Cross jack appearance. Interpretation of groups of cards. The most common layouts

Fortune telling on cards will help you look into the future, reveal the secrets of the past, and find answers to exciting questions. To do this, it is not necessary to seek help from professional fortune tellers. You can also conduct a session at home. The main thing you need to know for a successful session is the meaning of the cards in fortune telling.

Fortune telling

There are various ways to predict fortune using a fortune telling deck. Typically, a deck is used for this, which has 24, 36, 52 and 54 pictures. Possible layouts:

  • for love (to decide whether to try to attract the attention of a guy or girl or);
  • to get answers to questions related to the present or past;

If you decide to use a deck for the first time, it’s better to take into account a few basic points. During the fortune telling process, it is important to pay attention to how the card fell out.

If it is reversed, it means that the news for the fortuneteller will be bad. When it appears with the pictures facing up, this is a sign of successful fortune telling. The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling depends on what a person wants to know about himself and his destiny: the nature of future love relationships, the number of children, financial situation.

Particular attention should be paid to the dropped combinations of suits: they can either strengthen or weaken the meaning of each other.

The interpreter must take into account the dropped suit, each of which symbolizes a specific one - Fire, Water, Air and Earth, exerting its influence on a person and his life.

Fortune telling rules

To succeed in fortune telling with playing cards, you must follow several basic rules that will help you look into the future and find out your destiny.

  1. Card fortune telling can only be used in exceptional cases when you need to learn something truly important. It is forbidden to gamble with fortune-telling attributes, otherwise the deck will begin to tell lies.
  2. If you are telling fortunes about love and want to learn more about how your relationship with the person you like will develop, keep in mind that you are allowed to do this kind of reading no more than once a day.
  3. In order to correctly understand what was predicted, you are allowed to ask clarifying questions to the playing cards. Remember that the answer you receive may not always be happy for you. In this case, it is better to postpone the fortune-telling process for another time, since guessing is prohibited. You should especially not do this if you are guessing by wish.
  4. Fortune telling requires a certain attitude. Consciousness must be cleared of extraneous thoughts. It is important to tune in to a positive result. If you didn’t like what the cards predicted, don’t rush to get upset. Try repeating the fortune telling in a few days. Perhaps the dropped combination will have a completely different interpretation.
  5. If the cards do not stay in your hands and keep falling, then it is better to postpone fortune telling for another day. This is a bad sign that does not bode well.
  6. You should not take the deck after nightfall. The best time for fortune telling is when the moon begins to rise. It is forbidden to turn to fortune telling.

General designation

To correctly understand the interpretation, it is necessary to correctly recognize the combination of cards during fortune telling.

Hearts suit

Cards from the suit of hearts have a positive meaning. They talk about such human feelings as love, sympathy, friendship and passion. Pictures of this suit are given the name of a loved one, which allows you to find out all the hidden feelings of your beloved.

Heart suits are associated with the water element. If, when doing fortune telling, you keep getting these playing cards, it means that what worries you most in life at this moment is love relationships.

  • Ace. Symbolizes home comfort, care and attention. A person who gets an Ace of this suit expects a happy event, good news or a quick trip. In the card that has fallen with the picture facing up, you can consider such hidden desires of the partner as the desire to start a family and make a marriage proposal. Inverted promises a quick quarrel with a loved one.
  • King. Often associated with a man who is the subject of fortune telling. These can be male relatives (brother, father, uncle). Shows how much influence a person has on your life. The combination of the King of Hearts with other cards will tell you about how he feels about creating family relationships, what values ​​he has in life.
  • Lady. This is a female symbol (wife, girlfriend, sister, lover, any married lady). The description is sympathy, love, passion. The interpretation of the suit allows us to talk about a woman’s feelings for a man, her desire to build strong family relationships with him and give birth to children.
  • Jack. This is a man without a wife (lover, friend, colleague). If a man lays out playing cards, for him it means the presence of an opponent. In the professional sphere, it promises advancement in the career ladder, a winning business.
  • 10 - combination with others speaks of the imminent fulfillment of a cherished dream. A pleasant acquaintance awaits a person, which can develop into a romantic relationship.
  • 9 - successful completion of important matters. On your way you will meet people who will show you care and will be able to help you in a difficult situation.
  • 8 - according to the descriptions given by professional fortune tellers, it promises a person a pleasant meeting.
  • 7 - means change for the better. The advice of a loved one will be of great help to you. There may be misunderstandings between family members. Seven is a sign of a serious relationship on the part of the person you like.
  • 6 - you have a long road to happiness to travel. Six means that there is mutual understanding and trust between you and your loved one.

