What are the benefits of oranges? Which is healthier: orange or tangerine? Vitamins in orange. Oranges, tangerines and lemon! Tangerines and oranges difference

Oranges and tangerines are a tasty and healthy treat for children and adults. The nutrients and vitamins included in the composition help overcome vitamin deficiency and colds. Tangerine is a sweeter fruit, and this makes it a favorite treat among children.

The benefits of citrus fruits have been known for centuries. Fruits are rich in vitamins C, A and D. They contain bioflavonoids, which can slow down the aging process. Folic acid, potassium and essential oils have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and digestive tract.

By consuming citrus fruits, you can boost your immunity and prevent heart disease. The most important advantage of citrus fruits is their availability. They can be bought all year round. They are especially useful in winter, when we are faced with a deficiency of ascorbic acid. But you should understand that the fruits have undergone serious processing and it is not advisable to use their zest.

What is healthier: orange or tangerine?

Many people think that tangerine is healthier than orange. This fruit is very easy to peel and even a child can do it. Mandarin is sweeter, which children especially like. In fact, there are very few differences between an orange and a tangerine. Fruits have almost equal calorie content and are rich in vitamin C.

However, sweet tangerines are richer in sugar, which makes them a fairly popular delicacy. The percentage of vitamins D and K is almost equal. The same can be said about essential oils, which are needed for digestion. Citrus fruits contain potassium and sodium, but their amounts are insignificant.

Due to the beneficial elements they contain, tangerines are recommended for diseases of the heart, liver, bronchitis and mental activity. But you shouldn’t place high hopes on citrus fruits, since they are, first of all, a source of ascorbic acid. The remaining substances occupy a very small proportion and are unlikely to be able to compensate for the deficiency of certain elements.

Orange contains more vitamin C and this makes it healthier than tangerine. One orange contains a daily dose of ascorbic acid. That is why it should be eaten for colds. Sometimes you can fight a cold with the help of oranges.

For diseases of the respiratory system, doctors recommend giving preference to tangerines, as they contain senifrine. Thanks to this element, you can clear mucus from the lungs and reduce swelling. It is best for people suffering from asthma to start their morning with tangerine juice.

Many people are allergic to oranges. If you compare orange and tangerine, the latter will be a less allergenic product. These fruits are rich in acids, and should be avoided in case of ulcers, gastritis and increased stomach acidity.

Oranges, tangerines and lemon!

Citrus fruits belong to the rutaceae family and are classified as a separate subfamily. The fruits of these plants are rich in vitamin C, organic acids, and mineral salts. These are good antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic agents. Let's take a look at the four main types:

  • Orange

  • Mandarin

  • Grapefruit

  • Lemon



The word "orange" is of German origin and means "Chinese apple." Perhaps the birthplace of the orange is China or Vietnam. From where it spread to India, the Middle East and Egypt. It was first mentioned in Chinese chronicles about 2,200 years ago, and also by the Greek scientist Theophrastus, around 300 BC. e. The orange came to Europe from Palestine, the crusaders brought it with them, and the overseas juicy fruit was very fond of the European nobility. And today he is loved by the whole world.


Oranges are not only everyone's favorite sweet fruit, but also a treasure trove of health. This fruit, together with the tropical sun, absorbs its positive energy and is filled with vitamins. Not only the sweet pulp is useful, but also the zest, the partitions between the slices and the orange peel. Therefore, do not squeeze the juice out of the orange; it is better to eat the whole “golden apple”.

100 gr. orange contains:

  • Dietary fiber - 2.2 g

  • Organic acids - 1.3 g

  • Vitamin A - 0.05 mg

  • B vitamins - 5.42 mg

  • Vitamin C - 60 mg

  • Vitamin H (biotin) - 1 mg

  • Vitamins PP and E - 0.2 mg each

  • Iron - 0.3 mg

  • Potassium - 197 mg

  • Calcium - 34 mg

  • Sodium and magnesium - 13 mg each

  • Sulfur - 9 mg

  • Phosphorus - 23.0 mg

  • Chlorine - 3 mg

As well as fruit acids, sugars, nitrogenous substances, fiber, pectin and ash. An attractive quality of orange is its low calorie content - only 38 kilocalories per 100 grams.


When choosing oranges, make sure that the fruit is undamaged and has a thin rind. Thick and lumpy indicates that the fruit is old and will be of much less benefit. Weigh an orange in your palm - a good fruit will be heavy and dense.

Orange strengthens the nervous system and stimulates brain activity, activates the most important functions of the body and improves metabolism.

