Methods for teaching reading to preschool children at home. Teaching reading using the method of Nadezhda Zhukova The best method of teaching a child to read

Parents who have small children are often interested in at what age can a child be taught to read syllables, and what is the best way to do this?

Pros and cons of homeschooling

Some of the positive aspects of teaching reading at home include:

  1. Floating schedule. Mother and child do not need to rush, adjust to the schedule of the teacher or courses.
  2. Ability to use different techniques. Typically, teachers and training centers specialize in a narrow area. For example, they work with children only with Zaitsev’s cubes, or according to Zhukova’s method. At home, through trial and error, you can choose the most effective technique specifically for your tomboy. But this takes time.
  3. Individual approach. At home they do not study in groups, but one-on-one. You can devote exactly as much time to a topic as a single student needs, without waiting for those who are lagging behind and without rushing after those who are running ahead.
  4. Contact with parents is maintained. A preschooler is emotionally comfortable being with his parents in difficult moments, and learning to read is a responsible undertaking.

There are not many negative aspects, but they do exist. Among the disadvantages of learning to read at home are:

  • Lack of training of parents
    Unfortunately, mothers and fathers who do not have special education make a lot of mistakes when learning to read. For example, they name letters with overtones, make pauses between phonemes in the process of adding syllables and words. Children get used to reading incorrectly, and it is very difficult to retrain them.
  • The child is not socialized
    In pedagogical centers, the child communicates with other adults, gets used to the school environment, responsibility, and learns behavior. He won't get that experience at home.

Where and how to teach a child to read is up to parents to choose. If you have a difficult financial situation, then the only option left is at home. In this case, spend time studying books and methods of working with preschool children. This will help teach a kindergartener how to read and instill a love of literature.

Preparatory stage

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to try to explain something to a one-year-old baby and teach him to pronounce words or parts of them, although it is possible. According to the latest research, experts believe that some children can start learning simple words and connecting syllables as early as 2 or 3 years old.

However, at such an early age you should not overload children with information that is unnecessary for them, but devote more to the preparatory stage: help the baby develop and learn letters.

The development of phonemic hearing is facilitated by reading and memorizing nursery rhymes, short poems and songs.

It is better to study letters.

Creative tricks for memorizing letters:

  1. Trace, color, shade letters with pencils.
  2. Sculpt letters from plasticine and kinetic sand.
  3. Lay out letters from sticks, mosaics, cubes.

Techniques for memorizing letters for preschoolers: modeling with plasticine

When is a child ready to learn syllables?

  • the baby can already pronounce words quite well;
  • pronounces individual sounds more or less clearly without swallowing them;
  • pronounces the letter “r”, or tries to do so;
  • does not have significant distortions in pronunciation.

Why is it important that early reading instruction occurs at the right time? We learn to read letters and syllables with speech skills. The fact is that if you teach a 2, 3 or 4 year old child to read and form letters without teaching him to speak correctly, the same errors may appear in reading tasks and in subsequent writing. In the future, the baby will confuse sounds and letter symbols, and relearning is much more difficult than initially teaching correctly. Therefore, you should immediately tune in: learn syllables correctly.

Another important factor in successfully teaching preschoolers to read is the ability of children to analyze text, to understand that in front of them there are not just pictures, but letters, which, in turn, indicate specific sounds. And only then comes the realization that letters can be combined together and form syllables for learning to read. Such understanding usually comes no earlier than 4-5 years, and sometimes at 6 years old - this is the age that is considered ideal for learning. How to teach a child aged 5-6 years to read?

It’s worth noting right away that teaching preschoolers to read is a rather painstaking and responsible process. Just because they are ready to learn to read at age 5 does not mean that they will learn to read quickly and effectively. You should not immediately overload children with read information and teach them to read words syllable by syllable from morning to evening.

You should adhere to the following pace: read, repeat several times, rest.


What is the best and most effective method of teaching reading? There are many opinions on this matter; a lot of arguments are put forward in favor of certain methodological developments and approaches. Most experts are inclined to believe that the first thing you should start reading by syllables is use a primer for learning to read or cubes, where letters and syllables are accompanied by colorful images.

Training using the Doman method

Glen Doman spent a long time researching the intellectual capabilities of children and came to the conclusion that basic information is stored in the brain before the age of 6, and it takes a minimum of time to master.

Cards must be shown daily, holding eye contact for a couple of seconds. The amount of material shown increases gradually. For example, in the first 3 days, show 2-3 cards, at least 2-4 times a day. For days 4-7, 5 cards each. And so on.

Don’t expect lightning-fast results, but in a month or a month and a half, the child will already know and read more than 30 words. You can start learning from diapers.

Reading by syllables

All parents own it. It was according to this system that children were taught to read in Soviet schools. First, the baby learns the alphabet, then puts them into syllables, simple words. This is the best option for home learning process. It is understandable to non-professional teachers and children. It is easily absorbed and brings good results in a short period of time.

Reading by warehouse

The child needs to learn vowels. Secure them firmly. Then move on to mastering consonants, while simultaneously adding melodious sounds to them for reading.

When reading, the word is divided not into syllables, but into clauses. For example, CHA-SH-KA. Each consonant is responsible for one warehouse.

The set contains 52 units of demo material. These are square cubes with syllables. They are of different sizes and colors. 7 of them are repeated. The cubes sound: they make noise if they have a voiced consonant written on them, they jingle if they have a voiced consonant. They cannot be used to form words that are spelled incorrectly. For example, there is no syllable ZHY, SHCHYA. The baby gains literacy skills.

In the first lessons with children 4-5 years old, you should invite them to play with blocks, without focusing on letters and syllables. The child himself will understand that they are different from each other.

In the following lessons, the child can begin to put words together according to a pattern and begin to read. It is important for parents not to force learning, but to give knowledge gradually, by prompting and telling during the game.

Zaitsev's kit includes tables. They are hung at the baby's eye level. The information is remembered automatically.

Methodology of N. Zhukova

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, since teaches a child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters.

