Tarot spread for business. analysis of the state of the business. Business fortune telling Fortune telling about the situation in business


For some, the passion for magic cards remains just a hobby, but for others, over time it develops into a real job.

It can be very interesting to observe how from beginners gradually grow into Masters who have their own websites and communities on social networks, specialists who publish books, entrepreneurs who open their own magic salons or esoteric stores. That is why today we will talk to you about how to start a business using Tarot cards for clients.

Is it possible to turn your hobby into a job?

Of course it's real. But provided that you do not stop improving your skills and make every effort for further professional growth. A good specialist will always find clients, the main thing is not to be afraid of communicating with people.

For example, I have several regular clients from among my acquaintances, but I regularly receive messages on social networks and by e-mail asking me to make a schedule from strangers. Despite all this, it is not written anywhere on my personal page that I am engaged in private practice. This is how word of mouth works.

We have already talked about how to start working with Tarot on a professional basis in the article “”. Now we will touch on not only private practice, but also other possible options for earning money for those who work with magic cards.

Types of Tarot Card Businesses

Types of Tarot Card Businesses

If you think that you can monetize your hobby only with paid deals, then you are mistaken. There are at least five opportunities to make money using your professional tarot reading skills. Let's list them.

  1. Private practice - layouts for clients online or offline
  2. Opening your own magic salon
  3. Opening a store of esoteric goods
  4. Teaching Tarot, selling training courses and master classes
  5. Become a writer of books based on personal experience

It's worth discussing the pros and cons of all these options, isn't it?

IP tarot reader: pros and cons

Registering your own individual entrepreneur is the next step after starting a private online and offline practice. Some tarot readers stop before reaching this stage, since it is enough for them to devote their free time to cards and consult clients as a part-time job. But for those who are thinking about how to start a business using Tarot cards for clients on a larger scale, sooner or later the idea of ​​registering their activities officially comes to mind. Well, for this we have all the ways open - you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and continue to practice frequently.

What advantages do you get when registering as an individual entrepreneur:

  • Your work will become official
  • The income will be taxed to the pension fund
  • You will look more respectable in the eyes of others

Disadvantages of creating an individual entrepreneur:

  • You will spend some time and money on registration
  • You will need a workplace (legal address) - you will have to rent an office or some small room

Own magic salon: pros and cons

The next step after creating an individual entrepreneur, which many tarot readers come to, is opening their own magic salon. It must be said that this is a rather risky business, especially for small cities where esoteric goods are not in demand at all.

Own magic salon: pros and cons

Pros of owning a salon:

  • It would not be a shame to bring clients to such a place
  • Over time, you can turn one salon into a whole network
  • In the eyes of your friends, your reputation will increase threefold


  • You need a fairly large starting capital
  • You will need employees who need to be found somewhere. At a minimum, an accountant, an administrator, a cleaner. Ideally, other tarot readers, runologists, astrologers and other esotericists with whom you can build an excellent team

Store of esoteric goods: will there be demand?

Many of those who are thinking about how to start a business using tarot cards for clients come to the conclusion that it would be great to open their own esoteric store. Today it is not at all difficult to come to an agreement with suppliers of goods, renting premises and registering your activities is also not difficult. The main question remains open: will there be demand?

As practice shows, such esoteric shops do not take root in small towns. Even in large cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow, there are only a few esoteric stores. Unfortunately or fortunately, online trading is much more popular.

Pros of your own esoteric shop:

  • You will be able to buy new decks and various esoteric goods for yourself at wholesale prices
  • New decks and esoteric literature will appear in your hands before anyone else
  • If there is good demand, you can exist and develop quite successfully


  • Start-up capital required
  • The demand for esoteric goods is very unstable, and you will have to pay for rent every month, regardless of income

However, you can try to organize an online store by renting just a small warehouse space. This is also a good business idea.

Tarot training: profitable or not?

Another way to monetize your activities is to teach others what you have learned yourself. Teaching Tarot is not only quite profitable, but also very interesting, especially if you like communicating with people and know how to present information competently and clearly. If you have no desire to conduct face-to-face meetings and live online webinars, you can simply record training courses in video format and sell them from your website.


