Wax fortune telling: how to tell fortunes and the meaning of the symbols. Interpretation of wax figures for fortune telling. Wax fortune telling: meaning of figures, interpretation of symbols

Fortune telling with wax is a traditional Old Slavonic entertainment before Christmas. Both young girls and mature ladies resort to him. Even beginners can interpret Christmas fortune-telling using wax and water. You just need to show your imagination and use your imagination to recognize the wax figures that have formed. The most favorable time for wax casting is the night before Christmas. According to popular beliefs, the line between the other world and the outside world is thinnest on this night.

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    Wax fortune telling

    For this fortune telling, you will need a minimum of available materials: water, a wax candle or natural wax. The ritual must be performed at night, without strangers, left alone with your thoughts and concentrating on your own desires and goals.

      The color of the candle depends on the purpose of fortune-telling: a red or pink candle is suitable for questions about love, a green candle is suitable for questions about health, and a yellow or golden candle is suitable for clarifying the financial situation. If a fortuneteller has a lot of questions of a different nature, he can light several colored candles.

      You can melt the wax in a separate container and pour it into water. Another option: light a candle and wait until it starts to melt (about an hour). First you need to formulate a clear question and say it out loud. The wax should be poured in one place, the hand should remain motionless. Then you need to wait a while for the wax patterns to be marked and carefully analyze the resulting images. Sometimes symbols can have a double meaning - in this case, you should listen to your inner voice and choose the appropriate interpretation.

      If a figurine formed from molten wax has a favorable meaning, then it should be preserved; if it has a negative meaning, it should be buried away from home to avoid unpleasant consequences.

      Interpretation of wax symbols and signs

      The meaning of figures and various signs according to the alphabet.

      The letter a:

  1. 1. Apricot. This symbol is typical for a temperamental and hot-tempered nature. These character traits will bring many problems to a woman. If a fortune-telling girl has a soulmate, the chosen one will disdain the close people and relatives of his beloved.
  2. 2. Stork. An excellent sign that promises family well-being, the birth of a healthy child and testifies to a person’s enormous creative potential.
  3. 3. Car. The image of a vehicle foreshadows a short trip or a romantic trip, an outing with friends.
  4. 4. Angel. A sign of dramatic changes in the life of a person who should not always rely on the help of family and friends, but needs to learn independence and take responsibility for his actions.
  5. 5. Amphora. The chosen one is not ready to build a serious and long-term relationship with the girl, he is simply fooling her.
  6. 6. Arch. Traveling abroad, the onset of a new stage in life.
  7. 7. Watermelon. This berry testifies to the strength of spirit, determination, ambition and leadership qualities of a young lady.
  8. 8. Pineapple. The lover constantly doubts his feelings, he cannot decide on his preferences and will cause a lot of suffering to the girl.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Eggplant. The girl underestimates herself; she should be more confident in her own abilities. If wax is poured to tell fortunes on a lover, this vegetable is a bad sign and promises misunderstanding, disagreements in relationships and alienation.
  2. 2. Ballerina. Great dependence on other people's opinions, inability to make decisions independently, useless pastime, failures in professional activities.
  3. 3. Bow. You should show more care and kindness towards people from your close circle, so that in difficult times they will come to the rescue.
  4. 4. Banana. The past will remind itself in the near future; past events will negatively affect the girl’s love relationships. A young lady is capable of betraying her chosen one and causing him severe mental pain.
  5. 5. Drum. Loss of reputation due to the fault of your loved one, hypocrisy, gossip, other people's gossip.
  6. 6. Battery. There will always be a person next to the girl whom you can rely on in a difficult life situation, he is loyal and honest, and will never betray.
  7. 7. Bank. Deep disappointment, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  8. 8. Tower. Internal changes, spiritual growth and self-development, emotional uplift, rapid rise up the career ladder.
  9. 9. Shoe or boot. Life changes, a sense of security and justice.
  10. 10. Loaf. If a married lady saw such a sign, it means that she has connected her life with a superficial and frivolous person whose family occupies one of the last places in his life. The lover does not pay enough attention to his wife and children, he is cold and cruel. If the sign appeared during fortune telling for an unmarried girl, then she needs to carefully approach the choice of a life partner.
  11. 11. Binoculars. You should carefully weigh your decision and not exaggerate your capabilities.
  12. 12. Damn. The young lady will have to be alone for a long time.
  13. 13. Bomb. You need to control your emotions, otherwise a huge scandal will happen. The girl risks ruining her relationships with all her loved ones due to her explosive nature.
  14. 14. Glass. Great prospects for the future, amazing opportunities. Fate gives you a unique chance, you can’t miss it.
  15. 15. Bagel. The young lady will be deeply disappointed in her lover, because he is not what he seems.
  16. 16. Letters or numbers. Clear symbols promise positive changes, good news, while blurred symbols promise negative changes, sad news. If there are dots next to the letters, this portends a big profit. Numbers can foreshadow events that will occur on a date that is associated with these symbols, and letters can mean the name of a person who will play an important role in the life of the fortuneteller.
  17. 17. Bottle. You should not give in to temptation, you need to control yourself and limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  18. 18. Bouquet. An invitation to a special event, a nice gift from a loved one, a romantic date.
  19. 19. Alarm clock. You should put everything aside and pay due attention to your health, otherwise there may be serious problems.
  20. 20. Bust. Neglect of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. We must not forget about loved ones, because they can turn away from a person and he will remain completely alone.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Vase. Mental harmony, calmness, peace, contentment with your life.
  2. 2. Bicycle. You need to show more perseverance and hard work to achieve your goal.
  3. 3. Rope. A negative sign that promises troubles, mental and physical suffering, insurmountable obstacles.
  4. 4. Wreath. A joyful, happy event, a fun pastime, the fulfillment of a cherished desire, pleasant chores.
  5. 5. Fan. Major troubles in professional activities, clarification of relations with household members, misunderstanding in relationships with a lover, his coldness.
  6. 6. Grapes. Great love, family wealth, prosperity, abundance and prosperity.
  7. 7. Fork. You should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Among these people there is a man who wishes harm to the fortuneteller and weaves intrigues against him.

Letter G:

  1. 1. Kettlebell. The person has a difficult character and cannot find a common language with others. There is no need to be so rigid and categorical so as not to complicate your life.
  2. 2. Nail. A loved one uses a young lady for his own selfish purposes; he is greedy and hypocritical.
  3. 3. Guitar. Family harmony, complete understanding with your lover and household members, peace of mind, peace.
  4. 4. Eye. In your close circle there is an ill-wisher, a deceiver, a hypocrite.
  5. 5. Mushroom. A long and happy life for a fortuneteller and people dear to him, a joyful surprise, an unexpected event of a positive nature.
  6. 6. Pear. A sign of monetary profit, harmonious relationships and the successful completion of an important stage in life.
  7. 7. Coffin. A bad sign, foreshadowing a serious illness and imminent death.
  8. 8. Goose. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, receiving an invitation to an important event.
  9. 9. Lips. Sensuality, passion, intimate caresses, a sign of a temperamental nature.

Letter D:

  1. 1. Sofa. Passive lifestyle, laziness, indifference, apathy.
  2. 2. Door. A new stage of life will soon begin, which can bring both positive and negative changes.
  3. 3. Tree. If the branches are directed upward - a happy event, if they are lowered - deep sadness, a boring pastime, irresistible melancholy.
  4. 4. Home. Buying real estate, changing place of residence, marriage, household chores.
  5. 5. Road. Unique opportunities open up before a person; fate gives a chance to improve life. You should take advantage of it so that you don’t regret the lost time later.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Acorn. Creative inspiration, new business idea, useful pastime.
  2. 2. Woman. Friend or rival.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Castle. New acquaintance, new love, change of activity, transition to a new job.
  2. 2. Child embryo. The embryo symbolizes the birth of a new idea, plans, a new stage in life. A clear drawing - all endeavors will be crowned with success, a vague one - you need to analyze your goals and desires and not make hasty decisions.
  3. 3. Star. Fulfillment of innermost desires, achievement of intended goals, implementation of plans, career growth.
  4. 4. Umbrella. Minor everyday troubles, disputes, the emergence of a conflict situation in a relationship with a loved one, a tense atmosphere at home.
  5. 5. Question mark. Changeability, uncertainty, indecision.
  6. 6. Comma. Mystery, riddle, intrigue in a relationship with a lover.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Needle. The person is too vulnerable and susceptible to other people's comments.

Letter K:

  1. 1. Drop. Many small ones - to financial profit, one big one - easy money, receiving an inheritance.
  2. 2. Stone. The girl’s lover is impractical, he does not have a strong character and succumbs to momentary weaknesses.
  3. 3. Cabbage. Cheerfulness, positive thinking, good nature.
  4. 4. Card (playing card). The chosen one does not reciprocate, he is cold and indifferent.
  5. 5. Saucepan. Material losses, loss of a valuable item, large waste of money.
  6. 6. Square. Comfort, stability, family well-being.
  7. 7. Key. Believing in yourself will help you fulfill your cherished dream and achieve great success in your work.
  8. 8. Book. Self-education, self-improvement, acquiring new skills and knowledge, broadening one’s horizons.
  9. 9. Wheel. The onset of a new stage of life, big changes.
  10. 10. Ring. A sign of an imminent marriage, a magnificent wedding. If the ring is broken, the marriage will not last long. If there are many dots next to this image, the person will receive a lucrative business offer.
  11. 11. Ship. Romantic trip, long-term business trip, forced separation from loved ones.
  12. 12. Comet. An unexpected turn, a rapid development of events.
  13. 13. Crown. Respect and general recognition, rapid career growth, material prosperity. Everything planned will become a reality in the near future.
  14. 14. Wallet. Spending money, a long-awaited purchase.
  15. 15. Cross. Unsuccessful life period, chronic bad luck, deteriorating health, troubles at home and at work.
  16. 16. Circle. Completion of a stage in a person’s life, achievement of a goal.
  17. 17. Bed. A person needs proper rest and a change of environment.

Letter L:

  1. 1. Lemon. Strong envy, moral dissatisfaction, mental anguish, dissatisfaction with one’s life.
  2. 2. Leaves. Happy event, luck, financial prosperity.
  3. 3. Spoon. Unexpected guests, dinner party, family feast.