This wonderful fruit contains the most vitamin C, so it is indispensable for maintaining the body in good shape. Just one orange a day will be a great way to prevent colds in autumn and winter. And in the spring, this “storehouse” of vitamins will save you from vitamin deficiency. Since ancient times, orange peels have been considered one of the best remedies for scurvy.

Thanks to phytoncides, orange has bactericidal properties and is successfully used to heal wounds and ulcers on the body. Its juice can be used to wash wounds outside to avoid infection. Unlike lemon, it will not pinch much, which is especially important with children. In addition, phytoncides are an excellent protection against viral infections.

“Chinese apples” stimulate appetite, activate metabolism, thanks to fiber and the lipotropic substance inositol, peristalsis improves, and toxins are removed from the intestines. Fresh orange juice removes excess fat deposits from the body. Therefore, oranges are useful for those who want to lose weight. Fiber and inositol will also relieve constipation.

Eating 1-2 oranges a day will cleanse your body of unnecessary acids and toxins and treat various internal inflammations. But important to remember that this method is good only for those whose organs for removing toxins from the body - kidneys and skin - are in order, otherwise the load on these diseased organs can be dangerous.

Orange juice improves vision and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is useful for those who have weak gums or bad teeth. Drink a course of freshly squeezed juice - a glass every morning for several weeks.

Orange is useful for those who eat a lot of protein foods, this leads to acidification of the body, while orange and other citrus fruits have an alkaline reaction, which restores the acid-base balance in your body.


As beneficial as this sunny fruit is, there are people who should be careful with it.

  • First of all, these are those who have diabetes. Oranges contain a high percentage of sugars, which can be dangerous for this disease. Diabetics should choose sour varieties of oranges and eat no more than half the fruit per day.

  • Oranges are not recommended for stomach ulcers and other acute inflammations of the digestive tract.

  • You should not eat oranges before bed, vitamin C acts as a stimulant.

  • Oranges and their juice should be consumed half an hour after meals, otherwise you may get indigestion



Tangerines were developed in eastern Asia, most likely in China, as their name suggests. The noble inhabitants of China were called tangerines, and in those distant times the juicy fruit was available only to them. A 12th-century Chinese manuscript mentions more than 25 different varieties of oranges and tangerines. The Chinese considered this fruit medicinal, which further increased its value.

Mandarin came to Europe relatively recently, around the 18th century. And before that it was common in countries with a subtropical climate.


Tangerines, like all citrus fruits, are very rich in various vitamins, organic acids, sugars, phytoncides and other beneficial substances. But what tangerines don’t contain are nitrates. A similar situation is inherent in all citrus fruits.

The pulp of the fruit contains:

  • Sahara

  • Organic acids - from 0.6 to 1.1%

  • B vitamins - rutin, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid

  • Ascorbic acid - 26 mg per 100 g of product

  • Minerals - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium

The peel contains:

  • Essential oil that gives tangerines their characteristic taste and smell

  • Lutein is a carotenoid pigment that gives the orange color to many fruits, autumn leaves and some algae.


Tangerines- a good remedy for heavy menstrual bleeding.

Fruit pulp is an excellent antiscorbutic remedy.

Tangerine juice is recommended to be used as an antifungal medicine. It is recommended to rub the juice into the affected areas of the skin for a long time for patients with microsporia and trichophytosis (varieties of ringworm).

Alcohol tincture increases appetite, and when coughing, promotes better sputum separation.

Due to the content of synephrine, the fruits have decongestant, anti-mucus properties and are recommended for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma with a decoction or infusion of the peel. It also helps with cough or nausea.


  • For acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

  • For kidney inflammation

  • For liver inflammation

  • For inflammation of the gallbladder



No one knows exactly where the evergreen grapefruit tree originated. It does not exist in the wild. It is believed that it originated in India as a result of the natural cross-pollination of orange and pomelo. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century and was called the “forbidden fruit”; it was used as an ornamental plant. In the 19th century, it was renamed grapefruit by the Jamaicans and entered the diet of Europeans.


Like all citrus fruits, grapefruit fruits are rich in ascorbic and other organic acids, fiber, mineral salts and vitamins. It contains natural quinine, which has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. The main amount of useful substances is contained in the bitter zest and films between the pulp.

100 g of fruit contain:

  • Organic acids - 1.5 g

  • Dietary fiber - 1.8 g

  • B vitamins - about 4 mg

  • Vitamin C - 45 mg

  • Vitamin PP - 0.2 mg

  • Potassium - 185 mg

  • Magnesium - 10 mg

  • Calcium - 22 mg

  • As well as iron, sodium and phosphorus.


Grapefruit has high dietary and medicinal qualities. It stimulates appetite, improves digestion, organic acids and essential oil stimulate digestion and the production of digestive juice. All this makes it an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight without harming their health. In addition, it perfectly restores strength.