Studying the ABC book with your child, say sounds out loud, not letters: the sound “M”, not the letter “EM”, the sound “S”, not the letter “ES”. This will allow the child to avoid mistakes when connecting letters into syllables.

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, as it teaches the child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters. The baby first learns to read individual letters and then connect the letters into syllables.

Nadezhda Zhukova’s primer is the most effective method of teaching reading to preschoolers

When using Zhukova’s primer, be sure to read the author’s recommendations on how to start learning correctly. They are located at the bottom of the primer page.

How to teach a child to add his first syllables?

You should not learn the alphabet in order. The first sounds with which you should start quickly learning to read are vowel sounds: “A”, “O”, “U”, “E”, “I”. Kids can pronounce them and even sing them.

Then the iotated vowels should be gradually added “I”, “E”, “Yo”, “Yu” and sound “Y”.

Having mastered vowels, you can move on to consonants. Start with sonorant and voiced consonants, gradually moving to voiceless ones.

Sonorant consonants: “L”, “M”, “N”, “R”

Voiced consonants: “B”, “C”, “G”, “D”, “F”, “Z”

Voiceless consonants: “P”, “F”, “K”, “T”, “W”, “S”, “X”, “C”, “H”, “Shch”

The study should be completed with letters “Y”, “b” and “b”– you also need to know about their existence.

How to quickly teach a child to read

How to teach a child to connect different sounds and pronounce them together?

  • First teach your child to combine vowels and pronounce them together: AU, UA, OU.
  • Then move on to syllables that combine vowels and consonants: MA, BA, DA.
  • It is better to start teaching your child with the letters “M” and “A”, since their combination is familiar to him from birth, it underlies the simplest word - “mother”.
  • Draw the first sound, and then attach the second to it: M-M-M A-A-A, MMMAAA. Please note that in Zhukova’s ABC book the picture shows how the letter “M” runs to the letter “A” and then they are connected to form the syllable “MA”.

Primer by Nadezhda Zhukova

  • After the child masters direct syllables (consonant - vowel), move on to studying reverse syllables (vowel - consonant): AM, UM, US.
  • Connect letters according to the voiced - unvoiced principle, alternating and combining: PA-BA, ZA-SA.
  • Read syllables starting with consonants also slowly, in a chant.
  • Pronounce and read consonants as sounds: M-M-M, S-S-S.
  • Teach your child first to read simple words consisting of 1 syllable:
    Then from the word 4 letters, 2 syllables: MOM, BABA, DAD, SOAP
    Then from 3 syllables or more: MILK, FORTY.
  • Teach your child to read simple texts and fairy tales with a repeating plot: “Ryaba the Hen,” “Kolobok,” “Turnip.”

Among the useful and popular methods are games for teaching reading, educational cards, courses for children 5 years old and younger. I read by syllables, in which children learn the basics of word composition in a detailed and visual form; they are taught to read books by syllables.

A set of cards “Funny syllables for children” for studying at home.

Set of cards “Funny syllables for children”

Of course, it is important not only to know how to quickly teach a child to read syllables, but also to let him understand that the words we use every day do not consist exclusively of easy elements that are convenient to pronounce, and gradually teach the child to add syllables ending in consonants sounds.

At first, children may make mistakes, long pauses, and confuse certain letters. In no case should you scold them for this, but be patient and continue learning to read step by step, using flashcards and other materials.

After some time, you will see noticeable results, since children very quickly grasp and process any information that is new to them. Very soon your child will be able to proudly declare: “I read syllables!”, and demonstrate his skills to an enthusiastic public.

This is an auxiliary teaching material necessary for teaching speed reading and instilling the skill of a good rhythm of assimilation of information. The syllabary table consists of columns of vowels and consonants.

You can use it immediately after learning a new phoneme. For example, a preschooler has mastered the letter N. He can immediately begin reading syllables with this consonant. During classes, the baby will learn what an open syllable is, how syllables and words are formed. If you read syllables from the table regularly, the pace and rhythm of reading increases and literacy becomes automated.

Comparison of techniques

Comparison table of popular reading teaching methods.

Benefits for home use
Disadvantages for Homeschooling
You can practice from infancy. There is no need to obtain additional education or teaching skills.

Classes are held daily, without special preparation for parents and children.

The method is based on photo memory. In the future, you will have to teach your child to read in a more classical way.
Suitable for hyperactive kids. The first lessons can be taught at an early age, after the child learns to sit.

The technique combines the development of motor skills, speech apparatus, literacy, and phonemic hearing.

The technique is more effective when practiced in a group.
Reading by syllablesA simple technique known to all parents and grandparents. It is easily absorbed by preschoolers and does not require additional literature or equipment. Handmade cards, a notebook and a pen are suitable for lessons.It is considered a universal technique, the best for Russian schools and home classes.
Reading by warehouseEasily absorbed by children in a playful and serious form.Most likely, the child will have to relearn at school, since reading is quite slow.
Zhukova's techniqueThe sound is emphasized, not the syllable. The child’s psyche is better prepared for this method. The primer is illustrated with bright pictures; it is interesting for a child to study with such a book.

Zhukova does not advise rushing a child in learning to read; the transition to complex tasks is very soft and unhurried.

Parents should monitor the regularity of classes. Before starting Zhukova's alphabet lessons, you need to introduce your child to the alphabet.


Game-based learning is considered the most effective. Do not waste time on educational entertainment for preschoolers, forget about boring lessons, then you will achieve success faster.

Letter learning games

  • We draw letters, paint them, sculpt them.
    Use coloring books, prepare stencils yourself.
  • Puzzles. Assembling letters from parts. Make the puzzles yourself and cut them into large pieces or buy teaching material at the store.
  • Memory. Write down the letters on small pieces of paper. Lay out the cards on the table. Let the baby remember, then turn it over. Let him look for the desired letter according to the model.
  • We write on sand and semolina. Attaching letters on loose material trains memory and motor skills at the same time.

Games for the ability to add syllables

  • Collect the word. Syllables are laid out on cards in front of the preschooler. Task: collect words, one or more.
  • Guess a riddle. In front of the baby there is a path of words, among them you need to find the hidden word.
  • Word in word. The child is offered a long word, 12-15 letters. You need to make smaller words from it.
  • Walking games. Prepare the playing field yourself. Write the letters in the empty cells. When walking the chip, the child reads the sounds, putting them into syllables.

