand - illnesses will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you.

A horseman with a sword is a dangerous undertaking: people around you will try to interfere with you, unreliable friends will try to trip you up, but your desire to emerge victorious will help you succeed.

A horseman with a gun - quarrels, discord. For the military - promotion in rank.

A horseman with a flag means a successful career, a wonderful future.

The devil - various troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, betrayal.

A girl is a declaration of love, sincere passion.

A female figure in a crown sitting in a chair means a change for the better, profit, bargain purchases.

A woman in a black scarf - a funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a quarrel between two human figures.

A woman holding a vessel in her hand means promotion, lucrative contracts.

A woman holding a rod in her hands means you are finding a reliable friend.

The priestess is a symbol of the feminine principle. Guardian of family happiness.

Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements at work.

A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood.

Priestess on a dark background holding a dark moon: for young women - difficult childbirth; for older women - illness. For men - troubles with relatives.

Court lady - intrigues, struggle for primacy.

A female statue with a wreath on her head - peace, freedom, salvation.

A man in prison means imprisonment in a government house, but friends and influential people will help him find freedom.

A man wearing a robe represents justice. If you are categorical in your statements, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent career growth and material well-being await you. You will be in contact with a wealthy partner. A good lawyer will help you in matters related to the law.

Oxen - for the sake of your rise in some activity, you will commit treason, sacrifice a close friend.

The threatening figure of a warrior is a painful ego. Discord, quarrels.

Sage - you are able to introduce new original ideas, your extraordinary abilities will help you achieve success and establish profitable contacts. Your intellectual abilities will soon pay off:

success in trading is possible.

A sage on a dark background - value your talents, do not be arrogant.

A man in a dark mask is news of a serious illness of a loved one.

A person with long arms has a practical attitude towards life. A strong position in society awaits you.

A person with short arms - money is earned dishonestly, a lazy attitude to life, an idle lifestyle.

Body parts

Mouth – innocence, efficiency; on the walls of the cup are true friends; in the middle is the good news.

Hand - failure, disappointment.

Eyes – change in life. Be vigilant in business relationships, be careful when making decisions, think everything through carefully.

Sad eyes - melancholy, despondency. Bad news. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate your abilities.

Big eyes – harmonious distribution of energy.

Elongated eyes - you skillfully hide your feelings from other people.

Stork - harmony in the family, good luck. Success and profitable acquisitions.

The image at the bottom of the cup is the birth of a child.

Stork on the roof of a house - moving, buying an apartment.

Stork in the nest - success at work.

Raven is trouble in the house.

Crow - melancholy, illness, disappointment.

A crow sitting on a tree without leaves means long-term illnesses of loved ones.

A crow with outstretched wings means someone is slandering you.

Sparrow - profitable deals, concentration of the mind. A happy solution to many problems.

Dove - agreement, harmony, successful choice of marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, peace and tranquility in the family.

Goose - good news from loved ones.

A goose with outstretched wings is a nice gift.

A flock of geese means failure to fulfill your desires, accompanied by losses, but in the near future the situation will change for the better.

Drozd - interesting meetings, tempting offers. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker - perseverance, soul-searching. Career growth.

A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow signifies persistence in achieving one’s goals.

Crane - the parameters of your destiny are excellent: you will live to a ripe old age, but at the same time you will be lonely at heart.

Canary - love relationship on the side; at the edge of the cup - soon you will have a lover; at the bottom of the cup - your loved one is in melancholy.

Chicken - helping a stranger. Pleasant chores associated with home comfort.

The swallow is a messenger of good luck, peace and understanding in the family. Fulfillment of all your hopes.

Swan - pleasant twists of fate: good luck in business, love relationships.

Eagle - after a difficult and persistent struggle, victory in everything that concerns both health and spiritual, intellectual, material spheres. At the bottom of the cup is achieving prosperity without any outside help.

Peacock – wealth, luxurious life, vanity. Peacock with an open tail - buying an apartment; if there is a ring next to the peacock, it means a successful marriage. At the bottom of the cup is vanity, ostentatious arrogance, which is fraught with the fact that you will soon be disappointed.

A parrot is a sign that does not say anything good: quarrels, scandals, discord.

Rooster - prosperity, good news. Rooster on the hill - marriage.

A rooster at the top of the cup means unexpected news.

A rooster at the bottom of the cup means intrigues from your environment.

A rooster upside down is an unexpected turn for the better.

Owl - you need to take precautions, since at the moment you may experience failure in any business you start.

An owl at the bottom of a cup means need, illness. At the edge of the cup - betrayal in love.

Duck – increase in profit; duckling - your spouse will prove his devotion to you.

Heron - your well-being depends on yourself.


Butterfly - the serenity of life. A sign in the center of the cup - be alert, do not indulge in excessive fun, a butterfly at the edge of the cup - an indication of pleasure, you will be received everywhere with due attention if you are sincere. A butterfly marked with dots predicts your pretentiousness, which can lead to various kinds of problems.

Ant - your ingenuity, hard work, practicality; anthill - good and reliable friends are next to you.

Fly - enormous wealth, receiving an inheritance.

Wasp - people from your environment want to humiliate you, slander you.

Beetle - disease, distress.

Spider – resourcefulness of mind, secrecy.

A spider in a clean place - thanks to your erudition and natural sense of tact, you will achieve the favor of people. At the bottom of the cup - do not take the advice of a flatterer, ask for the advice of your good friend. On the handle of the cup - someone is weaving a net around you.