Letter M:

  1. 1. Medal. Your hard work will be greatly appreciated.
  2. 2. Lightning. Irresponsibility and frivolity of a person will lead to disastrous consequences.
  3. 3. Hammer. You need to be responsible for your words and take responsibility for your actions.
  4. 4. Monster. The dark side of personality, vicious hobbies.
  5. 5. Man. A new admirer, a short-term romance or a long and strong relationship with your lover.
  6. 6. Ball. An unsuccessful life period will soon be replaced by positive events and great joy.

Letter N:

  1. 1. Handcuffs. Addictions, violation of the law, disregard for ethical and ethical standards, restriction of freedom of action.
  2. 2. Scissors. A person should decide on his desires and goals and get rid of negative memories. You need to make difficult choices in order to move on and develop.

Letter O:

  1. 1. Cloud. Emotional uplift, creative inspiration, burst of energy. Great inner potential, dreamy and receptive nature.
  2. 2. Glasses. Illusory perception of reality, self-deception.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Web. Unjustified risk, participation in an adventure, a dubious event. The ill-wisher weaves intrigues behind the back of the fortuneteller.
  2. 2. Palm tree. A serene and happy life, a family vacation, a romantic trip, a trip with friends, exciting adventures, a holiday romance, a fun time, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  3. 3. Feather. Low level of concentration, inability to bring work started to its logical conclusion.
  4. 4. Hourglass. It's time to make a responsible decision.
  5. 5. Pistol. A huge family scandal, great danger.
  6. 6. Train. Business trip, moving to another city or country.
  7. 7. Horseshoe. A favorable period in the life of a fortuneteller, successful business negotiations, family idyll, material stability.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Child. The appearance of offspring, an early pregnancy, a new business project.
  2. 2. Rose. The fulfillment of a secret desire in the near future.
  3. 3. Hand. Strong friendly connection, comradely help and support.
  4. 4. Mermaid. Temptation, deception, cunning of an ill-wisher, gossip, slander, female deceit.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Airplane. If you are directed upward - a quick journey, if downward - defeat, collapse of hopes, broken dreams, vain expectations.
  2. 2. Heart. With heartfelt affection, sincere and bright feelings, great and mutual love.
  3. 3. Candle. A gala event, a significant event, an imminent wedding.
  4. 4. Cigarette. A person cannot make the right decision and complete what he started; he gets distracted by trifles and does not notice the true state of things.
  5. 5. Sickle (lunar). Life changes of a fundamental nature are coming.
  6. 6. Rock. Life obstacles on the way to the intended goal, insurmountable difficulties.
  7. 7. Sun. Talents, creativity, great opportunities, the birth of a child, a favorable stage in all areas of life.
  8. 8. Spiral. Everything secret will soon become clear, the past will make itself felt.
  9. 9. Glass. Poor health, emotional vulnerability, physical malaise, moral devastation.
  10. 10. Wall. A symbol of alienation, misunderstanding, conflicts with household members and disagreements in the work team.
  11. 11. Arrow. Bad news, unpleasant incident.
  12. 12. Steps. Climbing the career ladder, increasing one's position, general recognition, respect from people close to one another.

Letter T:

  1. 1. Telephone. An important event, a serious conversation. A person does not always say what he really thinks.
  2. 2. Point. Financial profit, the emergence of an additional source of income.
  3. 3. Axe. Problematic situations at home and at work. Conflict and harshness of character will bring a lot of trouble to the young lady.
  4. 4. Pumpkin. Drastic changes of a positive nature, new job, love relationship, change of environment.

Letter F:

  1. 1. Flag. Risk of injury and physical injury. For unmarried girls, such a symbol promises a wedding with a military man.

Letter X:

  1. 1. Bread. A good sign symbolizing abundance, financial well-being, good health and longevity.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Flower. Brilliant opportunities, positive mood, peace of mind, tranquility. The desired will soon become a reality, plans will come true.
  2. 2. Church. Oath of fidelity and devotion, wedding ceremony, spiritual heritage.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Cup. Small joys in life, pleasant time with friends.

Letter Ш:

  1. 1. Pants. A dual situation, a person has to make a difficult choice.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Apple. A symbol of health, success, prosperity, happiness and love. If the fruit is bitten or wrinkled, a person needs to resist temptation or momentary temptation in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. 2. Egg. Radical changes are coming, a new stage of life, new ideas and opportunities, brilliant prospects.
  3. 3. Anchor. High position in society. The personality is socially significant and enjoys success with the opposite sex. Temporary difficulties, which will soon be replaced by great joy.
  4. 4. Pit. The imminent death of the fortuneteller or a person from his close circle.

The meaning of animals and birds

Deciphering the appearance of wax outlines of birds and flying creatures in the water:

  1. 1. Stork. Family happiness, life harmony, bursts of creative inspiration, creation.
  2. 2. Raven. Deep sadness, difficult life period, health problems.
  3. 3. Dragon. A person has high ambitions, he cannot sit in one place for a long time and constantly strives to develop and reach the top. The young lady knows what she wants and is used to always winning.
  4. 4. Chicken or chicken. Mutual understanding in personal relationships, establishing business connections.
  5. 5. Swan. A long-awaited letter, positive news from distant relatives or friends.
  6. 6. Bird. Good news, a pleasant meeting with an old friend or school friend.
  7. 7. Duck. Luck, success in all endeavors.
  8. 8. Heron. A negative attitude towards life and past grievances prevent you from fully developing and achieving greater heights. A girl needs to change from the inside to become successful.


  1. 1. Butterfly. Positive changes in all areas of life, making the right decisions, getting rid of negative emotions.
  2. 2. Fly. Internal irritation, disharmony, gossip and intrigue, loss of reputation.
  3. 3. Spider. A stable financial situation, exposure of a cunning enemy, he will not have time to carry out his insidious plan.
  4. 4. Bee. A person will become successful thanks to his hard work and determination.
  5. 5. Snail. Slowness, suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence.

Animals and magical creatures:

  1. 1. Alligator. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, emotional shock.
  2. 2. Ram. A person is stubborn and believes that any methods can be used to achieve his own goals and satisfy his ambitions, but such beliefs will become a big problem in building a serious relationship.
  3. 3. Badger. The chosen one is not ready to change for the sake of the girl, he lives in his illusory world and does not notice obvious things.
  4. 4. Squirrel. The girl is reasonable and thrifty, she knows how to think logically and worries about her future.
  5. 5. Hippopotamus. Love and strong affection, but the beloved is thick-skinned and does not know how to show tender feelings to his chosen one.
  6. 6. Bull. Great danger, a threat to the health and life of the fortuneteller.
  7. 7. Wolf. The girl’s chosen one is bold and courageous, he has great ambitions and always achieves what he wants. Due to the firmness of the lover’s character and his uncompromising nature, serious disagreements and scandals can arise.
  8. 8. Giraffe. Illusions, daydreaming, rich imagination, a sign of a romantic and subtle nature.
  9. 9. Hare. Internal fears, fear of approaching danger, bad feeling.
  10. 10. Snake. Great danger, enemy cunning, serious illness.
  11. 11. Hedgehog. You will have to show firmness and determination and go against the opinions of loved ones in order to protect your own interests.
  12. 12. Raccoon. You will make mistakes and not learn from them, you will be mistaken in your judgments.
  13. 13. Unicorn. Like-minded people who will help make great discoveries.
  14. 14. Kangaroo. Nothing can stop the young lady from realizing her own plans and plans.
  15. 15. Goat. A favorable period for concluding large transactions, making financial investments, and making responsible decisions.
  16. 16. Cow. Life in abundance, financial stability.
  17. 17. Cat. Betrayal by a close friend, disappointment in people close to you, an unpleasant event.
  18. 18. Lev. Hidden talents, inner strength, fortitude, endurance, self-control, wisdom and justice.
  19. 19. Horse. If a person is selfless and persistent, his life will soon change for the better.
  20. 20. Bear. Failures in personal relationships, the appearance of a very influential and wise patron.
  21. 21. Mouse. Unpretentiousness. The fortune-telling girl doesn't understand people well.
  22. 22. Rhinoceros. The appearance of a stubborn and strong admirer who does not take into account the opinions of others and will significantly complicate the life of a fortune-telling young lady.
  23. 23. Monkey. Deception, betrayal, deceit of a person from close circle. He is cunning and calculating, and can cause great harm to a young lady.
  24. 24. Deer. Stress resistance, life stability, family well-being.
  25. 25. Cancer. Serious problems on the love front, scandals, unpleasant events.
  26. 26. Dog. There is a devoted and faithful person in the girl’s life; she values ​​​​her friendship with him very much.
  27. 27. Owl. Imminent death, deep mourning, incurable illness, mental trauma.
  28. 28. Pig. In arrogance, pride, a person does not admit his own mistakes and does not learn from them.
  29. 29. Elephant. Life wisdom, invaluable experience.
  30. 30. Tiger. The animal symbolizes the enemy's strength and the danger of the enemy.
  31. 31. Lizard. An unpleasant meeting, a serious conversation, a visit from an ill-wisher.

Fish and sea life:

  1. 1. Shark. You should be careful, because the ill-wisher is insidious and dangerous, he is up to no good. The emergence of a strong competitor in business.
  2. 2. Dolphin. A person can always count on help and friendly support; he is surrounded by kind and devoted comrades.
  3. 3. Whale Reliability, calm, stability.
  4. 4. Jellyfish. You'll have to find out something that will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night and keeping other people's secrets.
  5. 5. Fish. Comfortable existence, pleasant atmosphere, family coziness.

Both simple peasant women and wealthy young ladies sought to find out the future with the help of various rituals. Usually this was done on Christmas Eve. Fortune telling with wax and water was popular among young girls back in Rus'. The girls knew how to tell fortunes with wax in different ways... But all the questions boiled down to one thing: what the future would turn out to be. Often, girls turned to fortune tellers to tell their fortunes on wax. It is interesting that they predicted a comfortable future for the young ladies with suitors and all kinds of benefits. But the simpler girls did not get the best predictions. Many centuries have passed since then, but this type of prediction does not lose its relevance, and modern girls are quite willing to try to find out the future using this not entirely traditional method.

Fortune telling with wax is distinguished by its simplicity, fast speed of obtaining results and “visibility” of the resulting prediction.

