Ray is a friend of Dana. A friend called Dana Borisova vile

Judging by the last name, one of Ray Samedov’s ancestors was a native of Azerbaijan. He himself is currently 37 years old. He lives in Moscow, has a wife and two children. Ray Samedov has been working as a hairdresser for 10 years.

Ray Samedov works in a beauty salon on Michurinsky Prospekt near the University metro station. In addition to working in a hairdresser, there is a pre-registration for him by phone or online. Samedov can go to the client’s home and put his hair in order there.

Ray Samedov does not call himself a stylist. He prefers the term "hairdresser" as he specializes in cutting and styling hair. There are few reviews about his work, but all are positive.

Ray Samedov's participation in the scandal

The reason that people started talking about Ray Samedov was a series of piquant photos and videos where he appears together with one of his clients, Dana Borisova. In 2015, the TV presenter managed to be married to businessman Andrei Tishchenko, but soon divorced him.

Ray Samedov became famous thanks to one of the episodes of the TV show “Let Them Talk.” There, the mother of TV presenter Dana Borisova accused the hairdresser of introducing her daughter to drugs. Samedov himself claims that he is not a drug addict, was not in a love affair with Borisova, and Ekaterina Borisova’s speech was a planned and paid PR move.

In the discussion of Dana Borisova’s drug addiction, another mutual acquaintance of the TV presenter and hairdresser came up - singer and producer Tim Brick. He died in February 2016 after undergoing plastic surgery. According to doctors, the cause of death was diabetes and taking weight loss pills. Now the media claim that Brik did not take medicine, but drugs that were supplied to him by Ray Samedov.

Considering the fact that Ray Samedov is not under investigation, and Dana Borisova shocks the public with statements that she will fight drug addiction in the monastery, the hairdresser has nothing to do with drugs. He is a participant in another star scandal, which should attract attention to him, and, therefore, clients.

Today Ray Samedov, stylist of Dana Borisova, visited Andrei Malakhov. He spoke about what he saw in his client’s apartment and responded to the accusations that were being thrown at him.

“When I arrived, I saw all the symptoms that were happening, her legs were taken away, that she could not walk, I carried her from room to room, washed her, put her in order, cooked when she could not,” he said.

He said that he had known the TV presenter since last summer and could not have been involved in her addiction. Ray didn’t know that Dana was taking drugs: “What kind of cocaine are you talking about? I arrive, she sits in a puddle of beer, cries and says, “Get your mother out of the room.” I walk in and see Ekaterina Ivanovna for the first time, she is standing in a protective pose. Then Polina runs up, hugs me, says, “Mom is crazy,” I try to drag Dana into the apartment, calm her down, Dana shouts, “Don’t listen to them, they are deceiving.” That evening, the man refused to forcefully intervene in the situation, and after his mother injected Dana through her clothes, he hurried to retreat.

In recent months, Ray has become the TV presenter's only friend and assistant. Once, when he was at his friends’ dacha, at 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, she called him and said: “I’m standing on the balcony, if you don’t come now, I’ll throw myself out.” “It’s not my fault that I’m her close friend,” the stylist justifies himself.

Dana took certain pills, Ray said. He spoke with his friend several times, advised her to go to the outback, where there is nothing, found her a job in Sochi, but she refused. It was suggested in the audience that these were the same “diet pills” from which the presenter’s friend and producer Tim Brick died, and her deplorable condition was due to the fact that she combined taking medications with drinking alcohol.

Publication from Dan Borisova (@danaborisova_official) Mar 27, 2017 at 10:57 PDT

Friends took up the task of saving the star. On April 24, they visited Dana Borisova’s apartment for the first time. She didn’t want to open it for an hour under the pretext that she wasn’t dressed. She was lured with an offer to collaborate as the host of a new reality show on Channel One: “Dana Borisova decided to go to a recovery center to show all the girls that anyone can cope.”

At the clinic, Dana’s phone and illegal drugs were confiscated, which she managed to smuggle to Thailand. Later it turned out that Dana’s body does not accept normal food. Perhaps this was due to the drugs that were discussed in the studio.