Scorpio – struggle, contradiction. Don’t be upset, pull yourself together, as this is a temporary period followed by a streak of good fortune.

A dark scorpion next to a tree means discord with relatives.

Bee - hard work, thrift.

A bee on the handle of a cup is an expectation of pleasant, erudite people; at the bottom of the cup - a lot of work, disorder, domestic strife. At the edge of the cup - relaxation in the company of good friends.


When guessing by the figure of an animal, one must take into account the qualities inherent in this animal.

Squirrel – resourcefulness, desire for superiority over others. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of your creative abilities. Nice reward.

Ox – income in material terms, meeting a partner.

An angry bull - quarrels, strife, misunderstanding on the part of the partner. A bull on top is a highly paid job. Below - good health.

Wolf - be careful because they want to rob you. There are very greedy and envious people around you with whom you have business relationships.

Camel - you will achieve certain success thanks to endurance and endurance. Exciting trips to different countries.

Dragon - changes in life, career growth, high rise in emotional and living standards.

Hare - cowardice, timidity, myopia, melancholy. The hare is in a clean place - you must support your interlocutor, as he is too modest.

A sign at the bottom of the cup means your good friend needs help.

Kangaroo - they want to use your name for personal gain. Kangaroo with a baby - helping your children, self-sacrifice for loved ones.

Goat - you will be incredibly lucky, don’t miss your chance; a harbinger of joyful events; happy marriage. A goat surrounded by small curved lines is a disappointment in love; may gain notoriety, a serious battle with opponents awaits.

The cat portends failure, expect bad news; failure in business. If you can see a cat at rest next to the handle at the edge of the cup, your fate will give you good luck more than once if you overcome enormous obstacles. Your false friend is doing everything to harm you. You will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation.

Crocodile - you are in danger of being deceived by your closest friends. You are facing troubles that you will stubbornly fight, trying to get out of them on your own, and you will succeed.

The rabbit means a happy turn in everyday circumstances. You will be more satisfied with your income than before. A sign of fidelity in love for both married and single people.

The rat promises deception and resentment, embitterment, shame, guilt. A sign of violence, a harbinger of illness.

A rat near a man in a robe - you will overcome difficulties and avoid interference from others, you will recognize the intentions of your enemies; you have to fight with a disastrous result for your enemies.

Leo - positive volitional impulses, the patronage of an important person, your knowledge and high business qualities will help you gain favorable attention and respect in society.

A lion with his head held high in the middle of the cup - you are controlled by unknown forces. You will become a winner in any business you undertake; A happy life without failures and worries awaits you.

Leopard is a sign that foreshadows your success; enemies who seek to hinder you will fail; difficulties in business and love - if the leopard is indicated by dots.

The horse is a wonderful sign. It promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people; great wealth; success with fans or admirers.

Fox - cunning, intrigue, deceit; you will engage in dubious matters.

Fox for the entire length of the cup - you can expose a fake friend.

A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - beware of treachery on the part of friends; you are stronger than your opponents.

Elk - a happy life in which your deepest desires will come true; a free life without hassle.

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters.

Bear below - portends winning a game or lottery; way out of a difficult situation.

The bear at the top is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person; to dangerous connections; If you repent of a stupid act committed out of stubbornness, you will suffer great losses.

A monkey in the center of the cup - you should be afraid that a hypocritical person will treat you dishonestly; someone's treachery can hurt you if you are not careful; Beware of the revenge of insincere people who will only seek to advance their own cause to the detriment of your interests. Success in love, quick marriage.

Deer - you will gain a true friend; help from friends in a difficult situation, a successful marriage, successful completion of affairs, you will gain reliable protection, a pure and true feeling.

Donkey - a huge job awaits you, coupled with great patience: it will end successfully for you; successful course of your affairs; Perhaps you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich.

At the edge of the cup there are interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge.

In the middle of the cup - you will have a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

At the bottom of the cup - soon you will have to mobilize your courage to defend the honor of your good name.

Elephant - your position in life will be strengthened, and you will accept with dignity more than one gift of fate; true prosperity in all respects;

public acceptance.

A dog is good luck and true friends; well-being in business; solid condition;

happiness in love; you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult situation. A few dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good and reliable friend.


Snake - you will be powerless against your enemies, you are threatened by illness.

A snake coiled in a ring - you will succumb to anger, and your enemies will harm your work.

Several snakes - you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation; you will not be able to move - someone will try to infringe on your rights.

Frog - your love will be rejected.

Big dark frog - you should take care of your own health, otherwise it will make your loved ones suffer. A croaking frog predicts a quick trip to your friends, but this trip will not bring you joy.

A frog on top - you will make acquaintance with a pleasant person.

Near the road - a random but very profitable acquisition.

Near the cage - unfortunately, which you will overcome thanks to the kindness and help of friends.

Lizard - invulnerability or resourcefulness of your enemies; you will be able to return luck, but at a heavy price; you will need to muster all the will and determination to survive this test.

Turtles - an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Sea inhabitants

Sharks are formidable, terrible enemies, inevitable failures that will plunge you into the abyss of despair.

Omar - great help that rich friends will provide you; you will occupy an extremely high position in society, and many people will be under your command.

Fish - fate will generously reward you; happy marriage; an extraordinary surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

Large fish - prosperity and joy await you; you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Trees and shrubs

Tree - all your plans and dreams will come true, quick promotion; you will receive a sign of future success and glory.