Grapefruit juice before bed will make you sleep soundly, and in the morning it will help get rid of constipation.

Grapefruit is a good antipyretic and anti-cold medicine.

Due to its low sugar content, it is very useful for people with diabetes.

Vitamin P, present in large quantities in grapefruit peel, is an excellent remedy for weak gums and teeth. Hold the peel in your hands and massage it onto your gums. In addition, this vitamin can be obtained by soaking the peel in a small amount of water and then drinking it.

Eating grapefruits will prevent the formation of kidney and gallstones, and will also eliminate hardening of tissue in the arteries and liver.

The fruits have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, support the body's strength during illness, tone and refresh.


In the following situations, you should stop eating grapefruits:

  • They cannot be consumed with other sweet fruits or starches; it is not digestible with them.

  • May alter the effects of some medications, so consult your doctor about this or do not consume the fruit while taking a course of medications.

  • Do not eat fruits in case of acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, or genitourinary system.


Lemon is an endless topic! Thousands of beneficial properties, thousands of reasons for eating it and its derivatives, thousands and problems that are afraid of lemon like “the devil of incense”... But still, we will devote a few words to lemon:

Most likely, the word “lemon” comes from the Malay “lemo”, in China the plant is called “li-mung”, that is, “good for mothers”.

This unique fruit of the citrus family is rich in vitamins. Contains up to 8% organic acids, up to 3% sugars, mineral and nitrogenous substances, phytoncides and essential oil.

Lemon juice is a good external remedy. It nourishes and brightens the skin, is a natural antiseptic and antifungal agent. Diluted with water, it is recommended for gargling during inflammation.

Lemons have no equal as a medicine for internal use. It has a unique restorative property in relation to all tissues of the body.

Lemon is a good remedy against putrefactive processes, removes many toxic deposits from internal organs, and eliminates fermentation processes. Lemon juice is a good laxative.

You can store lemons in a container with water. The water needs to be changed once a week. Thus, they are stored for many months without losing their freshness and their beneficial qualities.

It is better to squeeze the juice from a heated lemon; to do this, place it in hot water for 5 minutes. The juice will be squeezed out faster and more completely.

Nutrition expert Karl-Heinz Wagner believes that the benefits of eating oranges and tangerines have been greatly exaggerated. As analysts in the “Medicine” section of the “Stock Leader” magazine learned, Wagner is inclined to believe that in fact oranges, tangerines and lemons do not have generally accepted healing properties.

According to the scientist, citrus fruits are contraindicated in winter, as they can cool the body, thus running out of energy, which is very necessary to support the body.

What can you do to replace your supplies of essential vitamin C? The scientist recommends eating vegetables along with spices (ginger and cumin) and meat soups. In addition, frozen fruits and vegetables will be beneficial.

During the summing up of his speech, the scientist said that vitamin C does not have any special protective ability against colds, it can only slightly reduce their duration in some people.

And yet, you can’t live without vitamin C, as it can enhance the protection of body cells. It will be especially useful for smokers, as it has the properties to protect cells from free radicals. During periods of insufficient fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits should not be excluded from the diet as they have many secondary plant substances, such as carotenoids.

The benefits and harms of tangerines

The benefit of tangerines is that their pulp contains a large amount of vitamins: it also contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, P, PP, K, E, and a large amount of beta-carotene ( the brighter the color of the tangerine, the more of it), and in addition, carotenoids that are necessary for the retina of the eye are very useful: lutein and zeaxanthin. The pulp also contains fiber, phytoncides, organic acids (mostly citric acid), essential oil, and salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

Tangerines can increase appetite, help improve digestion, including intestinal activity, help optimize its microflora, saturate the body with vitamins, help improve the body, resist microbes and fungi thanks to essential oils and phytoncides that regulate acid-base balance.

The benefits of tangerines can especially be seen in winter hypovitaminosis, loss of appetite, sluggish digestion, cardiovascular diseases, in particular arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, dysbacteriosis, liver diseases, food and drug intoxications, menopausal syndrome, cancer, kidney or urinary stones bladder, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, chronic constipation, obesity, as well as pregnancy, lactation, young children and the elderly.

Since tangerines are rich in acids, there are contraindications to their use in case of stomach ulcers, exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, colitis, as well as individual intolerance. Citrus fruits can often cause allergies in children.

What are the benefits and harms of oranges?

Often, eating oranges can be beneficial for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. Due to the fact that orange is rich in vitamins, it can be used for problems with the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the respiratory tract and liver. During research, they discovered the enormous benefits of oranges for bone restoration and weight loss. An interesting point was that the maximum permissible content of vitamins was found in the peel, and not in the pulp. Consumption of orange is extremely important in modern lifestyle.