Fortune telling with wax and water is one of the most truthful options for predicting the future. An accurate result is ensured due to the fact that such fortune telling uses two very strong elements - water and wax. They easily let any information pass through them. In the modern world there is even a science that studies this type of fortune telling. It's called "keroscopy". The process of obtaining a “casting” itself will probably not cause you any difficulties, but the interpretation of the figures resulting from such fortune-telling is a whole science. Therefore, it is important to approach the process as seriously as possible, and you should start from the very beginning, with preparation for fortune telling.

Fortune telling with wax and water online

As you can already understand, the process itself is a simple matter. But the interpretation of the resulting figures can cause serious difficulties, especially for those who are little familiar with magic and fortune telling. Sometimes it is not possible to get by with interpretations on the Internet; a deeper look at the interpretation of wax figures is required. This purpose requires the use of special books that ordinary people simply do not have at hand. In addition, the interpretation of figures after fortune telling sometimes requires an extremely individual approach. It is important to take everything into account: age, social status, temperament, and profession. Therefore, sometimes it is better to seek help from professional predictors. But what to do if there are no people around you who professionally tell fortunes with wax.

Preparing for live fortune telling

The list of necessary things for fortune telling with wax and water is not very long.

First, understand the general principle: you melt a small amount of wax in a small container on a candle and pour it into water. The result will be an irregularly shaped wax cake, in professional jargon a “cast”.

Before casting, you need to carefully prepare for this process. What you need for wax fortune telling: let's take a closer look.

So you will need:

  • A large candle (if you are interested in love affairs, then buy a red candle, if you have material well-being, buy a gold one, if you are concerned about your health, buy a green one);
  • Wax (preferably real beeswax);
  • Container for melting wax: a small coffee pot, a large spoon, heat-resistant glassware, etc. will do;
  • The vessel for receiving the casting is best to give preference to a small white bowl or plate. Any other light-colored dishes will also work;
  • Water;


  1. Water. What water should I use? If possible, you can take Epiphany water; fortune telling will then turn out to be the most truthful. If you don’t have such water, you can get simple tap water.
  2. Wax. Wax from a church candle that has NOT been used and has never burned before is quite suitable.
  3. Candle. Wishes for the color of a candle are nothing more than just wishes. A regular paraffin candle will do just fine.

A day before the start of fortune telling, formulate in your head a question that is especially relevant to you. Remember that the more clearly you ask it, the more likely you are to get an accurate answer.

Constantly keep this question in your head, scrolling through it throughout the day so that it is always first in your thoughts. This will allow you to best prepare for fortune telling. It is better to tell fortunes with wax on a moonlit night, then the predictions are most accurate. You can carry out fortune telling, either alone or in company.

It is important that in your company that is going to guess there is not a person with a negative or skeptical form of thinking. Moreover, if a person envies you... in this case, obtaining information in the process will be difficult.

How to guess correctly?

Remember, the entire process should be as careful as possible. It is recommended to choose the time for fortune telling with wax after sunset. Turn off the lights in the room, you can light a candle that will burn during the fortune telling process. Notice how easily they light and burn. If it lights up quickly and burns brightly enough, then only good news awaits you.

A clicking and hissing candle is a sign that important news awaits you soon. If the candle burns weakly and is poorly lit, then the future does not promise to be the most rosy.

Step-by-step instructions for fortune telling

Below you can find three main stages that you will need to go through.

Stage 1: “Preparing the wax”

Prepare all the necessary attributes of the ritual: a candle, water, a container for melting wax. Warm it in your hands and roll the wax into a small ball to melt. If you use a church candle, do not break it or cut it with a knife! Knead with your hands, slowly and without rushing. Place the resulting lump in the container in which you will melt. Everyone chooses the volume of wax required for fortune telling for themselves, but keep in mind that a significant part of it will settle on the walls.

We prepare all the attributes for fortune telling: a candle, wax, water.

Stage 2: “Smelting”

Light a candle on which you will melt the wax. Take a container of wax and start heating it on a candle flame. Always keep a question in your head that you want to know the answer to. Under no circumstances should you be impatient with the melting time, do not pick at the mass with anything, or try to speed up the melting time in any other way!

We melt the wax. For greater clarity, we use glass containers; you can use any others.

Stage 3: “Making the casting”

After the wax has completely melted, remove the container from the flame and, turning the container over, slowly pour the wax into the water. Don’t try to form some kind of figure yourself! Everything should go as naturally as possible.

From the first moments after entering the water, the wax will begin to quickly harden, taking on the shape of some figures. Concentrate as much as possible on the process. After all, frozen wax is the answer to your question that worries you most. After this, you can proceed to the interpretation of the resulting figure.

We make castings. Make one or more castings depending on the amount of wax and the number of fortune tellers.

Advice! By the way, you can find out in a similar way whether damage lies on you. To do this, do the same as above, only take milk instead of water. If the wax figure turns out solid and clear, then there is no damage. If it is fragile and literally crumbles, then damage lies on you.

What to do with wax after fortune telling?

Fortune tellers are often interested in the question of where to put the wax after the fortune telling is completed. Experts advise saving figurines whose interpretation turned out to be positive for the next year. If the results were not the most favorable, then the wax figure should be thrown away, or even better, buried.

Features of wax fortune telling for Christmas, Christmastide and New Year

A simplified method of fortune telling for Christmastide, Christmas and New Year

When performing any rituals, the time of its implementation matters. It is believed that in this case the most accurate forecast is obtained with a convenient period for carrying out the interpretation. For example, Slavic girls most often cast spells and did fortune-telling with wax at Christmas or Christmastide. In modern conditions, a third date has appeared - New Year.

In all three cases, the maximum period for implementing the interpretation is 1 year. Basically, the main questions that are usually answered on these dates are marriage and everything connected with it: the number of children, relationships with the mother-in-law and future husband, his profession, etc.

By and large, Christmas fortune telling on wax is no different, the only thing is that in this case a simplified method of fortune telling is allowed:

  • Simplified way. Wax can be dripped into water directly from a burning candle: this is the simplest and most accessible method, but it has a number of disadvantages. The main thing is that in this case there is very little molten wax, and the casting turns out to be small and inexpressive. To gain weight in the “cake,” you have to repeat the process several times, which is highly not recommended.

When fortune telling for Christmastide next year, wax can be poured in a circle:

  • Circular method. As with ordinary fortune telling, the wax is melted on a candle in some kind of vessel (a large spoon, a small ladle, etc.) and then poured into water, but not at one point, but in a circle around the container with water. In this case, not one but many figures are formed. In the future, they are interpreted one at a time in the sequence in which they were formed and symbolize the development of affairs throughout the year.

Interpretation of the meanings of the resulting figures

take your time when interpreting the resulting figures

Interpretation of wax figures: very much depends on the question and the personality of the fortuneteller. Before proceeding with the direct interpretation of the figures obtained on wax, it is necessary to abandon the external fuss, concentrating as much as possible on the question of interest or the problem that has arisen - then the answer will be accurate without distortion or manipulation. However, it is difficult only the first time; in the future, the necessary figures will come to your mind and you will only be amazed at how amazingly they fit the current situation.

  • The resulting figures must be carefully removed from the water, being careful not to break or damage them. If there was little wax, the probability of this is quite high.
  • Interpretation does not have to be done immediately after receiving the casting. The main thing here is the mood; if you feel inner emptiness and cannot find the strength within yourself, put off the interpretation for another day.
  • One of the interpretation techniques is that you turn off the light in the room, bring the figures to a candle or lamp, and then, turning slightly, look at the shadows they form on the wall. This method is good because it gives some dynamics and you can imagine the development over time of the situation you are guessing about.
  • If you are doing wax fortune-telling for money, then keep in mind: if you see, in addition to several large figures, many small round droplets, this is an unambiguous sign “for money”, i.e. profit, completion of a transaction, completion of a contract, etc. The more such drops, the better. But if there is no big figure besides the drops, this is a bad sign: there will be money, but you won’t be able to use it and turn it to your advantage.
  • The main importance is your personal associations, which should arise arbitrarily: just give free rein to your intuition and imagination!
  • While the wax is still flowing, pay attention and try to remember the shapes you see at the very beginning. Also try to remember the shapes into which the initial symbols are converted. They will give you important clues in interpreting the main figure; in addition, this way you can find out about the sequence of events in the life of the person being told fortunes.
  • The final interpretation should be given only after all the wax has been poured out!

Identification of received figures

In the process of fortune telling on wax, the decoding of figures can be different. It all depends on the circumstances, the personality of the person doing the fortune telling and the question that was asked initially. Some figures, of course, have a general meaning. However, most of the available symbols in such fortune-telling should be considered only individually. This is especially important when a group of people takes part in fortune telling, and they all have differences in age, social status, character, and temperament.

It is interesting that the meanings of the figures can be two-syllable and even three-syllable. It depends on how you look at a particular figure. In one position it may look like this, but inverted - differently. During the deciphering process, twist the figure, turn it in different directions, carefully examining each of them. You can even use a mirror for this purpose. All these methods will help you most successfully decipher the results of fortune telling.

The meaning of the most common figures (alphabetical index)

It's time to start deciphering the results of wax casting. Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures can be different, arm yourself with patience. Below are detailed interpretations of the most common symbols and pictures that are obtained during wax fortune telling.