  • You will share your own work and personal experience, and this is always interesting and pleasant
  • You can earn very good money


  • Such a business will take up almost all of your free time, so if it develops successfully, you will have to give up your main job
  • Demand for training can also come in waves. For example, in one month 30 students will sign up for you and you will be able to sell 15 video courses, but in another month only a couple of people will come to the webinars. This could very well happen - you need to be prepared for it

If you are thinking about how to start working with Tarot on a professional level, but you don’t want to open your own business or teach, you can try writing books. But here it is important to understand that you really must be able to write competently, clearly, easily, and interestingly. In addition, what will be in demand is not rewriting the manuals of famous authors in one’s own words, but one’s own unique developments. Therefore, it makes sense to sit down to write a book only when you have accumulated a fairly large amount of interesting copyright materials.

Pros of writing:

  • You can work from home or from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a laptop at hand
  • Your personal experience will remain documented
  • Seeing your initials on the cover of a book is so nice!


  • Writing one book can take several months of fruitful work. After this, you will find a publisher, the stages of reading the manuscript, making edits, corrections, layout, etc. As a result, your creation may see the light of day a year or even more after you finished it. Think about what you will live on until the royalties are paid?
  • Writing one book is not difficult. Will you be able to write them constantly, will you have enough strength, knowledge and fresh ideas?

So, we have considered all possible ideas for turning your favorite hobby into your favorite job. Now all that remains is to conclude our conversation and mention this nuance. Do you know how Tarot cards can visualize a business model? Of course, this is not some special magical technique that creates real magic, but it is a completely effective addition that will give you strength for new achievements.

All of you have probably heard about the visualization technique that allows wishes to come true as quickly as possible? You can visualize not only by looking at a collage of desires, but also with the help of our favorite magic deck. Think about how you are going to open your own business, what direction you will choose for it, what steps you will have to go through before realizing your dream, and most importantly, what personal qualities will be very useful to you along this path.

Now try to illustrate your path to your goal with several Tarot Arcana. Choose from the deck those that clearly correspond to the necessary qualities, your desire, and the stages of movement towards fulfilling your dreams. Put them aside and every night before going to bed, meditate on these Arcana, visualizing yourself immersed in the energy of the card. As soon as a certain stage is completed, remove this Arcanum and continue to work with the next ones until a single card remains in your hands, symbolizing the successful fulfillment of a desire. You can remove it only when your business really begins to flourish.

Let's look at a simple example. We are going to open our own esoteric store. We will select the following cards from the deck: Justice - as a stage of legal registration, Two of Cups - successful partnership with suppliers and recruitment of employees, Three of Wands - direct opening of a store, Three of Cups - joy from the first customers, Nine of Cups - financial profit, Star - dream come true. We arrange the selected Arcana in order and visualize over them for a certain time, paying special attention to the stage at which we are currently. So, for example, in our case, the first stage will be the Justice card, symbolizing the resolution of all legal issues and paperwork. When the individual entrepreneur is registered and the lease agreement is signed, we will put this Arcana aside and continue visualizing the remaining cards, paying most attention to the Two of Cups, since we are waiting for the stage of searching for suppliers and workers who will work in our store. And so on until we get to the Star.

Good luck in your endeavors, friends! Let your favorite hobby become a job that brings moral and material satisfaction!

The article presents a collection of tarot layouts posted on the website.

Tarot spreads for a general analysis of work and its prospects

This block contains layouts for analyzing the situation in the workplace, analyzing current affairs and future prospects.

– will help before the interview. From the layout you can find out what management expects from the candidate, what to do to increase the chances of getting a job, growth prospects, chances of getting a job, etc.

– to analyze problems in the workplace. The “Problems at work” layout will help you make a decision in the current situation and decide whether to change your job.

– used when the Questioner wants and needs to make a decision regarding a change of job. Allows you to consider in detail the pros and cons of your current job, and also shows the opportunities and problems that may arise in a new job. With its help, you can get specific advice and instructions on what to do to avoid mistakes and failures.

– will be useful both to people with work experience looking for a new place of employment, and to people who are just taking their first steps in establishing themselves in their professional field.

An easy plan for finding or changing a job

Tarot spreads for business

Layouts that will help solve business-related issues.

– to make a decision on concluding contracts in business, why it is worth and why it is not worth concluding a contract, results and results in the future.

– for analysis and preparation for the upcoming business trip.

