How to make lingonberry sauce. Lingonberry sauce is a bright berry dressing. Lingonberry sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

Lingonberry sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

Lingonberry sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

Lingonberries are quite healthy berries, but due to their specific bitter taste, they are not very consumed when fresh. But culinary experts figured out how to combine the health benefits of lingonberries with a pleasant taste and created an amazing sauce. It serves as a decoration for any dish due to its bright color and tastes well with many foods. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, even fruits will always be more delicious and piquant if they are topped with lingonberry sauce. This sauce is especially popular in Sweden, in fact, where it comes from. There, literally everything is seasoned with it - from meatballs and casseroles to elite dishes. For a more original taste, alcoholic beverages - cognac, wine, vodka - are added to the sauce in small quantities. The most common component is sugar or honey; vinegar, spices, and herbs may be included in small quantities.

Lingonberry sauce - food preparation

To prepare lingonberry sauce, the berries must first be boiled until soft, then most often the mass is ground to make it homogeneous and the remaining ingredients are added. If you want to make it thicker, add starch. It is first diluted separately in water, and then poured into the total mass, stirred, and without bringing it to a boil, remove from the heat.

Lingonberry sauce - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Lingonberry sauce

A universal recipe for lingonberry sauce. You can serve it with anything - meat, fish, pancakes, cottage cheese, or simply drink it with tea instead of jam. It decorates any dish with bright color and is always in place. And it’s quite easy to prepare.

Ingredients: lingonberries - 0.5 kg, water - 250 ml, sugar - 150 g, cinnamon, potato starch (corn) - 1 teaspoon, 100 ml dry white wine.

Cooking method

Pour water over the berries and bring to a boil. Add sugar and a pinch of cinnamon and cook for a couple of minutes. Make a puree from the berry mass by grinding it in a blender. Pour wine into lingonberry puree and boil. Dilute the starch in cold water (50-70ml) and pour into the sauce, mix thoroughly and quickly, remove from heat. To prevent the sauce from looking like jelly after adding starch, it does not need to be brought to a boil, much less boiled.

Recipe 2: Lingonberry sauce with quince

The interesting and unusual overall taste of the sauce is made up of many components - lingonberries, quince, honey, wine, spices. It is served with meat, fish, and baked apples. Instead of quince, you can take green apples.

Ingredients: 1 glass of lingonberries, wine (port, Madeira, sherry) - 100 ml, 1 quince, spoon of olive oil, 1 table each. lie honey and sugar without a slide, spices: black pepper, a couple of cloves, cinnamon (or cardamom).

Cooking method

If the berries are frozen, defrost. Crush with a masher to release the juice. Pour wine. It should cover the berries, it will take about 100 ml, maybe a little less. Cover the container with the berries with a lid so that the alcohol does not evaporate, and let it brew for about an hour.

Meanwhile, peel the quince and cut into small cubes or cubes. Pour them into a bowl with oil and simmer until soft, gradually adding wine tincture (no berries yet). All the wine is used in the braising process. When the quince becomes soft, add honey and sugar and add a small pinch of spices. Not everything is possible, but according to your taste.

After five to ten minutes the sauce will begin to darken. Add lingonberries to it, bring to a boil and turn off. The berries are practically not subjected to heat treatment, and they retain the maximum amount of vitamins.

Examples of dishes with Lingonberry sauce

Recipe 1: Turkey fillet with lingonberry sauce

A sort of simplified version of cooking Christmas poultry with lingonberry sauce. You can, of course, bake a whole carcass, but that’s a slightly different and longer story. With us, cooking will take less time, and the taste will be no worse. Instead of fillet, you can use turkey thigh meat, cutting it into the bone. And not only turkey, duck or goose fillet is also suitable. Any lingonberry can be used - frozen or fresh. The sauce has a sweet and sour taste. If you want to make it more sour, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

Ingredients: turkey meat (fillet) - 0.5 kg, lingonberries - 0.4 kg, water - 470 ml (400 ml for broth, 70 ml for diluting starch), starch - without a slide - 2 tbsp., sugar - 100-125 g, salt, sunflower oil for frying meat, 50ml vodka.

Cooking method

Pour frozen or fresh lingonberries with cold water and boil. The berries become soft quite quickly.

Fry the meat cut into portions in boiling oil for about five minutes on each side. Pour in part of the lingonberry broth liquid, about half, maybe a little less. Cover with a lid and leave to cook until soft. If the meat is young, fifteen to twenty minutes will be enough for it. Don't forget to add salt.