A tree with branches hanging down - be careful when handling money, otherwise things will end badly.

A tree without leaves, dry - great experiences await you due to the illness or death of a loved one.

Broken tree - your efforts to complete the work you started will not be crowned with success, you may lose your job or be greatly humiliated.

Oak promises prosperity, perseverance and strength of character, longevity, courage and courage, fulfillment of plans in business and love.

Spruce - family happiness; bring joy to others; the onset of very important and joyful events for you.

Willow promises a sad journey, but true friends will console you in your grief;

Beware of new acquaintances.

Bush - your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap; illness and sadness, mental suffering, longing for a loved one.

The forest foreshadows deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone;

you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed simple; portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Leaves - joy and successful implementation of plans; your business will go uphill and begin to generate more and more income.

Walnut tree - a quick win, you will find a significant amount of money;

successful entrepreneurship and favorable in love.

Apple tree - the time will come for your hopes to come true; move forward boldly; you will have good luck in love.

A rose is a sign of shared and happy love, a wedding, joyful experiences.

A wreath of roses is a sign of peace and love, the fulfillment of hopes.

The tulip is a symbol of love and married life; a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Violet - a happy love affair; to happiness and wealth.

Chrysanthemum - belated love, loss.

Lines, circles

A straight line, short and long - happiness.

Many straight lines - health and longevity.

An interrupted straight or zigzag line is an adventure and illness.

A long straight line means your life will pass carelessly and uselessly.

An arched or curved line means there is an evil enemy that you need to beware of.

Many crooked lines - surrounded by enemies who do you harm.

Wavy lines are a long journey, the duration of which depends on the length of the lines.

An oblique line is a disease.

Many oblique lines - your affairs are bad.

Many broken lines mean a difficult financial situation.

The line is crossed by broken lines, crooked lines - difficulties and heart wounds, difficulties and sadness for your loved one.

There is a separate line in the middle of the bottom of the cup - a close, good journey.

A small dot and dash are a good omen.

The line is short - the place of work is changing.

Circles – small children, education.

Dark circle - serious illness, troubles.

Many circles connected to each other - the birth of a child, a large family.

Geometric figures

The right triangle is unexpected luck.

Broken triangle - there are no dangers.

Two touching triangles - your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles - love luck.

Oval hill - get married or get married.

Many oval mounds mean good luck in your affairs.

Quadrangle - luck, success in love.

A square is the best sign. Your life will be happy and financially secure, quick profit is possible.

1 – someone loves you.

2 – illness and failure.

3 – trade deal.

4 – you still hope.

5 – conversations, gossip.

6 – wedding, but there will be problems.

7 – family happiness.

8 – quarrel with a loved one.

9 – new acquaintance.

0 – you were born under a lucky star.

100 – happy life, you will live long.

Letters, signs

A - you will have a victory.

B – power is in your hands.

B – you are in grief.

G – put the candles on St. George.

D – no money.

E - conscience does not give you peace.

N - you will worry.

P – insincerity.

R – like to drink.

D – acquaintance.

X - get married.

K - get yourself a cross.

Yu – bad old age.

I - life will get better.


A car is on the road, a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Angels are a consolation; you will be pleased with good news from your friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

The harp warns you against being too gullible, especially in love.

Watermelon - early pregnancy, failures in business, worries and troubles.

Lampshaded – a difficult situation, despondency and depression.

A tower with a dome - you will achieve a lot in life, success, stability.

Drum - helping a friend, smooth, friendly relationships, a sign of good luck and prosperity.

The dish is all the opportunities to implement your plans, success in any company.

Beads - you will find a patron or a person who will treat you with boundless respect.

Log - to family troubles and quarrels; for the upcoming long-term arrangement of your home.

Tambourine - to intrigue with a new acquaintance, a major quarrel with friends and relatives because of your intemperance and violent temper.

Vase - many pleasant events await you in your family life; all the torments and joys of forbidden love.

A wreath is a sign of future opportunities for enrichment and glory, a long-awaited and happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Libra - a sense of justice will soften your temper, and your affairs will go uphill.

Pitchfork is a struggle for a better life, which will require enormous efforts from you, both physical and mental.

Vulcan - violent disputes await you, which will damage your reputation.

Newspaper - deception will be revealed in your affairs, and your reputation will be tarnished. A favorable opportunity to travel abroad and make friends there.

Nails - quarrels and grief await you; victory over a rival in love.

Coffin - unsuccessful marriage, remorse for actions.

A coffin with a cross means bereavement and early departure of a dear relative.

Thermometer – family troubles, dissatisfaction with one’s job, illness.

Headdress - you will be famous and lucky, you will give up your property to others.

Sofa - you should beware of envious people. You will achieve a strong financial position and be able to afford to make large acquisitions.

Yard – loneliness, great financial difficulties, turning to friends for help.

Firewood is a sign of the unsatisfactory state of your affairs and a quarrel with your beloved being.

The door is happiness and the environment of kindred souls, a warning about possible difficulties that you will encounter while trying to put your affairs in order.

Palace - your business prospects will soon expand, and you will accept your new position with dignity.

Money - fortunately, boundless prospects and unclouded joys;

practicality and frugality.

Blackberry - evil approaching you, failures and losses, life complications.

Christmas tree is a very joyful event.

Bishop - moral suffering and mental anguish associated with the inability to properly restore order in one’s affairs.