To develop reading skills

  • Sounds in a circle. Children need to come up with words that begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, window-OSA-Album, etc.
  • Reading with adults. The book is placed on the table so that the text is visible to the parent and baby. When one reads, the other follows. Stop unexpectedly and ask to continue. Attention and visual memory develop.
  • We are looking for an error. Parents give the child a text with errors and catches. For example, KoSa ate all the grass in the field. Sol(b) was spilled onto the table. The child’s task is to find and correct the mistake while reading.
  • Who's speaking? Animal toys and clean leaves will come in handy. Together with your child, sign the cards: Mee, Oink, Mu, etc. Empty will substitute the required syllable for the toys and read.


  • Reading "Tug"
  • Divide into syllables

The game is played orally or in writing. Start with simple words, gradually move on to more complex ones.

  • Let's catch up with the letter

M………., A, S…………….O The baby should pull his finger along the path, pronouncing sounds.

  • How the letters became friends

Draw letters and pull their handles towards each other. You can use simple arithmetic schemes C+O=CO.

  • What's extra?

From the words written syllable by syllable on the sheet, you need to cross out the unnecessary. For example, apple, pear, tomato.


During the homeschooling process, parents will need methodological support. To do this, you can use the following manuals:

  1. O. Uzorova “Quick learning to read.”
  2. N. S. Zhukova “Primer”.
  3. I. Brodsky “Working ABC”.
  4. G. R. Lazgdyn “Speech therapy alphabet”.
  5. Kozhevnikova A. Yu. “Battlers.”
  6. Teacher's aids from the set for Zaitsev's cubes and Doman's cards.

  1. Name sounds to children clearly and clearly, without trying to deliberately distort them to make it easier to pronounce. When your baby hears it from you for the first time, he will remember it. Try to read clearly.
  2. If mistakes occur, do not scold the children, but carefully correct them, making sure that in the end the sound is pronounced correctly, and then the whole word, even if this is already the fifth or sixth attempt.
  3. As soon as you see that the baby is already tired and has difficulty perceiving new information, immediately take a break, play other educational games with him, or even better, switch his attention and just take a walk outside. Walking in the fresh summer air has a beneficial effect on the perception of new information and improves overall well-being.
  4. Make the most of games with syllables for preschoolers, interactive ways of learning in a playful way, cards. Often the words “let's play” have a magical effect on children.
  5. Anna Rovenskaya

    Teacher of Russian language and literature, employee of the Educational Center for Early Development.



    Article “Is Early Learning to Read Beneficial”

    About the child’s psychological readiness for school

    Over the past few decades, we have seen a boom in early learning to read in society. For parents, a child often becomes an element of some kind of prestige and competition. I would like to stand out due to the unusual success of my child. This pushes parents to try to teach their children to read earlier and earlier. There is a real opportunity to make money from this. In addition, the prestige of a kindergarten that uses early learning programs is higher than that of those institutions that do not.

    This hobby is also based on the recommendations of some experts. A number of translated books are receiving special attention today, for example, books by Glen Doman and Cecile Lupan, which advise how to teach children literally from the cradle. All this turns out to be a breeding ground for the craze for early learning to read. But at the same time, we often hear from parents and specialists complaints that schoolchildren do not like to read, they have no interest in reading. A certain paradox arises: they began to teach reading early, but at the same time, interest in reading disappeared somewhere.

    Some attribute this solely to the influence of television and computer games, but I think the problem here is much deeper. It lies in the child’s psychological readiness to learn this completely new skill. Childhood is not preparation for future adulthood. Each period of childhood, having its own quality and originality, seems to add something unique to the child’s development for a certain age.

    Today they begin to teach reading at four, three, and even two years old. Let us recall the data of developmental psychology. In particular, the fact that a child under four to five years of age thinks predominantly in images, that the right hemisphere dominates the left, that the child predominantly perceives the world syncretically, and not analytically. And if we correlate this with the psychological basis on which the reading skill, the process of independent reading, is based, then it turns out that they do not really fit together.

    The nature of construction and style of oral, spoken, written and printed texts are different. And when a child tries to read independently, he is faced not only with technical problems of transition from one symbolic system to another, but with the problem of understanding a completely new type of text for him - written texts. How children learn on their own and how they are usually taught - from a letter to a merger, then to a whole word and phrase, i.e. from part to whole, from analysis to synthesis. This is a rather difficult process for a certain age. And, besides, in general, the perception of meaning through this new symbolic system is not a close or native process for a child under four or five years old.

    Education or game?

    When we start teaching a child something, it always happens at the expense of something else. If we get carried away with learning to read: first, cubes with letters, then memorizing the alphabet, then reading, then we are crowding out play from a child’s life. Seemingly good intentions in a child’s life force out much that he desperately needs at this age and, unfortunately, does not add much to him.

    Everyone knows from psychology that there are sensitive periods of development when certain skills are most optimally and effectively acquired. And it is possible, of course, if you try really hard, putting in a huge amount of effort, to teach something much earlier, but the return from this subsequently, in general, is no. There is no gain in either quality or time.

    Maturing prerequisites

    Readiness is also the maturation of psychological prerequisites. And not only psychological, but also linguistic. In particular, it must be borne in mind that a child up to a certain age understands even oral speech purely situationally, fragmentarily, relying on a non-speech context. Literary speech, written texts are exclusively contextual forms of speech that do not rely on the situation. Understanding such texts is even more difficult for a child.

    In my work practice, I have encountered children who do not like to be read aloud to them. And this is the first sign that the child is not doing well with the development of the language system. After all, even perceiving a printed or written text in a voiced form, he does not fully understand what is said there. And this happens not even because the child hears new words, but because these syntactically and grammatically complex structures are not processed by the child so that he understands their meaning.

    And if we talk about age again, then in children 4.5-5 years old, the ability to perceive and understand speech becomes not as rigidly tied to the situation as in children 3 and 4 years old, and children at this age understand speech and written texts much easier.