Club suit

The interpretation of club cards in fortune telling is associated with a career and the desire for success. The suit is associated with Fire. The card appears when a person is focused on professional growth, financial well-being and strives to become famous, revealing secrets related to the future.

  • Ace - symbolizes empty talk. This means constant quarrels in the family, unpleasant news at work. The card is associated with hard work. Autumn is the time of year for which the Ace of Clubs is responsible.
  • King - the interpretation of this card is positive. She talks about a close friend who will be by your side in a difficult life situation. Your hard work will finally be properly rewarded.
  • A lady is a woman close to you (colleague, friend or acquaintance) who will cause a lot of problems. Be careful and trust only close people.
  • Jack - combination with this card promises a quick solution to all problems. Life-changing news awaits you.
  • 10 - financial stability, well-being. The cards indicate that in the future you will be able to achieve success in this area. 9 - symbolizes concern, which is the cause of constant stress.
  • 8 - portends bad events in the future. Unnecessary efforts, failure in business, family problems. The need to communicate with unpleasant people. 7 is a good card.
  • Seven of Clubs means hope for quick change. Business meetings will be successful, and your ideas will be creatively implemented.
  • 6 - a person experiences negative emotions and is in

Diamond suit

Tambourines are associated with the Earth and talk about how important material values ​​are for a person in life, whether money loves him. There is a table describing diamond cards.

  • Ace - positive changes in life await you very soon. A chance acquaintance, an unexpected find, a long-awaited phone call will make your life happy.
  • King - symbolizes meeting your lover. If you are patient and pay attention to this acquaintance, it can develop into a strong loving relationship.
  • Lady - the card denotes a woman (friend, acquaintance, colleague) who will push you to act rashly.
  • Jack - associated with a person close to your family. It will bring good news from your family, which will delight you and make you rethink many things.
  • 10 - pleasant changes in life. An unexpected trip is likely, a surprise from a loved one. You will experience joy from the events that happen in your life.
  • 9 is a card that is associated with success in money matters. In the future, you can expect a salary increase or a successful find.
  • 8 - promises pleasant communication, new useful acquaintances. A life ahead of you is filled with successful decisions and pleasant events.
  • 7 - protracted failures end. A period of joyful change is coming. Soon you will meet relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • 6 - you will make an important decision. You will be appreciated at work, and peace and harmony will be established in the family.

Spades suit

The combination of cards of the spades suit promises a person many troubles. Family difficulties and great trials await him ahead. The symbol of this suit is Air; the cards are associated with a person’s rational approach to life and with his unrealized dreams.

People who get the combination of Peak in the scenario strive to take a leadership position in life and value success in professional affairs. To use the description and decoding of playing cards for fortune telling, you need to understand the basic meaning of the pictures.

  • Ace is a symbol of future troubles. In family life, quarrels and misunderstandings with children are expected. In the professional sphere - bad news. Due to troubles, the risk of developing stress and depression, nervousness and insomnia increases. The card is associated with winter.
  • King - the appearance of this card indicates that there is a person in your life who can change it radically. This could be a rival, a hidden enemy who seeks to win against you at any cost. People holding leadership positions may be hidden under this card.
  • The lady is a petty woman who wants to put you down. Her anger, deceit and gossip cause a lot of trouble. The card speaks of probable family quarrels, the culprit of which will be a close relative.
  • Jack is a person who is not trustworthy. He is nearby, but you do not have a very close relationship. The card suggests that you will make an erroneous and hasty decision.
  • 10 - warns of possible health problems. Surprises for you will include hassle at work, quarrels with loved ones, increased jealousy and unjustified expectations.
  • 9 is a bad symbol. The card promises trouble soon.
  • 8 - a serious conflict awaits you ahead with someone close to you. Communication with this person will be interrupted for a long time.
  • 7 - the combination of this playing card with others during fortune telling promises you imminent disappointment in life, poor health and strong emotions.
  • 6 - long journey, during which it is necessary to show increased attention.