Toad - your views will be severely condemned, you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

The lark is a sign of a high goal, having achieved which you will get rid of selfishness and be able to develop good, attractive spiritual qualities.

Railway - your affairs will require increased attention from you, as someone will want to interfere with you and seize the initiative in a difficult situation.

Foal - good times are coming, you will take a worthy and honorable place in your environment.

The crane is a sign of disappointment, a harbinger of unusual events.

Fence - successful completion of an important task, active creative activity and prosperity.

Factory - to worries and problems at work.

Hall - get support at work, achieve wealth, you will be forced to carry out a very difficult task, but you will be rewarded a hundredfold for your hard work.

Curtain - you will learn the secret; to complications and lack of money.

Dawn - grandiose changes; good news, prosperity, generous gifts.

Mirror - to change, marriage, for married people - to betrayal, quarrel.

A needle is a warning, someone can prick you painfully, separation from a loved one, lonely old age full of hardships.

A toy means sadness, boredom, disappointment in life, meaningless hobbies.

Hut - to prosperity in business and peace in the family, long trip.

An icon is a consolation in God or admiration for some person.

Source – a prosperous and calm life; you will emerge unsullied from a dirty story that could undermine your reputation.

Cavalryman - you are too proud of yourself and sometimes undeservedly consider yourself more worthy than those around you, you envy the successes of “worthless” people.

Kadka - suffering and insults inflicted by loved ones; disappointments, illness.

The wicket is a happy but fragile marriage; surprise; you will have to face difficulties.

Bricklayer - you will be accused of committing an unseemly act, but you will be able to justify yourself.

Pencil – improving your skills and expanding your knowledge.

The picture is the need for choice, decision-making, success in business.

Cards – financial, material situation, luck, romantic relationships, meeting interesting and famous people.

Pan - you will get entangled in gossip and lies; pointless argument; to numerous troubles.

A hearse is the death of a loved one. Unrequited love will incur significant expenses.

Swing - you will experience strong feelings for someone, worry about relatives.

The boiler is a new purpose, small income from work done conscientiously.

Fortress is a warning against rash actions, because of which you can fall out of favor with people who are favorable to you.

The cross is a sign of reliable protection from the misfortunes and troubles that threaten you, into which your enemies may involve you.

Bed - unjustified hopes for marriage and love relationships.

Circle – fulfillment of desires, inner satisfaction.

Lace – fidelity in love and improvement of one’s position in society.

Doll - you can become a victim of a scam in love or you yourself can deceive someone’s expectations.

Kitchen - well-being in the family and material wealth.

Labyrinth - to solve a confusing problem by tracing the sequence of events, to find the cause of failure.

Shop - scandals and family squabbles; Trying to organize your own business in the future will bring you nothing but losses.

The lamp symbolizes controlled light, which can bring both joy and trouble. The light bulb represents the one who controls the situation.

Tape - a wide variety of entertainment and pleasure.

Ladder – development of your mind and intuition; engage in self-contemplation;

finding your place in life; satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love.

Ruler - troubles and worries; quarrel with neighbors; Take out the accumulated irritation on your loved one.

Shovel - mourning; and sadness; losing something dear to you, adultery.

Skiing is an unexpected joy, uncertainty in a love relationship.

Mask - you will experience distrust of others, hide your feelings. You will go to great lengths and indulge in destructive pleasures.

Oil – good luck, success in love; you are ready to do good deeds; in difficult times, true friends will not leave you.

A mattress means family happiness and comfort in the home, peace and well-being; you decide to build or purchase your own home.

Furniture - life in abundance, but with anxiety and troubles.

Medal - you will receive the patronage of an influential person, you will receive great honor and recognition of your merits.

Broom - someone is taking advantage of you; argument; conflicts.

The sword is to achieve power, quarrel with friends.

Monastery - peace, protection; you love a person who is unaware of your feelings.

Museum - victories or defeats; A hypocritical and deceitful person will try to influence you.

The ball is an unstable situation; a gain will be replaced by a loss.

Pump – headache and general weakness; to the failed meeting.

Thread - to lose some part of yourself; confusion; argument; taking a long time to complete a difficult task.

Stretcher - receiving an inheritance, your affairs will turn for the better.

Socks - you need to gather your thoughts to start taking action.

The obelisk is a call to live exemplary lives, to follow wise advice; your love affair will not last long.

Shoes are a call to accept someone’s point of view, success, additional profit.

Fence - you will have a chance to take the place you deserve, a warning about the possible loss of property.

Clothing is a serious problem; goal achievement; success.

Blanket - need for protection; lack of self-confidence, you will have to answer for your own negligence.

Window – search for opportunities; Soon you will receive an invitation to a house where you have long wanted to go.

Order - you will achieve significant honors and high recognition of your merits.

Glasses - the need to take a closer look at your friends.

The package is a pleasant surprise: the one who is delayed by business and whom you have been waiting for so long will finally return.

Coat - other people’s mistakes will cause your failures; You will become a victim of your own stubbornness.

Steamboat - expect a holiday full of pleasant surprises.

Gloves are a harbinger of good luck in business, if only you show reasonable frugality and caution.

Stove - temporary disappointments; worries about children.

Saw - unpleasant incidents and failure in business.

Buttons - disappointment, loss and illness.

Bubble - troubles in business.

People have always sought to look into the future, see what lies ahead, and get answers to their pressing questions. One of the most common ways to penetrate the secrets of the future has always been fortune telling on coffee grounds - you will learn the interpretation of the symbols that can be seen on the bottom and walls of the cup in this article.

