Why dream of walking without a bra? The magic of numbers. Dreaming about a new bra

A bra in a dream is a symbol of coquetry and cunning. As a rule, it foreshadows the beginning of a new love relationship, but in some cases it can also warn of impending danger. You can understand exactly why you dream about a bra using a dream book. The interpreter will explain every detail of what he saw: both if you bought it and if you just saw it.

Basic interpretation

Why can you dream about a bra? Such a dream can warn the sleeper that he is too trusting and allows strangers close to him. According to the dream book, ill-wishers can easily find out secrets and then use them for their own purposes. Don't rush to open up completely to strangers. Think about the consequences and try to find out about the person first.

Have you ever seen a bra with lace and beautiful patterns in your dream? Such a dream indicates that you definitely have taste in life, you are well versed in fashion trends and trends. That is why most of your friends willingly turn to you for help and advice.

Miller's dream book believes that if you happen to put on a bra in a dream, it means that in reality you are loved and adored. If, on the contrary, you take it off, then, according to the interpreter, light flirting awaits you in the near future. For an unfree woman, such a dream foreshadows betrayal.

Pay attention to the color of the underwear. Why might you dream of a white or flesh-colored bra? He promises the sleeper good luck and prosperity. Black underwear warns that danger and deception are lurking nearby. Be vigilant and careful.

Condition of the linen

According to the dream book, buying a bra in a dream foreshadows a new interesting acquaintance. If in a dream you happened to receive chic underwear as a gift, then in reality you can count on great luck. You could win big in the lottery or climb the career ladder. Have you ever lost your underwear in a dream? In reality, you will not be able to avoid problems, troubles and conflicts with people around you.

Why did you dream about an old and worn-out bra? In reality, you are too gullible. Don't rely on your first impression of a person. According to the dream book, you should first get to know the person better. Practice healthy skepticism in life.

Have you ever tried on an expensive bra in a dream and admired your own reflection? In the future you will find interesting acquaintances and the most cordial prospects. The dream book believes that you will soon be noticed and appreciated, which will help you gain self-confidence.


Are you wondering why you dream about trying on and choosing a bra for a long time? The dream book believes that soon you will be invited, where you can meet a person for a serious relationship.

White, blue, pink, and a bra of any other color symbolizes changes in a woman’s personal life. Most likely, her happiness is just around the corner. A red bra promises passion in a new relationship.

A bra seen in a dream symbolizes coquetry, cunning, but it is also a harbinger of a love relationship, and sometimes some kind of warning. A dream book, where you can find the meaning of various details, will help you correctly interpret what such a sign means in a dream. Whether you dreamed that you bought it, dressed it, simply saw it, and whether it was black or white - there is an explanation for everything.

General value

Why do you dream about a bra? The dream warns: you should not trust strangers and be frank with them. The dream book warns: enemies can use your personal secrets that they have learned to your detriment. Therefore, wait to open your soul to strangers - think about how this could turn out.

To dream of this piece of underwear with beautiful patterns - in reality you have excellent taste, fashionable styles and trends are an open book for you. Thanks to this, they have earned recognition from friends who willingly seek appropriate advice.

Miller's dream book interprets the plot about him as follows: dreamed of putting it on - to be tenderly and dearly loved; to take off - portends passionate flirting for a girl, and betrayal for a married woman.

The color of a bra in a dream also has meaning. Why do you dream of white or flesh-colored? Predicts good luck and prosperity. Black - a mysterious danger awaits, perhaps deception. Caution should be exercised, as excessive gullibility can only cause harm.

How I dreamed

Buy - the dream book foreshadows a new interesting acquaintance, and perhaps a new wealthy fan. Finding or receiving a chic bra in a dream means great success: a useful acquaintance, a big win or career advancement. If you dreamed of losing or forgetting to put it on, there may be difficulties when communicating with friends, employees, or even quarrels.

Why do you dream of wearing an old, worn-out bra? In reality, you trust your first impression of people and events too much. This is somewhat careless, because it can be deceptive. The dream book advises: a bit of healthy skepticism will come in handy.

Trying on an expensive, beautiful bra in a dream and admiring your mirror reflection means a new acquaintance or a sudden turn of events lies ahead. The dream book states: you will be appreciated, thanks to this you will gain additional confidence.

Wash your bra - in difficult circumstances, you can safely rely on your close friends. They will come to the rescue and support you during difficult times.

Why do you dream of taking off a soiled, torn bra? You will soon get rid of some worries and even significant troubles. Wearing it in a dream means: your recent mistakes will have unpleasant consequences.

Who dreamed

When a girl dreams of this detail of her intimate wardrobe, some kind of treachery awaits her, the dream book recommends being careful. If it is a young man, it means that he will be very interested in a certain influential woman. There are several options here: either she will become his patron, or she will use him to achieve her goals.

If a girl buys a new bra in a dream, this is a sure sign: she is tired of her previous admirers. She wants to experience new thrills. However, you should think: what will be the result of the adventure? Maybe you shouldn’t rush recklessly into the pool of passions?

Why does a woman dream of seeing herself as if from the outside only in a bra and panties? It means a certain insecurity, even loneliness. Such a vision warns: enemies can soon cause harm. The dream book warns: you can be slandered, false rumors spread, giving them credibility.

A man sees a bra in a dream - he will meet a flirtatious woman. Be careful, because the charming woman can deceive you without a twinge of conscience. Did the man dream that he was buying a bra? The dream signals: he is trying to find a new partner for sex.

Love, relationships

Why do you dream of trying on and choosing a bra? According to the dream book, you will be attending a wedding of acquaintances and friends. Such a dream is very favorable, because at a wedding you can meet a person who can become very important to you.

A bra of any color in a dream: white, blue, pink - for a woman symbolizes changes on the personal front. A pleasant connection awaits her, which will give life new meaning and bestow happiness. Red - passion will be fiery, frantic.

It is a good omen for a man to dream that a girl is putting on or taking off her bra, especially if it is beautiful and patterned. The dream book states: this girl can bestow tender, passionate love. However, to conquer it, serious efforts must be made.

To dream of a bra of an unusual color or shape means that the dreamer is a bold experimenter in sexual life. This gives it additional attractiveness.


    In the dream I felt like I was putting on an old bust (although I actually don’t have one, but in the dream I felt as if I already had one) and it was too small for me, it wasn’t comfortable. I won’t say the color, since it was under a T-shirt; the T-shirt was pink with stripes (which is also surprising, since there is nothing like it in my wardrobe). What could this mean? Tell me :)

    I dreamed that I was taking off my shirt or T-shirt for some reason and I saw that I was wearing this very “piece of clothing” and I was terribly ashamed. I take it off and start hiding it somewhere so that no one will see, and next to it there is some man, or a guy, and he sees all this, but pretends not to notice.

For many people in a dream, the subconscious gives hints. For example, a thirsty person dreams that there is a glass or mug of water in front of him, but during the dream he cannot get drunk.

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Miller's free dream book online - your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine scattered, intricate dream images into a colorful mosaic of reality? Take a look at the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of a great psychologist!

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates a person’s subconscious into the world of the unknown. By creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why do you dream about Bra?

Bra in a modern dream book

A bra seen in a dream foretells that very soon, literally in a week or two, your carefully kept secrets will become known to people who do not need to know them. The bra in your dream had an unusual color or shape, which means that in reality you are a very liberated and courageous person who loves to experiment in bed. You dreamed of a beautiful bra with exotic patterns - most likely, in life you are a stylish person and a real expert on the latest fashion trends. Many people trust your impeccable taste, so try not to disappoint them. If you are a man and admired a beautiful bra in a dream, you will have quite close communication with a nice lady who, unfortunately, will cruelly deceive you. If you are a woman, then buying or trying on a bra predicts: most likely, you are bored with your previous fans and you dream of new, sharper sensations and emotions. For a man, buying a bra predicts an irresistible desire to find a new sexual partner. An old, torn or worn-out bra indicates that you tend to judge people by their first impression, which, alas, often turns out to be deceiving.

Bra in Miller's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she was walking through the streets in only a bra, it means that in reality she suffers from loneliness and a feeling of insecurity. She should take a closer look at the people around her. It is possible that in the near future they will cause her a lot of trouble. If you dreamed of yourself wearing an expensive and very beautiful bra in the mirror, an unexpected turn of events or a new acquaintance awaits you. Your friends and family will finally appreciate you, and your bosses will reward you for your dedicated work. Taking off your bra - such a dream prophesies getting rid of troubles and hassles. If you put on a dirty and torn bra, you will reap the fruits of mistakes made in the past. A man who in his dream looked lustfully at a beautiful woman in a bra will soon meet a charming stranger

A bra seen in a dream has many meanings. If a woman sees herself in a dream as if from the outside in only underwear, this symbolizes her insecurity and, to some extent, loneliness. You should pay attention to the behavior of enemies and other unpleasant people - they can soon cause you a lot of trouble. It is possible that gossip and false rumors will be spread about you, although they contain some truth. In the near future, do not trust strangers and do not abuse revelations with strangers - intimate information that falls into the hands of ill-wishers can be used against you.

If you see yourself in a beautiful, expensive bra in the mirror, a new acquaintance or an unexpected turn of events in life awaits you. You will be appreciated, which will elevate you in your own eyes and give you confidence.

If you remove a bra that is dirty or torn, this means that you will soon get rid of hassle and major troubles. On the contrary, if you wear such a bra, you will have to reap the bitter fruits of the mistakes made in the recent past.

A woman who receives a luxurious bra as a gift in a dream will expect enormous success, which can be reflected in any field of activity: sudden career growth, a big win in the lottery, a profitable acquaintance. You will be surrounded by increased attention and care not only from your loved one, but also from strangers. Thanks to their efforts, you will feel like a queen.

For a man, a dream in which he sees a woman in a bra means that soon a beautiful stranger will appear in your life, to conquer whom you will make a lot of effort. If the bra is simple, modest, not lace, you will be disappointed in love. All your attempts to lure the beauty into cupid's net will fail.

On the contrary, if the bra is large, luxurious, patterned, it is a symbol of reciprocity. But do not think that you will easily get such a tasty morsel - you will have to try hard to achieve the desired result.

Color also plays an important role. A white or nude bra signifies prosperity and good luck. Black, although it does not necessarily bring grief, still warns of some mysterious danger. Perhaps deception awaits you - do not be too trusting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

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Did you dream that you were without a bra? In reality, you tend to be overly open and trusting. These traits make themselves felt even when communicating with strangers, which is why troubles and problems often arise in all areas of life.

It is necessary to get rid of softness and excessive emotionality shown when interacting with unfamiliar people or strangers. Be careful, attentive and careful.

Dreamed of a white bra

If you dream of a white bra, expect an improvement in your financial situation. You will be able to achieve prosperity and well-being by sorting out your affairs and designated tasks. Changes for the better await in personal relationships. Luck will smile in all your endeavors.

Fate will not present such gifts twice. Try not to miss the chance, take advantage of it, realizing your deepest dreams and desires.

In a dream, choose a bra

Why do you dream that you are choosing a bra? Soon, relatives or friends will organize a special event. You will definitely receive an invitation to it. There is a high probability that you will be able to establish a close, long-term relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

You should not refuse to participate in the holiday. It will be useful for you to take a break from everyday work, unwind, and get rid of the feeling of eternal fatigue.

Dreamed of a dirty bra

The meaning of a dream where a dirty bra appeared indicates the successful completion of minor troubles. You will be able to cope with significant troubles in your professional activities, which will help you achieve dizzying success.

A dream where you had to put on a dirty bra indicates troubles in all areas of your life. They will arise due to your carelessness, mistakes made out of the blue.

Try to show attention and vigilance in order to notice a way out of a difficult situation in time and take advantage of it. Otherwise, you will have to deal with problems for a very long time.

Forgetting to wear a bra in your sleep

The interpretation of a dream where you forgot to wear a bra indicates the occurrence of conflicts. They will flare up in your personal life, in communication with loved ones due to loss of control over emotions. You risk saying a lot of unpleasant words, which you will later regret.

It is necessary to show restraint and tolerance towards the actions of loved ones. It is not recommended to follow the lead of negative emotions.

Fastening a bra in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, the plot where you fastened your bra indicates the monotony of your relationship with your other half. You are not experiencing any changes, which gradually begins to anger you.

Nothing will change until a decisive step is taken on your part. Try to find time free from worries, devote it to your partner, find a way to add brightness and sensuality to the relationship.

Search for a bra using the dream book

Did you dream that you were looking for a bra? You passionately desire a new relationship, strive for it, hoping that thanks to them, vivid emotions and impressions will be experienced again.

Dreamed of a red bra

The meaning of a dream where a red bra appeared indicates a passionate relationship. Vivid emotions and stormy feelings will flare up between you and your new partner. Violent passion can consume you completely.

Dream about a lot of bras

A dream where there were a lot of bras carries a negative meaning. Perhaps, hidden secrets and secrets will soon be revealed, which will negatively affect your emotional state and reputation.

Try to be vigilant and cautious when dealing with unscrupulous people or strangers. Excessive gullibility will not lead to good things.

I dreamed of a man in a bra

Why do you dream about a man wearing a bra? You will be able to have fun, experience bright, positive emotions in large quantities. Perhaps there will be pleasant changes in personal relationships.

You are on the verge of favorable events. Try not to spoil your mood with rash actions and decisions when starting a new period of life.

Wearing a bra according to the dream book

The interpretation of a dream where you put on a bra indicates the presence of a sensitive, gentle and reliable partner in your life. He shows quite strong feelings towards you. Over time, you will begin to experience the same feelings towards him.

You should not make hasty decisions in personal relationships or be led by emotions. This can lead to sad consequences, a painful separation, which you will have to regret.

Dreaming of a new bra

Did you see a new bra in your dream? You have a desire to find another partner, to start the relationship again. The reason for this need is fatigue from numerous fans and former companions.

You need unprecedented sensations, sharp, vivid feelings. If you don’t give up, you can achieve the realization of your innermost desires and begin a stormy, passionate romance.

I dreamed that you were given a bra

Why do you dream about being given a bra? Great success awaits you, which will have a positive impact on your financial condition. You can get a significant amount of money by winning the lottery, concluding a promising contract or implementing a profitable project.

Everything in your life can change dramatically. However, first you need to work hard, show hard work, try not to miss favorable moments and chances.

Buying a bra in a dream

A dream about where you bought a bra indicates changes in your personal relationships. Soon you will be able to meet a pleasant, interesting person. A simple meeting can lead to a serious connection with a reliable, loyal partner.

Take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps a person who can radically change your life is already nearby and waiting for a reason to communicate at close range.

Trying on a bra according to the dream book

Did you dream that you were trying on a bra? Positive events and pleasant changes in professional activities will happen soon. Senior management will not only notice the results of your efforts, but will also pay for them properly.