Knowing how to interpret the meaning of cards, you can get an answer to any exciting question regarding both personal and professional life. By understanding the combinations of suits, you can learn about what the future holds and look into the past.

Learning to tell fortunes on cards on your own is absolutely not difficult. In order not to get confused in the meanings and interpretations, get yourself a special notebook in which you write down the main signs and their meaning. Fortune telling on cards will tell you how to act in a given situation, but remember that you will have to make a decision relying on your own strengths and life experience.

Let's consider what predictive role these cards play in the deck. The meaning of nines in fortune telling: Four nines – surprise, suddenness.

The meaning of nine cards in fortune telling

The meaning of the nine of spades

Main meaning: problems in business. Packing for the trip. Quarrel with a friend.

Combination of nine of spades with other cards

With a nine of clubs or a tambourine - receiving an inheritance, big events.

With ten of spades - unexpected news.

With a queen or king of spades - great love.

With a queen or king of any other suit - strong passion, interest.

With the ace of spades - illness, empty talk.

With an ace of clubs - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With an Ace of Diamonds - the cunning of loved ones, money problems.

With the Ace of Hearts - a joyful meeting with a friend, mutual love.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: in an inverted position, that is, if the central point is pointing upward - tears or strong personal shock.

The meaning of nine of clubs

Main meaning: doubt. Inheritance. Absence. Theft. Disappointment. Tears.

Combination of nine of clubs with other cards

With any diamond card - a waste of money, lack of mutual understanding.

With a red card - strong love.

With a nine or ten of hearts - success in your personal life, career advancement.

With ten spades - a difficult situation in financial affairs, loss.

With ten clubs - meeting with loved ones, surprise.

With a ten and an eight or seven of clubs - the most successful combination, luck in everything.

With the jack of hearts - a quick trip, troubles.

Next to any card with a figure, it indicates that a big quarrel will occur with the person designated by this card.

With a lady or king of clubs - mutual love, good relationships with colleagues.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: in an inverted position, that is, if the central point is pointing upward - resentment, false gossip, empty tears.

The meaning of the nine of diamonds

Main meaning: card of big money, independent life and good luck.

Combination of nine of diamonds with other cards

With the six of spades (on the right) – the road to get money, an unpleasant incident, disappointment.

With ten tambourines - receiving an inheritance, an unexpected gift.

With the Jack of Hearts, a long trip is not advisable.

With four kings - a cheerful conversation, meeting with loved ones.

With a lady or king, a tambourine means mutual love, success in business.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: if there are big problems, a quick solution with a positive result.

The meaning of the nine of hearts

Main meaning: agreement and satisfaction of the persons laying out the cards. Love letter, great mutual love.

Combination of nine of hearts with other cards

With a full suit of reds, there is great mutual love.

With any six - an unexpected, long-awaited meeting.

With seven or eight of hearts - a fateful date.

With nine clubs - good news from a loved one, joy.

With a lady or king of any color - an offer of friendship, and soon marriage.

With the lady of spades - great success in all endeavors.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: in fortune telling for girls, it foretells an imminent happy marriage.

A beginner practitioner needs to read this section more carefully. Traditional rituals improve the quality of fortune telling and form a proper attitude towards the process.

  • The venue plays an important role. You will need a table and candles (electrical appliances should be turned off). Make sure that no one distracts you while you are guessing.
  • Be sure to purchase a new deck of playing cards. After purchase you need to assign it. Take a large flat dish and place the deck in the center of the plate. Pour plenty of salt and place lit candles in the four cardinal directions. This ritual is carried out once, then playing cards become a personal working tool.
  • Before fortune telling, wash your face and hands. This will refresh your mind and make your hands lighter.


Grandmother's layout helps predict love relationships, the near future, and the possibility of receiving money. There are several ways to do this, but they all have one rule in common: setting a significator. If the person of interest is a man, the king piece is chosen, if the person is a woman - queens. The color is chosen based on appearance:

  • Blonde hair, white skin and expressive eyes - Diamonds.
  • Dark hair and eyes are a cross suit.
  • Brown hair and light eye color - cherva.

The suit of spades is not used by the significator in fortune telling using the grandmother's method. Shuffle the deck with thoughts about the chosen person. You can guess for yourself, to do this, ask a specific question. Let's look at grandma's layout in examples.

