Development of students' creative abilities in biology lessons. Research methods in biology - Knowledge Hypermarket Research methods in biology analysis

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Lesson #2

Topic: “Research methods in biology.”


Educational: Introduce students to research methods in biology, consider the sequence of an experiment, and identify the difference between a hypothesis and a law or theory.

Developmental: Promote the development of intellectual skills and memory; continue the ability to compare and analyze, highlight the main points and give examples. Form a holistic picture of the world.

Educational: Contribute to the formation of a scientific worldview, implement environmental and aesthetic education, sex and labor education.

Equipment: Tables depicting the sequence of the experiment. Presentation.


I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge (10 minutes).

Work with cards (3 options): write a definition.

Option 1:

3. Write a definition:

Option 2:

1. What kingdoms are distinguished in living nature?

2. Why is modern biology considered a complex science?

3. Write a definition:

Botany, geobotany, ornithology, physiology, histology, ecology, biochemistry.

Option 3:

1. What kingdoms are distinguished in living nature?

2. Why is modern biology considered a complex science?

3. Write a definition:

Zoology, bryology, paleobotany, ethology, anatomy, genetics, biotechnology.

III. Learning new material (20 minutes).

In the last lesson, we looked at the concept of biology as a science in general. Today we will look at what methods are used in biology.

The topic of our lesson today: “Research methods in biology” ( slide 1 ). – notebook entry.

What research methods does this science of biology use?

Question: Before we start looking, let's define what science is?

Science is one of the ways to study and understand the world around us ( slide 2 ). Writing in a notebook.

Biology helps us understand the living world. We already know that people have been studying living nature since ancient times. First, they studied individual organisms, collected them, and compiled lists of plants and animals inhabiting different places. Usually this period of study of living organisms is called descriptive, and the discipline itself is called natural history. Natural history is the predecessor of biology.

What is the scientific method? The scientific method is a set of techniques and operations used in constructing a system of scientific knowledge. – notebook entry.

Biology is multifaceted and therefore requires systematic and versatile methods of study. The following research methods are distinguished: (slide 3 ).

For example, many biological studies take place directly in nature - observation, description, comparison. At the same time, a significant part of the research requires a laboratory. In laboratory conditions, biologists conduct experiments and carry out modeling. Historical methods of research are not alien to biology, because biology studies living organisms in development, and this development can last millions of years.

Let's look at each one separately: (write in notebook)

Observation (slide 4)

Deliberate, purposeful perception of objects and processes in order to understand its essential properties. Observation is the starting point of any natural science research. In biology, this is especially noticeable, since the object of its study is man and the living nature that surrounds him. Observation as a method of collecting information is chronologically the very first research technique that appeared in the arsenal of biology; this method has not lost its significance to this day. Observations can be direct or indirect, they can be carried out with or without technical devices. So, an ornithologist sees a bird through binoculars and can hear it, or can record sounds with the device outside the range of the human ear.

Descriptive (slide 5)

To find out the essence of a phenomenon, a person must first collect factual information, and then describe it and present it for use by other generations. The essence of this method is to collect information, describe the characteristics and behavioral signs of the process or living organism being studied, and conduct research at the same time.
In the early period of the development of biology, it was the collection and description of facts that were the main methods of study. These same methods are still relevant today. Description is the result of interpretation of observations. For example, when writing a description of a found skeleton, a paleontologist will call certain bones vertebrae insofar as he uses the method of establishing an analogy with the skeletons of already known animals. Description is the main method of classical biology, based on observation. Later, the descriptive method formed the basis of the comparative and historical methods of biology. Correctly composed descriptions produced in different places at different times can be compared. This allows us to study the similarities and differences between organisms and their parts through comparison.

Comparative method (slide 6)

In the 18th century The comparative method became popular. It is based on the comparison and study of similar and different features of living organisms and their structure. This method is the basis of taxonomy. Thanks to him, a major generalization was discovered and the cell theory was created. This method is still popular today. Comparison is a comparison of organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences (for example, you observe insects and notice that many of them have black and yellow stripes. Many people believe that these are all bees and wasps, so handle them carefully.

Historical (slide 7)

The historical method is used to study the patterns of appearance and development of organisms, the formation of their structure and functions.