Let's start preparing the sauce. Pour vodka into the berry broth, add sugar and boil this mixture a little for seven to ten minutes at a low boil.

Dilute the starch with cold water and pour into the lingonberry sauce. Stir and immediately remove from heat. The mass cannot be boiled, otherwise it will look like jelly. Garnish the meat with rice or vegetables, pour sauce on top. It comes with pieces of berries. If you want a homogeneous consistency, mix with a blender.

Recipe 2: Baked pork in lingonberry sauce.

Truly a gourmet recipe - pork with oranges in lingonberry sauce. Pork meat is of course tastier, but if necessary, it can be replaced with poultry fillet - turkey or chicken. To make the dish look more beautiful, the zest from the orange should not be removed with a knife, but finely grated, it is better for Korean carrots, if you have them. Then the zest is cut into even, long and thin strips. The dish turns out elegant, very tasty, and, mind you, without a drop of oil.

Ingredients: pork (poultry) pulp or fillet - 0.5 kg, salt, honey - 2 tbsp., 1 orange, lingonberries - 0.3 kg.

Cooking method

Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice. It should be about half a glass (100 ml).

Place lingonberries and honey in a blender bowl, pour in orange juice and mix. Then add orange zest to the mixture.

Cut the meat into pieces, much like chops, just don’t chop, add salt. The thickness of the meat slice is approximately a centimeter. You can take the meat with a little fat.

Pour half of the lingonberry mixture into a prepared baking dish, place the meat in it, pour in the remaining sauce and place in the oven for an hour (180C).

To make the simplest lingonberry sauce, you need to pour 200g of berries with half a glass of water and boil for several minutes. Next, rub the mixture until smooth (or leave it as is, with whole berries), add one or two tablespoons of sugar and simmer for three minutes until thickened. For piquancy, you can add a tablespoon of cognac.

Lingonberry is a very healthy berry with a spicy, sour taste. However, not everyone likes to eat it in its pure form. But such dressings as lingonberry sauce can appeal to both adults and children.

For any dishes and events!

Lingonberry is a berry that grows in northern marshy areas, and the idea of ​​such a dressing as lingonberry sauce came to us from Sweden.

Swedes complement it not only with meat and fish dishes, but also with fruits and vegetables. Almost no traditional dinner in this country is complete without lingonberry sauces. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Swedes are distinguished by good health and longevity?

What are the advantages of such gas stations?

Firstly, they compare favorably with gastronomic tomato sauces with their natural taste. Secondly, they carry certain benefits.

And, thirdly, they go perfectly with meat dishes - steaks, chops, smoked ribs...

Bright coloring is another trump card of this gas station. That is why it is served even in fashionable restaurants. The technology for preparing the sauce is extremely simple, and even the most inexperienced housewife can easily handle it.

For special piquancy and a pleasant aftertaste, the standard recipe for making lingonberry sauce is supplemented with an ingredient such as alcoholic beverages. They give the final taste softness, warmth and mild spiciness. It can be cognac, wine, whiskey, and even vodka.

According to tradition, natural bee honey and sugar are added to this dressing. Hot and spicy spices are used much less often. Some people like to supplement the sauce with vinegar - apple, wine or balsamic. According to the classic recipe for lingonberry sauce for meat, the berries are boiled until soft and then ground.

Grind the pulp well, and only then add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. Common potato starch is most often used as a natural thickener.

It is first dissolved in water, and then poured into the total mass and brought to a boil over low heat.

Classic recipe for lingonberry dressing

So, how to properly prepare lingonberry sauce so that it comes out tasty, piquant and moderately sour?

There is a basic recipe for this dish on which all the others are built. This cooking method came to us from Sweden, where this “trump” dressing was invented. It’s easy to prepare and can be served with any dish – meat, fish, seafood, pancakes, casseroles. In general, to everything that you and your household like to eat.

You can also drink drinks with this sauce, especially hot black or green tea. It is quite suitable instead of jam, especially if you are on a diet and sweets are taboo for you.


  • Lingonberries – 500 g (it is advisable to take fresh berries, but you can also use frozen ones);
  • Pure drinking water – 250 ml;
  • Refined white sugar – 150 g;
  • Potato or corn starch - 1 tsp;
  • Dry white wine – 100 ml;
  • Cinnamon – to taste (it’s best to take a pinch, no more).