Fortune telling by coffee grounds and interpretation of drawings: a little history

At the moment, fortune telling with coffee grounds is known all over the world. But where did it come from? Where was the connection between mysterious symbols and life events first noticed? It is difficult to give a definite answer to these questions. It is safe to say that fortune telling originated where coffee grew.

The Italians defend their authorship of the discovery most zealously. Based on their written sources, fortune telling was first described in the 18th century. However, reasonable doubts arise about the fact that fortune telling is so “young”.
At the moment, it is reliably known that Indians from Peru have long used coffee grounds for predictions. The same can be said about the court of the Turkish Sultan. They liked to entertain themselves with such experiments. From the moment coffee appeared in Russia, and this happened thanks to the efforts of Peter I, the Slavs were imbued with the opportunity to lift the curtain of the future.
The ritual was not always and everywhere accepted positively. For example, there was an opinion (which can often be heard now) that mysterious symbols do not arise on their own, but with the help of the Devil himself. At the same time, the fortune tellers were considered his henchmen and, at best, they simply looked askance. However, the number of their visitors never diminished. Still, the mystery attracts. And the mystery associated with the threat beckons with redoubled force.

Fortune telling procedure

Despite the widespread use of fortune telling, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out. You will also need a porcelain cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings or inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are also not suitable for the procedure.

Coffee should be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. The “oriental” recipe is ideal. You can buy the finest grind coffee and brew it with boiling water directly in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to experience the beauty of the process, to feel in touch with many people from different generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, you have time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there.” It is necessary to mentally turn to higher powers that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that you are not distracted by anything.
Pour the coffee into a cup and, when it has cooled a little, drink slowly, savoring every sip, while continuing to concentrate on your questions. You shouldn’t drink all the liquid completely, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not spill, but it should reach almost to the edges.
Then quickly turn the cup over onto the saucer. In this case, one edge should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup stands at an angle. Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. All that remains is to read it.

Geography of the cup

Not only what you see in the cup matters, but also its location. Each zone is responsible for its own sphere and time.

So, closer to the edges of the cup there are symbols that talk about the future. The bottom is the past. Accordingly, the lower the spots, the more ancient events they tell about.

The handle of the cup is the object of fortune telling itself. That is, the closer the symbols are to it, the more relevant they are to your life. The most distant ones are those that move away from you or become indifferent.

Interpretation of symbols

In fortune telling on coffee grounds, a number of symbols are used, the interpretation of the meanings of which is the main task of the fortune teller.
To read the prediction, you need to consider several of them at once, usually five. They should be analyzed in combination, not individually. This requires skills and, as fortune tellers say, a special gift. However, this does not prevent you from trying to do everything yourself.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols

All symbols that appear on the walls of the cup usually have analogues in real life. This is precisely why fortune telling on coffee grounds differs from most of its counterparts, which involve reading the future from vague images. Here everything is the other way around. In the spots on the cup you need to look at something ordinary, and it will already have its own hidden designation.


  • Squirrel - you need to learn to set priorities for yourself. It’s as if you are jumping along the branches, now to one, then to the other. As a result, you get nothing and slow down your forward movement.
  • Wolf - you recently did something heroic, selfless, or were seriously ill.
  • Dove – denotes someone pure, immaculate.
  • Goose is a smug, self-confident person, accustomed to honors and emphasizing his importance, which in fact does not exist.
  • Dolphin is an unexpected help that comes whenever the need arises; Friend.
  • Dinosaur - you can help someone with their studies or self-development.
  • Dragon - you are guaranteed success in your undertaking.
  • An animal (not a domestic one) is a secret enemy.
  • Giraffe - when setting goals, you do not distinguish between reality and the unrealistic, so you are marking time.
  • Snake - there is a hidden enemy in your environment, a slanderer; treason; successful enterprise.
  • Keith - receiving small income.
  • Horse - quick personal happiness, good luck.
  • Cat - someone pretends to be your friend, but in reality is spreading dirty gossip; devastation.
  • Crocodile - you should pay more attention to the decisions you make, especially in business.
  • Rat – disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
  • Swan - a pleasant journey that you did not know about.
  • The fox is a deception, there is someone nearby who is cunning, two-faced, a fraudster.
  • Horse - someone is in love, news from a lover or beloved.
  • Frog - good news awaits you, luck will turn its face, happiness.
  • Bear - danger awaits you, you can avoid it only if you do nothing about it.
  • Mouse - perhaps you should not associate with new business partners.
  • Monkey - you are surrounded by people pretending to be friends; fraud.
  • Deer - love of truth, wisdom.
  • Peacock - increased attention to one’s own appearance; tendency towards narcissism.
  • The rooster is family happiness.
  • Bird - good news; good business news.
  • Fish - reception, party. The number of fish is equal to the number of guests who came.
  • Fish - you are ripe to pass on knowledge to others.
  • Pig - your wish will definitely come true. Some of the hidden ones.
  • Elephant - in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from those closest to you. Wealth. Force. Power.
  • Dog - you are lucky, you have true friends who will always protect and support.
  • An owl is a harbinger of death, a serious illness.