Experiment (slide 8)

The purposeful study of phenomena under precisely established conditions, allowing them to be reproduced and observed. The full cycle of experimental research consists of several stages. Like observation, experimentation presupposes a clearly stated purpose for the study. Therefore, when starting an experiment, you need to determine its goals and objectives and think about the possible results. A scientific experiment must be well prepared and carefully conducted.

(Slide 9) So, as a result of observation and experiment, the researcher gains some knowledge about the external signs, properties of the object or phenomenon being studied, that is, new facts. The results obtained from observations and experiments must be verified by new observations and experiments. Only then can they be considered scientific facts. – recording the diagram in a notebook.

Let's write down the definitions of these methods: notebook entry (slide 10)

Observation - deliberate, purposeful perception of objects and processes in order to understand its essential properties;

Descriptive method - consists in describing objects and phenomena;

Comparison - comparison of organisms and their parts, finding similarities and differences;

Historical method – comparison of observation results with previously obtained results;

Experiment - purposeful study of phenomena under precisely established conditions, allowing to reproduce and observe these phenomena.

How does scientific research actually happen? (slide 11) - recording the diagram in a notebook.

Now let’s look at the procedure for conducting a biological experiment: (slide 12) - writing in a notebook.

IV. Fixing the material (10 minutes). (slide 13).

Describe a scientific study step by step, using the example of studying the conditions necessary for seed germination (pp. 7-8).

V. Homework (slide 14).

§ 2. Describe the step-by-step implementation of a biological experiment on the topic:

Option I: “The influence of water pollution on the number of animals and plants”;

Option II: “The influence of different types and doses of fertilizers on certain varieties of cultivated plants.”

Methods of biology. Biology uses a variety of research methods. The descriptive method is traditional, but has retained its significance. Basic methods of biology:
· Observation And description facts and phenomena (descriptive method). The observation method givesthe ability to analyze and describe biological phenomena. The descriptive method is based on the observation method. In order to find out the essence of a phenomenon, it is necessary first of all to collect and describe factual material. For example, using the observation method, you can study seasonal changes in wildlife. Observation is the study of living nature objects in natural conditions of existence. This is direct observation of the behavior, settlement, and reproduction of plants and animals in nature. For these purposes, both traditional field research tools (binoculars, video cameras) and sophisticated laboratory equipment (microscopes, biochemical analyzers, various measuring equipment) are used.
· Comparison, which makes it possible to establish the similarities and differences between different biological structures and phenomena (comparative method). Compare the anatomical structure, chemical composition, gene structure and other characteristics of organisms of different levels of complexity. In this case, not only living organisms are studied, but also long-extinct ones preserved as fossilized remains in the fossil record.
· Experiment (Latin experimentum - test), during which biological objects and processes are studied under artificially created, precisely controlled conditions (experimental method). The experimental method is associated with the purposeful creation of a system and helps to study the properties and phenomena of living nature. Experimental method (experience) - research of living objects under conditions of extreme environmental factors - changed temperature, light or humidity, increased load, toxicity or radioactivity, changed mode or place of development (removal or transplantation of genes, cells, organs, etc.) . P.) . The experimental method allows us to identify hidden properties, the limits of the adaptive (adaptive) capabilities of living systems, the degree of their flexibility, reliability, and variability.
·Widely used instrumental methods : electrography, radar, etc.

· Modeling – construction and study of models (diagrams, graphs, descriptions) of processes and phenomena, which has become increasingly used with the development of computer technology. Using the modeling method, a phenomenon is studied through its model.
·The historical method is of universal importance for all branches of biology - the study of all phenomena and processes as stages of the evolutionary development of nature. The historical method reveals evolutionary transformations of biological species and their communities. This is one of the most important methods that serves as the basis for understanding the obtained facts. The historical method clarifies the patterns of the appearance and development of organisms, the formation of their structure and functions.
· Paleontological method – study of extinct organisms.
· System method belongs to the category of new interdisciplinary research methods. Living objects are considered as systems, that is, collections of elements with certain relationships.

· Biochemical method allows you to isolate and study substances that make up organisms, their transformations, and allows you to identify hereditary metabolic disorders.
Private (special) cytology methods are used to study the structure and functions of cells and tissues:
· Light microscopy - allows you to detect the nucleus and some cell organelles - mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi apparatus, cilia and flagella.
· Electron microscopy – allows you to study the fine structure of organelles (for example,
chloroplasts), their ultrastructure,
· Centrifugation - allows you to selectively highlight and studycell organelles;
· Cell culture method And fabrics used to study the structure and functions of cells.

Experiment- a research method in biology in which the experimenter deliberately changes conditions and observes how they affect living organisms. The experiment can be carried out both in the laboratory and outdoors.

In practical microbiology it is used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, isolation and identification of pure pathogens, indication and identification of exotoxins. In addition, it is widely used in experimental microbiology and immunology, as well as for monitoring immunodrugs.

The experimental method is highly sensitive. In cases of isolation of pure grass and the establishment of immunological changes in an animal, the experimental method is highly specific and can be used in the early stages of the disease. The disadvantages of the experimental method are labor intensity, high cost, duration of the study, and the danger of laboratory contamination. Therefore, it is used in cases where other methods are ineffective and if the necessary conditions for keeping laboratory animals are available.

The use of the experimental method in biology is associated with the name of William Harvey, who used it in his research to study blood circulation. But it began to be widely used in biology only from the beginning of the 19th century, primarily in the study of physiological processes. The experimental method allows you to study a particular phenomenon of life through experience. A great contribution to the establishment of the experimental method in biology was made by G. Mendel, who, while studying the heredity and variability of organisms, was the first to use experiment not only to obtain data about the phenomena being studied, but also to test the hypothesis formulated on the basis of the results obtained. G. Mendel's work has become a classic example of the methodology of experimental science.

In the 20th century the experimental method became leading in biology. This became possible thanks to the emergence of new instruments for biological research (electron microscope, tomograph, etc.) and the use of methods of physics and chemistry in biology.

Currently, in biological experiments, various types of microscopy are widely used, including electronic microscopy with the technique of ultrathin sections, biochemical methods, various methods of cultivating and intravital observation of cell cultures, tissues and organs, the method of labeled atoms, X-ray diffraction analysis, ultracentrifugation, chromatography, etc. .

It is no coincidence that in the second half of the 20th century. A whole direction has developed in biology - the creation of new instruments and the development of research methods.

The experimental method, combined with a systems-structural approach, radically transformed biology, expanded its cognitive capabilities and opened new ways for the use of biological knowledge in all spheres of human activity.

When we talk about biology, we are talking about the science that deals with the study of all living things. All living beings, including their habitat, are studied. From the structure of cells to complex biological processes, all this is the subject of biology. Let's consider research methods in biology, which are currently in use.

Biological research methods include:

  • Empirical/Experimental Methods
  • Descriptive methods
  • Comparative methods
  • Statistical methods
  • Modeling
  • Historical methods

Empirical methods consist in the fact that the object of experience is subjected to a change in the conditions of its existence, and then the results obtained are taken into account. Experiments are of two types depending on where they are conducted: laboratory experiments and field experiments. Natural conditions are used to conduct field experiments, and special laboratory equipment is used to conduct laboratory experiments.

Descriptive methods are based on observation, followed by analysis and description of the phenomenon. This method allows us to highlight the features of biological phenomena and systems. This is one of the most ancient methods.

Comparative methods imply comparison of the obtained facts and phenomena with other facts and phenomena. Information is obtained through observation. Recently, it has become popular to use monitoring. Monitoring is constant observation, which allows you to collect data on the basis of which analysis and then forecasting will be carried out.

Statistical methods also known as mathematical methods, and are used to process numerical data that was obtained during an experiment. In addition, this method is used to ensure the reliability of certain data.

Modeling This is a method that has been gaining momentum lately and involves working with objects by representing them in models. What cannot be analyzed and studied after an experiment can be learned through modeling. Partially, not only conventional modeling is used, but also mathematical modeling.

Historical methods are based on the study of previous facts, and allow us to determine existing patterns. But since one method is not always sufficiently effective, it is customary to combine these methods to obtain better results.

So we looked at the main research methods in biology. We really hope that you found this article interesting and informative. Be sure to write your questions and comments in the comments.

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