Cooking method:

We learned the best way to prepare lingonberry sauce for meat. Let's try to “dilute” the classic recipe with additional ingredients, and complement the standard recipe with no less tasty and healthy quince. This dressing can be served with meat, fish and baked apples. It will harmonize especially well with duck. If you cannot get quince, you can replace it with sour green apples.

Lingonberry sauce for duck and other dishes


  • Lingonberries – 1 cup fresh berries;
  • Wine (Madeira, Sherry, Port are best) – 100 ml;
  • Quince – 1 large or 2 small (the same proportions are relevant for apples);
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Natural flower honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Refined white sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Cloves - to taste;
  • Cardamom or cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

The sauce is ready! All that remains is to cool it to the optimal temperature and serve it with the main dish. What is especially noteworthy about this recipe is that the berries are practically not subjected to heat treatment. They are affected by a short-term effect, which means they fully retain their valuable properties. This sauce is very useful to eat during epidemiological periods to protect yourself from influenza and other respiratory diseases.

What dishes goes with lingonberry sauce?

Well, since you have learned a new culinary nuance, it’s time to implement it in life and try to add it to your “crown” dishes.

What goes most harmoniously with sweet and sour lingonberry sauce?

In most Russian families, meat dishes are served with ketchup or a similar tomato-based sauce. However, not in all countries such a presentation is considered traditional. For example, in Sweden you will certainly be offered lingonberry sauce with meat. Making a seasoning for meat based on wild berries is a good idea; the sweet and sour notes of such a sauce complement the taste of the meat well. Lingonberries have a unique taste, so the sauce made from them is unique. Making lingonberry sauce for meat is not too difficult. It can be made from fresh or frozen berries, even jam. Moreover, there are ways to prepare this tasty and healthy sauce for the winter.

Cooking features

Lingonberry sauce for meat is one of the easiest to prepare, but knowing a few things won’t hurt even an experienced cook.

  • For the sauce, you should use truly ripe lingonberries. The fact is that this berry itself has a bitter taste, and in unripe berries it is too pronounced. Extra bitterness will not make the sauce tastier.
  • Lingonberry sauce for meat should have a delicate and uniform consistency. You won’t be able to get this consistency using a blender: there will be pieces of berry skin in it. Therefore, you will have to grind the lingonberries through a sieve. Only in this case will the consistency of the sauce be ideal.
  • It will be easier to puree lingonberries if you first heat them.
  • Do not cook lingonberry sauce in an aluminum container. Aluminum oxidizes when in contact with acid, and as a result, harmful substances enter the food. An enamel container is best suited for preparing lingonberry sauce. You can also use a stainless steel pan.
  • If you intend to store lingonberry sauce for a long time, you should pour it into pre-sterilized glass jars and seal tightly with screw or metal lids that are screwed with a special key.

The specifics of preparing lingonberry sauce for meat may depend on the specific recipe, but following the instructions included with it will not be difficult.

Classic recipe for lingonberry sauce for meat

  • lingonberries – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 0.25 l;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • corn or potato starch – 5 g;
  • dry white wine – 100 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully sort the berries, throw away all forest litter. Rinse the lingonberries and place them in a saucepan.
  • Fill with a partial glass of water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook, stirring, until the berries burst.
  • Cool and rub through a sieve. Pour back into the same pan and return to the stove.
  • When the lingonberry juice boils, add sugar and cinnamon to it. Cook, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour in the wine. Cook until the sauce has reduced in volume by about a third. All this time you need to stir it so that it does not burn.
  • Dissolve starch in cool water, pour it into the sauce, stir. Cook for a few more minutes and remove from heat.

After this, all you have to do is wait for the sauce to cool a little and pour it into the gravy boat. You can serve it with meat either cold or hot, using it instead of gravy. Many gourmets prefer the first option. If you plan to serve the sauce cold, be careful not to let it form a film as it cools. To do this, you need to thread a small piece of butter onto a fork and run it over the surface of the sauce.

A simple recipe for lingonberry sauce

  • lingonberries – 100 g;
  • semi-sweet red wine – 0.2 l;
  • honey – 40-60 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey.
  • Sort and wash the lingonberries.
  • Place the lingonberries in a saucepan, add honey there, pour in the wine, and add the cinnamon stick.
  • Place over low heat and simmer until the contents of the pan are reduced by a third.
  • Remove and discard the cinnamon. Place the rest of the mixture on a sieve and grind.
  • Pour the sauce into a gravy boat.