Interpretation of symbols: body parts

  • Head - indicates that you think a lot and often about something. Indulge in memories. Digging into yourself.
  • The face is very good protection; defender.
  • The leg is a symbol of the road, a new enterprise. If she is wearing shoes, everything will end well, financial income is possible. If you are barefoot, it is better to refuse such a trip; it does not promise anything good.
  • Profile - mutual love awaits you.
  • Heart - can have several meanings depending on its appearance. An ideal heart, like in the picture, speaks of complete happiness in love. A crooked heart portends health problems. Depending on the location, they either already exist or are waiting in the future.
  • The heart at the bottom is an all-consuming passion that influences your life, although it is in the past.

Interpretation of signs: figures of people

  • The horseman is the patronage of the powers that be.
  • The girl is love.
  • A woman is a best friend. If there is a flower nearby, then the friend is dangerous. Holding a stick - seduction, love spell for a man.
  • A man is seduction, seduction for a woman.
  • Man and woman - secret passions, betrayals.
  • A child is a symbol of procreation. Located at the bottom - means that a child from the past will soon return to your life again. Above is the appearance of the baby.

Interpretation of symbols: natural objects

  • Mountain - your goal is already close. Don't be afraid to reach very high and covered peaks.
  • Tree - you are used to overcoming difficulties and are not afraid of obstacles. A great future awaits you. The main thing is not to stop and confidently move forward.
  • Rose - a wedding will take place in your life soon. Not necessarily yours - determined by proximity to the handle of the cup.

Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

  • The star is a very good symbol. Regardless of the position, it means a happy outcome. Luck. Fulfillment of desires.
  • The full moon says that you easily share your feelings and experiences with others.
  • A month - on the contrary, you keep all your feelings to yourself.

Interpretation of signs: biblical symbols

  • Angel - someone secretly wishes you harm, but there is also an unknown protector who will not allow anything bad to happen. Good news awaits you, which you really hoped for. Joy.
  • Cross – if it looks like the letter “x”, it means marriage.
  • The cross is white with a black outline - family happiness.
  • A black cross with a white outline means sadness, bad news.

Interpretation of symbols: signs

  • Zodiac signs - you will meet a person born under the sign you saw.
  • A circle - a sign always speaks of change. This can be any area.
  • Interpretation of symbols: decorations
  • Rings - a closed ring foreshadows an imminent wedding. Torn - on the contrary, divorce, misunderstanding. Several rings - many marriages await you, according to the number of symbols.
  • The crown is an inheritance.

Interpretation of symbols: clothing

  • Dress - you urgently need to decide on your life goals - luck favors you.
  • Boot - you have to go a long way.

Interpretation: other symbols

  • Roads – an exciting journey is about to begin. Adventures and travel await you.
  • Boat - romance.
  • Horns - you are in danger. There is a possibility that someone close to you will betray you.

If you want to look into your future, fortune telling using coffee grounds will help you - the interpretation of symbols can be very difficult, so sometimes it is better to consult a specialist. If everything is done correctly, then the future will appear out of the fog.

Here are examples of what the symbols can look like:

1. Bag 2. Ax 3. Point 4. Triangle 5. Teapot 6. Flag 7. Hill 8. Flower 9. Clock 10. Lines 11. Human figure 12. Suitcase 13. Jester 14. Turtle 15. Monster 16. Hat 17 Bee 18. Pentagon 19. Fork 20. Gun 21. Mermaid 22. Fish 23. Glass 24. Airplane 25. Candle 26. Pig 27. Net 28. Skeleton 29. Violin 30. Elephant 31. Dog 32. Owl 33. Monkey 34. Clouds 35 Fire 36 Necklace 37 Circle 38 Peacock 39 Parquet 40 Palm 41 Fern 42 Parachute 43 Spider 44 Feather 45 Saw 46 Pistol 47 Letter 48 Fruit 49 Parrot 50 Reptile 51 Profile 52 Bird 53 Leaf 54 Lod ka 55 Shovel 56 Horse 57 Moon 58 Frog 59 Mask 60 Lighthouse 61 Bear 62 Baby 63 Hammer 64 Bridge 65 Ring 66 Comet 67 Ship 68 Basket 69 Crown 70 Bowler 71 Cat 72 Cross 73 Bed 74 Crocodile 75 Rabbit 76 Wing 77 Rat 78 Jug

Of the many fortune-telling and predictions, fortune telling on coffee grounds always remains relevant. The interpretation of symbols is a sacrament that will reveal the turning points in your life. The popularity of this type of fortune telling is determined by its ingredient - coffee, and the procedure for obtaining information itself. After all, in order to get an answer to an important request, you need to enjoy the aroma of fresh coffee, drink it to the bottom and listen to your heart, looking at the contents of the cup.

Probably because this fortune telling is sometimes perceived as fun. However, fortune telling on coffee grounds at home carries very powerful information inherent in each sign.

Fortune telling is a simple and universal way to get an answer to an important question. The difficulty of this fortune telling lies only in the interpretation of the symbols. To be able to recognize signs and symbols, you need to use your imagination and focus on the first bright images that are visible at the bottom of the mug.

Fortune telling with coffee grounds at home requires special preparation. As with any fortune telling procedure, it is necessary to prepare for this ritual. Necessary attributes for fortune telling:

  • light cup,
  • Brewed coffee,
  • Turk,
  • saucer.

To understand how to correctly guess on coffee grounds at home, Just remember the basic rules:

  • concentrate;
  • don't let anything distract you;
  • devote an hour or more to the fortune telling procedure and interpretation of symbols;
  • calm down and focus on inner sensations.

How to guess correctly using coffee grounds?