    First pictures, then books

    The second thing a child should develop is the ability to operate with graphic symbols, starting with pictograms and pictures.

    Until a certain age, children perceive a picture as a living phenomenon. But essentially it is a simpler symbol than letters. In addition, there are, as it were, other forms of symbol formation and symbol use - symbolic play, the phenomenon of play substitution in a plot-role-playing game. Substitute objects appear in children between 3 and 3.5 years old, and symbolic play appears somewhat earlier.

    Finally, there are also purely technical operational psychological mechanisms, without which the skill of reading itself in the technique of how it is done is usually quite difficult to master. How do children read at the initial stage of mastering this skill? A letter, another letter, another, another, ... having read all the letters to the end, they synthesize them into something integral - into a word. Before synthesizing a whole word, the child must retain this series of letters in memory.

    All children are different

    Children develop in different ways, at different speeds. There is a certain percentage of children who develop ahead of age indicators, at an average pace and with some delay. For example, by the age of 6, from 5 to 10% of children are clearly unprepared for learning to read and write. Based on the premises that I listed above, these children show signs of immaturity. If you start working earlier, at about 5 years old, the number of immature children will be even greater due to individual development rates. Somewhere around 25%. In other words, the younger the children, the more immature children there will be among them. And if you indiscriminately try to educate them, then irreparable harm will be done to the children.

    Reading for pleasure

    The pleasure of reading does not appear because the child is not ready to read. When learning, a lot of technical difficulties arise, which the child is not always able to overcome. But a beloved mother or teacher offers to read, study, how can one not meet them halfway? The kid tries to please the adult. The mother really wants it, and the child will meet her halfway, even if it is difficult for him, even “because I don’t want to.” But then, when his time comes, the child, having already suffered with the fact that he was not at all cute, which has already set his teeth on edge, will not show interest in reading. We manage to poison the fruit before the child has tasted its sweetness.

    A bunch of. And the choice of the optimal one will depend on many factors, in particular the age of the baby and his readiness to perceive this or that information.

    All approaches to teaching reading can be divided into 4 types:

    • analytical-syntactic;
    • subjunctive;
    • reading whole words;
    • warehouse

    In modern Russian schools, the first of these methods is used. Based on the teaching methodology, the unit of reading is sounds, which are subsequently combined into syllables.

    Analytical-syntactic syllabic techniques

    Analytical-syntactic methods are distinguished by a clear structure of speech units and a clear sequence of teaching order:
    “sound → letter → syllable → word → phrase → sentence.”

    Their significant difference is that the baby is not asked to immediately learn the alphabet. First, he gets acquainted with sounds, learns to hear them in a word, and analyzes the composition of the word.

    A striking example of an analytical-syntactic teaching methodology is the Elkonin-Davydov system.

    Elkonin-Davydov developmental analytical-syntactic system

    According to this methodology, the learning process is divided into the following stages:

    1. Pre-letter or sound. Games of this period are aimed at teaching the child to hear certain dominant sounds, as well as pronounce them. Examples of such games are onomatopoeia (how a train whistles, how the wind blows), identifying the main sound in poetry and finding a given sound.
    2. Teaching a child to determine the sound composition of a word (what sounds the word consists of, hard and soft consonants).
    3. Sound analysis of a word, when a child learns to count the number of sounds in words and find the stressed sound.
    4. Letter stage. In which the child begins to learn the alphabet.
    5. Composing syllables with learned letters.
    6. Reading words.

    Advantages of analytical-syntactic methods:

    • Parents generally understand and are familiar with this system.
    • Children receive a comprehensive understanding of phonetics.
    • Grammar and spelling are easier to learn.
    • Children develop a special sensitivity to the sound and spelling of words, as a result of which they are spared from the mistakes of first-graders (omission of letters, rearrangement of letters).
    • The methods do not contradict the school curriculum; the child does not have to “relearn.”
    • They are perfect for children with speech delays and can be used in parallel with the work of a speech therapist.

    Disadvantages of the methods:

    • These methods are better suited for children of senior preschool and primary school age and are difficult to apply for early learning to read, since they require regular classes and exercises that bear little resemblance to play.

    Letter subjunctive techniques

    The subjunctive method is proposed mainly by foreign authors. It involves studying letters as reading units and then composing words from them (letter-by-letter reading). At the same time, special attention is paid to the comprehensive study of letters and their memorization. The stage of composing syllables in the “pure” subjunctive approach is omitted. An example is the early development system proposed by Montessori.

    Teaching reading using the Montessori method

    Training begins with a comprehensive acquaintance with letters as an element of language.

    The process is divided into three stages:

    1. Introducing the letter as a symbol. The child learns to write letters using special frames, colors them, studies and considers various options for making letters (made of fabric, paper, plastic, various textures and colors).
    2. Studying sounds and relating them to familiar symbols. The child perceives sounds by ear and traces the outline of the named letter with his finger.
    3. Actually teaching reading and writing. Children learn to combine familiar letters and their corresponding sounds into words, phrases and sentences.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • A variety of game tasks with toys, templates and manuals.
    • Children quickly learn to read without dividing words into syllables.
    • Since the system is designed for the child to independently familiarize himself with his environment, the baby quickly acquires the skill of independent reading to himself.
    • The materials used in the process not only “teach” how to read, but are also aimed at developing fine motor skills, logic, and analytical and creative thinking.

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • Huge labor intensity and high cost at home. Many elements of a developmental environment are required: cards, templates, toys, books, frames, etc.
    • Most of the methods’ classes are designed for a group of children.
    • At the stage of composing whole words from the studied letters, the baby may have difficulties.

    Methodology of Olga Soboleva

    Among the domestic authors of such techniques, Olga Soboleva can be noted. She also used a creative approach to memorizing letters and sounds using the dominant type of memory, and proposed dividing the learning process into three streams of information (for auditory, kinesthetic and visual learners).

    • Many activities and games are done together with parents.
    • The learning process is easy to organize with one child.
    • There are a significant number of educational materials designed not only for learning letters, but also reading words; a special “Primer Book” has been developed.