Before you pour the sauce into the saucepan, you can taste it to make sure it is sweet enough. If desired, adjust the taste by adding a little more honey and stir the sauce thoroughly. Honey can only be added to hot sauce; it will not dissolve in cold sauce, and the taste of the sauce will be uneven.

Lingonberry sauce for the winter

Composition (per 0.5 l):

  • lingonberries – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.25 kg;
  • universal seasoning – 5 g;
  • cloves – 6 pcs.;
  • juniper berries – 6 pcs.;
  • hot capsicum – 1 pc.;
  • balsamic vinegar – 80 ml;
  • salt, pepper mixture - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully sort and wash the lingonberries. Let it dry. To make this happen faster, place it on a napkin that will absorb excess moisture.
  • Place clean dry berries in an enamel bowl or pan. Add sugar and use a spoon to release the juice.
  • Place the pan with lingonberries on low heat. Cook it, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.
  • Wash small glass jars with soda, for which you have suitable lids that close hermetically.
  • Sterilize them over steam or in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • Pass the sauce through a sieve.
  • Wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Grind with a blender. Mix with lingonberry puree. Keep in mind that pepper will give the sauce a hot taste, so you shouldn’t add a lot of it. If you don’t really like spicy dishes, reduce the amount of this component by half, but do not eliminate it completely, since without it the sauce will not store well: hot pepper is a natural preservative.
  • Make a sachet with spices. To do this, you can either put them in a fabric bag or wrap them tightly in gauze. Place the sachet in a container with lingonberry puree. Add salt to taste. Pour in balsamic vinegar.
  • Place the sauce on the stove. Cook, stirring, 10 minutes. Take out the spice sachet.
  • Pour the hot sauce into sterilized jars and seal them tightly with metal lids.
  • Turn over, cover with something warm and leave until cool.

You can store lingonberry sauce at room temperature, but the opened jar must be placed in the refrigerator and its contents consumed within 2 weeks.

Lingonberry sauce goes perfectly with meat. You can prepare it in different ways. If you like the taste of the sauce, you can prepare it for the winter.

Lingonberry sauce for meat is a recipe that allows you to make any dish, be it Swedish meatballs or steak, more expressive. It's all about the northern berry - its sour taste, not very pleasant alone, softens in combination with honey, spices and alcohol, turning into a savory addition appreciated by gourmets around the world.

How to make lingonberry sauce?

Lingonberry sauce for meat can be prepared in various ways. For the base sauce, you need to boil 200 g of berries in 120 ml of water until soft, grind them into a homogeneous mass, add 40 g of sugar and simmer for 3 minutes until thickened. A couple of drops of skate or wine will make the sauce richer, and a tablespoon of starch will add the missing thickness.

  1. Berry sauce for lingonberry meat can be prepared not only from fresh, but also frozen berries. To do this, they must be defrosted before cooking. Otherwise, the sauce will turn out watery and unsaturated.
  2. It is better to prepare the sauce a day before serving. During this time, it will have time to brew and will better reveal its taste.
  3. For a delicate and uniform consistency, the sauce is ground through a sieve.
  4. Even if the dish is very hot, lingonberry sauce for meat and poultry is always served cold.

Lingonberry sauce is the hallmark of Swedish cuisine. The Swedes were the first to notice the unusual taste properties of the berry, serving it with meat for lunch. Since then, almost every dish in the country is accompanied by lingonberry sauce, the recipe for which is very simple. The berries are boiled in sugar syrup, pureed and simmered in wine with cinnamon, adding starch for thickness.


  • lingonberries - 500 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • wine - 120 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • starch - 20 g.


  1. Pour 250 ml of water over the berries and bring to a boil.
  2. Add sugar and cinnamon and cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Grind the mixture with an immersion blender, add wine and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Dissolve the starch in 50 ml of water and pour into the sauce in a thin stream.
  5. Lingonberry Swedish sauce for meat - a recipe in which the mass is simmered for another 2 minutes.

Lingonberry-cranberry sauce for meat is incredibly popular in northern countries. The symbiosis of two sour-bitter berries, stewed in sugar syrup with the addition of spicy ginger, serves not only as an excellent addition to meat dishes, but as a healing agent that strengthens the body, which is especially important for the cold Scandinavian climate.


  • lingonberries - 300 g;
  • cranberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • grated ginger - 10 g.


  1. Puree the berries with a blender, add ginger and place the mixture on the stove.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Lingonberry Scandinavian sauce for meat is a recipe in which the berry mass should be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes.