People and body parts

  • Woman: this symbol can mean for women imminent problems with others, scandals, squabbles. Formed as a result of fortune telling on wax, this figurine foreshadows a person’s participation in gossip and a showdown. Perhaps he will be woven into some intrigue, complicated story.
    For men, the sign of a woman denotes hypocrisy and inconstancy. Therefore, you should be more attentive to your surroundings. It would be nice to take a closer look at your partners and close people. It may turn out that someone is up to no good.
  • Man: This image suggests that you will have to protect someone. Such fortune telling on wax predicts a “fight”, a solution to some problem through clear, targeted, even aggressive, actions.
    The man sign calls for readiness to defend one’s (or another person’s) position. Therefore, you should be fully prepared. For example, if it is an exam, then prepare well for it. If there is a misunderstanding and there are complaints from relatives, you need to stock up on weighty arguments.
  • Girl: such an image foreshadows the revelation of potential opportunities. In this case, fortune telling shows you that the problematic situation will soon be resolved. Moreover, this will happen calmly, of course, without negative consequences. And in place of the problem, an opportunity for further advancement arises.
    New ideas, simple and easily implementable plans may appear. Everything will seem understandable, clear, transparent, since a girl means innocence and purity.
  • Child: if the figurine shown by wax fortune-telling is a child, then most likely a new beginning or a new project awaits you. The latter is relevant for those whose profession is related to creativity. This matter will be crowned with success. In addition, in some cases, a baby can become a sign of an imminent addition to the family.
  • Baby: symbolizes the happy birth of a child if the woman is pregnant or wishes to become a mother. It can also symbolize good changes in life. They can come in the form of a new project, promotion on the career ladder. The baby may appear in the drawing as an embryo or as an adult baby, he may be standing or lying down, this will not change his meaning during the interpretation.
  • Heart: if the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a heart, then in the very near future your mind and heart will be occupied by great feelings. At the same time, you will not be bothered by any problems, you will completely devote yourself to the relationship. It is even possible to say that this love will be very mutual. You may not think that you will suffer from unrequited feelings. The shape of the heart itself says a lot. If the figure has clear boundaries, then happy love will certainly await you. If the figurine has veins, cracks, or an uneven shape, then this is not a good sign. Danger awaits you, and disappointment in the relationship.
  • Head: if the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a head, very soon you will see the true face of one of your friends or you will find yourself at a new level of knowledge of the world, thanks to which you will encounter new amazing discoveries. The head may also mean that at work you will soon receive some new and promising position.
  • Eye: If the figure you saw on the eye wax is a sign of this, then it would do you well to be more careful with your surroundings. Someone has clearly set a goal: to deceive, deceive, humiliate, survive, or otherwise harm you. Take a closer look, maybe the enemy is very close.
  • Pregnant woman: This is something important to you. When fortune telling on wax, a pregnant woman shows that your child, whom you have been carrying for a long time, will soon be born. It is interpreted both literally and figuratively. There may also be business issues, construction is nearing completion. Long-awaited purchase, wedding and housewarming.
  • A girl in a dress: a harbinger of gossip, idle talk, not very pleasant chatter. A wax girl in a dress is a harbinger that you are to some extent popular, you are discussed and praised. Be prepared for showdowns and scandals, pay attention to individuals who show excessive attention to you.
  • Human's figure: when divining on wax, a human figure can appear in three forms: without a head, without legs or without arms. In the first case, fortune telling says that you are acting unreasonably with your life, or that you are madly in love and have lost your head, which urgently needs to be returned. If the figure turns out to be without legs, then you should pause and think about your actions. If the figure has no arms, you should stop abusing something: your official position, your beauty, alcohol or drugs.
  • Profile: a person who appeared in the water, facing up symbolizes good luck. You urgently need to play the lottery, conduct important negotiations, get married, or plan something big. The profile visible from the back of the head symbolizes “luck turned away”, although it can appear extremely rarely.
  • Germ: this sign foretells the emergence of something new in life. Such a symbol shows the beginning of a thought, action, deed that will subsequently lead to change. During this period, you need to pay close attention to the emergence of various ideas and plans; you should listen to what other people say. In this case, the wax shows information that a person is not even aware of and has no idea about its development. When divining on wax, the figure of an embryo predicts something new that has not yet happened in a person’s life. It is not built on his actions in the past or present and will come completely independently.
  • Embryo. A fairly common symbol that shows fortune telling on wax is an embryo - it can symbolize that you have some kind of undertaking in your plans and very soon you will begin to develop it. Much less often, an embryo can become a symbol of an imminent pregnancy, and it’s not a fact that it’s all about you. A fetus can symbolize new friendships, new relationships, new beginnings.

Symbols, figures, objects

  • Bus— is there a successful road accompanying you that allows you to open the world? Alternatively, fate associated with travel, but if the figure has an unsightly appearance, then you should think about whether it will be happy or bring failure;
  • Drum— important and urgent news, both positive and negative;
  • Wreath- a symbol of a dream come true - marriage is just around the corner;
  • Volcano- you are too hot-tempered, it’s time to take control of your emotional side, otherwise it will lead to trouble;
  • Mountain- a sign of imminent career growth, but be careful, there may be a lot of resistance around, take the blow;
  • Pear soon you will begin new relationships that will open up unprecedented horizons for you;
  • Umbrella If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties; if it is closed, be prepared to face problems.
  • Dagger the movements of the soul and feelings of your lover are so powerful that they can pose a danger, and it depends only on the strength of your feelings whether you will be able (mutual efforts may be required here) to direct this energy into a peaceful direction;
  • Helmet- you have isolated yourself from the whole world, you think that everything will work out, but the problem is in you;
  • Basket- if full means a gift or good luck, if empty, you are likely to lose something, sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child;
  • Crown- success and achievements, can mean a promotion or a better job, sometimes indicates that a person is constantly in the spotlight of the public.
  • Bones- you are able to withstand all difficulties, although you may not give the impression of a fighter;
  • Cross- serious illness or a lot of troubles; If the cross appears in one of the “current” and not final figures, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious;
  • Ladder- the circumstances of your life are changing for the better, perhaps a promotion up the career ladder, a career;
  • Bed- you need rest, if it was an intermediate figure and at the end you see a heart or a star, a happy relationship awaits you;
  • Boat- can mean either a short-term trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time;
  • Glasses- you need to reconsider your attitude towards the situation, then it can be corrected. A symbol of myopia in the literal and figurative sense: you either don’t see something or don’t want to see. Soon you will look at something completely differently;
  • Bag- a full bag predicts that your income will increase significantly. Accordingly, empty can be regarded as a harbinger of losses;
  • Strings- the situation now resembles a tight string and is ready to break, get ready for trouble. The situation can be corrected if you understand and forgive your loved ones or colleagues.
  • Scissors- do not quarrel with loved ones. Serious misunderstanding. It's time to part with something old and start new achievements. If you are faced with a choice, then it's time to make it. Scissors can predict discord or deception on the part of a loved one.
  • Flag- now your soul is filled with triumph and pride: a serious project has been successfully completed. It may mean that in the near future you will meet old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. In some cases there is a risk of injury and injury, so extreme caution should be exercised - be on the alert;
  • Telephone- important message; sometimes the figure indicates that you are not yet ready to say what you think;
  • Axe- bad relationships with colleagues, harshness in relationships is not always appropriate. Soon you will cut the Gordian knot of accumulated problems in one fell swoop. If the ax doesn't have a handle, you have an impossible task ahead of you.
  • Cup- you feel bad and are easily offended; if there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration;
  • Wall— a wall of misunderstanding has arisen between you and your loved ones or colleagues at work;
  • Bridge you will have a choice that only you must make, this will determine your entire destiny, approach it with all seriousness, what you get in the end will be only your merit.
  • Wheel this figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins;
  • Wedding ring. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a ring, this is a good sign for those who are worried about love affairs. You are either on the verge of some new relationship, or your existing relationship will reach a new level. There are high chances of getting married in the near future. Please note that you should not confuse a ring and a circle!
  • Dress: A rare symbol that you don't see often. However, a dress is an excellent sign that a magnificent celebration awaits you. This could be a wedding, both yours and someone from your circle. There may be a banquet or a corporate event.
  • Track. If the symbol that was shown by fortune telling on the wax is a trace, remember that this is a warning that you need to be careful. Someone noticed you for the fulfillment of not the best intentions. The mark may also mean that a person of the opposite sex is interested in you.
  • Rider: The formation of this sign shows an internal readiness to fight with anyone. Here, the figure of a Rider on a horse during fortune telling on wax warns of possible danger. This could be a physical danger (most likely) or a moral one, for example, competition at work. Whatever the reason, the rider says that soon for some time you will be “on the alert,” fully armed, ready to rush “into battle” at any moment. This portends constant tension, fatigue, nervous breakdowns and aggressiveness.
  • Jug of water (or empty). This sign portends order and meaningfulness in business and life. If you saw a tall jug of water, then fortune telling with wax speaks of transparency in relationships, work, paperwork, and investigation. For those people who have problems with the judiciary, the jug predicts complete innocence and acquittal. The court will defend such a person. All your actions in the near future will be transparent and clean. Perhaps you will trust someone with your secret, tell someone about your plans. During this period, you should be very attentive to your surroundings. This state of “trust of all” can later turn against you.
  • The Dragon: this figure speaks of a quick resolution of the problem for the better. In this case, wax fortune telling shows you through the figure of the Dragon that the situation will be resolved peacefully, without disagreement. Higher powers help in eliminating the existing problem. In addition, this sign means the settlement of conflicts, disputes and disputes of a judicial nature. His appearance is evidence of the beginning of something new. That is, the old was settled peacefully, there was no negativity left, and there was room for the development of a new situation (along the chain, based on the old one). And this situation will be built precisely on wise decisions.
  • Cloud: This image speaks of a person's serene state in the future. Here, fortune telling on wax through the figure of the Cloud predicts you feelings of peace and happiness. Spirituality and abstraction from the outside world can be an indicator of creative development, falling in love, and internal concentration. Perhaps during this period you will decide to take up meditation. If you get a cloud with specks or drops, this means that your actions will soon bring results. They may not meet your expectations, but they will come very quickly.
  • Umbilical cord: This sign indicates relationships with relatives. Such fortune telling on wax says that in the near future your actions and thoughts will be aimed at family ties. This applies not only to actions in the present tense, but also to the past and future. Perhaps some relative will show up or you will learn some details about the lives of your loved ones. The sign of a long umbilical cord can mean concern for the future position of children, parents and other relatives. Or maybe you haven’t come to the cemetery for a long time. In any case, your life will be filled with related concerns.
  • Angel: seeing an image of an angel means receiving help from above in solving the problem you are wondering about. This is a harbinger of happy changes. In fortune telling for love, this is a harbinger of pure and true love.
  • Skeleton: This sign predicts the acceleration of time. Perhaps you are afraid of not having time (to do something, solve some problem), and the Skeleton in wax fortune telling draws your attention to this. Time will seem too fleeting to you, and you will try to use every second. However, nothing will work. In this case, the skeleton warns about the possibility of such a situation so that you can control it at the right time. Slow down a little, wait, don’t rush things. The casting already reflects your readiness to speed up the process. Internally you are waiting for it. When such a state occurs, be prepared to resist it.
  • Star: this image foreshadows the ambulance of the Higher Powers. At the same time, the star figure shows that problems will be solved on their own, without your intervention. You should step back and only observe the Actions of the Higher Mind. The star obtained as a result of casting indicates that the resolution of the situation is beyond your control. Therefore, you should not waste energy on eliminating it.
  • Boot: if during fortune telling you see a symbol of a boot, know that this means a change of residence, a move or a road. For a woman, a meeting with a businesslike man who is not very pleasant to her.
  • Snowflakes. Good news, if you saw a Snowflake during fortune telling with wax, it is considered an encouraging sign that carries rays of light and has a positive effect on health. Often snowflakes represent the cold that leaves you, leaving behind only memories. Giving you warmth and home comfort. A favorable sign for separations and completion of affairs. It doesn’t matter what it is: construction, purchase, breaking up with a boyfriend, termination of a long-term partnership.
  • Moon: the interpretation of this symbol depends on the appearance of the night star. The full moon is for love, strong feelings, new fans and romance. A short month (about the first quarter) will help with your endeavors and financial status. If the moon is in the last quarter, then everything will decline, in such cases it is better to postpone all important matters for a while. A weak, barely visible moon, around which there are dots or lines, speaks of an unhappy marriage or relationship.
  • Egg: quite an interesting and favorable sign. Egg - most often means the emergence of new ideas, thoughts, plans for the future. This means that in the near future you will receive a solution to your problems and urgent ideas. For example, the idea of ​​opening a business was born; such a sign foreshadows the solution to this problem. Perhaps even your deepest dreams will come true.
  • Apple: has very different interpretations, depending on the question, the symbol of an apple in wax fortune telling means a surge of strength and vigor, good health and career growth. Perhaps material wealth that you needed before. However, if the apple is bitten or wrinkled, it can mean voluptuousness or temptation. You shouldn’t give in to provocations and be even stricter about drinking. Assess your weaknesses and give them up for a while. The apple fruit represents wisdom and health. Stop with the temptations around you for a while.
  • Ship: means that you should have a happy and very interesting journey. In addition, the ship symbolizes global changes. These are changes in life that will cover financial, personal and spiritual areas. The candle will give out this symbol when you, without even realizing it, have activated your internal reserves. If you are in despair or cannot find a way out, the ship indicates that you will find the right way out, and the situation will resolve itself.
  • Horseshoe: if during fortune telling you have formed a pattern of two arcs, then, as a rule, the horseshoe has a dual character. She is a harbinger of successful trails. If the horseshoe hangs on the wall or on a nail, then you will find that soon all planned plans will come true.
  • A drop: the symbol of a drop that appears in the water symbolizes large cash receipts. Maybe these will be long-awaited payments, or maybe the money will seem to come out of nowhere, maybe someone will repay your debt. The amount will be insignificant, but it will be enough for you to enjoy spending it. The larger the drop, the greater the amount, so watch carefully.
  • Note: Do you like music or want to play the violin? Then you should definitely do this if you have done fortune telling with wax. The note that appears in the water symbolizes faith and determination, and if a musical instrument appears nearby, then you should definitely visit a music school. And this doesn’t only apply to music, this symbol can be used everywhere.
  • Waves: changes and quick decisions, unexpected guests and bolt from the blue, what does it mean if you see waves on your casting. Whatever you wish for, try to stay afloat with all your might! Don't forget about your goals and achieve everything yourself.
  • Snowman: Don't be cold, melt your ice. If you did fortune telling with wax, a snowman will appear in the water only among cold and callous people. He talks about the fact that it is worth changing, looking more positively into the future, having a better attitude towards life and others.