    All classes take place in the form of a game, but a smooth transition from game tasks to working directly with the book is expected. Olga Soboleva considers the main goal of education to be the need to instill in a child a love of the printed word.

    Both noted methods also have age restrictions. It is advisable to use them when the baby is ready to perceive the word not globally, as at a very early age, but shows interest in the individual components of the objects being studied. As a rule, this happens around 3-4 years.

    Mixed syllabic techniques

    Quite a lot of mixed methods. They do not place such an emphasis on phonetics as with the analytical-syntactic approach, and after learning the letters, the baby moves on to reading syllables (syllabic reading).

    The difference between methods close to the subjunctive method is that phonemes are perceived by ear and remembered as if “by themselves.” Sound analysis is not given such close attention, but the scheme: “letter (sound) - syllable - word - phrase - sentence" remains the same.

    Those who adhere to this direction recommend starting to study letters not with their full name, but with the corresponding sound (not “be”, but “b”, not “ve”, but “v”). This way, it will be easier for the baby to get used to composing syllables in the future. The author of the first domestic mixed method can be called Professor Ushakov, who proposed in this way to transform the actual subjunctive method, adopted even before the revolution.

    Warehouse reading using Zaitsev's cubes

    The methodology proposed by Zaitsev is based on warehouses. What distinguishes them from the syllables we are used to is that the syllables always consist of one or two letters (sounds) - a consonant and a vowel, a consonant and a soft or hard sign. They are easier to understand than syllables.

    Therefore, you can start teaching your child earlier - at the age of about 2 years. In addition, the method does not involve boring lessons with the alphabet or primer. Warehouses are located on educational material (cubes).

    The cubes differ in size (large ones are hard, small ones are soft) and color, in addition, various fillers are often put inside (for voiced and unvoiced sounds, vowels). A special table is also used, which contains all the warehouses being studied.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • The child easily masters the fusion of sounds.
    • You can study starting from 1 year. At the same time, even at an older age it will not be too late to start classes. At the same time, the author himself notes that even at school age the technique can become a “magic wand” that allows you to catch up with peers.
    • There are no letter combinations on the cubes that are not found in the Russian language. The baby will subsequently never write, for example, “zhy” or “shy.”
    • The cubes develop color and spatial perception, ear for music and memory, sense of rhythm, and fine motor skills.
    • The classes do not take much time and take the form of interesting games.

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • A child who has learned to read using Zaitsev's cubes has a more difficult time learning phonetics, as the main element of the curriculum in the first grade. He does not understand how to divide a word into its component parts other than according to warehouses.
    • Benefits are quite expensive and quickly become unusable.

    The warehouse method is also used by lesser-known authors. On sale, if desired, you can find cards with warehouses, puzzles and other toys.

    Early Development Techniques and Whole Word Reading

    This is a relatively new approach to literacy education. However, it is gaining more and more adherents, primarily because it seems to many specialists to be the most “natural” way.

    Let’s make a reservation right away - these are not just methods for teaching a child to read. This is a different approach to the entire educational process applied to a child.

    The younger the child, the better his perception of images is developed, and the brain, as it develops, independently “builds” patterns based on the received images. This is what most early development methods are based on.

    The clearest example of this direction is Glen Doman's global reading technique. It is based on the fact that the child is taught from a very early age (the author himself recommends starting at 3-6 months) to perceive images of words depicted on the cards. Thus, learning the words themselves occurs in parallel with memorizing their spelling.

    Andrey Manichenko perfectly adapted and developed the foreign methodology. Several books related to the early development of children have been published under his authorship. In addition, parents have the opportunity to purchase ready-made Doman-Manichenko cards, divided into several sets and provided with descriptions of specific games with them.

    The advantages of this method are:

    • The baby learns to read almost from birth.
    • Children taught with flashcards not only quickly begin to read, but also quickly accumulate a significant vocabulary.
    • The child almost immediately begins to understand the meaning of what he read, his reading is fluent and expressive.
    • During the game, the child’s visual and auditory memory is trained, which will be noticeable at an older age.

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • The older the child, the less applicable the technique. Many parents who tried it came to the conclusion that after 2 years it is no longer worth the effort, since it is already difficult for the child to remember the required amount of information.
    • Labor intensity. Parents need to prepare a huge number of cards and regularly show them to their child repeatedly.
    • Difficulties with mastering the school curriculum. It is not enough to teach a child to read “according to Doman”; later additional lessons in phonetics will be required.
    • Children who have learned to read whole words fluently make mistakes more often than their peers taught using other methods.
    • A baby may get used to a certain font and have difficulty reading familiar words written differently.

    A few words in conclusion

    As you can see, there are many methods for teaching a child to read. In this article, we examined the most well-known of them and divided them in accordance with the proposed approach. There are no “good” or “bad” among them. And a technique that works perfectly for one child may not show the best results for another.

    It is normal to adjust the educational process in accordance with the characteristics of the baby. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to abandon your chosen approach or borrow some solution from another author.

    It is permissible to combine different approaches and elements of methods that are similar in content or to “borrow” one of the stages. For example, when studying letters, turn to Olga Soboleva’s method, based on the associative perception of children. And then, as the baby grows up, it will be possible to smoothly switch to the Elkonin-Davydov method.

    It’s another matter if the chosen approach as a whole did not justify itself. For example, a baby simply doesn’t want to play with blocks, and every activity turns into torture. In this case, before changing the methodology, you should take a break from classes (2-4 weeks depending on the child’s age) and only then offer him new games based on a different learning principle.

    Some parents ask: “Why teach children to read before school, why take away a child’s childhood?” Well, first of all, you can’t take away your childhood; Children need to be taught through play, using specially developed play techniques. And why this is needed is now known to many. It has long been recognized that human intelligence depends not only on heredity, but also on the active stimulation of mental activity during the period of brain formation, i.e. in the period from birth to six or seven years. Early reading is one of the best ways to provide this stimulation.