“Today was a terrible night, I gave up almost all my medications, sleeping pills, which I brought while I was allowed. I wandered around the house, annoying everyone, I had thoughts of going outside with my suitcase, but no one let me in at night. Someone called me an intemperate person. I wanted to show that I was not completely under control, I remained as an individual, and I should be valued and respected,” Borisova complained.

A few days ago, the mother of the famous TV presenter, 40-year-old Dana Borisova, shocked the whole country by talking about her daughter’s severe drug addiction, which she has been subject to for several years now. For her horrifying statement, the woman chose the studio of the popular talk show “Let Them Talk.” Ekaterina Ivanovna admitted that she was very worried about her daughter and her little granddaughter, 10-year-old Polina, whom she temporarily sent to live with her father, businessman Maxim Aksenov. The woman blamed the famous stylist Ray Samedov for all the troubles, who, according to her, regularly supplied Dana with cocaine in exchange for free use of her expensive car. Today, in the next episode of a talk show dedicated to this topic, Ray himself appeared, who was extremely outraged by such accusations against him. He claims that he has known the TV presenter for only about a year, while, according to her mother, Dana has been a drug addict for about two years. The same information is confirmed by Borisova’s close friend Andrei Malakhov, who also first learned about the celebrity blonde’s problems back in 2015, and therefore the stylist could not be the root cause of her addiction. Ray, during their communication, observed all the symptoms of her addiction, and tried to somehow help and alleviate her condition; according to him, the presenter even lost her legs at times. Samedov is also sure that Dana is terribly afraid of her mother. He told how one day, when he came to her house, he saw the following picture: the TV presenter, in a deranged state, was simply sitting on the threshold in a puddle of beer and asking for help. Also in the apartment was Borisova’s mother, who was clearly ready for his visit, and was very hostile towards him. Polinka ran out next, hugged him and calmly declared that his mother had gone crazy. Dana asked him to kick her mother out of her apartment, but the man replied that he could not do this and asked them to sort out their problems themselves. Also, according to him, Polina laughed at her inadequate mother and even kicked her.

Ray claims that he repeatedly advised the famous blonde to change her social circle or even leave Moscow altogether, at least for a while. Later, Borisova’s mother appeared in the studio and was sure that the stylist was the cause of all her daughter’s troubles. The woman was hostile and aggressive, and therefore they did not have any dialogue. Ekaterina Ivanovna began to shout and began to argue even with the host and experts of the show. Ultimately, Samedov was forced to leave the studio so as not to worsen the situation. It is noteworthy that Dana herself does not admit the existence of the problem of her drug addiction; she is sure that she is in control of the situation. Currently, the TV presenter is undergoing treatment in a hospital at one of the elite closed drug treatment clinics in Thailand. Moreover, she was sent there fraudulently, because Borisova categorically refused to voluntarily undergo treatment.

The day before, Dana Borisova became the heroine of the “Let Them Talk” program, in which she spoke about her stay in one of the rehabilitation centers in Thailand. The presenter flew to Moscow for a day especially for filming the program. The woman said that Tim's PR manager, Brick, who passed away last year, first gave her the chance to try drugs. According to Dana, in the future she was provided with prohibited substances by stylist Ray Samedov.

However, the man himself categorically disagrees with the statements of the famous blonde. Samedov recorded a video entitled “The Truth about Dana Borisova”, in which he shared his version of the events. According to the stylist, the TV presenter made him a “scapegoat.” According to Ray, she cannot admit that she became addicted to illegal substances because of her own weakness.

“We haven’t seen Dana for more than a month. What I heard put me in a state of shock. Dana, without hesitation, slandered me throughout the country, saying that I brought her drugs. I don’t know, she was either not fully treated, or she may have overheated under the sun. This man accused me of something I didn't do. Maybe she has a damaged female pride, I don’t know what worked for her. She has been in this state for many years. (...) She is ready to shift her blame onto anyone, but not herself,” Samedov believes.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The stylist is outraged by the behavior of Dana Borisova, who, according to him, is capable of “lying, looking her in the face.” The man believes that there has been no tangible progress in the treatment of the TV presenter.

Samedov also stated that he had been repeatedly written with threats. The attackers claimed that they had intimate videos of the TV presenter and demanded money for explicit recordings.