First method

After shuffling, the deck is placed in front of you or on your right palm. Using the little finger of your left hand, you remove part of the stack (towards you) and insert it back in an arbitrary manner. Next, three cards are removed from the top and laid out in three vertical rows.

Counting is done from left to right, and triplets are placed from top to bottom. The first column refers to the past, the second to the present, and the third to the future.

In the presented layout, the significator (queen of hearts) is located in the second row. Two eights in the neighborhood will tell information about the current state of affairs of the fortune-telling object. More often, only the triplet with the hidden figure is deciphered.

Let's decipher grandma's layout using the first method.

  • Interpretation of the first row. A loved one (queen of hearts) is involved in a money transaction (eight of diamonds). My personal life is in perfect order - I recently received a declaration of love (eight of hearts).
  • The second row is considered an exception to the rule. In the layout, under the hidden card there is a triplet with a comparable figure (king of hearts). In such cases, it is imperative to interpret neighboring cards. Explained by close relationships between people. The suit indicates love, marriage. The “king” treats his “lady” so carefully that even when telling fortunes with playing cards he is close by. The layout reports a short but problematic path.

Second method

The method is original in its form - the grandmother’s layout resembles a cross. A playing card - a significator - is selected and placed face down in the center of the table. Cards located before and after the significator are removed from the deck. The first one is placed down, and the second one is placed on top (both face down). The rest are laid out in small piles according to the cardinal directions. First south, then north, west and east. The order is observed, three cards are removed from each part from above - one on the table, two are placed on it.

  • The upper part of the layout symbolizes the thoughts of the questioner.
  • The bottom three cards are in charge of the present.
  • The left side is the past
  • The right side is the future.

The rest of the deck is distributed in a similar way, but between the edges of the “cross”. The stage should start between the west and south. Move clockwise.

  • The first triplet talks about how the past influences the thoughts of the questioner.
  • In the second position - the influence of thoughts on the future.
  • The third triplet describes the influence of the present on the future.
  • The last position indicates the mistakes of the past from which the present was formed.

To decipher, use the playing cards located on the right side of the diagonal triplets.

Grandmother's layout - method two.

  1. The reversed cards are revealed first. The bottom card is “what is hidden under the heart”, the top one is “what lies on the heart”. Decryption occurs along with the main card.
  2. Calculate which suit “fell out” more than the others. Determines the direction of life or the main problems of a person.
  3. The cards around the significator are analyzed. First of all, single ones, and then paired ones (lying on top). Start from the north of the layout. Move clockwise.

The order of interpretation of the second method

  1. Bottom card, K♣, then top card. ♠♣♦
  2. 7♦; 9♠; 7; 8♠; 6; D♦; 9♣; T .
  3. D♣ K ; K♦ 10♦; K♠ 7♠; 8 D♠; 8♦ T♠; Т♦ 10 ; 9♣ 6♦; B♣ 6♣

Interpretation of playing cards

Aces- buildings, messages, news.

Diamonds means a letter, a document, receiving money.

Clubs - work, obligations.

Hearts own or parental home.

Peaks portend stress, problems, bad news.

Sixes- path or journey.

Diamonds predicts a close road, upcoming profit.

Clubs - business trip, evening trip.

Hearts they talk about the short journey and the imminent appearance of love.

Peaks They promise travel at night, flight delays and problems on the road.

Sevens are interpreted as meetings, acquaintances.

Diamonds portend a gift, probably an expensive one.

Clubs predicts a business meeting.

Hearts portend a pleasant acquaintance, a date.

Peaks mean deception, mistrust on the part of loved ones.

Eights - communication, conversations.

Tambourines - This is a conversation about money.

Clubs predicts an urgent meeting, a business conversation.

Hearts predict a declaration of love, romantic communication.

Peaks talking about a quarrel, an unpleasant interlocutor.

Nines- love, joy, pleasant surprise.

Diamonds speaks of the love of money, unexpected acquisition of money.

Clubs shows hard work.

Hearts promises sincerity in love relationships.

Peaks predict suffering, jealousy, unrequited love.

Dozens- interest, desire.

Tambourines - commercialism of views, entrepreneurial resourcefulness.

Clubs - specific, business proposal, thirst for knowledge.