    Compared to other methods, it has the advantage that, having learned to read, the child further develops himself in the process of independent reading, even without the help of adults, only satisfying his curiosity. A child who has read two or three hundred books before school is noticeably ahead in development of his peers who are just starting to read. But the most important thing is that this intelligence acquired at an early age remains with him throughout his life.

    The author roughly divided the entire process of teaching a child to read - from learning letters to reading children's books - into 7 steps. In order to make learning interesting and exciting, at each stage the child is given only tasks that do not exceed his capabilities at this stage. As a result, the child moves from step to step easily and unnoticed.

    The author presented all the material in the most accessible form, so that it could be used not only by specialists, but also by everyone who is interested in it: parents, grandmothers, governesses, nannies, educators, in a word, everyone who wants to teach children from two to three to four years of age to read. years. For this purpose, he outlined the entire training program in the form of 70 lessons (70 is an approximate number; for many children, 50-60 lessons are enough), and the content of each lesson was described in detail, with a detailed description of each educational game. In addition, the lessons are supplemented with short video recordings and “live pictures” made directly during classes with children during the learning process. After watching sequential video fragments of all lessons, you will feel as if you were present at them and can easily repeat all this with your children. You can also show these "cartoons" to your child. They will certainly arouse his interest and desire to repeat what other children do. Show him, first, how little Katya, who is not yet three years old here, reads.

    Human intelligence depends not only on heredity, but also on active stimulation of mental activity during the period of brain formation, i.e. in the period from birth to six or seven years. Early reading is one of the best ways to provide this stimulation.

    Learning to read begins with learning letters. Thanks to the fact that learning to read is carried out in a playful way, children remember all the letters quickly, firmly and with pleasure. Suffice it to say that after just 5 lessons they firmly know all ten vowels.

    And the result of the 1st and 2nd stages of education (lessons 1-18) is not only the child’s knowledge of all letters, but also a good knowledge of the letters, as well as the beginning of reading by letters.

    Here it is necessary to explain what a warehouse is. A syllable, unlike a syllable, always consists of no more than two letters and is a combination of a consonant followed by a vowel or a separate consonant or vowel (for example, - з мя - three syllables, but one syllable). Our ancestors learned to read from warehouses. This method of teaching was well known from the 16th-18th centuries; it existed in our country in the 19th and even at the beginning of the 20th centuries. And the oldest documentary evidence of this method of teaching children in Rus' dates back to 1224-1238. Birch bark letter No. 199, discovered during excavations of a medieval school in Veliky Novgorod by the expedition of Academician V. L. Yanin in 1956, dates back to this period. On the first page of this birch bark, a child named Onfim wrote out the entire alphabet from A to Z, and then the warehouses follow: BA, VA, GA, DA... etc. to ShchA; then BE, BE, GE, DE...etc. to SHE; then BI, VI, GI, DI and then as much as fits on the birch bark.

    Nowadays, the warehouse method of teaching reading has been revived by the outstanding innovative teacher N.A. Zaitsev. On its basis, Zaitsev developed and introduced into widespread practice a technique now known to many, using tables and cubes.

    In Polyakov’s method, instead of cubes and tables, manuals of his own design, the so-called “houses for letters,” are used. The use of “houses” and a sequential series of games developed for them significantly facilitated learning and made it possible to increase children’s knowledge of warehouses to the point where they perceive the entire warehouse as a letter. This made it much easier to read the warehouses during further training.

    After all, this is precisely the result achieved by Sequoia, the leader of the Cherokee tribe from Northern California, who in 1821 created a writing system for his native Iroquoian language, which is composed of signs denoting not letters, but entire warehouses. A few years after the invention of this letter, most of the Cherokee Indians learned to read and write in their native language. The name of the creator of writing was immortalized in the name of the sequoia tree.

    At the 3rd stage of education (lessons 19-30), children learn to read words of any complexity fluently, starting from the simplest two-word words, such as FISH, GOOSE, YULA, and ending with complex ones, such as CASTRULE, BELIEF AND EVEN ELECTRICITY.

    In S. Polyakov’s method, reading by warehouses is only the starting point, the initial stage of the process of learning to read. Having learned to read manually, a child is not yet able to independently read and understand a short story, a fairy tale, or even a more or less complex sentence. It may seem surprising to some, but a child who already reads in sequence still does not understand what a word is, what a sentence is. For him, both are just a chain of warehouses. It is not easy for a child to retain such a chain in memory, especially if the sentence is long. Therefore, the meaning of what is read does not always reach the child, and often not completely. This is why learning to read cannot be completed as soon as the child has been taught to read vocabulary words (“for now this is enough, they will teach the rest at school”).

    Learning to read cannot be completed as soon as the child has learned to read vocabulary words (“for now this is enough, they will teach the rest at school”).

    The ability to put a word together from warehouses certainly develops a child. But in order to help him fully reveal his natural abilities, you need to teach him to read and understand books, and enjoy reading. This is the only way to get a child addicted to reading at an early age. And then in later life (and the author has already accumulated such observations) reading will become for him not a tedious, but an exciting activity.

    The method of reading by warehouses is used by the author only until the end of the 3rd step. Subsequent classes help the child get rid of the habit of breaking words into words and move on to reading syllables and reading words together. If this is not done in time, then this habit will take root and will slow down reading and complicate comprehension.

    Lessons 31-42 of the 4th stage of education tell us how to make this transition quickly and effectively, in a way that is not tiring for the child, using elements of play and competition.

    The author would not consider his task completed if he taught the child only to read words, even if quite fluently. Of course, parents are pleased when their child makes them happy by reading signs on the street and reading book titles at home. But the main goal of this technique is to teach a child to read books independently and enjoy what they read. It would be better if parents now complain about having to take a book away from their child to send him to bed, than in a few years about the fact that they can’t get their schoolchild to read. After all, not all children, having learned to read words, then themselves, without the help of adults, become interested in reading books. Usually, both the teacher and parents have to work hard for this. The stages on this path are the 5th, 6th and 7th steps of education.

    At the 5th step (lessons 43-45), children learn to read sentences with the help of an entertaining game, at the 6th step (lessons 46-54) - to read and retell four simplified educational books specially written by the author, and at the last, 7th ( lessons 55-70), - 16 books for independent reading, written by him.