  • Rose. If you saw a rose while fortune telling on wax, don’t hesitate! It symbolizes love, it is a classic symbol that has no other meanings. . Moreover, a high feeling can already live in your heart - so passionate and romantic. Perhaps the wax rose symbolizes its beginning - in this case, open your heart, casting aside all doubts!
  • Flower. A flower seen during fortune telling on wax portends quick joy and considerable success. All your dreams will come true, and your ambitions (even exorbitant ones!) will be realized. Flowers are an extremely auspicious sign. It doesn’t matter what types of flowers you see on wax, they always mean that you easily share joy and kindness with others and predict a wonderful future for you. If you get not just one flower, but several, this means that there are many good friends around you. If you are single and you get a rose, this means that great and bright love awaits you ahead.
  • Bouquet of flowers: Most likely this is a symbol of a better life. A figure in the form of a bouquet of flowers is always a good sign! Therefore, expect only good news, you are surrounded by excellent friends, and your loved one will appear soon (if not already).
  • Mushroom. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a mushroom, a very unexpected event awaits you. Its meaning can be interpreted by what symbols are nearby. For example, if you see not only a mushroom in front of you, but also a heart figurine nearby, then a new love awaits you, and you will see for yourself what it will be like.
  • Tree or bush: This is a very interesting symbol that wax divination can show you: a tree - be sure to pay attention to how its branches are positioned. If they look down, then sadness and despondency await you. Branches looking up promise a cheerful and happy life. A tree can also mean that very soon you will have everything that you so desire. Some sources state that the bush can symbolize upcoming new proposals that must be accepted.