– to analyze the relationships between partners in business. Shows the characteristics of the business partner as a person, the attitude of the business partner to the questioner, whether the partnership is profitable or not, what the partnership will lead to...

– advantages, weaknesses, what is the main problem hindering the business, what needs to be done.

– determines the prospects of undertakings. Before starting a new business, you need to weigh the pros and cons and realistically assess your capabilities and prospects. This alignment will help you decide whether it is really worth implementing your plans.

– shows how things are with the business at the moment, the potential of the enterprise, the financial component, possible difficulties and the future in general.

– determines the current state of the enterprise, whether it is developing or deteriorating, the positive and negative aspects of development, assessment of the team and other factors

– will help you see the prospects of the plan, difficulties in the process and evaluate the financial side of the undertaking.

– will help you get an answer to the question “Can I start my own business?” and other related issues.

Video express business plan: is it worth using magic to revive your business?

Tarot spreads for money

– shows earned money without effort. Money that is the result of work and effort. Talks about future changes.

– helps to find out from what side you should count on cash receipts, what can be lost and how to avoid financial stagnation.

– helps to identify prospects for receiving money.

– shows the role of money for a person, the ability to earn money, the situation with money in the past and future, what money is spent on.

– will help you understand the question “How am I doing with money?”

Video with a layout for analyzing a problem in the monetary sphere.

Tarot spreads for working relationships in a team

– to analyze the relationship between superior and subordinate. Visibility of the relationship on the part of the boss and the employee. Tips for building relationships.

– you can find out who a person is in the team, the attitude of colleagues, the psychological climate in the team, the presence of friendly employees, the presence of secret enemies and envious people who are future in this team.

– used when a person is “bullied” by colleagues at work. Helps to understand why the conflict is happening and where everything can lead.

Tarot spreads for choosing a job and profession

– helps you decide on a job choice from two offers. Also suitable for making decisions about changing workplaces.

– using the layout, you can determine the attitude and capabilities of a person in various spheres of activity: material production, the organizational sphere, the sphere of human reproduction (doctors, teachers, priests), the sphere of information.

– will show in which area it is better for a person to work, where he can achieve more in terms of his career, and self-realization.

Other layouts related to work and money

– suitable for cases when the father of your child does not pay alimony for his maintenance and you want to go to court to collect alimony.

- Let’s say the querent is faced with a choice - right now to leave for another department to fill the vacant position of the head of this department, or wait until Marya Ivanovna goes on maternity leave and take the same position in his native department, where he worked for many years. In short, which is better: a bird in the hands or a pie in the sky. And I want it, and it injects me.

– Some days there is an obsessive feeling that something not very good might happen in the workplace. The layout “How the working day will go” will help you understand the situation and understand what and at what time you should expect from the work process that day.

– designed for those who are thinking about retiring. It will help you analyze your current situation and understand how such a decision will affect your life.

– designed to find out how a business trip, official trip, vacation or move to a new place of residence will end, this layout will tell you.

– to make important decisions in work matters.

- is designed to help you better understand the task that your boss has assigned you, what pitfalls it hides and how it will affect your career. For bosses, the alignment will help them understand whether the employee has enough skills and abilities to solve the task assigned to him or whether the matter should be entrusted to someone else.

Today, it would seem that people are not surprised by anything. There is a sea of ​​information, and most of it does not have any censorship, and therefore it is not worth reading it, as Professor Preobrazhensky used to say, not only before lunch, but also before breakfast and dinner. And, nevertheless, there is one nuance that can rarely be read about on the Internet. We are talking about turning to all sorts of fortune tellers and seers of people who are usually called “the mighty of this world.”

It’s somehow inconvenient, ugly, and generally completely frivolous. Meanwhile, it is known for certain that many businessmen, many politicians and many public people do not hesitate to go to a medium, paying him a decent amount of money, in order to find out how further events will develop regarding business, or the competitive environment, or issues related to the cleanliness of new partners. Well, this is not forbidden. There really is no crime in this.