    And after that, parents can only support the child’s love of reading, providing him with fascinating children’s literature, so that his interest in books is no less than in watching TV shows. And then, believe the author’s experience, your child will be guaranteed leading places in the future wherever he studies: in any gymnasium, lyceum, university.


    Early childhood development has been producing remarkable results since 1988.
    Here a child at 2 years old was taught to type letters and words on a computer using the Tyulenev system: [link-1]

    The article is good, and probably the methodology, too, judging by the description. :) - I gave her the highest rating!
    One thing is regrettable: there are no links to books where all the ideas of this technique - which combines learning by letters and spellings - were published in 1995 - 1996: Read - before you walk - here on the website: ; “How to accelerate the intellectual development of a child”, “When to start raising the future president of Russia” (1996), “Count before walking” (1998) ... And here, on the website “” there is a similar technique outlined in the book “Read before you walk” has been discussed many times since 1999 and has been published in various parts and versions of “How to Develop a Gifted Child,” “The Reader is a Slider,” and in many posts.
    All the same, we must congratulate the parents and we must rejoice: the method of teaching by letter takes its rightful place, and, over time, will push aside the unfairly imposed erroneous method of teaching by memorizing words according to Doman :) which leads to great costs and loss of time.

    Comment on the article "Teaching children to read. Methodology of Sergei Polyakov"

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    The child knows all the letters - he learned them on his own initiative, and is generally partial to signs - letters, numbers, road signs, car brands. But he speaks very poorly and little. At 3 years 4 months - at the level of a two-year-old and even worse. And that’s progress - in winter there were only 25 words, now it’s well over a hundred and more are added almost every day. Sentences of 3-5 words, “stories” of 2-3 sentences. Answers questions - most often in monosyllables.

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    Gone are the days when children who could not read were sent to school. Nowadays, children are being introduced to literacy much earlier, and this responsibility, as a rule, falls on the parents. Some teach children the “old fashioned way” - the alphabet and syllables, while others, on the contrary, take up modern methods of teaching reading, of which there are many now (the most popular of them are the methods of Doman and Zaitsev). What approach should you choose to make learning enjoyable and for your child to really develop a love for books? After all, you can praise a new modern method as much as you like, but if classes on it are carried out under pressure and only spoil your relationship with your child, then it is worthless.

    Today I will try to highlight the basic methods of teaching reading, their advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about how to interest a child in reading. I really hope that the article will help you decide on the direction in which you need to move. Well, read about specific games and activities in the new section “”.

    Taisiya began reading her first words of 3-4 letters on her own at 3 years 3 months. Now she is 3 years 9 months old, she is already more confident in reading long words and short sentences. No, she doesn’t read fairy tales yet, but most importantly, she really enjoys the process of reading! She writes letters to me with pleasure, and can, at her own request, take out a small book to read a little. On our path to mastering literacy, there were both mistakes and interesting discoveries, and as a result, we formed a clear idea of ​​how to make learning fun. Well, first things first.

    Learning letters from the alphabet

    Alphabet books, cubes and other toys, where each letter is accompanied by a picture, are almost mandatory purchases for a child. With their help, many parents begin to introduce their child to letters quite early and by the age of two they can boast to their friends that their child knows the entire alphabet. Only after this, the matter does not progress any further, having learned all the letters, the child for some reason does not begin to read. “He knows letters, but doesn’t read” - you must have heard about this problem, and maybe you yourself have already encountered it.

    The fact is that when you and your child repeatedly look through the beautiful pictures placed in the alphabet next to the letters, and repeat “A - watermelon”, “N - scissors”, strong associations between the letter and the picture appear in the child’s mind. A letter is assigned a very specific image, which then prevents the letters from being combined into words . So, the simple word “PIT” turns into “Apple, Ball, Watermelon.”

    It’s even worse if, when showing their child letters in the alphabet, parents pronounce not the sound that corresponds to this letter, but Name letters. That is, not “L”, but “El”, not “T”, but “Te”. Needless to say, the child does not understand at all why “Es-u-um-ka-a” should suddenly turn into “Bag”. It’s sad, but this is precisely the pronunciation of letters that is found in all kinds of “ Living ABCs" And sound posters. If you still teach your child individual letters, then pronounce only the sound that corresponds to this letter . But before you memorize individual letters, familiarize yourself with other methods of mastering reading.

    Reading individual syllables and ABC books

    Another helper in the classroom is primers. Their main task is to teach the child to merge letters into syllables, and to form words from syllables. There is only one problem - they are often very boring for the child. Especially if we are talking about a child under 4-5 years old. Before the child gets to reading words, he will be asked to re-read a dozen of the same type of meaningless syllables. To be honest, even me is bored by boring columns of syllables like “shpa-shpo-shpu-shpa.” Of course, you can learn to read using an ABC book, but again the question is how interesting it will be for your child. It is rare to hear that a child under 4.5-5 years old becomes interested in the ABC book, but many even at this age do not want to hear about reading when they see an ABC book.

    Why does reading syllables make children bored (whether they are syllables in a primer or on some homemade cards)? It's simple: for a baby MA, MI, BA, BI do not make the slightest sense , they do not represent any real object or phenomenon, you cannot play with them, and it is generally unclear what to do with them! From a child's point of view, it's just some kind of set of squiggles. The preschooler is more focused on the world of games, feelings and tangible objects; the sign system as such is not yet very interesting to him. But here’s what’s interesting: if you put these very squiggles into a word that means something specific and familiar, then you will immediately notice a sparkle in the child’s eyes. As soon as the child grasps the connection between letters and the real world, he will approach classes completely differently. From here The first rule of having fun learning to read :

    Don’t put off reading words for too long; start reading them as early as possible. words! Even if these are very short and simple words, like HOME or AU, they will have meaning for the child!

    Perhaps here you have a question, how can you read words if “he can’t even connect two letters.” Read on to find out how to solve this problem.