Animals and insects

  • Scorpion: the appearance of the image of Scorpio on the casting indicates imminent repentance as a result of some negative actions. In this situation, fortune telling with wax warns of the need to be more restrained in relationships.
    You may want to tell people everything you think about them, hurt them greatly, and then regret it. Before telling the truth face to face, you need to think about whether it is necessary to do this and who will benefit from it. Scorpio speaks of accumulated negativity that you want to throw out. Be careful what you say so you don’t regret it later. A rather rare figure, the scorpion can symbolize quite different events, since this symbol itself is very multifaceted. Revenge, betrayal, enmity, etc. may await you. In short, you should be on your guard, otherwise you may find yourself in an insidious trap. There is also a theory that if, during fortune telling with wax, a scorpio appears to a person born under the same zodiac sign, this symbolizes a struggle with oneself. But the wax is insidiously silent about who exactly will win such a fight.
  • Squirrel: if you see a squirrel in the water, then, as a rule, this has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes rest, tranquility, vacation, but on the other hand, it has a completely opposite meaning. In another case, you may forget about your vacation, since you will be expected to receive a large number of small but impossible tasks from your superiors. Perhaps you will even be framed and you will have to plead your innocence again and again. The interpretation depends on what you were asking: if you asked about work, then the second interpretation is more likely to suit you, but if about vacation, then the first.
  • Horse's head: Sometimes during the ritual you can see unusual drawings, and the horse's head is one of them. Now rest assured that favorable news awaits you. The horse is a very noble and friendly sign. It indicates good news, true friends. If you wished for something in the field of career, then the horse in this case will become a harbinger of career growth, but these changes will not be very easy for you.
  • Swan: Also one of the classic symbols found in wax divination, the Swan clearly symbolizes a calm family life in harmony with your chosen one. If you asked a question about a specific man, then this is his image of calm and reliable. If there are a couple of swans, and you were wondering about love, know that you and your chosen one are an ideal couple.
  • Fish. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a fish, expect good news; most likely, it will be related to the water element. Fish can also mean a quick acquaintance with a foreigner. The silence of this figure symbolizes that in the near future you will meet a man of few words who can become your mentor and guru. Be sure to listen to his advice.
  • Bird. If the figure shown by fortune telling on wax is a bird, this is an unambiguous sign that news awaits you soon. If the bird is in flight, then good luck and good news await you. If you are concerned about some vital question, then very soon you will receive an answer to it. For those who are working on any projects, the wax bird promises that all of them will be implemented and will be well received by others.
  • Dog. The symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a dog - a very faithful and devoted friend is next to you. However, you yourself know how to be a good friend and value your friendship. You strive to help people, come to the aid of loved ones at any time. You can count on the support of your friends in any difficult time for you. A wax dog may hint that it is time to gather the whole team. Together you can achieve a lot. If the dog stands on its hind legs, then one of your friends needs help from you.
  • Elephant. If the symbol that fortune telling on wax showed you is an Elephant, keep in mind that this figure is multi-valued. Firstly, an elephant can mean that you are a very strong person with a large supply of inner strength and energy. However, if you are firmly on the beaten path, then it is time to notice those who surround you along the way. If this is not so, then luck will quickly turn away from you. An elephant can also mean that you have many well-wishers, and, if necessary, they are always ready to take a part of your problems onto their shoulders. Secondly, the Elephant can warn that it is important to engage in physical activity with caution. Otherwise, your health, which is excellent now, may deteriorate. In general, the elephant is a symbol of strength,
  • Pegasus. If the symbol that the fortune telling on wax showed is Pegasus, then this means that a circle of those who think the same way as you is gradually forming around you. With such people you can build a strong team and overcome any difficulties.
  • Whale. An excellent symbol that fortune telling on wax can show: Whale - it will most likely be so, no matter what plans you make for the future, you don’t have to worry: your rear is always covered by your reliable friends and partners.
  • Ram: The ram figure may appear in cases of insecurity or stubbornness. It’s worth looking at your chosen one: maybe the reason for your problems lies in his failures, excessive stubbornness and unwillingness to change something? Sometimes such a drawing on wax means that someone nearby is thinking: in order to achieve their desired goal, all methods are good. Think carefully about whether you should become the wife of a man who adheres to such principles.
  • Eagle: this figure will appear only in purposeful and incredibly talented people. Whatever you wish for, it will certainly come true. The bird symbolizes purity of thoughts and clarity of mind, strength and sharp eyes. In general, this may portend business trips or relocation and, most likely, it will happen very soon. In some cases, the eagle may indicate that you will be free of debt for a long time, perhaps forever.
  • Turtle: This figure foreshadows the sensations of time slowing down. Here, fortune telling gives information that there is no need to rush the development of events. There will be an opportunity to think and plan everything.
    No matter how much you want to resolve the situation, the turtle advises you to “lay low,” go about your daily routine, and get distracted. These should be ordinary, routine things, without any special emotional outbursts. You can even be lazy and do nothing at all. The main thing is that during this period you need to remain calm, careful and attentive. It will be good if you distract yourself from your problems and turn love and care to your immediate environment.
  • Rooster: this figure calls for the beginning of some action. Fortune telling on wax, which gives the image of the Rooster, says: “That’s it! It's time! It's time to get started! It is possible that a person has been planning something for a long time, but did not dare to start.
    The image of a rooster indicates that the time has come, the strength is available, the person is internally ready to “move mountains.” You need to listen to the sign and, when the first opportunity comes, you need to move these mountains. In addition, the figure advises to be as ambitious as possible, to be firm and not to give up.
  • Snake. This figure means duality in everything; in this case, the Snake in wax divination can speak of both good and bad in the future. If the snake is curled up into a ball, this means that the person is in thought, but at the same time strictly monitors what is happening.
    An active animal, (for example, a hooded cobra) wriggling, indicates both aggression towards someone and an active search for a solution to the situation. In the future, if a controversial issue arises, it is better to “lay low” and look at the development of events from the outside. And only then, having carefully thought through everything, take action.
  • Toad or Frog: as a result of fortune telling, a toad or frog will appear if your heart is very difficult. It's time to find peace by looking into the most secret corners of the heart. Take this into account: a sincere conversation can help you with this. A toad does not always mean something ugly or bad; if you are asking a question about love, it can symbolize a person whom you do not notice due to their plain appearance. As for business, it indicates that you need to be more generous.
  • Teddy Bear: such a sign portends a caring period. The main thing is not to confuse him with a big bear! See the interpretation of this sign above. The appearance of a little bear cub on a wax casting predicts a willingness to give warmth and love to loved ones. And it can’t just be people. Perhaps you will shelter some homeless animal or find owners for it. Or maybe you want to do charity work and help morally or financially children, the elderly, and the disabled. In any case, the bear cub “sees” this desire and the strength to fulfill it in you.
  • Deer: when divined by wax, it means that you can soon hit the road and find stable well-being that is resistant to external circumstances.
  • Sheep. A wax sheep (or a piece of curly sheep skin) obtained during fortune telling predicts that your plan, which you have long cherished, will soon come true. Even the most daring, unrealistic ideas can come true, or there will be a real chance of good dividends from invention and innovation. The main thing for you now is not to miss this chance to make decisive moves.
  • Mouse: it portends meaningless turmoil, you have chaotic movement and nervous anxiety ahead. All actions will be useless, but you will continue to “flounder”, trying to save the situation.
    If the mouse sits on its hind legs, this means you will feel danger and worry, but you will never find the source of this. As a result, you will do the first thing that comes to mind, but you will make the situation even worse. The problem is that you will unconsciously repeat these actions repeatedly until everything resolves itself. In general, it portends irritability, fussiness, fear and confusion in the future.
  • Horse (silhouette): If you get such a sign, then you should take a closer look at the position of the animal’s head. If fortune telling on wax gives an image of a lowered, Horse's head, then this indicates a huge amount of work in the future. It will definitely need to be done.
    If there is an association with a raised head with a flowing mane, then in the near future there will be entertainment, sexual desires, fun and meaningless pastime. There is a danger of doing a lot of stupid things. These moments will fly by quickly, unnoticed (as if in a state of intoxication), but will lead to trouble.
  • Crocodile: symbolizes the deceit that awaits you from friends or family. Having seen this drawing, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary frank conversations when communicating with family and friends. The crocodile may turn out to be someone greedy, hypocritical and vile, a person who is in your circle. But, if you are wondering whether you will buy shoes, rest assured that they will be made of the most expensive leather.
  • Bear: this figure foreshadows the appearance of a strong person, helper and well-wisher in life. If fortune telling with wax shows such a symbol, we can say that the Higher powers will soon send support in the form of a friend, a caring person (maybe a complete stranger).
    The figure of a bear in wax fortune telling also means profit and fertility. This means, thanks to someone’s care and concern, you will get what you want. For young girls, this is a sign that a man will soon appear in their life. A strong, brave and kind defender. When such a person appears, you should take a closer look at him: he can be considered as a future husband.
  • Caterpillar: This is not a very good sign. If fortune telling on wax showed such an image, then things will soon decline. Complete collapse, collapse of something (ideas, work, apartment, relationships), decline in everything.
    Since the caterpillar warns of possible failures, you need to mentally prepare for them. It should be remembered that nothing happens without a cause and without an effect. And perhaps this decay is necessary so that something new, more significant for us, can be formed in its place.
  • Hare: if you are telling fortunes to a man: a hare seen during fortune telling on wax warns of danger; Apparently, the current events do not inspire confidence in you. For a woman, this means, on the contrary, a nice gift, a trip to a restaurant, etc.
  • Butterfly. If you see a butterfly while fortune-telling with wax, this is a good sign that promises you deliverance from very annoying problems. Soon something new and happy will burst into your life like an airy, bright butterfly, and you will feel young, carefree and renewed.
  • Snail. The snail symbol you see speaks of your excessive slowness, although just your desire to change something will be enough to achieve significant progress. On the other hand, the wax snail advises you not to rush things too much, but to move towards your goal progressively and systematically. Sometimes, the snail symbol also has an additional meaning: a meeting with an individual who has nothing else on her mind other than sex.
  • Spider: Beware of cunning and deceit on the part of others. If the subject of fortune telling is a matter, keep in mind that it is not very good and will not bring you anything good personally;
  • Monkey. If during fortune telling you see a symbol of a monkey (or some monkey-like creature), this higher power is warning you about deception, an ambiguous situation, betrayal of a friend or the person for whom you are doing fortune telling.
  • Pig: predicts that all your ideas about the current situation are correct and will soon be confirmed. In the case of fortune telling with money - deferred but certain profit.
  • Cancer: means that you have love problems, but they are needed as a test sent by fate. Soon everything will be resolved for the better for you.
  • Cat. An unfavorable sign in wax fortune telling is Cat or Cat - interpreted as troubles in relationships and even loneliness. It is possible that your loved ones betrayed you. This sign warns you against possible danger. Pay attention to the little things and the behavior of those around you. But don't get hung up on it. It’s worth giving up drinking for a while and keeping your mind sober and clear.
  • Elk: Quite a strong hint of condescension. The Elk symbol in wax divination suggests that you should be softer and simpler with other people. Don't act too arrogant. These are strong people, most often deprived of attention in childhood. These are people who are used to achieving everything on their own, have a tough character and a strong will.
  • Hedgehog: the main element of this sign is not the personification of an animal, but a needle! In wax fortune telling, the Hedgehog is interpreted as something prickly in your life, tension is possible in a relationship with some person. Attitude in a team or at work. Become softer and more loyal to those around you. Evaluate the events that took place, after reflection, you yourself can find the answer to the sign you received.
  • Puppy: An excellent and easy to read sign of friendship and devotion. In fortune telling on candle wax, a Puppy (or a small dog) promises true friends or comrades. This sign appears extremely rarely; it foretells that you yourself are a good friend and know how to value relationships with close friends. The figure seems to suggest organizing a team or finding like-minded people. After all, it is easier to achieve success together. If the puppy is standing on its hind legs, it means that someone is in dire need of help.
  • Rabbit: a harbinger of the onset of some event. The Rabbit symbol in wax fortune telling is usually found in very shy and soft-bodied individuals. Making it clear that you need to be tougher and more persistent. Such people often experience discomfort and even suffer from their softness in relationships with people, fearing to prove that they are right.
  • Sea Horse: means good news. In wax fortune telling, the Seahorse portends success in business and personal life. Speaks of the strength of your capabilities and hidden potential that needs to be taken advantage of.
  • Owl: This figure is considered the most harmful and sinister. In wax and water fortune telling, an owl brings a bunch of illnesses, failures, obstacles, and disappointments. An undesirable sign that is quite rare, but cannot be ignored. You shouldn’t lose heart and give up, you can’t run away from fate. After all, something always happens in our lives that cannot always be controlled; we need to draw the right conclusions and sensibly assess what is happening in order to be prepared for new difficulties in the future.

Geometric shapes: lines, circles, dots, etc.

If during the process of fortune telling you see abstract figures in front of you, do not be upset. After all, if interpreted correctly, they can also be seen as a prediction for the future.

  • Straight line: This is a sign that a new project awaits you soon, which you will tackle on your own. This may be related to both work issues and your hobbies. A straight line will not give a clear answer to the question of whether this project will be a success or not, since in this matter everything will depend solely on your personality. However, to get the answer to this question, try using another method of fortune telling. You can, for example, tell fortunes on cards.
  • Circle: This refers to being overly focused on a single issue. However, this figure can also mean that everything is going very stable in your affairs. An elongated circle symbolizes new beginnings and dreams that are difficult, but very easy to bring into reality.
  • Lots of circles: no matter what begins, everything has a logical conclusion. You shouldn’t be upset or look for an excuse, why not start life on a new page, start something of your own, change your place of work or even change your place of residence.
  • Points: This is a sign of material well-being in the near future. The smaller they are, the more money you will receive. In love fortune-telling it means many pleasant, but non-binding meetings.
  • Spiral: The spiral symbol symbolizes that you can finally understand and find the meaning of what was previously incomprehensible and inaccessible to you. And not necessarily in a philosophical sense. For example, you can find your favorite job.

Numbers and letters

  • Numbers and letters: in general, any letters and numbers should be interpreted based on the question you asked during the fortune telling process. As a rule, they give the most accurate answer, hinting at the name of a loved one or the date of the event you have envisioned.
  • Number 9: This number will only appear if it has already occurred in your life. You could become a mother on the 9th, or buy a house, get married, or enter into an important contract. If you come across this figure again, it means that something similar will happen again. If the events associated with this number were favorable, this is a good sign.
  • Number 8. This number will mean that your life repeats a cycle of pleasant or unpleasant events. Remember the number eight is the infinity sign! Just think about what event you associate this number with and draw a conclusion.
  • Letter M. If you carried out fortune telling on a boyfriend, husband, or betrothed, then the letter M will appear when the name of your future loved one begins with the letter M. If you did not ask about your spouse, but were thinking, say, about a career, then this letter can symbolize achievement set financial goals.

Video: “Fortune telling with wax and water step by step instructions”

Instead of a conclusion

And final recommendation: At the end of the fortune telling, the materials used: candle stubs and wax are buried in the ground or burned in a furnace. The exception is for figures with a successful interpretation - they should be preserved for a year.

In addition, if the interpretation was successful or simply useful, you should thank the Higher Powers for the information provided and put any coin at the crossroads “for good luck.”

You need to take a regular candle, colored or simple, and a bowl of water. It is better to insert the candle into a candlestick so as not to drip on the tablecloth and preserve the wax. When the candle flares up and the wax flows, tilt it over the water and allow the wax to drain. You can do this two or three times so that a sufficient number of drops freeze in the water. The resulting figures are taken out and interpreted. You can also, after turning off the light in the room, bring the figures one by one to a candle or lamp and, turning them slightly to the sides, examine their shadows on the wall.