You can believe in this kind of predictions, or you can not, however, the number of people who want to “Know” is growing exponentially. And this is a fact that, like an awl in a bag, just looks like it’s trying to get out! Another thing is that not every respectable person will “shine himself” by visiting fortune-telling salons, and even find a fortune-teller who can really predict, and, more importantly, give practical advice, following which you can acquire all sorts of benefits, very, very difficult. And here, the Mogura website is an excellent alternative, opening up a lot of opportunities for those who are suffering, for those who are in a panic about their business, or because of the behavior of competitors.

Tarot business alignment (and in the case of the Mogura website, many other Oracles also act as a predictive system) - online is a great opportunity to get the information you are looking for without leaving your home or office. And you can do this completely free of charge.

Our website presents the Dwarven Tarot deck. It just so happens that this particular deck answers questions related to getting rich or business activity better than others. This is understandable, because a Dwarf is someone who loves wealth, who knows how to obtain and increase it.

Fortune tell with us and let your well-being constantly grow, and let your competitors envy you only with white envy!

Online business fortune telling is one of the most popular; in this case, you can find out the future of not only your business, but also your competitors (more on this below). The business layout is designed for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Have a nice session!

1. Current business situation: 2. Demand and sales market: 3. Competitiveness: 4. Income level: 5. Expense level: 6. Formalities and obligations: 7. Partners and cooperation: 8. Development prospects:

  • Current business situation.
  • Demand and sales market.
  • Competitiveness.
  • Income level.
  • Expense level.
  • Formalities and obligations.
  • Partners and cooperation.
  • Development prospects.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

How to guess and read the layout

  • Fortune telling for a certain period of time gives a greater effect: a week, a month, a quarter, six months, a year. As practice has shown, it is better to think about the optimal period of time for your business: if it is retail sales, it can be a week, or even a day; if you have a store, it can be a month, a quarter, etc.

  • Before fortune telling, familiarize yourself with the structure of the layout. There are points there that may be more important to you. For example, if you simply ask, “What’s wrong with my business?” - this is a universal question. “Will I receive business income this month, and what will it be? - a more specific question. Or “how do my competitors feel about me?” differs from “how formalities with the authorities will be resolved.”

If your request is general, carefully read all the cards drawn in all positions - this will be a free style interpretation of the layout. If you are interested in only one detail about the business, for example, “the level of income and expenses in this quarter”, it is clear that points 4-5 are primarily subject to your attention, but at the same time you check the overall picture.

After all, when a negative Tarot Arcana falls on your product or service in the area of ​​demand and sales markets, then the reason may be here. Give yourself a thorough analysis of the position of the layout where negative cards fell - this may be a hint on how to improve your affairs. This fortune telling does not only have a predictive purpose, but also provides material for thought and action.

Point 1 will tell you what is happening here and now, show how your business is going at the current moment in time. This can also often be the reason for your fortune telling.

The eighth position is the prospects for the development of the business in the future. This is a kind of result of fortune telling.

Points 2,3,4,5,6,7 scan your business: what is the demand for your business, how competitive are you, your income and expenses, partners and relationships with them, formalities (documentation, legality, etc.). These positions provide food for thought and are created so that you can assess the situation in your business from the other (irrational) side and, if desired, make changes when they are necessary.

If you decide to tell your fortune about another person’s business and check how he is doing, remember the ethics of your action. In principle, it is advisable to do this only if you check the words and promises of someone who does business with you, but has lost your trust, or a candidate who causes your doubts and concerns, and also poses a threat to your business.

  • The layout deliberately omitted points of internal and external influences: emotions, circumstances, the human factor. It is presented from the technical side.

  • You can read the layout by card suits. If a large number of cards with swords appear: they signal struggle, obstacles, destruction, difficulties, which is called grief from the mind. Problems are in your head.
    • If a large number of cards with wands (staffs) appear, this indicates development, activity, healthy competition, growth, and entrepreneurial spirit.

    • A large number of cards with cups (bowls) fall out - this speaks of emotionality, passivity, in the low sense of relaxation, laziness.

    • In the layout there are many cards with coins (pentacles) - about stability, productivity, profitability, in the negative - losses, inertia, stagnation.
  • Pay attention to the proportions of the cards. Which of them are greater, which are not present at all – the reason usually lies here.

Online business fortune telling does not have to tell you money, abundance and rapid growth, the collapse of competitors, the love of the tax authorities - for one simple reason: it is just a tool, the same tool as your business, which means that everything is in your hands. Success and achievements!!!