Pea pancakes. Pea pancakes Pea flake pancakes

What do you cook with peas? Let's guess: soup, a couple of canned pea salads, perhaps pea puree and also pies with pea filling according to grandma's recipe. It's a short list, isn't it? And it’s completely in vain, because the possibilities of peas are not limited to this.

We will not talk now about the fact that peas are healthy, that they contain a lot of protein, etc., but simply remind you that you can buy them not only in the form of cereals, but also in the form of flour, and flour can be added to a variety of flour dishes.

Pea flour makes delicious pancakes, but it needs to be diluted with wheat flour.


  • pea flour – 120 g
  • wheat flour – 60 g
  • kefir 3.2% fat – 250-300 ml
  • salt – 5 g
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • baking soda – 5 g
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Sift pea and wheat flour into a large bowl. Add salt, soda and ground pepper.

2. Mix thoroughly.

3. Pour in kefir.

4. Stir again. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

5. Heat the frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Using a tablespoon, spoon out the dough in portions and bake until golden brown on both sides.

6. Then place the next portion in the pan, not forgetting to add oil. And so continue until the dough is finished.

Place the rosy hot pea pancakes on a dish and serve immediately. And don’t forget to put a gravy boat with sour cream on the table, it will be an excellent accompaniment to pancakes.

Note to the hostess

1. If you use buckwheat or rice flour instead of wheat, the pancakes will turn out too flat. The only alternative that can be considered is oatmeal - it will not add moisture to the dough because it is light.

2. This dish is not classified as a dessert, so neither sugar nor vanillin is ever added to the dough. However, the list of recommended additives is very extensive: finely grated celery or horseradish root, Chinese cinnamon, basil and cumin, fennel. Dried and fresh garlic is prohibited, even in sauces, as it is incompatible with peas. But onions, on the contrary, go well with it, including pickled ones.

3. Pea pancakes are a moderately high-calorie food. Meanwhile, it has a feature that attracts many people: it, like all dishes made from legumes, eliminates the desire to snack again for a long time, due to the fact that it is filling. A person who has difficulty with fasting should pay attention to the proposed recipe.

4. Sweet pancakes are made with raisins and apples, and pea pancakes are made with mushrooms, pieces of smoked meat, bacon, and boiled chicken.

5. How to set the table with pea pancakes in the center? Sauerkraut, other homemade pickles, tomato and sour cream sauces, eggplant, beetroot and squash caviar, grated carrots with nuts.

All legumes, including peas, contain a lot of useful microelements, amino acids and vitamins, which are almost completely preserved in the product when it is cooked. Therefore, it is recommended that when you have a balanced diet (or try to get closer to it), you periodically consume dishes from legumes. On this occasion: I offer pea pancakes - a simple and tasty dish.

To prepare this simple dish we need

We soak the peas and then boil them until tender. During cooking, add salt and flavor with dry herbs. It can be any herbs from Provencal to dry parsley, etc. You can also expand the range of taste of pea porridge by adding your favorite seasonings for vegetables, chicken, fish and others - all types of seasonings that you like and to your taste will suit.

You can take a fairly large onion, in such dishes “there is never too much onion”, chop it finely and fry it well until golden brown. I recommend grating the carrots on a fine grater and adding them to the almost finished onions to let them simmer. Prepare the dill by finely chopping it.

When the peas are boiled, mash them thoroughly with a mashed potato masher or beat them with a blender. Then add two tablespoons of flour to the pea puree (I took corn flour, but this is not a prerequisite), fried onions and carrots, an egg, finely chopped dill, dry herbs and other seasonings and spices.

Mix all this well.

Now let's move on to the actual frying of the pancakes. The consistency may vary depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the peas after cooking. You may end up with a mass that is convenient to simply take with a spoon, thus forming pancakes and placing in a frying pan in preheated oil.

Or you may end up with a thicker consistency. You can dilute it with water, or you can fry pancakes, calling them “cutlets”! We form our pancake-patty with our hands, dip it in flour or crackers and fry. If the mass is too liquid, the situation can be corrected by adding another spoonful of flour to the pea porridge.

These pancakes are very good served hot with sour cream and herbs. They can be used as a main dish by adding fresh or pickled cucumber and tomato. Or you can combine it with a side dish in the form of porridge or vegetable stew. Cooled pea pancakes are also very tasty and can serve as a quick snack for an afternoon snack.

Pea pancakes with sour cream - unusual and tasty

Many cooks know that protein-rich pea dishes are almost as nutritious as meat dishes. And today I invite housewives to join me in preparing hearty pea pancakes for their households for breakfast. Follow my step-by-step recipe with photos and you will certainly get delicious, rosy and delicious pea pancakes with a crispy crust.

  • dried peas – 300 g;
  • sour cream – 50 gr;
  • sunflower oil – 200 ml;
  • flour – 150 gr;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • water (for boiling peas) – 400 ml.

To prepare such unusual pancakes, yellow dried peas in halves are best suited. It usually cooks faster than green.

You can add any sour cream to the dough for pea pancakes, even non-fat, ten percent.

How to make pea pancakes

Let's start cooking and first we need to sort out the peas. Pour a little peas onto a cutting board and discard spoiled peas and husks.

Then pour the sorted grains into a large bowl, fill it with cold water and leave to swell for an hour and a half.

During soaking, we will have time to peel the onion, chop it and fry it in sunflower oil until golden brown.

Drain the water from the peas, rinse them and boil them in a saucepan or slow cooker until tender.

Now, you need to mash it with a puree masher.

You can also grind the peas in a meat grinder or puree them in a blender. But, for example, I love when you can feel the pea particles in the finished pea pancakes.

Put pea puree, sour cream, egg, fried onion in a deep bowl, add salt, flour and mix the ingredients.

The result is a fairly thick dough.

Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan. Do not skimp on the oil; the pancakes should be half-deep in oil, then they will turn out tasty and with a crispy crust.

Place the pea dough in a frying pan using a tablespoon and fry the pancakes over medium heat for three to four minutes.

On the other side, it is better to fry the pea pancakes over low heat and, to ensure that they are completely fried, you can cover them with a lid.

Paper towels will help us remove excess oil from pancakes.

Look, here are our unusual, but very tasty golden handsome pea pancakes.

So that the housewives could make sure that they were completely fried, I specially photographed one in section.

Serve the pancakes hot.

And as an addition, you can offer guests fresh cold sour cream. In addition, it will be very tasty with adjika, mustard or ketchup. Choose the topping for your dish to suit your taste.

Hearty pancakes made from pea puree - how to cook pea pancakes, step-by-step recipe with photos

Pea pancakes with sour cream - unusual and tasty Many cooks know that protein-rich pea dishes are almost as nutritious as meat ones. And today I propose to the hostesses together

Pea dishes: pea pancakes

Peas are the most versatile grain. Thanks to their nutritional value and satiety, pea dishes have gained incredible popularity all over the world. Soups, porridges, flatbreads, cutlets, porridges and even pancakes are prepared from peas. In almost every home, every housewife knows how to cook at least one of these dishes. We present to your attention one of the recipes for pea pancakes. They can be used as a main dish and as an addition to other dishes, mainly meat or such as chicken zrazy with mushrooms.

The cooking method is quite simple. There is nothing complicated here. But the result is amazing! Pea pancakes have an unforgettable taste!

  • For minced peas:
  • dried peas - 400 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • nutmeg - 30 g;
  • Ground black pepper and salt to taste.

1. Cook the peas. Pre-soaked and washed peas should be boiled well in salted water so that a thick pea porridge is obtained.

2. Grind the peas in a meat grinder. After cooling the pea porridge, carefully twist it in a meat grinder to grind the peas as much as possible.

3. Add spices. To the minced peas obtained after twisting in a meat grinder, add a pinch of salt, chopped garlic, one teaspoon of nutmeg, and add a little hot ground black pepper to taste.

4. Make the dough for pancakes. Break one chicken egg into the minced peas, add a glass of kefir and sifted flour. Mix everything thoroughly. We add just enough flour to make the dough like regular pancakes. Add a little soda and let the dough stand for at least five minutes.

5. Heat the pan and fry. Pour a little vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan. Then carefully place the dough into the frying pan with a tablespoon and fry the pancakes.

6. Serve to the table. These pancakes can be eaten both hot and cold. They can be served with a sauce made from sour cream, fresh herbs, chopped garlic, onion and a pinch of black pepper. It turns out just amazing!

Pea dishes: pea pancakes - recipe

Peas are the most versatile grain. Thanks to their nutritional value and satiety, pea dishes have gained incredible popularity all over the world...

Pea pancakes.

I used to make pea puree often. Tasty, satisfying, I can’t say anything bad about it. We're just already full. I decided to go ahead and change this dish. The pancakes turned out pretty good.

Dry peas - 1 cup,

Salt, pepper - to taste,

Wash the peas thoroughly, add water and boil. If you soak the peas in water in advance, things will go faster. You can also add a little soda to the boiling water to speed up cooking.

I cook it in two ways: in a deep frying pan or in a saucepan. I place the peas in a frying pan, add water and forget about it for a while. Then I add water several times and stir until the peas are boiled. The puree in the frying pan turns out thick. The pan always requires more water, otherwise it will burn. You can drain off the excess water later, but the puree will still be watery.

Boiling peas form foam, which needs to be skimmed off. Cook until fully cooked (peas are partly whole, partly boiled) or until pureed (fully boiled). Add pepper and salt to the finished puree, and fried onions if desired.

Most of all I liked the pancakes made from thick and uncooked peas. They require a minimal amount of flour. Add egg and flour to the finished puree until it reaches the consistency of a thick dough. Fry in oil like regular pancakes. Place on napkins and then onto a plate.

Liquid puree is prepared in the same way, but it requires more flour.

Well, I wanted to write about beet caviar, but I just put pancakes next to it for composition. But the pancakes turned out to be tastier, so I’m writing about them.