This fruit has the properties of enriching the body with all the most important microelements. Thus, the benefits of consumption can prevent the onset of a viral infection and help get rid of other ailments.

Among the many benefits of eating oranges, there are also some disadvantages. The use of this fruit is strictly contraindicated for diseases of the digestive tract, especially stomach ulcers. If you don’t know how much to eat oranges, you run the risk of developing diabetes.

It's no secret that both tangerines and oranges are one of the favorite delicacies in winter for both adults and children. Nutrients and vitamins will help cope with vitamin deficiency and viral infections. Citrus fruits have been very popular for many centuries due to their beneficial properties. Fruits contain vitamins such as A, B and D. They also have a rejuvenating effect and serve as an effective prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestion. It is possible to increase the body's resistance to viruses.

Similarity of fruits

Most people believe that the fruits of the tangerine tree are superior to orange fruits in their beneficial properties. Let's figure out which is better: orange or tangerine. In reality, there is no noticeable difference between these fruits. The fruits have almost the same energy value and are famous for the presence of a relatively large amount of ascorbic acid in their composition. The mass fraction of vitamins K and D is the same as the presence of essential oils, potassium and sodium, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. If we compare the amount of vitamins, there are more of them in an orange, but the total mass of useful elements is equal.

Beneficial features

Doctors for bronchitis, liver and heart diseases recommend including orange slices in your younger brother’s diet, as they contain an appropriate set of nutrients. However, citrus fruits cannot compensate for the deficiency of all useful substances, since they are mainly rich in vitamin C; in other cases, the content of various groups of vitamins is minimal. The content of ascorbic acid in orange fruits is greater than in tangerine fruits, which is why the former have a more beneficial effect on human health and are recommended to be eaten by patients with ARVI.

If you have respiratory tract diseases, then you should pay attention to smaller fruits; with their help, there is a high probability that the lungs will be cleared of mucus and swelling will decrease.

There are often people in whom citrus fruits cause an allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving preference to tangerines, since they are less allergenic, but they contain a lot of acids, so their use is undesirable for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and pancreatitis.

Japanese scientists also conducted studies that showed that the orange younger brother has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and that their consumption is necessary for the prevention of diabetes, the development of malignant tumors and problems with the circulatory system. And their opponents, in turn, are famous for their tonic properties, curing scurvy and anemia.

If you are still interested in the question of which is better, tangerine or orange, then we are ready to give you the answer. These representatives are close in their calorie content and beneficial properties. However, some differences still exist. Oranges contain a higher content of ascorbic acid, and tangerines contain sucrose and senifrine, so they are not recommended for people with diabetes, but are necessary for those who have diseases of the respiratory system. For active mental activity and liver diseases, it is recommended to include one orange in your daily meal.

Citrus fruits are a favorite treat for adults and children. Oranges and tangerines become especially popular in winter, when other fresh natural fruits are not available (imported ones, of course, do not count). As a rule, children like them more - they usually have a sweeter taste, and besides, you can peel the zest from a tangerine without the help of your parents. However, oranges also have many followers due to their juicy and tasty pulp.

It is known that both tangerines and oranges contain many microelements. Many have probably wondered which of these citrus fruits is healthier. And it all depends on which side you look at, in other words, the beneficial effects of fruits can be assessed depending on the predominance of a particular vitamin in their composition.

Who is richer in vitamin A?

The orange color of the peel of citrus fruits is direct evidence that both of them contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. This element is responsible for the production of the required amount of collagen, which, in turn, makes the skin elastic and firm. In addition, it is very necessary for vision.

In terms of vitamin A content, tangerine is more than 2.5 times healthier than orange.

Who has more vitamin C?

Vitamin C is no less beneficial for the body than vitamin A, because it:

  • provides elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it maintains integrity and prevents damage to the inner wall of blood vessels, which prevents atherosclerosis.

In terms of the amount of vitamin C, orange is 2.7 times ahead of tangerine.

Which citrus fruit has more coarse fibers?

When preparing orange or tangerine juice, a lot of waste is created. They are a storehouse of dietary fiber. They are not digested by the body, but this is the enormous benefit of coarse fibers. Once in the intestines, they swell there and remove all toxins, cleansing it.

An orange has 2.5 times more coarse fibers than a tangerine.

To summarize, it can be noted that the battle of fruits is fairly won by the orange. It contains more vitamin C and coarse fiber. But tangerine is useful to use if there is a lack of vitamin A.

Which is healthier: orange or tangerine - video