Hearts- passion, love.

Peaks - separation is approaching, an unpleasant surprise, curiosity about other people's affairs.

Jacks- care, wasted work.

Tambourines - thrift with money.

Hearts - vanity, helping a loved one.

Clubs - problems at work, error correction.

Peaks - a waste of effort, an unfair outcome.

Ladies- the beautiful half of humanity.

Tambourines - blonde, close friends.

Hearts - close relatives, vulnerable soul.

Clubs - brown-haired, older ladies.

Peaks - brunettes, envious women surrounded.

Kings- this is a man.

Diamonds- blond, wealthy man.

Hearts- fair-haired, in love, careful.

Clubs- brown-haired, influential man in years.

Peaks- brunette, stranger, ill-wisher.

Rules for working with the deck

  • Purity. For each fortune telling technique, a special deck should be used. Decide on an arsenal of layouts. The deck used for the grandmother's layout will not work on the “gate of fate”. An incorrect approach to the matter will mislead the fortuneteller. Keep cards out of reach of unauthorized persons. Alien energy will devastate all accumulated experience.
  • Communication. A working deck without practice should be saturated with your energy. Place the cards on the table and hold your left hand over them. Remember the layouts carried out with its help. It is recommended to count them and give each a little attention. In this way, energy saturation will occur.
  • Health. Magic rituals must be performed in a good mood. Negative emotions and feelings distort the picture of fortune-telling and bring chaos to the process. Excessive positive emotions can also cause harm. You won't get the information you need. If you feel pain or malaise, postpone the schedule.

Magic rituals require respectful treatment. Focus is your best friend. A serious attitude towards the reading and a desire to understand the secrets of fortune-telling will help to perform a ritual of high quality. By learning simple rules and learning to correctly interpret the meanings of cards, you will gain an advantage over the “uninitiated.” Remember: it’s easier to learn magic when you sincerely believe in it.

Fortune telling by cards is a popular method of predicting the future. Often even people far from magic turn to him. To lift the veil of your immediate destiny, you need to know not only the methods of card fortune-telling, but also

What is taken into account when interpreting the results of fortune telling

Any fortune telling on cards comes down to obtaining a certain layout that will help predict the future of the fortuneteller or the customer. When interpreting the results, several main parameters are taken into account:

  • location of maps;
  • combining cards with each other;
  • belonging of a card to a certain suit.

The first thing that fortune tellers focus on when deciphering the resulting layout is the position of the dropped card:

  • direct location promises a favorable prognosis;
  • the inverted arrangement is given a negative meaning.

Particular attention is paid to the combinations that fall out: when combined with each other, cards during fortune telling strengthen or weaken their meaning.

One of the most important criteria is whether the drawn card belongs to a particular suit. Each suit is associated with one of the four key areas of human life and symbolizes one of the four natural elements:

  • Peaks- relates to all the negative events that a person may encounter (problems, losses, failures, etc.). The element of the peak suit is Air.
  • Clubs (Crossie) - connected with the sphere of power, finance and social status of a person. The element of the club suit is Fire.
  • Worms (Hearts) - associated with the sphere of emotions, feelings and relationships with people around you. The element of the heart suit is Water.
  • Tambourines (Tambourines)— are responsible for questions and situations of a business nature, for any type of active activity, education and travel. The element of the diamond suit is Earth.

When casting fortune-telling on playing cards, either a full deck of 52 sheets or a shortened one of 32 sheets can be used. The shortened version is the most popular, so in this article we will consider the meanings of playing cards during fortune-telling that can appear when using a deck of 36 cards.

The meaning of cards when fortune telling using 36 cards: interpretation of the results

Spades suit

Ace- to bad, unpleasant news, losses, fear. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of clubs- fear;
  • peak ten
  • ten of diamonds- a quarrel, the cause of which will be money;
  • six of any suit- to a long journey.

King- a dark-haired man, a cruel and selfish person, a rival, a competitor, an ill-wisher. If combined with:

  • queen or jack of any suit- help that will come from an influential person;
  • eight of spades- there will be a streak of bad luck in life;
  • any cards of spades suit- a favorable sign for positive events and changes;
  • any cards of the club suit- hostility from some person (people);
  • - friendship;
  • any cards of the diamond suit- someone will be well disposed towards you.

Lady- an evil woman with bad intentions, an intriguer, a rival. Warns of intrigues, gossip and obstacles. If they fell nearby:

  • nine of hearts- promises happiness in life;
  • any cards of the diamond suit- envy and harm, the source of which will be some woman;
  • any cards of spades suit- a mature woman with good intentions;
  • any cards of the club suit- evil woman;
  • any cards of the heart suit- for help.

Jack- a young dark-haired man, a vile, deceitful and selfish type with bad intentions, bad news, illness of a loved one. In combination with:

  • queen of spades- promises scandals and fights;
  • eight of spades- to troubles in the love sphere;
  • with any cards of spades suit- to meet a like-minded person, like-minded person;
  • with any cards of the club suit- to a meeting with a deceiver and gossip;
  • with any cards of the diamond suit- to a meeting with a drunk person, to the news;
  • with any cards of the heart suit- a friendly person, friend.

Ten- problems, disappointment, illness, desires will not come true. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of spades- unexpected receipt of money;
  • king of spades, queen of spades- interest from an influential person;
  • king or queen of other suits- to failure, the dream will not come true;
  • ace of diamonds- to bad news;
  • ace of other suits- to false news;
  • ten of clubs- to recovery;
  • nine of spades- promises grief;
  • eight of spades- health will deteriorate;
  • seven of diamonds- some proposal will come.

Nine- quarrels, breakup, loss, surprise. In combination with:

  • ace of spades- to illness;
  • with ace of clubs- to harm;
  • with ace of hearts- to sexual intimacy;
  • with ace of diamonds- you will have to face deception from loved ones;
  • queen of spades, king of spades- to love;
  • king of other suits- wish;
  • ten of spades- to unexpected profits.

Eight- unsuccessful outcome of a case, illness, problems, troubles, tears, boredom. If they fell nearby:

  • kings of any suit- to the party;
  • jack of hearts- bad news;
  • nine of clubs- to trouble;
  • seven of clubs- to treason.

Seven- to quarrels, conflicts, separation, tears, deception. In combination with:

  • lady of any stripe- to pregnancy;
  • jack of clubs- to an ill-wisher, bad intentions;
  • six of diamonds- to family problems.

Six -bad trip, loss. If they fell nearby:

  • other cards of the spades suit- the road will be successful;
  • cards of the club suit- failure on the way;
  • cards of the heart suit- to the meeting;
  • cards of the diamond suit- a trip related to receiving money.

Club suit

Ace- positive changes in many areas of life. In combination with:

  • king of clubs- the wish will come true;
  • king of any other suit- promises signs of attention and love;
  • nine of spades- to benefit;
  • seven of clubs- to victory, gain;
  • six of any suit- for a trip, a road.

King- a successful and sociable brunette, from whom some help can come, a military man. If they fell nearby:

  • any cards of the club suit- to joy;
  • ace of clubs- to fulfill a desire;
  • nine of clubs- help from someone;
  • six of any suit- to the road.

Ladyis a successful and influential brunette with leadership qualities. In combination with:

  • queen of spades- family problems, litigation;
  • eight of clubs- receiving help from a relative.

Jack- a sociable, energetic young brunette, friend, help, protection. Combination with:

  • ladies of any stripe(being between them) - to treason;
  • jacks of any suit(being between them) - to a troubled life;
  • seven of spades- harm from an ill-wisher;
  • ten of diamonds- profit and benefit from some business.

Ten- success in many areas of life, good luck in business, changes in the form of new friends and love. If they fell nearby:

  • cards of spades suit- to work, financial need;
  • cards of the heart suit- success, easy profit;
  • ace of clubs- to favorable changes in life;
  • ten of hearts- mutual love;
  • ten of diamonds- money;
  • nine of clubs- for entertainment, noisy company;
  • six of clubs- to the road.

Nine- to an affair, marriage of convenience, receiving an inheritance, doubts. In combination with:

  • cards of the diamond suit- waste, financial costs;
  • cards of the heart suit- to sympathy and mutual love;
  • ten of spades- to trouble;
  • ten or nine of hearts- fortunately in love;
  • ten, eight or seven of clubs- to good luck;
  • jack of hearts- to the road.