Pea pancakes

Pea pancakes are an original and quite tasty dish for vegetarians. I'm not into vegetarianism, but even I really like pea pancakes. And fans of such food will be delighted :)


  • Frozen green peas 400 grams
  • Chicken egg 2 pieces
  • Wheat flour 100 grams
  • Olive oil 15 Milliliters
  • Dill 30 grams
  • Natural yogurt 30 Milliliters
  • Baking powder 5 grams

Place frozen peas in water and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Finely chop the dill.

Place the peas in a blender bowl with a small amount (50 ml) of the water in which they were boiled. Add finely chopped greens here. Grind until smooth.

Add 2 eggs to the resulting mass.

Add 2 tbsp. natural yogurt, salt, pepper and, if desired, some other favorite spices. Mix well and beat a little.

Sift flour and baking powder into this mixture. Mix well.

From the resulting dough we form pancakes, which we fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until the crust is thin and barely noticeable.

Pea pancakes are ready. Bon appetit!

Pea pancakes - step-by-step recipe with photos

Pea pancakes are an original and quite tasty dish for vegetarians. I'm not into vegetarianism, but even I really like pea pancakes. And fans of such food will be delighted :)

All legumes, including peas, contain a lot of useful microelements, amino acids and vitamins, which are almost completely preserved in the product when it is cooked. Therefore, it is recommended that when you have a balanced diet (or try to get closer to it), you periodically consume dishes from legumes. On this occasion: I offer pea pancakes - a simple and tasty dish.

To prepare this simple dish we need

We soak the peas and then boil them until tender. During cooking, add salt and flavor with dry herbs. It can be any herbs from Provencal to dry parsley, etc. You can also expand the range of taste of pea porridge by adding your favorite seasonings for vegetables, chicken, fish and others - all types of seasonings that you like and to your taste will suit.

You can take a fairly large onion, in such dishes “there is never too much onion”, chop it finely and fry it well until golden brown. I recommend grating the carrots on a fine grater and adding them to the almost finished onions to let them simmer. Prepare the dill by finely chopping it.

When the peas are boiled, mash them thoroughly with a mashed potato masher or beat them with a blender. Then add two tablespoons of flour to the pea puree (I took corn flour, but this is not a prerequisite), fried onions and carrots, an egg, finely chopped dill, dry herbs and other seasonings and spices.

Mix all this well.

Now let's move on to the actual frying of the pancakes. The consistency may vary depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the peas after cooking. You may end up with a mass that is convenient to simply take with a spoon, thus forming pancakes and placing in a frying pan in preheated oil.

Or you may end up with a thicker consistency. You can dilute it with water, or you can fry pancakes, calling them “cutlets”! We form our pancake-patty with our hands, dip it in flour or crackers and fry. If the mass is too liquid, the situation can be corrected by adding another spoonful of flour to the pea porridge.

These pancakes are very good served hot with sour cream and herbs. They can be used as a main dish by adding fresh or. Or you can combine it with a side dish in the form of porridge or vegetable stew. Cooled pea pancakes are also very tasty and can serve as a quick snack for an afternoon snack.

Bon appetit!

Required Products

  • One and a half cups of prepared pea puree

  • Teaspoon dry yeast

  • Half a tablespoon of sugar

  • Half a teaspoon of salt

  • One onion

  • One carrot

  • Two cloves of garlic

  • Five tablespoons of flour (heaped)

  • Vegetable oil


Heat the pea puree until warm. Pour the yeast with a small amount of warm water, dissolve and add to the pea puree along with sugar and salt. Stir, cover the dish with a lid and place in a warm place for half an hour. While the dough is rising, prepare the frying. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add carrots, simmer until soft. You can add mushrooms to the vegetables.

When the dough rises, add fried vegetables, chopped garlic, flour and knead the dough. Put it in a warm place and let it rise again. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, spoon out the dough and fry like regular pancakes.

I used to make pea puree often. Tasty, satisfying, I can’t say anything bad about it. We're just already full. I decided to go ahead and change this dish. The pancakes turned out pretty good.


Dry peas - 1 cup,

Salt, pepper - to taste,

(Bow – 1 pc.)

Egg – 1 pc.,

Vegetable oil.

Wash the peas thoroughly, add water and boil. If you soak the peas in water in advance, things will go faster. You can also add a little soda to the boiling water to speed up cooking.

I cook it in two ways: in a deep frying pan or in a saucepan. I place the peas in a frying pan, add water and forget about it for a while. Then I add water several times and stir until the peas are boiled. The puree in the frying pan turns out thick. The pan always requires more water, otherwise it will burn. You can drain off the excess water later, but the puree will still be watery.

Boiling peas form foam, which needs to be skimmed off. Cook until fully cooked (peas are partly whole, partly boiled) or until pureed (fully boiled). Add pepper and salt to the finished puree, and fried onions if desired.

Most of all I liked the pancakes made from thick and uncooked peas. They require a minimal amount of flour. Add egg and flour to the finished puree until it reaches the consistency of a thick dough. Fry in oil like regular pancakes. Place on napkins and then onto a plate.

Liquid puree is prepared in the same way, but it requires more flour.

Well, I wanted to write about beet caviar, but I just put pancakes next to it for composition. But the pancakes turned out to be tastier, so I’m writing about them.

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