For those who have managed to preserve the berries for the winter, making a sauce from lingonberry jam will not be difficult. All you need to do is mix a couple of spoons of jam with sugar, wine and vinegar and simmer until thickened for 8 minutes. Elementary to prepare, it will perfectly complement the Christmas duck and go well with baked meat or juicy kebab.


  • lingonberry jam - 40 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • strong wine - 100 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 10 ml.


  1. Pour wine into a saucepan, add sugar, jam and vinegar.
  2. Stir and simmer for 8 minutes until the mixture reaches the required thickness.

The sauce is tasty and healthy. During the soaking process, the berries retain a maximum of vitamins and natural substances. However, having undergone active fermentation, they become more sour and overly bitter. In this case, more sugar and other ingredients are added to the sauce to neutralize the bitterness, the best of which is orange juice.


  • soaked lingonberries - 250 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • orange juice - 200 ml.


  1. Mix lingonberries with juice and sugar.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce heat.
  3. Dilute the starch with water.
  4. Lingonberry sauce for meat is a recipe in which the berries are simmered over low heat for 45 minutes and another 5 minutes after adding starch.

Lingonberry made from frozen berries is very tasty. This is the most correct preparation option, preserving the natural taste of the berries, which simplifies their preparation. The main thing is to defrost them before cooking the sauce, and not to overcook them during the process. During the cooking process, you need to simmer the mixture over low heat for no more than 5 minutes and remove from the stove.


  • frozen lingonberries - 250 g;
  • water - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • anise - 2 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon.


  1. Thaw frozen berries.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add spices and crush.
  3. Pour in water and cook, after boiling, over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Puree lightly, keeping some of the berries whole.

Lingonberry sauce with wine is a classic; it is served with venison, elk, and duck dishes to highlight the taste of game. This sauce is cooked exclusively with red wine, which copes well with aromatic functions and, unlike other alcohol, does not evaporate when evaporated, making the sauce tart and rich.


  • lingonberries - 250 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • wine - 80 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.;
  • star anise - 1 pc.


  1. Place berries and spices in a saucepan, pour in wine and simmer for 5 minutes after boiling.
  2. Remove the spices and puree the mixture with a blender.
  3. Let the sauce sit for a day.

Lingonberry sauce with ginger is the pinnacle of taste, benefit and simplicity. Here, all the positive properties of the berry are supported by no less outstanding ginger, thanks to which the sauce doubles its nutritional and healing properties. In addition, ginger is an excellent preservative, so the hot and aromatic sauce can be prepared six months in advance.


  • lingonberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • grated ginger - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • starch - 20 g.


  1. Stew lingonberries with ginger for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the zest from half the lemon and squeeze out the pulp.
  3. Puree the lingonberries, add juice, sugar and zest.
  4. After 10 minutes, pour in the starch dissolved in water and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. For greater uniformity, rub through a sieve.

Lingonberry sauce with cognac deserves one definition - spicy. The French claim that cognac improves the taste of any sauce. This can be seen in the example of this recipe, where cognac is added at the end of cooking, which is why it does not have time to evaporate and imparts its noble bitterness, strength and exquisite aroma.


  • lingonberries - 270 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • cognac - 40 ml;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • star anise - 1 pc.


  1. Pour 250 ml of water over the lingonberries, add the star anise and put on fire.
  2. After boiling, add sugar and cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Remove the spice and puree the berries with a blender.
  4. Return to the heat, add starch and cognac dissolved in 20 ml of water.
  5. Lingonberry sauce for meat is a recipe in which the mass is brought to a boil and removed from the stove.

It is known that citrus juice and zest can enhance the taste and aroma of any dish. Lingonberry was no exception. The latter is the most popular component for making sauces. It is cheap, accessible and has a fragrant and pleasant sweet taste, which is enough to make a sauce with a minimum of sugar and no spices.


  • lingonberries - 250 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • brandy - 40 ml.


  1. Place the berries in a saucepan.
  2. Add the finely chopped zest and orange juice squeezed from the pulp.
  3. Add sugar and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the spices, mash the berries with a fork and pour in the brandy.
  5. Cool and place in the refrigerator to thicken for 2 hours.

Lingonberry sauce is famous for its variations. Sour, sweet and hot - their diversity allows you to choose “your own”, individual one for each type of meat. Against this background, the universal one stands out clearly. It is prepared without sugar and is the only one that conveys the natural taste of the berry, subtly emphasizing its bitterness with spicy grains.