Eight- to serious changes, promotion, a society of influential people. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of clubs- to good luck;
  • queen of clubs- help from a relative;
  • jack of clubs- successful outcome of the case;
  • jack of hearts- to loss;
  • seven of clubs, ace of hearts- to good luck, solving a problem, receiving an inheritance.

Seven- promises a successful business, news, trip, improvement in family relationships. Combination with:

  • ace of clubs— victory in court proceedings;
  • jack of hearts- to the birth of a child;
  • eight of spades- to treason.

Six- to unpromising undertakings, unsuccessful trips. If they fell nearby:

  • nine of clubs- unexpected road;
  • ace of any suit- for a date;
  • cards of spades suit(located between them) - for a party, holiday, change of place of work or residence.

Diamond suit

Ace- favorable changes in the professional sphere, a new successful business, your own business, good news. In combination:

  • cards of clubs or spades- to problems, concerns;
  • cards of the diamond suit- quick profit;
  • cards of hearts- to a love letter.

King- fair-haired, reliable man, family man, stability, acquaintance. If they fell nearby:

  • cards of the heart suit- to joy, deliverance from the past;
  • ten of diamonds- to support;
  • six of diamonds- your wish will come true.

Lady- a blonde, sympathetic woman, a young woman. In combination with:

  • Jack of Diamonds and Ten of Spades- to an unpleasant guest;
  • with a dozen of hearts- to theft.

Jack- a young man (possibly a military man), a young man, good news and prosperity. If they fell nearby:

  • king of any suit- deception or hypocrisy on the part of some man;
  • queen of clubs- to trouble;
  • nine of diamonds- to aggression and hostility;
  • six of clubs- an unexpected road.

Ten- to success and fulfillment of desires, a date, gifts, money, family vacations. In combination with:

  • ace of spades- quarrel over money;
  • jack of clubs- to financial success;
  • tens and nines of any suit, except spade- to profit;
  • seven of hearts- to inheritance;
  • six of diamonds- fulfillment of desire.

Nine- profitable acquaintances, imminent important events. If combined with:

  • cards of hearts- money;
  • cards of spades or clubs- Problems.

Eight- possible purchase of real estate, repairs, moving, strengthening one’s financial situation, talking about money. If they fell nearby:

  • queen of spades or king- deception on the part of someone;
  • ten of diamonds- unexpected profit;
  • seven of diamonds- lack of stability.

Seven- well-being in family relationships, success in business, troubles, financial transactions. In combination with:

  • any card worms- luck, chance;
  • ten of spades- to the proposal;
  • ten of diamonds- to money troubles.

Six- possible travel, fulfillment of desire, happiness. If combined with:

  • ten of diamonds- to profit;
  • nine of spades- to bad news;
  • ten of spades- to the death of someone familiar;
  • seven of diamonds- to family troubles.

Hearts suit

  • peak ten- bad news;
  • nine of spades- friends, party.
  • King- fair-haired mature man; a manifestation of loving feelings on the part of someone, a meeting, good news. In combination with:

    • any spades cards- to trouble;
    • any cards of the heart suit- to success;
    • any cards tambourine- to profit;
    • any cards of clubs- to troubles;
    • queen of hearts- meeting with a married man.

    Lady- fair-haired woman of mature age, married; love, family. If they fell nearby:

    • ten of hearts- friendly meeting;
    • any cards of the heart suit- to reciprocity;
    • cards of other suits- to achieve the intended goal.

    Jack- young man, new boyfriend; to positive news and success. In combination with:

    • other cards of the heart suit- to success;
    • ace of hearts- love confession;
    • king or queen of any suit- to the guest;
    • nine of clubs suit- for the trip.

    Ten- to the fulfillment of desires, to happiness and joy. If located nearby:

    • king of any suit- devotion to a woman;
    • lady of any color- devotion to a man;
    • ten of diamonds- to quick profit;
    • eight of hearts- for a date;
    • nine of clubs- to mutual feelings.

    Nine- success in business, happy marriage; news, event. In combination with:

    • queen or king of any suit- to love;
    • queen of spades- to joy;
    • ten of hearts- for love and wedding;
    • seven or eight of hearts- for a date;
    • six of any suit- to an unexpected meeting.

    Eight- changes in relationships (both favorable and negative); interesting conversation, trip. If they fell nearby:

    • jack of hearts- to conversation;
    • ten of hearts- to sexual intimacy;
    • nine of hearts- to the meeting.