If in the bowl, in addition to several large figures, many small round drops have formed, this means money. The more such droplets, the better. It’s worse if there’s nothing else besides them: no big figures, no important plots.

Large figures are judged by the associations evoked by themselves or their shadows. Associations should arise spontaneously: give free rein to your imagination!

List of shapes and their possible meanings

Angel. Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love.
Arch. You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also foreshadow a journey.
Butterfly. Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures, it may indicate an unreliable or deceitful person.
Drum. Important news. A good time to express opinions.
Tower. Means a wedding or a calling from above.
Letters. Clearly visible ones mean good news, unclear ones mean bad news; if there are dots next to the letters, then this means money.
Bouquet. A very favorable sign indicating celebration, happiness, gifts. He can also talk about the wedding.
Boomerang. Soon you will feel the effect of a boomerang - you will learn the consequences of recent actions, good or bad.
Bottle. Refrain from excess.
Bull. You are in danger, be careful.
Vase. Peace of mind.
Fan. Flirty relationships.
Scales. You need to bring your state into balance. If the scales are accompanied by a sword, we can talk about a lawsuit.
Fork. Some people shouldn't be trusted because they don't tell the truth.
Grape. You can turn your talent into money.
Padlock. If it is open, then this indicates a surprise. If closed, it contains a warning.
Balloon. Temporary difficulties.
Question mark. Indecision and uncertainty.
Volcano. Something must "explode". Try to control your emotions.
Guitar. Harmonious relationships.
Eye. Be careful and careful: someone is trying to deceive you.
Head. Soon you will receive a position with great powers.
Pigeon. Harmonious relationships.
Mushroom. Unexpected event. If you see a heart nearby, we may be talking about new love.
Pear. Successful completion of any undertaking. Sometimes it can mean a happy love affair.
Door. One stage of life gives way to another.
House. A very favorable sign. It has several meanings: moving to a new place of residence, happiness in the home, or a time when it is necessary to start new things.
Road with a fork. A new opportunity will open up before you.
The Dragon. Don't be afraid to be yourself, no matter how you appear to others.
Chimney. Your plans are quite vague.
Acorn. The beginning of a new venture or the birth of a new idea.
capital letter. Often a capital letter speaks of someone important to you. It could also be the first letter of a country that is of great importance to you or that you are planning to visit.
Lock. Something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship.
Star. Your wish will come true.
Umbrella. If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties; if it is closed, be prepared to face problems.
Fireplace. Home and home comfort. Emotional warmth.
Square. Stability and comfort. But it can also indicate a tendency towards complacency.
Dagger. Beware of false friends.
Birdcage. If the door is closed, you feel trapped. If you are open, difficulties will soon go away.
Key. Expect changes.
Book. The acquisition of knowledge. If the book is closed, it means secret information. If it is open, then a new page will soon begin in your life.
Claws. Some people are not as friendly as they seem.
Wheel. This figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins.
Bell. Unexpected news. Two bells mean a wedding.
Ring. Engagement, marriage or other special event. If there are dots next to the ring, a business partnership is implied.
Comet. Unexpected and sudden events.
Ship. Have a successful and happy journey.
Basket. If complete, it means a gift or good luck. If it's empty, you'll probably lose something. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Box. Present.
Crown. Success and achievements. Could mean a promotion or a better job. Sometimes it means that a person is constantly in the center of public attention.
Wallet. Some kind of acquisition. If the figure is surrounded by dots, it means we are talking about money.
Crab. Beware of false friends. Trust your intuition.
Bed. You need rest. If you see a heart or star nearby, a happy relationship awaits you.
Jug. A sign of good health. May indicate a happy time with friends.
a lion. Force. You have more courage than you think.
Ladder. The circumstances of your life are changing for the better. Possible promotion within the ranks
Lines. Journey. Wavy lines can also indicate indecisiveness.
Leaves. Something in your life is thriving. A few leaves indicate great happiness.
Person or persons. A smile on the face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals. Several faces foreshadow the coming holiday.
Boat. It can mean either a short trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time, especially if the figure is at the bottom of the cup.
Car. A short trip. Visiting friends.
Medal. Your efforts will be rewarded.
Broom. It's time to clean up. This can be understood both literally and symbolically.
Hammer. You must defend your opinion.
Bridge. You will have an opportunity that will lead to good luck.
Hoe. Determination will help you overcome obstacles, but don't overdo it.
Man. Visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.
Fly. Minor irritation. A pause in some pleasant situation.
Ball. The project is picking up pace.
Handcuffs. May mean problems with justice. Sometimes they indicate bad habits or addiction.
Knife. Disagreements can lead to a breakdown in relationships.
Scissors. Serious misunderstanding.
Monkey. Some people are deceiving you.
Cloud. Problems await you. If the cloud is surrounded by dots - worries about your financial situation.
Window. You need to look at the problem or relationship differently. Do not refuse the help of others in resolving this issue.
Glasses. Soon you will look at something completely differently.
Tent. An adventurous journey. In addition, it may mean that they are hiding something from you.
Coat. Breakup or end of relationship.
Parachute. A happy way out of an incident or difficulty.
Spider. Wait for the money.
Hourglass. Don't put off important things!
Pyramid. You have serious concerns about something you must keep secret. Sometimes the pyramid speaks of a state when a person is torn between spiritual and material desires.
Gun. Quarrel or possible danger.
Horseshoe. Extremely happy fate!
Egg stand. Small problems go away.
Package. Gift or surprise.
Bird or birds. If the birds are flying, good news awaits you. Dots next to the bird indicate a scandal.
Bee. Busy and productive time.
Child or fetus. Starting a new business or creative project. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Hand. A devoted lover or a reliable friend. If the hand is clenched into a fist, we are talking about a quarrel or revenge.
Airplane. Journey. If the nose of the plane is pointing down, this can indicate disappointment and dashed hopes.
Lamp (lamp). You will reveal a secret or deal with an old problem. Sometimes the lamp speaks about studying in some courses.
Candle. Significant period.
Heart. Indicates long-term affection and love.
crescent moon. The start of something new.
Rocks. Difficulties await you.
Shell. Good news.
Dog. Devoted friend. If a dog is standing on its hind legs, it means someone needs help.
Owl. Illness or betrayal of a friend.
Sun. Happiness, creativity, success. Possible birth of a child.
Spiral. Fraud.
Cup. You feel bad about yourself and are easily offended. May indicate a person whose motives are quite clear. If there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration.
Arrow. The letter will bring bad news.
Chair. A new position awaits you in the near future.
steps. Success and promotion.
Feet. You need to make a decision.
Telephone. Important message. Sometimes it means that you are not yet ready to say what you think.
Axe. Difficulty or dispute. If the ax doesn't have a handle, you have an impossible task ahead of you.
Cake. Celebration.
Shamrock. Lucky fate.
Magnifying glass. It's a good time to think about the details.
Forefinger. The finger itself does not mean anything, the main thing is what it points to. If nothing else, your plans may fail.
Snail. Don't make hasty decisions.
Ear. Listen carefully to what others say. You may hear very important information.
Torch. Knowledge.
Flag. Danger be on the lookout!
Vane. You are too influenced by other people. Be objective.
Fruits. Prosperity and good fate.
Chain. Strong emotional connections.
Church. Inheritance. Can mean an oath, a promise, but not necessarily related to a wedding.
Numbers. They indicate time. For example, the number two at the bottom of the bowl could mean two months; two weeks if it is in the middle; two days if near the rim. Sometimes numbers can talk about money.
Cup. Happiness and feeling of emotional satisfaction. An overturned cup can mean the end of a relationship.
Hat. Traditionally means a gift. The shape of the hat will prompt a more accurate interpretation. For example, a jester's cap may indicate the need to impersonate someone else.
Apple. The situation is improving. Sometimes it can talk about temptation.
Egg. New plans and projects can be a great success. Birth, both actual and metaphorical.
Anchor. Travel by sea. If the figure lies at the bottom, something or someone is holding you back.

Second way

For this fortune telling you will need several candles, preferably wax ones, but regular paraffin ones will also work. If you manage to get multi-colored candles, then that’s great. It is believed that the most accurate results are obtained when using red candles.

Leave one candle to melt, and light the rest and place it around - the flickering flame of the candles will help create the right atmosphere for fortune telling and will surround you with an aura of mystery. In addition to the candles, you will also need a cup and a deep plate or bowl of cold water to cool the melted wax.

Before starting fortune telling, break the left candle into small pieces and place them in a large metal, enamel or clay spoon. Heat this spoon over one of the burning candles until the pieces of wax or paraffin completely melt and turn into liquid. Now quickly pour the contents of the spoon into a container of cold water and see what happens.

As the hot wax hardens, it forms a variety of bizarre shapes, from which you, with the help of your limitless imagination, can determine what awaits you in the future. Every image that you see in frozen wax means something and predicts your fate for the next year.

Actually, fortune telling with wax is a purely individual thing. You should give space to your imagination and just follow the associations that will be born in your brain, and this will be the best and most accurate prediction. If you are unable to determine what the imaginary image means to you personally, use the interpretations given below of some of the most frequently formed figures.

Turtle- a good sign, a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Sometimes it is a symbol of a happy family life.

Egg- a symbol of the birth of something new (sometimes in the literal sense - the birth of a child). Often indicates impending changes. But it is also an ancient symbol of everything hidden, secret, and in this case it means some of your fears and concerns. Sort yourself out.

Ball, ball, core (something round)- a sphere, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, is an ideal figure, a symbol of perfection! You have everything under control, things are in order, life is finally stabilizing. The main thing now is not to stop halfway and keep going forward, then success is guaranteed!

Apple- a symbol of health, harmony, love and material wealth. You can also remember the apple from the tree of knowledge (a symbol of wisdom) and the apple of discord... But a wrinkled or bitten apple may indicate some kind of temptation that it is better not to succumb to.

Cross- a sign of trials, a symbol of the fact that illness awaits you in the new year. Portends financial difficulties and troubles in your personal life.

Fan- indicates difficulties at work, problems in personal life. Perhaps you will lose something - either your job or your family.

Flower- indicates that you will get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Grape- a heavy bunch of grapes symbolizes love, friendship, luck, and most importantly, prosperity and even abundance.