  • mustard seeds - 20 g;
  • lingonberries - 150 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch.


  1. Boil lingonberries in water for 5 minutes.
  2. Grind lightly with a blender, leaving 1/3 of the berries intact.
  3. Grind the mustard seeds in a coffee grinder and add to the berries.
  4. Season, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes.

Honey will help make lingonberries not only deliciously tasty, but also healthy. With it, the sauce, for the benefit of the body, will be enriched with vitamins, acquire flavor, retain freshness longer and become a low-calorie dressing, since a few spoons of natural sweetener can easily replace 100 g of sugar.

Sauce recipes

Cooking lingonberry sauce: the best recipe. How to choose the right ingredients for the sauce. Useful tips and tricks for preparing delicious meat sauce

lingonberry sauce

10 servings

30 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Has this ever happened to you: you have cooked meat or fish, but the taste seems a little bland to you? This happens to me. But it doesn’t matter, because just one or two spoons of your favorite sauce will correct the situation.

For our family, lingonberry sauce has become such a lifesaver. It’s easy to prepare, and since you can buy frozen berries all year round, it’s always available. Lingonberry sauce for meat can be prepared with many components, each of which will bring additional color to the dish, but in our family the simplest and most effortless recipe has taken root. You might also find it interesting.

So, if you have a question: how to make lingonberry sauce for meat, now we will tell you.

Lingonberry sauce for meat

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, spoon, pan.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • When buying fresh berries, you should pay attention to the color. Ripe berries are bright red.
  • Do not take products where pink and white lingonberries predominate, they didn't make it yet. It is worth noting that such berries will not ripen on their own.
  • It is also important that there are fewer twigs and leaves or other berries that may end up in the total mass when harvested. This may be hazardous to your health.
  • There is one more point that is difficult to verify. The fact is that Lingonberries absorb radiation well. Therefore, the collection location is of great importance; you should not take berries collected near the road.
  • If you buy frozen lingonberries, pay attention to the amount of ice. If there is a lot of it and the berries are stuck together in a lump, then most likely they have frozen and thawed more than once.


Video recipe for lingonberry sauce for meat

You can see how easy it is to prepare this sauce by watching a short video.

Lingonberry sauce - recipes from well-cooked

Delicious lingonberry sauce for meat and poultry. More useful information, as well as our recipes, can be found on the website


lingonberries - 250 g;
sugar - 1 tbsp;
water - 1/4 cup;
allspice - 1/2 tbsp. l.


Pour sugar into a saucepan and add water. Place it on the fire and stir occasionally.

At this time, grind the pepper. There is no need to grind, it is better to use a mortar or rolling pin to get pieces. Add pepper to the saucepan.

When the sugar dissolves, add lingonberries to the saucepan. We wait until the contents boil and reduce the heat. Cook the sauce over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Store the finished sauce in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

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Possible additions to the sauce

  • With such a simple composition, the sauce is already very good. But in order to make the taste richer, you can add different spices, for example, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, cloves or those seasonings that you prefer.
  • Also, in many recipes, half a glass of dry white or red wine or a little cognac is added. This gives the dish a spicy taste. For thickness, you can add 1 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch, previously diluted in a few tablespoons of cold boiled water.
  • Add it to the sauce and, after mixing thoroughly, remove the pan from the heat without bringing to a boil. If you want to achieve a smooth consistency, use an immersion blender.
  • 1-2 tbsp will add silkiness to the finished sauce. l. olive oil.

What dishes are served with lingonberry sauce?

  • The sauce prepared according to this simple recipe goes well with white or red meat. Also, lingonberry sauce will complement the not always rich taste of chicken or turkey and goes perfectly with duck.
  • Cook steak or meatballs and serve with this sauce - your guests will be delighted. Also, with this addition, stewed liver will appeal even to those who were not enthusiastic about it before.
  • But if you think that lingonberry sauce can only be served with meat dishes, you are mistaken. Its sweet and sour taste would also be appropriate in desserts. Alternatively, you can make lingonberry sauce with orange.

Lingonberry sauce with orange

  • Number of servings: 10.
  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: pan, spoon, glass.



  1. Pour orange juice into the saucepan with lingonberries.
  2. Add sugar. Place on high heat and bring to a boil.
  3. During the boiling process, foam may appear, which can be removed.
  4. After this, cook the sauce over low heat for another 35-40 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
  5. After some time, our sauce has thickened a little, add the zest and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.
  6. Place the finished sauce into jars and store in the refrigerator.