If you are used to drinking sweet coffee, then for correct fortune telling you should sacrifice the habit. Coffee must be prepared without sugar. This has magical meaning. Correctly maintained proportions and the right combination of ingredients are the main conditions for obtaining accurate information.

Important! Do not repeat fortune telling often. Helpers in the subtle world do not welcome a frivolous attitude towards receiving predictions. In order not to anger fate, be extremely careful and use the fortune-telling procedure using coffee gruel when the answer to a question has a fateful decision.

Preparing for fortune telling on coffee grounds

  1. Before starting fortune telling, prepare some coffee. At the rate of one teaspoon of ground coffee per glass of boiling water. You need to brew coffee over low heat. At this stage of preparation, calm down and concentrate. It is especially important to concentrate if the question is related to precise choice. Don't let phone calls or uninvited guests distract you from fortune telling.
  2. For fortune telling, you definitely need a mug and saucer. A fortune telling mug should be round and plain inside. When choosing between several mugs, give preference to a light one, as it will be easier to see the patterns. A clear understanding of the symbols in the coffee grounds is one of the necessary conditions for correct interpretation.
  3. The accuracy of fortune telling is determined by any movements and emotions. Make sure you perform the basic steps correctly. As you pour Turkish coffee into a cup, mentally ask a question. And devote the entire process of drinking coffee to concentrating on the topic of interest. Turn off all devices that distract you and try not to communicate with anyone.
  4. Fortune telling on coffee grounds requires proper use of the drink. An important condition for correct fortune telling is the correct position of the pen. The cup must be taken in the right hand so that the handle is on the right side.
  5. You should drink coffee thoughtfully and slowly. Drinking coffee in small sips will prevent the thickening from rising and the drink can be drunk to the end. You need to leave about two teaspoons of liquid at the bottom to perform fortune telling.
  6. A simple combination of movements will help you get the most accurate symbols. When the coffee is finished and some liquid and grounds remain at the bottom, take the cup in your left hand. Making circular movements clockwise, ask an exciting question and turn the mug over on the saucer. You don't need to lift the mug right away. Let the magical ritual take place.
  7. After a couple of minutes, when the coffee grounds have dried slightly and the liquid has finally flowed down the sides of the mug, open the cup. Take your time to interpret the signs, carefully study the location of the figures. Each area of ​​the inside of the mug has its own meaning.

How to correctly interpret the arrangement of figures?

When the mug is upside down, you need to examine all areas of the mug. To correctly understand the meaning of symbols, remember the main features:

  • First you should pay attention to the edge of the cup and its center;
  • you need to study the arrangement of figures from left to right, and from right to left;
  • Particular attention is paid to the bottom and center of the cup.

General principles of interpretation

The signs located on the inside of the cup are distinguished not only by shape and location, but also by size. It is important to remember that the larger the symbol, the greater its influence on the fortuneteller. Groups of symbols located together carry a single semantic meaning and are interpreted together.

A peculiarity of the interpretation is that the signs located near the pen relate directly to the fortuneteller, and symbolize events occurring at the moment. First of all, it is necessary to note the number of dark spots.

It is generally accepted that the more coffee grounds in a mug, the more problems and obstacles in a person’s life, and the lighter and airier the patterns of coffee grounds, the more joyful a person’s life. However, fortune telling should be repeated if the coffee grounds have completely spilled out of the cup.

Interpretation of symbols

All over the world they know how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. The meaning of symbols and signs is interpreted differently, but the basic signs are read the same.


Arc is an enemy, a dangerous rival.

The star symbolizes freedom. You will be able to avoid unpleasant relationships and free yourself from hardships.

Square – stability, happiness.

A cross (solid) is a bad sign.

Cross (outline with white inside) - successful family life, happiness.

The circle predicts a pleasant acquaintance and is a symbol of sociability and understanding. This sign relates to the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Circle (light inside) – money;

Circles (with spots) – children;

Several triangles - profit.

A uniform dark spot is misfortune;

An oval is the most favorable sign in the interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds. The sign symbolizes a wedding. This sign is interpreted equally for both men and women.

Dots are an auspicious sign, symbolizing happiness and success.

Triangle - new prospects in work;

Triangle (with clear outlines) - unexpected success, good luck in business.

Dashes - portend changes.

The quadrangle is a symbol of good luck. A favorable sign if your question concerns your personal life.

Interpretation of lines

Lines have many different variations of interpretation, and the shape and length and division of the line into parts are taken into account. The meaning of the lines in the coffee grounds should be interpreted as follows:

line (zigzag) – trip, adventure;

a line intersecting with other lines - problems and grievances, unresolved problem situations;

long and (or) straight line - carefree life, happiness;

a broken line portends losses, illnesses, and minor troubles. This symbol symbolizes indecision and uncertainty, which can negatively affect the realization of your desire.

oblique lines are dangerous. Do not ignore this warning;

broken lines foreshadow financial difficulties;

short lines (dashes) predict changes in the professional sphere. One option may be to change jobs.


Car - trip, road.

An angel is an astral sign that predicts help from the subtle world.

A fork is a luxury, success in the material sphere.

A coffin is a misfortune, a misfortune.

Door - you will find the right way out, good luck.

Home – well-being, family idyll.

The dagger is evil, the enemy.

The key is successful beginnings.

Wheel – road, path, journey.

Ring – marriage, engagement.

A hammer is an action that foretells good luck.

Shoes are a warning of danger.

Weapons – coldness, rupture, quarrels.