Beast- speaks of the need to be careful: you will have some kind of enemy and ill-wisher.

Stripes- a sign that you have a road ahead, a move, or just a long trip, possibly abroad.

Key- to a new home, perhaps you will change your place of residence.

Mounds- predict great difficulties. Your whole life can go at random, from bump to bump.

Horseshoe- a symbol of happiness, predicts great luck, you will definitely have great luck in the new year.

Star- receiving long-awaited news. If several stars appear, great luck is just around the corner - you will be lucky at work and in school.

Human figure- you will soon have a new friend. For girls, the figure of a young man means that soon someone she has been waiting for will come into her life, and vice versa.

Mushroom- a good sign, it symbolizes vitality, perseverance and longevity. Promises happiness in love and achieving goals. Your weak point is absent-mindedness, so there is a risk of getting injured or having an accident. Pay more attention to yourself, watch where you are going.

The Dragon- a very good sign. The coming year will be very successful for you. It is very likely that all your seemingly impossible wishes will come true. In general, the dragon is a symbol of wisdom; it signifies both the completion of the path and the attainment of harmony with oneself.

Bell- wait for important news! Perhaps you are about to make an important acquaintance or a fateful meeting. Several bells indicate an approaching danger that worries you.

Basket- a good sign, indicating the end of a certain period of life. All troubles will be left behind, changes await you. The coming year will be even more interesting than yesterday's.

Tree leaf- portends good luck and joy, but warns of the danger of deception. It is very likely that many people envy you, and there are intrigues woven behind your back.

Wreath- the coming year will bring you a quick marriage. You will have a fun, noisy wedding, and most importantly, your marriage will be happy.

Snake and bed- portend a serious illness. Next year you need to be especially attentive to your health; the slightest disorder in the body can lead to serious consequences.

Swan- the white swan on her wings will bring you long-awaited good news.

Mill- empty talk, gossip. Stop wasting water and talking nonsense.

Jellyfish- you have something to hide. But remember that the secret always becomes clear. The more secrets you have, the greater the risk that they will ever come out.

Bridge- shows you a way out of a difficult life situation. It says that it’s time for you to build bridges, and not burn them behind you. Stop stubbornly sticking to your line and learn to find a compromise in any situation.

If you see destroyed or falling apart bridge- this is not a very good sign, foreshadowing illness and difficulties in communication.

Hammer- a strong sign. You are capable of moving mountains to achieve your goals. But don’t overestimate your own strengths: think before you act.

Anvil- a symbol of stability. In the new year, it foretells you a stable financial situation, which you will achieve with the help of hard work. But under no circumstances should you get carried away with gambling - this can seriously undermine your well-being.

Car, plane, cart, shoe- these are all symbols of the path, road, movement. If you see them, it means that you will soon have some kind of journey. However, pay attention to their appearance: a shabby car or a falling apart cart indicates a bad road. So be careful.

Birds- good sign. Birds bring good news, predict meetings with old friends, and the emergence of new love is possible.

Monkey indicates some kind of falsehood, insincerity in relationships with people either on your part, or those around you are insincere with you. In the coming year there may be betrayal, intrigue or an ambiguous situation.

Bee symbolizes your hard work, thanks to which you will achieve your high goals in the new year. Always be true to yourself, be yourself, don't adjust to other people, and then you will truly get everything you want and more.

Glasses- a symbol of myopia, you either don’t see something or don’t want to see it. Perhaps in the future you will take the wrong path or make some mistake. The main thing for you is to admit your mistakes in time and be able to change your course.

The most famous and widespread prediction is fortune telling with wax. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness you need to take it and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only on Christmastide, but also on any other day.

What does this exciting activity mean? It is interesting because it does not bring negativity. There is a classic way of prediction. It is necessary to be able to correctly interpret wax figures during fortune telling. How to do this, read our article.

on wax?

Today, there are many different predictions in order to find out your future and destiny. One of them is fortune telling with wax. Many magicians claim that wax and water are a strong positive combination for every person. That is why there is an opinion that it is not scary to perform rituals with these materials, since nothing bad will happen. Wax fortune telling allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to find natural wax. Paraffin candles are usually sold in stores. You can, of course, guess at them, but, according to magicians, the result will most likely turn out to be untrue. Wax divination shows a person various figures that determine the future or present. You need to be able to decipher them, because for each fate the meaning of the same figure may vary. For example, for one person fish is a good sign, for another it is a bad sign.

It is important to know the interpretation of wax figures when doing fortune telling. Only then will you be able to understand what exactly the prediction promises. This exciting activity is enjoyed not only by girls, but also by mature women, serious men and flighty guys, because everyone is interested in what lies ahead for them. Next, we will describe the classic method of fortune telling with wax. Explanations of some figures will be provided. Everything else depends solely on your ability to fantasize.

Classic on wax

Today there are two options for obtaining such a prediction.

1. Take a bowl and pour water into it, not from the tap, but blessed or melted water. Take a real wax candle, crumble it into a deep spoon so that the wick does not get there. When you have everything ready, turn on the gas or electric burner. Hold the spoon over it until the wax melts. As soon as there is only liquid left, pour it sharply and quickly into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

2. This fortune telling is called “Brownie”. For it, you need to pour a glass of milk into a small deep bowl and place it on the threshold of your home. Now melt the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only you need to pour it into a bowl of milk while saying the following: “Brownie, I invite you to the threshold to taste the milk and wax.” A wax figure will appear, and all you have to do is decipher it.

Wax fortune telling is very interesting and exciting. The transcript may shock you, because it tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Wax figure of an embryo

It can be of two types, when fortune telling is done on wax - an embryo with an umbilical cord and without it. These are two different predictions. The first symbol indicates that you or your close friend will soon become pregnant. But this is optional. Starting new ideas, changing jobs, making new friends is allowed. The umbilical cord itself means that everything new will be given to you with an obstacle.

How to explain if fortune telling on wax brought an embryo without an umbilical cord? This also applies to pregnancy. However, this symbol may also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only good thing about an embryo without an umbilical cord is that you will get through any task without obstacles. And if pregnancy occurs, it will pass very easily.


There are several migratory species that appear in wax. For example, if the figure looks like a crow or magpie, then you will experience the loss of a friend or his betrayal. What else will fortune telling on wax tell you? Bird can be interpreted in different ways.

Dove - receive pleasant unexpected news. It will probably be possible to get an answer to a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even decide your fate.

If you get a bird that is in flight, good news is on the way.

Have you seen a small bird that looks like a sparrow, tit or bullfinch? This means that we need to implement our plans in the near future. For example, if you have been wanting to quit your job for a long time, there is no need to be afraid. Luck will turn to you. We just couldn’t decide on divorce or separation, but you understand that your relationship has come to naught? It's time to decide!

So, what does such fortune telling on wax promise? The bird will certainly bring happiness.


What does it mean if you happen to see waterfowl? What does such fortune telling on wax mean? Fish will bring only good and good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don’t know what we’re talking about right now, you will definitely understand after a while. For example, a girl can meet an overseas prince, and an older woman can travel to a place where there is a large amount of water. It could be the sea, the ocean or just a river. What else does such fortune-telling on wax contain? Fish speaks of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your family and friends. They definitely won't wish you anything bad.


What does wax fortune telling mean? A dog, as we all know, is man's friend. It’s the same in fortune telling. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes the faithful one you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help someone who really needs it.

What else is hidden in such fortune-telling on wax? Is the dog running? This means that a friend is rushing to your aid; he really wants to be with you in a difficult situation. If your friend is a man, most likely he will be able to help you with his strength. A woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

A dog is the most good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. If, for example, you have problems and there is no one to help, most likely, fortune telling indicates that a reliable person will soon appear in your life who will help you succeed.


It is very important to consider the meaning of symbols when making predictions. What else can fortune telling with wax be like? Tree has several meanings. If you saw it with branches that are located upward, success, joy and dreams come true in the near future are guaranteed. There is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Therefore, if you are given an interesting offer, accept it, do not be afraid of anything. This is a great opportunity.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of a tree are drooping. This means melancholy, boredom. However, if the branch on the right side is raised, then everything is not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome your problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you have done a wax fortune telling, the embryo means that you are close to new deeds and victories. It is at this moment that you can start a new business, and everything will definitely work out. You just need to try to overcome your fears, weakness and confidently move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result appear.

If fortune telling is done on wax, the embryo also means that a baby will soon appear in your family. But it doesn’t have to be yours. There is a possibility that a sister, mother or close friend will have a child. However, doctors cannot be avoided, since the embryo warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with family. The interpretation of wax figures during fortune telling can shed light on a lot. Do you feel what is happening in the family? If so, then it will be easy to understand what the image of the house promises. He is a very good symbol. It is believed that changes for the better will finally occur in your family. Perhaps you are renting an apartment and are waiting for changes. If you have been wanting to move for a long time, but couldn’t, this means that now is just the right moment.

Feel free to start changing your life for the better. A sign from above was given for this. Now is the time to fear nothing and act.


This sign speaks of love. If you saw a solid and smooth heart, you will not be long in coming for a great and bright feeling that will never fade away.

If your heart is broken, it means that your love has begun to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need to be patient, and everything will certainly work out. Relationships almost always depend on the woman, so try and fight for your love.

If you saw a broken heart, this is a sign that you are looking for your love, or nothing will save your feelings. Therefore, you can break up with your partner without hesitation.

Before you start fortune telling, read the recommendations of magicians who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water for fortune telling must be clean - melted, filtered or blessed. It carries special information and energy, so you shouldn’t take it from the tap.

2. A mirror really helps in classical fortune telling. The prediction will be more accurate if you place a mirror at the bottom of the bowl, and only then pour water into it.

3. It is better to use real wax. A paraffin candle is not an option for fortune telling; it is unlikely to tell you the truth. Many magicians think so. But fortune telling girls claim that paraffin has no less power than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. You cannot break a candle, as you can damage a loved one. It is better to carefully cut off the required amount of wax with a knife.

6. If you cannot buy wax from beekeepers, then buy candles from the church.

7. If you cannot independently interpret wax figures during fortune telling, then it is better to look into special literature.

All interpretations described in the article above are general. Remember that each person has their own interpretation. When you learn to understand the meanings of the symbols, then it will be much more interesting to practice fortune telling with wax.

If you follow all the above rules, proceed. Don't be afraid of anything. There is an opinion that this is the most harmless fortune telling.