    Seven- the need to listen to your sixth sense; to fun and change. Combination with:

    • kings of all stripes- to conversation;
    • ten of spades- will make an offer;
    • nine or ten of hearts- for a date or meeting.

    Six- promises harmony in relationships with family and friends; obstacles and difficulties. If located nearby:

    • any cards of the heart suit- to meet a loved one;
    • ten of hearts- trip, frank conversation;
    • nine of hearts- success in the love field.

    Other possible meanings of cards when divining 36 cards can be found in the video:

    Knowing the meaning of playing cards when fortune telling 36 cards, you can always get answers to exciting questions about your immediate future or a hint regarding your further actions. A more voluminous and informative picture is created by the combinations that arise when laying out cards for divination.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

    Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today, card layouts for fate and the future are made even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Anyone can learn to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling with playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what we will talk about. So, what do cards mean in fortune telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

    Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fear. In combination with the ace of clubs it means fear. With ten of spades - unexpected money. Ten of diamonds - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to a six of any suit, it’s a long trip.

    King of Spades- enemy, adversary, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades, there is a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good things. With clubs - hostility towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a person is in a good position.

    Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With spades - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. Help with hearts.

    Jack of spades- aggression, unpleasant person, bad intentions of a powerful master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the queen of spades - a fight and a scandal. With the eight of spades - troubles in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and gossip. With tambourines - news, a drunk man. With hearts - friend.

    Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the Ace of Spades - unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a queen or king of other suits - failures, unfulfilled desires. With the Ace of Diamonds - bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. Ten of clubs - recovery. With nine of spades - grief. With an eight of spades - deterioration of health. With a seven, a tambourine is a proposal.

    Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - illness. With an ace of clubs - harm. With the ace of hearts - intimacy. With the Ace of Diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With ten of spades - unexpected profit.

    Eight of Spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. The nine of clubs is a disaster. With seven clubs - treason.

    Seven of spades- deception, loss, tears, separation. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, evil intent. Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

    Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - a road for the purpose of receiving money.

    Ace of diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With diamonds - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

    King of Diamonds- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten diamonds - support. With six tambourines - fulfillment of desire.

    Queen of Diamonds- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

    Jack of diamonds- young guy, boy, good news, prosperity. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - trouble. With a nine of tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

    Ten of diamonds- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit except spades - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - inheritance. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

    Ten of diamonds- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

    Eight of diamonds- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen, spades are a deceiver. With ten diamonds - unexpected profit. Seven of diamonds - instability.

    Seven of diamonds- affairs, chores, money transactions, gifts. With any heart card - chance, luck. With ten of spades - an offer. With the ten of diamonds there are troubles with money.

    Six of diamonds- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten diamonds - profit. The nine of spades is bad news. With ten of spades - the death of a familiar person. With the seven of tambourines - troubles in the family.

    Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - winning, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

    King of Clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, your wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

    Queen of Clubs- influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the queen of spades - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - help from a relative.

    Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between ladies - betrayal. Between the jacks there is a turbulent life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With ten diamonds - profit from a profitable business.

    Ten of Clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winning, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs - good changes. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten diamonds - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With six of clubs - a trip.

    Nine of Clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - spending money, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. Ten of spades is a nuisance. With a nine or ten of hearts - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of hearts is the road.

    Eight of Clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With a lady of clubs - help from a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With the seven of clubs or the ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

    Seven of Clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With the jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With the eight of spades - treason.

    Six of clubs- road, meeting. With nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks there is a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

    Ace of Hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace of diamonds - good news. With the jack of hearts - good news. A ten of spades is bad news. With the nine of spades, it's a party, friends.

    King of Hearts- loving feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks it’s a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With diamonds - profit. With clubs - troubles. With the queen of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

    Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - meeting a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

    Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait, man with brown hair. With any hearts - success. With the ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With the king or queen - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

    Ten of Hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With ten diamonds - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

    Nine of Hearts- event, news. With a king or queen - love. With the queen of spades there is joy. With a ten of hearts - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected encounter.

    Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

    Seven of Hearts- change, fun. Conversation with four kings. With ten of spades - an offer. With a ten or nine - a meeting, a date.