Folder - good luck in business.

The noose is death.

Glove - renewal of old relationships.

Horseshoe - success.

Dishes are a pleasant encounter, a surprise.

The candle is a dream.

The chair is a quick implementation in the professional field.

The flag is a warning.

Hat - power, recognition, glory.

Anchor (clear image) – happiness.

Anchor (blurred pattern) - minor problems.

Animals and birds

The stork is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and successful changes. The stork portends good luck in trade and money matters. If you are planning a major purchase and see a stork, then your purchase will be successful.

Stork (bottom of the cup) - imminent birth of a child. This sign can be interpreted as success with your children.

Stork (on the roof) - successful acquisition of new housing, change of residence.

Stork (in the nest) family well-being, creation of a family.

Stork (in flight) – new place of residence.

Shark – enemy, illness, misfortune. The sign is a warning, beware of envious people.

Butterfly - love.

Squirrel - cunning, the desire to rise in the eyes of others.

Squirrel (on a tree) – sought-after creativity, well-deserved reward.

The bull is a symbol of danger, brute force.

Bull (on a hill) - improvement of material condition.

Bull (in the lowlands) – good health, absence of chronic diseases.

Camel - wealth, success in money matters.

Raven is a misfortune in the family. This is one of the most powerful harbingers of trouble.

Dove is a pure person in your environment;

Hare - fear of analyzing the future, cowardice.

- ill-wisher, insidious friend, liar.

Cow - luck, prosperity.

Cat - major financial problems.

Chicken - someone needs help.

Swan - cash receipts.

Leo – power, authority, breadth of soul.

Fox - cunning, flattery, deception.

A frog is good news.

– warning of danger.

Ant - troubles, anxiety, vanity.

Fly - cash injection, wealth.

Deer – sociability, openness, gullibility.

Eagle - victory in a planned business.

- present.

The rooster is a lying friend.

- unrequited love.

Fish is good news.

Elephant - material stability, power, might.

A dog is a friend.

Owl - illness, death.

Tiger – rage, aggression.

The lizard is a pleasant surprise.


Oak - a confident victory.

Willow - tears, disappointment, sadness.

Clover - all problems will be resolved in your favor.

Bush - the matter will end in failure.

The forest is the wrong path.

Lily (at the bottom) - disagreement.

Lily (on the wall) – loyalty, devotion.

Rose - marriage, wedding.

Violet is a profitable marriage.

Chrysanthemum - love.

Apple tree – bright, rich life.

People and body parts

Girl - meeting with great love.

Boyfriend - separation awaits.

Child - the likelihood of a newborn, troubles with children.

Predict changes.

The head portends the appearance of a man who can have a beneficial effect on your life.

The head in profile signals the presence of powerful protection.

A woman's head predicts love and relationships.

A man’s head is a negative symbol, which is interpreted as separation from a loved one.

Head (turned up) - the appearance or presence of a powerful patron in your environment. This sign speaks of help from a superior.

Head (turned down) - warns of danger. You should think about the issue and try to avoid risks.

They have several meanings. If you see lips at the bottom of a cup, then this sign portends good news. Lips at the edge of the cup indicate the support of friends.

Two heads - unity, wedding.

Two heads (looking at each other) - portend good luck in love, mutual understanding and long-term relationships.

Two heads (with a vertical line) is a negative sign. It should be interpreted as a quarrel, separation or divorce.

Several heads seen in the coffee grounds predict help from friends or relatives.

An elderly woman is a symbol of family life, love, strong family ties.

The hand portends disappointment, rethinking.

Person with an animal - pay close attention to your surroundings. A person who is ready to take care of you is in your environment. Don't neglect help.

Any symbol can be interpreted in different ways. To find out more precisely what fate has in store for you, listen to yourself. Feel what associations and emotions emerge before you when you look at the drawing of coffee slurry. The negative meaning of the figure presented in modern interpretations will not necessarily be negative in your particular case. It's easy to explain. because each pattern and sign can be something special, iconic or simply familiar to you. If we consider in detail the interpretation of numbers, then numbers, like visual images, carry important predictions.

What do the numbers mean in fortune telling on coffee grounds?

The number 0 indicates your security. You are protected by higher powers.

Number 1 is a symbol of love.

Number 2 is dangerous. This is a symbol of the fact that the question that was asked carries danger and the likelihood of betrayal or collapse in financial affairs. It may be worth refraining from undertakings if the question was related to the business sphere.

Number 3 portends success and the absence of financial difficulties.

Number 4 indicates hope and desire to realize your plans.

The number 5 symbolizes ill-wishers in your immediate environment. You should take a closer look at your loved ones and friends.

Number 6 foretells harmony in relationships. This figure could mean a quick wedding.

The number 7 symbolizes success. If you saw this figure, then you don’t have to worry about resolving your issue. If your question related to the professional sphere, it’s time to try your hand. The number seven means that luck is on your side in any matter.

Number 8 – disagreements with loved ones, quarrels. The number eight warns of possible conflicts.

Number 9 is a new acquaintance that can have a successful impact on your destiny.

The number 10 portends success in the professional sphere.

The interpretation of numbers is suitable for both Roman and Arabic signs.

The relationship of numbers, their combinations and combinations are easy to interpret if you know their meaning. Nevertheless, each result is individual, and each number carries a hidden meaning that only a fortuneteller can understand. The number can mean a date or time; the numbers should be interpreted strictly based on the question asked.

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