“I went more than once to deal with people who blackmailed Dana with these obscene videos. (...) I don’t understand what her heroism is. She told me with such a smile that in Thailand she laid out “paths”…” the man is indignant.

According to a former employee of the star, he, being the father of two children, was the first to insist that she allow her former common-law husband to see her daughter.

“I forced Dana to call Maxim so that they could meet and start communicating. I simply explained to Dana that in the position she is in, the way she behaves, her behavior and lifestyle, she in no way can take part in raising children. She is an absolutely degraded person in every way. I don't understand why everyone feels sorry for her. A handsome, educated, media person, and one who has sunk below the plinth. Don't you think that drugs are every person's choice? (...) There will always be someone else to whom you can shift the responsibility... When I met you, you were at the very bottom,” the stylist shared.

According to Samedov, Borisova sent him “seductive videos,” but he did not cross the line in their relationship. “I have a wife and children. We remained friends...” the man said.

In his video message, the stylist emphasized that he tried to contact Dana Borisova, but she was unavailable.

“I called her after the program and she hung up. I wrote her a short SMS: “How is the earth carrying you?” And that's it, she blocked me. This is the most vile and base person I have ever seen in my life. Time will put everything in its place. And that’s it, I have nothing more to say,” Samedov noted.

Ray Samedov stated that the famous TV personality slandered him. A former employee of the star claims that he was made a “scapegoat.” According to the man, he helped Dana Borisova in every possible way, and she responded to him with ingratitude.

The day before, Dana Borisova became the heroine of the “Let Them Talk” program, in which she spoke about her stay in one of the rehabilitation centers in Thailand. The presenter flew to Moscow for a day especially for filming the program. The woman said that Tim's PR manager, Brick, who passed away last year, first gave her the chance to try drugs. According to Dana, in the future she was provided with prohibited substances by stylist Ray Samedov.

However, the man himself categorically disagrees with the statements of the famous blonde. Samedov recorded a video entitled “The Truth about Dana Borisova”, in which he shared his version of the events. According to the stylist, the TV presenter made him a “scapegoat.” According to Ray, she cannot admit that she became addicted to illegal substances because of her own weakness.

“We haven’t seen Dana for more than a month. What I heard put me in a state of shock. Dana, without hesitation, slandered me throughout the country, saying that I brought her drugs. I don’t know, she was either not fully treated, or she may have overheated under the sun. This man accused me of something I didn't do. Maybe she has a damaged female pride, I don’t know what worked for her. She has been in this state for many years. (...) She is ready to shift her blame onto anyone, but not herself,” Samedov believes.

The stylist is outraged by the behavior of Dana Borisova, who, according to him, is capable of “lying, looking her in the face.” The man believes that there has been no tangible progress in the treatment of the TV presenter.

Samedov also stated that he had been repeatedly written with threats. The attackers claimed that they had intimate videos of the TV presenter and demanded money for explicit recordings.

“I went more than once to deal with people who blackmailed Dana with these obscene videos. (...) I don’t understand what her heroism is. She told me with such a smile that in Thailand she laid out “paths”…” the man is indignant.

According to a former employee of the star, he, being the father of two children, was the first to insist that she allow her former common-law husband to see her daughter.

“I forced Dana to call Maxim so that they could meet and start communicating. I simply explained to Dana that in the position she is in, the way she behaves, her behavior and lifestyle, she in no way can take part in raising children. She is an absolutely degraded person in every way. I don't understand why everyone feels sorry for her. A handsome, educated, media person, and one who has sunk below the plinth. Don't you think that drugs are every person's choice? (...) There will always be someone else to whom you can shift the responsibility... When I met you, you were at the very bottom,” the stylist shared.

According to Samedov, Borisova sent him “seductive videos,” but he did not cross the line in their relationship. “I have a wife and children. We remained friends...” the man said.

In his video message, the stylist emphasized that he tried to contact Dana Borisova, but she was unavailable.

“I called her after the program and she hung up. I wrote her a short SMS: “How is the earth carrying you?” And that's it, she blocked me. This is the most vile and base person I have ever seen in my life. Time will put everything in its place. And that’s it, I have nothing more to say,” Samedov noted.