    Reading using the Doman method and our not very successful experience

    Of all the methods, reading according to Doman seems to be the most unusual for our understanding. In this system, whole words, many words, are shown to the baby at a fast pace on cards! According to Doman, the child very quickly begins to remember the spelling of the words shown to him and gradually comes to read them. “But it’s impossible to remember all the words of the Russian language!” - you must be thinking now. However, Doman argues that in the process of repeated exposure, the child does not just photographically remember words, he learns to analyze their composition. And after looking at a lot of words, the baby soon begins to understand how the word is constructed, what letters it consists of, and how to actually read it. And, having mastered this, he will be able to read not only the words that you showed him, but also absolutely any.

    For a very long time I was skeptical about reading according to Doman, it seemed completely unnatural to me, but still, the example of those children who learned to read using this method pushed me to start classes. Since I doubted it for a long time, my daughter and I started only at 1.5 years old (Doman recommends starting at 3-6 months). Indeed, soon after the start of classes, the daughter began to recognize the words shown to her. All I had to do was put 2-4 words in front of her and ask where it was written, for example, “Dog”, she showed it correctly in 95% of cases (even if I asked her about words that she had not seen before!), but the daughter herself read never started. Moreover, it gradually began to seem to me that the further we moved, the harder it became for her. More and more in her eyes I saw an attempt to guess, and not to read.

    If you look for reviews about the method on the Internet, you will meet both people who are completely disappointed in the method, and those who really taught their children to read and not read easily, but at a fairly decent speed. And here’s what I noticed: all the people who have achieved success in this difficult task have one thing in common - they started classes very early, up to eight months. It is this age that Doman calls optimal, and it is no coincidence: the younger the child, the better developed is his ability to perceive the image of a word as a whole, gradually this ability is lost, and closer to 2 years the child increasingly needs a letter analysis of the word.

    So, it would be wrong to call the technique complete nonsense, as many immediately do. The mass of children who have learned to read all over the world speaks in its favor. But I won’t persuade you to take it, because Taisiya never learned to read from it. I can only say one thing: if you haven’t started Doman classes before the age of one, then don’t start, don’t waste your nerves or your child’s.

    In addition to letter-by-letter reading and whole-word reading, there is another approach - warehouse. Nikolai Zaitsev is considered the founder of the method. He defines a warehouse as the minimally pronounceable unit that is easiest for a child to comprehend. It is the word, and not the letter or syllable, that is easiest for a child to say and read. The warehouse can be:

    • fusion of consonant and vowel (YES, MI, BE...);
    • separate vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- YU-TA);
    • separate consonant in a closed syllable (KO- Sh-CA; MA-I- TO);
    • consonant with a soft or hard sign (Мь, Дъ, Сь...).

    Thus, the warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and by this it compares favorably with the syllable , which can consist of either 4 or 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants (for example, the syllable STRUE in the word STRUE-YA), which is quite difficult for a novice reader to read.

    Writing a word in order makes it much easier for a child to read, but this is not the only thing Zaitsev suggested. Zaitsev suggested pushing aside the boring primers and play with warehouses! He wrote all the warehouses on cubes and offered to sing with them. That is, when studying according to the method, we completely exclude boring instructions like “Read”, “What is written here?”, We simply play and during the game we repeatedly show and voice the words and phrases to the child. It is worth noting that in Zaitsev’s method, letters are not purposefully studied; they are learned on their own thanks to many games with warehouses .

    The idea of ​​a playful approach to classes itself is, of course, not new. Word games are also offered Teplyakova, and in the same cubes Chaplygina. But it is the warehouse principle that gives Zaitsev’s technique a significant advantage: the child sees both the entire word and its constituent easy-to-read parts (words) . As a result, it is easier for the baby to navigate the word, and the process of merging words into words goes quickly.

    The main materials of Zaitsev’s technique are all famous cubes. However, I do not want to say that blocks are such a necessary tool for teaching a child to read. You can also arrange it simply by writing words on cards, highlighting warehouses in different colors.

    So what method should you choose and when should you teach your child to read?

    Although it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question “How to teach a child to read correctly?”, we can definitely say that the main key to success in mastering reading is a playful approach . Will you use it in your games? Zaitsev cubes, Chaplygina or just cards with words - this is secondary, the main thing is that the lessons include more active games, where words can be moved, rearranged, hidden, traced with a pencil, where the baby’s favorite toys, interesting pictures, etc. are involved. (This is especially important for children from 1.5 to 5 years old). You can read more specifically about the first games for interesting reading.

    The method of teaching reading should be chosen according to the age of the child. For children up to 1.5-2 years Whole word teaching methods (like the Doman-Manichenko method) are more suitable.

    After 2 years Children increasingly need to analyze the structure of a word, and therefore whole word learning becomes less and less effective. But at the same time, the mechanism of merging individual letters into syllables at this age is still poorly understood by children. But warehouses are already quite capable. Therefore, the most effective games at this age are games with words and words written on cards, cubes, etc.

    Closer to 4-5 By the time children are older, they may already be interested in the primer; games with words and words will also come in handy.

    When choosing classes, also remember: It is always more interesting for a baby to read words rather than individual letters and syllables . When he sees a connection between the letters he reads and some specific object familiar to him, a favorite toy, when he reads signs and names of products in a store, he begins to understand that reading is not just his mother’s whim, but a truly useful skill.

    What age is optimal to start classes? Some mothers are supporters of early learning to read, while others, on the contrary, fundamentally do not teach children to read before the age of 4-5, believing that this is against the nature and interests of the child. Yes, indeed, if you force a 2-3-year-old child to sit down with an ABC book and demand that he merge letters into syllables, then you can once and for all discourage his love of reading. But if learning occurs through play, and the child enjoys the activities, then what is the point of postponing classes until the age of 5? After all, reading is one of the ways to develop the brain of a small person. Early introduction to the sign system of language improves the child’s visual perception, expands vocabulary, and finally develops logic. Therefore, if parents pursue precisely these goals, and do not strive for the envious glances of friends, then there is nothing wrong with early education.

    Start learning when it is interesting for you and your child. The main thing is, don’t put pressure on your baby and don’t demand quick results from him! Have fun!

    And don’t forget to look at the article with the first reading games: