Features of specialized training. Implementation of pre-professional training and specialized training by a biology teacher. Main provisions submitted for defense

Problems of specialized training and approaches to their solution

Currently, the features of specialized training are largely related to the specifics of the problems of its implementation and possible ways to solve them, which are proposed in theory and practice.

What is specialized training? The main regulatory document “The Concept of Profile Education” states that specialized education organized in senior grades of general education schools involves taking into account the interests and abilities of students and contributes to their professional self-determination.

To what extent is this form of teaching familiar to teachers? Types of profile differentiation are profile classes and classes focused on a specific university.

In addition, classes with in-depth study of individual subjects are close to them. What all these forms of education have in common is the orientation of high school students towards developing the ability to independently search for knowledge and assimilate it, to study certain methods of activity characteristic of specialized subjects or subjects studied in depth.

During a period of significant social changes in our country in the 90s. XX century Classes with in-depth study of individual subjects became widespread. Sometimes all that was needed to create them was the desire of the subject teacher, the school administration and the interest of the students. Biological, chemical and other classes were created in which in-depth study of only one academic subject was practiced.

During the same period, such a form of education began to develop as specialized classes, in which students are focused not on an educational institution, but on a specific academic discipline. In a class of one profile, schoolchildren who wish to obtain various professions in the same field of knowledge can study in the future. For example, in a natural science (biological) class, students are guided by the professions of medicine, biologist, ecologist, and psychologist.

What profiles are provided for by existing regulatory documents? In the practice of schools, the following specialized classes have become widespread: mathematical (physical and mathematical), natural science, humanities, etc. The Federal component of the state standard of general education lists the following profiles: physical and mathematical, physical and chemical, chemical and biological, biological -geographical, socio-economic, social-humanitarian, philological, information technology, agro-technological, artistic and aesthetic, defense sports, industrial-technological, universal (general education). The academic subject biology is studied at the profile level in classes of chemical-biological, biological-geographical and agrotechnological profiles.

How does the school choose a profile? The “Profile Training Concept” provides the following opportunities. The school can only retain general education (universal) classes, i.e.

remain non-core, choose one profile depending on material and technical conditions, teaching staff, student preferences, or become a single-profile.

In fact, it is extremely difficult for schools to maintain more than two profiles, so most schools are faced with the alternative of creating one or two profile classes.

The main problems are related to the definition of the training profile itself. It is no secret that often the desires of students are so heterogeneous that recruiting even one class is difficult. In this case, you can use such forms of training as classes of flexible composition, individual educational trajectories of students, and a network organization. Flexible classes involve teaching at least two groups of students in different areas. In such classes, all students attend general education subjects, and when studying specialized disciplines, the class is divided into groups. make it possible to take into account the interests of different groups of schoolchildren, and the schedule of school hours for the week is compiled individually for each. Network organization currently implemented through Internet education.

How is the choice of profile determined by students? The factors determining the choice of profile are extremely varied. They can be either positive (parents, teachers, friends recommend, like the subject) or negative (don’t recommend, don’t like). Pre-profile training, the experimental implementation of which has already begun, helps to facilitate targeted choice.

The teacher needs to take into account not only the preferences of students, but also their individual characteristics. Psychological and pedagogical research has made it possible to identify individual typological characteristics characteristic of students of a certain profile.

These features include the interests and inclinations that students have towards certain areas of knowledge, special abilities that allow them to successfully master their major subjects.

Research by V.A. Krutetsky, N.S. Purysheva, I.M. Smirnova showed that students in mathematics classes are more characterized by abstract-logical thinking, interest in systematization, identifying patterns, while “humanities” students have developed visual-figurative thinking, and emotions are more clearly manifested.

Students of natural science classes are characterized by the perception of an object as a whole, flexibility of mental activity, logical and sensory perception of an object. This can be revealed, for example, during laboratory work, if it is possible to select objects and tasks for practical research (workshops, laboratory work, experiments, observations).

In mathematics classes, students, perceiving the essence of the process, easily abstract from the object of research. In the laboratory work under consideration, “Construction of a variation series and a variation curve,” herbarium specimens of plants are used as the object of research. You can include the following tasks: measurements, independent choice by students of the necessary mathematical methods, construction of a variation series and its graphical display, as well as identifying patterns associated with modification variability.

In science classes, an object of study may be of interest not only as an illustration of a specific phenomenon or pattern, but also in itself.

Therefore, it is rational to give students the opportunity to prepare it themselves. The described laboratory work involves independently compiling a herbarium or selecting seeds (beans, peas, etc.).

So, we come to the most significant problem - the content of specialized education.

The curriculum for a specialized school includes several groups of subjects: basic, specialized, and elective. Biology at a basic level is studied as part of a natural science course or as a separate academic subject with a load of 1 hour per week in the 10th and 11th grades. In specialized classes, 3 hours per week are allocated to this discipline for two years of study. Elective courses taken at students' discretion can contribute to both in-depth study of a core subject and the maintenance of basic general education disciplines.

In humanities classes, we begin the study of general biology with the topic “Fundamentals of evolutionary teaching.” This is due to the narrative presentation of educational material, reliance on developed abilities and skills, and frequently used methods of activity.

All of the above allows you to gradually prepare students for more complex educational material.

In natural science classes, the sequence of topics corresponds to the levels of organization of living matter (from molecules and organelles to biocenosis and biosphere). In other words, the study of biology begins with elements of bioorganic chemistry and the basics of cytology.

Let's give another example. When studying the topic “Fundamentals of Genetics”, it is necessary to actively use logical structures and diagrams for classes of all profiles. Explaining new material in the form of problems facilitates the process of assimilation in mathematics and natural science classes, and this form of presentation of material is possible for all material on the topic (H. Mendel and T. Morgan's laws, interaction of genes, inheritance of sex-linked traits, etc.) .

Students in mathematics classes often abstract from the text of problems, focusing on its numerical or letter expression, so it is necessary to teach them to analyze the meaning of each problem. This stimulates the assimilation of the general principles of the construction of any science and allows us to draw analogies between sciences from different fields of knowledge. In addition, this profile should establish interdisciplinary connections with mathematics.

The ways of learning new material and the forms of organizing the educational process are very diverse. Many of them must be used in all classes, and some are most effective in certain classes. For example, in humanities classes, we can recommend drawing up plans, theses, abstracts, reports, and working with scientific and reference literature.

Thus, we can conclude that the educational material needs to be adapted to the capabilities of students in classes of different profiles.

Ph.D. ped. sciences,
Art. scientific co-workers ITIP RAO.

On the issue of creating software and methodological materials in the natural sciences for schools in the Moscow region

Profile training at the senior level of general education is one of the directions of the concept of modernization of education, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001.

The goals of specialized training are:

– ensuring in-depth study of individual subjects of the complete general education program;
– creating conditions for differentiating the content of education for high school students with ample opportunities to create individual programs;
– maximum individualization of education, which should become functional and effective.

It is expected that by the 10th grade, students must choose the direction, the profile that will become the basis of their profession. For this purpose, pre-profile training is planned in the senior classes of basic school. It consists of elective courses (their content expands knowledge on the subject), the work of teachers and psychologists that promote self-determination of the student at the basic level, and the work of the school administration to provide information about the profession market (open days, conversations with area residents, school graduates who have achieved certain results in any field of work).

The model of a general education institution with specialized training at the senior level provides for the possibility of various combinations of various subjects, which should provide a flexible system of specialized training. It includes three interacting components:

– basic general education subjects, which are mandatory for all students in all majors;
– specialized general education subjects – advanced level subjects (at least two), which determine the focus of each specific educational profile;
– elective courses – mandatory elective courses that are part of the profile of study at the senior level of school.

In this regard, one of the most pressing tasks at the moment is the task of selecting content and determining methods of teaching and education in specialized classes.

The solution to this problem is possible by creating experimental training sites for various training profiles.

To organize natural science experimental sites in schools near Moscow within the framework of the regional target program “Development of Education in the Moscow Region for 2001–2005.” It is planned to create educational and methodological support developed taking into account the specifics of the Moscow region.

To do this you need:
– develop a basic curriculum for the school course “Biology” in the natural sciences;
– to specify the basic program of the school course “Biology” in the natural sciences in connection with various areas (agrotechnological, biological-chemical, etc.);
– to develop programs of elective courses for pre-profile and specialized training of schoolchildren in the natural sciences, taking into account the specifics of the Moscow region;
– carry out experimental preparation and testing of the developed programs;

– prepare methodological recommendations and materials for creating educational and methodological sets for the school course “Biology” in the natural sciences, taking into account the specifics of the Moscow region.

The creation of experimental training sites for various educational profiles will allow us to obtain the data necessary for selecting content and choosing teaching and educational methods in specialized classes. Analysis of this material will allow secondary schools in the Moscow region to move in 2006 to effective work in the conditions of specialized education.

The idea of ​​specialized training can be implemented in various ways. Currently, taking into account the current situation, this idea can be most effectively implemented by introducing elective courses into the educational process. In this case, students study a basic course in the profile and select several elective courses from the school component of the curriculum (in total, at least 70 teaching hours over 2 years of study).

Employees of the Department of Methods of Teaching Biology, Geography and Ecology of the Moscow State Regional Pedagogical University within the framework of the target program “Development of Education in the Moscow Region for 2001–2005.” under the guidance of the head of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.V. Pasechnik developed software and methodological materials in the natural sciences for secondary educational institutions in the Moscow region, which includes a biology program for the natural sciences and elective course programs.

Elective courses adopted by teachers of a number of experimental schools are divided into two groups with different functions.

Some of them support the study of basic core subjects (biology, chemistry, physics) at the profile level specified by the standard. This is the elective course “Patterns of Biological Processes,” the author of which is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor D.I. Tritak. This elective course introduces high school students to the laws of biological processes using the example of thermodynamics (i.e., it is built on the basis of interdisciplinary connections between chemistry, physics and biology).

Other elective courses serve for intra-profile specialization of training and for building individual educational trajectories for students. These include, for example, the courses “Biological foundations of crop production”, “Application of biological processes and systems in production”, “Microorganisms in nature and human activity”, etc.

Thus, the staff of the department, together with teachers, is actively working to create an educational and methodological set of materials for the implementation of a specialized education program for schools in the Moscow region.
The created and published educational and methodological materials are successfully tested in schools in the Moscow region.

Ph.D. ped. sciences,

Assoc. department methods of teaching biology, geography and ecology MGOPU

– the subject being studied must be necessary for subsequent education and in demand in further social or professional activities;
– changing teaching methods;
– teaching technologies at senior levels should be aimed at developing practical skills of analysis and self-study;
– selection of educational programs;
– in high school it is necessary to switch to different forms of independent activity: summarizing, designing, research, experimenting;
– transition from variability for the teacher to variability for the student.

All this will allow for the development of the graduate’s personality, social and creative activity.

How can you achieve your goals? First of all, this is the variability of education, the strengthening of personal orientation, i.e., in the end, this is specialization at the senior level of school.

When switching to specialized training, the teacher is faced with the need to choose an educational and methodological set (TMS), which, to one degree or another, would help solve the problems of content, methods and technologies of teaching.

In this regard, the requirements that a teacher should first of all make to the educational complex when choosing it are (according to I.Ya. Lerner):

– system of knowledge about nature;
– experience of an emotional and value-based attitude to the world;
– experience in carrying out creative activities;
– experience in implementing methods of activity.

All these requirements, or at least the main ones, must be met by the educational complex for the senior level of school.

In textbooks for grades 10–11 “General Biology,” ed. I.N. Ponomareva reflects the current level of scientific biological knowledge. It also corresponds to a fundamentally new structure of textbooks, taking into account the features of specialized training. The presentation of the fundamentals of various biological sciences is embodied in a certain structuring of textbook material: the main core of knowledge and two additional components - general education and specialized. This division of educational material provides the necessary level of knowledge that corresponds to the choice that students have made regarding their future education or occupation.

Thus, for the general education profile, the textbook provides modules for the humanities and general education profiles. In the table of contents they are highlighted in different colors, which makes it easy to navigate. Each educational module can be used separately or, at the discretion of the teacher, complementing the others.

The course can distinguish several levels of algorithmization related to the new conceptual framework: from general to specific.

In the 10th grade, the following levels are studied: biosphere, biogeocenotic, population-species. In 11th grade: organismal, cellular, molecular. The principle of greening runs through the entire course.

One of the parameters for enhancing cognitive activity and its design is algorithmization, the logic of presentation. All topic material is presented in interconnected blocks: educational guidelines, paragraphs, seminar lesson, summing up. In addition, there are the following sections: “Test yourself”, “Think”, “Discuss the problem”, “Express your opinion”, “Exclude the unnecessary”, “Prove the truth or error of the statement”, “Define the term”, “Basic concepts”. All this allows you to clearly plan students’ activities within the topic.

I would like to draw attention to such a block as “Let’s summarize”, which is available in all textbooks edited by. I.N. Ponomareva. It helps students not only test their knowledge on a topic, but also, which is especially important in humanities classes, learn to express their opinions, prove the truth or fallacy of a statement, etc. This methodological part makes the textbooks unique.

A special place in the general biology course is occupied by seminars, which the authors of the program propose to conduct in humanities classes upon completion of the study of the material in each chapter.

Their topics are varied, but closely related to the specifics of the class. As practice has shown, these seminars can be conducted in all classes, because they help the teacher solve the main problems identified earlier.

We have developed a specific algorithm for preparing seminars, which includes the following stages:
– creation of a creative group to prepare the seminar;
– selection of problems and questions for discussion;
– formation of microgroups to study the material;
– studying the problem;
– consulting with teachers;
– selection of material for presentation at the seminar;
– preparation of material on paper and electronic media;

– preparation of speeches and presentations.

The meeting of the activists helps to finalize the structure of the seminar and issues for discussion. A general presentation is made. It is important to note that each seminar should determine its personal significance for the child, so it is necessary that the result be some kind of action. For example, organize a riddle competition for kids (after the seminar “The Image of Nature in Folk Art”), write a letter to future generations warning about environmental dangers, etc.

Conducting the seminar itself takes one lesson, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to have time to do everything that is planned.

Summing up the results of the seminar is carried out with the aim of analyzing the work done, and, as practice shows, the guys evaluate themselves quite critically.

Thus, UMC, ed.

Ponomareva I.N. for grades 10–11, is one of the ways to solve many problems facing a teacher of a specialized school. Using it skillfully will help high school students master many study skills that will be useful to them in life.
methodologist in biology
city ​​methodological center,


On the issue of specialized education in high school

Specialized education is becoming an increasingly effective method of preparing high school students to achieve a specific goal - entering a higher education institution.

The existing significant gap between the requirements of higher education for applicants and the capabilities of secondary schools in implementing the educational standard has still not been fully eliminated.
The specialized school seems to be the most holistic educational structure capable of solving this problem.
Currently, the problems of organizing specialized training are extremely relevant. First of all, the following difficulties should be noted:
– diagnostics of vocational guidance of schoolchildren;
– organization of a holistic educational process that corresponds to the parameters of the basic curriculum and solves specific problems of profiling;

There is already experience in approaching solving a number of problems. Various technologies and methods are used - this includes drawing up individual psychological and pedagogical maps of students throughout the entire period of study, creating flexible classes, participating in job fairs, and holding joint scientific and practical conferences and seminars for teachers and university professors. The positive results obtained indicate the effectiveness and prospects of creating specialized classes now, and in the near future we can expect a wide spread of specialized schools.

Ph.D. ist. sciences,
head of non-governmental educational institution
"School of Classical Education Luch"

  • Golubeva Elena Alexandrovna, student
  • Vologda State University

Profile training in senior grades of secondary schools is one of the areas of modernization of the education system. This article makes an attempt to consider the features of effective organization of specialized biology education.

  • Using cloud services in the work of a school teacher
  • Development of educational activities in biology lessons using information technology
  • Horizontal and vertical development of educational activities using information technology
  • Problem-search activity of students in a biology lesson
  • Cognitive independence as a path to personal self-realization in learning

Modernization of the education system in Russia has several directions, one of which is the organization of a system of specialized education in the senior classes of secondary schools. Today, the features of profiling in school are associated with all sorts of ways of its implementation.

The key regulatory document on this issue, “The Concept of Specialized Education,” notes that specialized education involves taking into account the self-determination and abilities of students.

One of the main concepts of the profile level is competence - this is the ability to solve professional and applied issues, thanks to competencies - knowledge, skills, experience.

In the secondary general education school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 8 in Vologda, specialized training begins in the 8th grade; this became possible due to the hours of the educational component of the general education institution. In the curriculum of specialized classes, disciplines are divided into subjects at basic and specialized levels. When studying subjects that meet the basic standard of an academic subject, ideas about vocational education and the professional field are formed, and an understanding of the connection between the discipline and the future profession. The profile level prepares you for professional activities and also allows you to gain practical experience.

Biology is one of the subjects of the natural science cycle, which allows us to enrich and shape the inner world of a person.

The meaning of specialized biology education is the formation of a free personality, biologically and environmentally literate, who understands the meaning of life as the highest value, who knows how to build their relationships with nature on the basis of respect for life, people, and the environment.

The structure and content of the biology course corresponds to the laws of development of students' cognitive abilities, and also shows the system of concepts of biology, its place in culture. Students can choose the direction of biological education - basic or specialized. The basic level is characterized by the use of explanatory and illustrative methods. In classes with a specialized level, students are included in project activities: informational, creative, research, and practical-oriented. This allows you to develop biological competencies and qualitatively assimilate biological knowledge.

Biology lessons occupy an important place in the natural science cycle of subjects. Some of the general educational problems of senior level majors can be solved if, from the first biology lessons, students are trained in the system to conduct observations in nature, familiarize schoolchildren with the diversity of flora and fauna, and teach them to understand their body. It is necessary to include tasks of various types into the structure of the lesson: solving test tasks and calculation problems, performing laboratory and practical work, compiling summary tables, working with text and pictures, as well as solving applied problems. The skills to describe, recognize, define, classify, explain, compare, analyze biological objects and phenomena are developed using a system-activity approach in teaching biology. As a result of training, schoolchildren develop basic competencies: educational and cognitive, research, general cultural, communicative; systems thinking and perception of fundamental theories and laws of biology develop.

A feature of the teacher’s methodological work in specialized classes is: mastering the content of new educational and methodological complexes, methods for implementing the competency-based approach. It should be noted that the use of modern pedagogical and information technologies develops cognitive activity and cognitive independence of students. In this case, it is appropriate to use an integrated approach in the application of specialized training methods: differentiated training, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, modular training, and the project method. Modern teaching technologies are used in specialized classes: training on communicative-cognitive and problem-search basis, the use of information and communication technologies and the research method of teaching.

In biology lessons, the learning process must be transformed in such a way that thinking prevails over memory, and independent work of students prevails over the teacher’s monologue. One of the modern approaches to learning is the activity-based approach, which is focused on the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to use it in practice.

The appropriate use of resources from all components of the school's basic curriculum creates the optimal opportunity to achieve the goals of modernizing biological education.

As a result, on the basis of specialized training, a certain technology for organizing the educational process was formed: 1) pre-profile preparation of students; 2) a range of career guidance services; 3) survey of students; 4) analysis of the results of the student survey; 5) dialogue with parents of students; 6) compiling a list of special courses and approving them at the methodological council; 7) creation of a system of means of monitoring the quality of education of schoolchildren; 8) pre-profile training courses in order to improve the quality of enrollment of students in specialized classes; 9) clarification of the school curriculum; 10) drawing up a plan for reporting and maintaining documentation in classes of specialized training; 11) control over the quality of training; 12) assessment of the quality of students’ knowledge in basic and specialized level subjects; 13) attracting students to participate in creative activities and research projects; 14) participation in the Olympiad movement at school, municipal and regional levels.

This organization of specialized training makes it possible for the teacher to thoroughly prepare the student for continuing education. Graduates of the school enter higher educational institutions in the region and the country. Thus, according to the “Concept of Profile Education,” high school students are given the right to independently choose the option of studying in high school in any specific profile. The effectiveness, functionality and individuality of education at school is the main idea of ​​updating the senior level of general education. Studying in a specialized school helps schoolchildren realize their individual aptitudes for education.


  1. Golubev O.B. Educational network projects in teaching mathematics as a means of developing cognitive activity of humanities students: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences / O.B. Golubev. - Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky. Yaroslavl, 2010. P.177
  2. Golubev O.B., Nikiforov O.Yu., Pavlova T.A. Profile shift “Interneshka” // O.B. Golubev. - Public education. 2014. No. 2. P. 195-199.
  3. Golubev O.B. Educational network projects in teaching mathematics as a means of developing cognitive activity of humanities students: diss.... Ph.D. ped. Sciences / O.B. Golubev. - Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky. Vologda, 2010. P.23
  4. Golubev O.B. Network projects in teaching computer science and mathematics / O.B. Golubev. - Vologda, 2011. P.123


Chapter I. History of the formation and development of the problem of profile differentiation in pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching biology.10

1.1. Historical aspects of the development of specialized education in Russian schools 10

1.2. The problem of specialized training in the practice of biological education in Russia 26

1.3. Features of the organization of specialized training in the practice of foreign education 42

1.4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of specialized training 56

Chapter 1 Conclusions 72

Chapter II. Theoretical and methodological foundations of specialized biology education in secondary schools 75

2.1. Principles of specialized biology education 75

2.2. Model of methodology for specialized teaching of biology in grades 10, 11 of natural science 97

Conclusions on Chapter II 113

Chapter III. Experimental study of the methodology of specialized teaching of biology in grades 10 and 11 of a general education school of natural sciences 116

3.1. The state of the problem of implementing specialized biology education in the practice of modern school biological education 116

3.2. Methods of teaching biology in the 10th and 11th grades of natural science under the conditions of a pedagogical experiment 126

3.3. Results of an experimental study of the methodology for specialized teaching of biology in senior classes of natural sciences 141

Conclusions on Chapter III 158

Conclusion 160

Bibliography 163

Applications 185

Introduction to the work

The relevance of research. The main idea of ​​updating the senior level of general education is to strengthen its individualization, increase functionality and efficiency. According to the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010,” specialized training is provided for at the senior level of general education schools and the task is set to create “a system of specialized training (profile training) in the senior grades of general education schools, focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market”, as well as “to develop and introduce a flexible system of study profiles in high school, including through cooperation of the senior level of school with institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.” The transition of the Russian education system to specialized training requires a change in the goals and objectives of secondary biological education, which must be aimed at satisfying the cognitive interests and needs of students, the development of the student’s personality, the formation of his motivational sphere, intellectual and creative abilities.

Achieving new educational goals can be fully facilitated by specialized training, which is a means of differentiation and individualization of training and allows creating conditions for training high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions regarding continuing education.

Didactics, methodologists, and psychologists considered the problems of individualization and differentiation, determining goals that promote differentiation, as well as issues of forming the content of specialized education, choosing criteria for selecting students into specialized classes, choosing profiles, etc. (G.D. Glazer, I.D. Zverev, L.Ya. Zorina, G.S.

4 va, B.D. Komissarov, V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, V.N. Maksimova, A.V. Marina, A.N. Myagkova, I.M. Osmolovskaya, E.S. Rabunsky, L.N. Rozhina, I.E. Unt, N.M. Shakhmaev and others).

However, the process of specialized education in secondary schools is still organized to some extent intuitively, without proper theoretical and methodological justification. In the past, profiling and deepening led to educational overload of students, one-sided development of students' abilities, and a decrease in cognitive interest in non-core subjects.

Today, a contradiction has arisen between the need to change the structure and content of biological education in changing socio-economic, scientific, technical and environmental conditions, on the one hand, and the insufficient theoretical and methodological development of specialized biology education in high schools, on the other.

Problem Our research is to find effective ways to improve the quality of specialized biology education in high school.

The purpose of the study is to develop an effective methodology for specialized teaching of biology at the senior level of secondary school.

The object of the study is specialized biology education at the senior level of secondary school.

Item research - a methodology for specialized teaching of biology to high school students in natural science classes.

Research hypothesis is to assume that specialized biology education for students in science classes will be effective if:

the goals of specialized biology education have been determined, aimed at enhancing its individualization and profile;

the principles of specialized training have been identified;

in accordance with the goals and principles, the structure and content of specialized biology education are determined;

forms, methods and means that promote individualization and specialized training have been identified.

Research objectives:

    To find out the historical aspects of the formation of specialized education in secondary schools.

    To identify the main essential characteristics of specialized biology education in modern domestic and foreign secondary schools.

    To construct a model of a methodology for specialized teaching of biology.

    Formulate and justify the goals of specialized biology education.

    To formulate the principles of forming the content of a specialized biology course and the principles of organizing the process of specialized teaching of biology in natural science classes.

    Determine the structure and select the content of a specialized biology course.

    Select optimal forms, methods and means of specialized biology education.

    To experimentally test the effectiveness of the developed methodology for specialized biology teaching.

To solve the problems, the following were used research methods:

theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization; modeling;

experimental: direct and indirect pedagogical observation, written survey of teachers and students, conversation, pedagogical experiment;

Statistical methods for mathematical analysis of experimental data.
Methodological and theoretical basis of the study serve methodology

and theory of knowledge; activity theories; theories of personality development (L.I. Antsiferova, L.I. Bozhovich, A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinstein); methodology

dark approach (I.V. Blauberg, B.V. Vsesvyatsky, V.N. Sadovsky, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, E.G. Yudin), integrative approach (A.P. Belyaeva, M.N. Berulava , V.P. Solomin, G.P. Shchedrovitsky); personality-oriented, activity-based (I.S. Batrakova, A.N. Leontyev, I.Ya. Lerner, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.P. Tryapitsyna, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), problematic (A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov, etc.), differentiated (I.E. Unt, I.M. Osmolovskaya, etc.) approaches; ideas of humanization, greening of natural science biological education (N.M. Aleksandrova, I.Yu. Aleksashina, S.V. Alekseev, N.D. Andreeva, N.M. Verzilin, A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, V.M. Korsunskaya, I.N. Ponomareva, V.P. Solomin, V.D. ).

Main stages of the study:

At the first stage(2002-2003) an analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem was carried out, the concept of “profile education” in the context of biological education was clarified and specified, the state of the problem under study in the history, theory and practice of school biological education was identified, directions for researching the problem of specialized biology education, a methodology for the ascertaining stage of the experiment was developed, a ascertaining experiment was carried out and its results were generalized.

At the second stage(2003-2005) the principles of forming the content of a specialized biology course and the principles of organizing the process of specialized teaching of biology were determined, a theoretical model of the methodology of specialized teaching of biology for natural science classes was built, a methodology of specialized teaching of general biology was developed: the content of the specialized course was selected, the forms were determined, methods and means that promote profiling and individualization of biology teaching. The formative stage of the experiment was organized.

At the third stage(2005-2006) the experiment was completed, analysis and interpretation of the research results were carried out; The text of the dissertation has been completed.

Experimental base of the study: secondary schools No. 369, 374, 375 of St. Petersburg.

Scientific novelty of the research consists in clarifying, concretizing and defining the concepts of “specialized biology education”, “elective course in biology”, classification of elective courses (special and non-special purpose); creating a theoretical model of specialized biology teaching methods; developing an effective methodology for teaching general biology in science classes, including student-oriented learning goals; content that promotes the development and professional orientation of the student’s personality; forms, methods and means that promote individualization and specialization of training.

Theoretical significance of the study consists in substantiating the principles of forming the content of a specialized biology course (humanization, integration, cultural conformity, scientific-historical, profile differentiation, fundamentality of scientific biological knowledge, unity and interdependence of professional orientation and polytechnics); principles of organizing the process of specialized biology education (individualization, intensification, problem-based learning, dialogue learning, unity of collective and individual activities of students, independence, satisfaction of cognitive needs and motives of students). Specific principles of specialized training are proposed: the unity of educational and research cognitive activity, the creative activity of students. A model of a methodology for specialized biology teaching has been constructed.

Practical significance The research is to develop an effective methodology for teaching biology to students in science classes, to identify effective forms of organizing specialized training

8 (types of lessons: problem-based lectures, lectures with elements of heuristic conversation, seminars (debates, round tables), workshops, combined lessons, educational games), home creative work including elements of research work, extracurricular work (independent work on studying scientific literature , scientific theme evenings, scientific conferences, scientific student society in biology), excursions into nature, museums. The forms of organizing the control of knowledge and skills are determined (tests, defense of abstracts, presentations of the results of practical work, biological experiments and experiments, a portfolio of individual achievements of the student) and methods that influence the increase in the student’s independent activity: informational, research.

Recommendations for the use of scientific results. The methodology of specialized biology teaching can be used in the mass practice of biology teachers and other natural science subject teachers in secondary schools and the secondary vocational education system, in the training of biology teachers in pedagogical universities, in the system of advanced training of teaching staff.

Reliability and validity of research results ensured by the integrity of the work, taking into account modern trends in the development of education and based on the methodology of a systemic, integrative one; personal-oriented, activity-based approaches; the adequacy of the methods used to the goals and objectives of the research, qualitative and quantitative analysis of factual material, the introduction of modern pedagogical and methodological ideas into the educational process, data from statistical processing of the results obtained.

Testing and implementation of research results were carried out in the educational process in biology in schools in St. Petersburg. The main provisions and results of the study were discussed at meetings of the Department of Methods of Teaching Biology and Ecology of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen and round tables for teachers

Main provisions submitted for defense:

    Principles of specialized biology education.

    A model of a methodology for specialized teaching of biology in natural science classes, including target, procedural, meaningful, and effective components, based on the ideas of humanization, individualization of training and ideas of specialized training.

    A methodology for teaching biology in science classes, including individually oriented goals; content with strengthening of theoretical aspects and an increase in its activity and creative components; forms, methods and means promoting individualization and specialized training.

    Positive research results obtained during the implementation of the developed methodology, which consist in improving the quality of assimilation of biological knowledge and knowledge about professions in the field of biology; in students mastering methodological, intellectual, practical skills and developing interest in the study of biology and biological specialties.

Historical aspects of the formation of specialized education in Russian schools

It is advisable to begin covering the historical aspect of the emergence of specialized education in Russian schools by characterizing the contradiction that has arisen between classical and real education, and which is directly related to the topic of this study.

Classical education is the heritage of ancient culture, which represents the unity of science, art and craft. At the same time, the content of training reflected elements of the disciplinary structure of knowledge.

In the 18th century, in contrast to the classical one, real education arose, which was enriched with ideas for the practical reorganization of life.

The first attempts to combine classical education and real education were made at the beginning of the 19th century and were unsuccessful: the gap between theoretical and practical, humanitarian and natural science was obvious.

In the second half of the 19th century, a solution was found - to combine the general education minimum, in particular in natural science, with differentiation in the classical and real areas.

In the 20th century, the conflict between classical and real education grew into a conflict between academic and utilitarian education. Academicism became widespread in educational institutions preparing their students for admission to university, and was characterized by the predominance of theoretical knowledge over practical knowledge, generality and convention, and separation from the demands of everyday life. At the same time, academic school courses were minimal copies of the corresponding subjects at universities.

We agree with the opinion of B.D. Komisarova, who believed that utilitarianism placed the focus on those students who could not or had no intention of continuing their education at the university. They were offered a set of information of an applied, practical nature. Utilitarians believed that for those who are not focused on continuing their education at the university, it is inappropriate to study the life cycles of protozoa, algae, mosses and ferns, and to memorize an extensive set of terms on the taxonomy of plants and animals. These students need, first of all, knowledge of current problems of personal and social life (nutrition, illness, behavior, racial studies, etc.).

Starting from the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries, the conflict between academicism and realism (utilitarianism) began to manifest itself more and more clearly in the Russian school. The first attempts at profiling education were carried out under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich by Silion Poloukh at the Spasskaya school, which had the goal of training literate people for civil affairs and for public administration.

The trend of profiling training begins to manifest itself more clearly in the era of Peter the Great's reforms. In the first quarter of the 18th century, Peter’s reforms took a central place in the history of Russia. If in the 17th century the school was not associated with solving problems of a practical nature, then in the 18th century education became a state matter and with a “bias towards applied biases,” because the state wanted to have knowledgeable shipwrights, good officers and sailors, and engineers.

V.V. Grigoriev, who studied the history of the Russian school, noted that from the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I began reforms in the field of education, paying special attention to the creation of secular schools to train the specialists the country needed. In 1701, by decree of the Tsar, a school of mathematical and navigational sciences was opened in Moscow in the chambers of the Sukharev Tower, where they began to teach “voluntarily willing or forcedly recruited” young people “mathematical and navigational sciences, i.e. nautical, cunning arts." It combined special education with general education. The school taught arithmetic, plane and spherical trigonometry, navigation, naval astronomy, and taught brief information from the field of geography, mainly mathematical: “the youth were taught sciences exclusively related to navigation, such as: arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry with their practical applications to geography and navigation, navigation, with a part of astronomy, as well as foil science (fencing)."

After the establishment of the navigation school, a number of technical schools appeared. Thus, in 1712, an engineering school was established in Moscow. In the same year, an artillery school was opened.

title2 Principles of specialized biology education

In the course of determining the theoretical foundations of specialized training in biology in the natural sciences, the essence of the concepts of “profile training” and “profile training in biology” was clarified.

The transition to specialized education is aimed at ensuring in-depth study of individual subjects of the complete general education program; creating conditions for significant differentiation of the content of education for high school students with wide and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs.

The basic curriculum for the senior level of secondary school provides for the possibility of various combinations of academic subjects, which provides a flexible system of specialized education. This system should include the following types of training courses: basic general education, specialized and elective.

Basic general education courses are required for all students in all areas of study. The following set of compulsory general education subjects is offered: mathematics, history, Russian and foreign languages, physical education, as well as integrated courses in social studies (for natural mathematics, technology and other possible profiles) and natural science (for humanitarian, socio-economic and other possible profiles) .

Profile general education subjects are advanced level subjects that determine the focus of each specific educational profile. For example, physics, chemistry, biology are core subjects in the natural sciences profile. Profile subjects are compulsory for students who choose this profile of study. The content of these two types of educational subjects constitutes the federal component of the state standard of general education. Achievement by graduates of the level of requirements of the state educational standard in basic general education and specialized subjects is determined by the results of the unified state exam.

Elective courses are elective courses that are mandatory for students to attend and are part of the study profile at the senior level of school. According to Appendix No. 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2003 No. 13-51-144/13, elective courses help satisfy cognitive interests in various fields of human activity.

Elective courses are implemented through the school component of the curriculum and perform certain functions:

1. Function of “add-ons” to the profile course. At the same time, the specialized course becomes fully in-depth (and the school or class in which it is studied turns into a traditional school with in-depth study of individual subjects).

2. The function of enriching the content of one of the basic courses, the study of which is carried out at a minimum general educational level. This allows you to support the study of related academic subjects at the profile level and receive additional training to pass the unified state exam in the chosen subject at the profile level.

The number of elective courses offered as part of the profile must be excessive compared to the number of courses that the student is required to choose. There is no unified state exam for elective courses.

The order of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg “On the formation of curricula for educational institutions in St. Petersburg” presents the main approaches to the selection of elective courses for organizing pre-professional preparation and specialized training. In relation to grades X - XI, there are five types of elective courses: those that complement the content of the profile course; realizing interdisciplinary connections through the study of related subjects; developing the content of one of the basic courses; focusing on the acquisition of educational results by schoolchildren for successful advancement in the labor market; aimed at satisfying the cognitive interests of students that go beyond the curriculum.

Elective courses should complement the content of a specialized course (for example, expand or deepen a specialized biology course), develop the content of one of the basic courses, satisfy the cognitive interests of schoolchildren, and equip them with the knowledge necessary for professional guidance in applied fields of science (in particular, in applied fields of biology) . At the same time, elective courses should not be highly specialized or of a popularization nature. Otherwise, they will not correspond in their content to the targets for developing social and intellectual skills of a universal nature in students. However, in addition to elective courses, some sources also mention educational practices, projects, research activities, special workshops, elective modules, special courses or in-depth study courses. Some authors, such as D.S. Ermakov, T.I. Rybkin, the curriculum of specialized education, in addition to elective courses required for studying elective subjects, also includes educational practices, projects, and research activities.

The state of the problem of implementing specialized biology education in the practice of modern school biological education

To determine the effectiveness of the developed method, an experimental test was carried out. We adhere to the opinion of V.I. Zagvyazinsky, according to which “the need to use an experiment arises when the research objectives require the creation of a situation that either cannot arise in the normal course of events, or would have to be expected indefinitely.” Before launching a formative experiment, it is necessary to study the question of how complete is the understanding of secondary school teachers about specialized biology education. For this purpose, the ascertaining stage of the experiment is carried out.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment in 2002, sixty biology teachers from various schools in St. Petersburg were interviewed on the problems of specialized biology education at school. The purpose of the survey was to determine teachers’ understanding of the essence of the process of specialized education in comparison with in-depth study of biology. During the survey, teachers were asked to answer several questions:

What is the essence of specialized biology training? The results showed that 6% of respondents believe that specialized training is “a more detailed, in-depth study of biology with an emphasis on one or more sections (cytology, genetics, invertebrate zoology, etc.); consideration of issues related to certain areas of science, having a practical direction in certain types of activities.”

At the same time, 10% of respondents are convinced that specialized training is “a deeper study of a subject with an increased practical (research) orientation, which will provide an opportunity to “feel” the future specialty and gain basic professional skills.”

Profile training as a copy of in-depth study of biology is represented by 20% of teachers.

The majority of respondents, 42%, think that specialized education is “preparation for entering a university, for choosing a future profession, helping to make sure that the choice is correct.”

Few (only 3% of respondents) believe that specialized training is “the study of a set of subjects aimed at mastering a specific educational field.” 19% of respondents could not give an answer to this question.

So, according to St. Petersburg teachers, specialized education is identified with an in-depth study of one or a set of subjects, during which issues related to a certain field of science and of practical importance are considered, providing an opportunity to get acquainted with a future specialty and prepare for entering a university (Fig. 2 ).

The second question was aimed at clarifying teachers' understanding of the differences between specialized and advanced biology education: are there differences between advanced and specialized education? If yes, which ones?

The majority (80%) noted differences in the following features of specialized and in-depth study.

In-depth study of subjects involves a more detailed study of all sections of biology and preparation for entering a university; conducting classes at universities. It also involves a detailed consideration of a wide range of issues under consideration, the study of a curriculum expanded on topics, and the development of in-depth knowledge among students.

Professional education, according to teachers, consists of a detailed study of biology or several natural science disciplines that prepare students for choosing a profession. It should provide familiarity with professions related to biology and include in-depth study of individual courses - botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, depending on the students’ interests in their future profession. The priority in choosing content is determined by the profile (some topics are studied in depth, while others are studied in an introductory manner).

Based on the results of the answers to this question, it can be concluded that teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​in-depth and specialized training. They believe that in-depth study of a subject is “a more serious study of science, a more detailed study in all biological disciplines without highlighting any specific direction, carried out on the basis of universities.”

Profile training is “a broader concept than in-depth study, which is aimed at a more detailed study of sections of biology that guide students in choosing a profession, familiarity with professions that require knowledge of biology.”

The page is intended for biology teachers.

Methods of teaching lecture-seminar-credit classes in senior education using multimedia technologies

Speech at the August meeting, section of biology and chemistry teachers, 2008.

Learning can become an interesting, exciting activity for children, if it is illuminated by the bright light of thought, feelings, creativity, beauty, play.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The competency-based approach to the formation of the content of education involves strengthening the activity orientation of education, which means defining learning outcomes not so much in an object-knowledge form, but in an activity-based form (solving certain problems, presenting this or that, analyzing certain relationships and patterns, independently finding information for this or that, to compare certain objects, etc.).

If in classes of the humanities, physics and mathematics, traditional forms, methods and techniques can be used when teaching the basic level of biology, then the methodology for teaching general biology in the natural sciences should be rich in techniques that contribute to the development of independence, creativity, and information literacy in schoolchildren. Promising methods include communication methods, research methods, various types of independent work, and others. High-quality assimilation of general biological knowledge and the development of biological competencies in line with the natural sciences are successfully carried out provided that students are included in project activities of various types: research, creative, informational, practice-oriented. Profile training is intended to become more practice-oriented, especially in biology, a subject that has always been distinguished by its practical orientation.

Profile training is increasingly approaching the university education system. This can be seen in both forms and technologies. It is advisable to teach biology in specialized classes using the lecture-seminar system. Technologies are also used: project activities, information, computer, critical thinking, group, gaming, etc. Methods such as independent study of various sources of information, including the use of computer technology, are becoming dominant; overview and orientation lectures; laboratory research workshops; seminars, discussions, creative meetings; holding creative competitions, public defense of projects, etc.

One of the fundamental points in a specialized school is the independent work of students. The volume, types, and content of this work become more diverse and broader, ensuring the achievement of these goals. In senior secondary school there is a transition to a new level of studying biology, based primarily on the organization of active independent cognitive activity of students, taking into account the interests and motives for introducing students to the study of biology. Based on the main target guidelines of the educational standard, the process of teaching biology is restructured in such a way that in the classroom thinking dominates memory, independent activity under the guidance of a teacher over the teacher’s monologue.

A modern approach to learning can be considered its practical activity orientation, focused not so much on the acquisition of knowledge, but on the ability to use it in practice. New forms of assessment are “built up” not on information reproduced by the student, but on an independent product created by him, ideally having applied value.

Creative and other works of students are the product of their activities in working with information. Every year, an electronic collection of students’ creative works is compiled, where the best works are placed. The selection according to predetermined criteria is carried out by a group of students - “analysts”; the placement, structuring and design of the collection is carried out by “computer scientists”. Of course, this maintains interest in the subject, develops self-education skills, and also makes it possible to move away from reproductive teaching methods to productive ones in the literal sense of the word. An electronic encyclopedia and an electronic library of drawings are gradually being formed.

In order to write a high-quality essay, conduct research, or implement a project, it is necessary that schoolchildren have a good idea of ​​what kind of work they have to do. For this purpose, a seminar-abstract, a seminar-research, a seminar-project are held. In this case, the seminar plan is drawn up in one of the previous lessons as a plan, for example, for an essay. A special role is given to students who have mastered these types of work at non-state educational institutions. They play the role of idea generators, consultants and coordinators. Questions are distributed in advance, and students are given tasks to prepare their part of the work and logical connectives. In the lesson itself (or two paired ones), the logic of the work is built, the main questions of the topic are repeated, and knowledge on this topic is expanded. Homework - preparing a defense of the work, in the next lesson - a defense competition.

Of course, the use of information and computer technologies in the lecture-seminar-credit system is advisable. Indeed, according to modern research, 1/4 of the material heard, 1/3 of what was seen, 1/2 of what was heard and seen at the same time, 3/4 of the material remains in a person’s memory, if, among other things, the student is involved in active actions in the learning process.

While studying at school with the help of information and computer technologies, the child learns to work with text, create graphic objects, and use spreadsheets. He learns new ways of collecting information and learns to use them, his horizons expand. When using information and computer technologies in the classroom, learning motivation increases and students' cognitive interest is stimulated, and the efficiency of independent work increases. The computer, together with information technology, opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the field of education, in student learning activities and creativity.

While explaining new material, the teacher is not “cancelled”; he coordinates, directs, manages and organizes the educational process, and educates. And a computer can “tell” the material instead. The usual black board with a piece of chalk is replaced by a huge electronic screen. On this screen, a virtual “travel through time and space”, presence in a scientific laboratory and other situations “happens” with the help of video, sound and text. The wealth of content support makes the lesson not only much more digestible, but also immeasurably more fun.

The technology for preparing teachers for computer classes includes 3 stages.
1. Mastering basic user skills.
2. Studying the software capabilities of multimedia products, educational computer programs.
3. Mastery of the technology of creating educational products.

The organization of the educational process (preparation for a lesson) has a certain algorithm.
♦ Think over the structure of the lesson.
♦ Select the most effective ICT tools.
♦ Consider the feasibility of their use in comparison with traditional means.
♦ Create a time plan for the lesson (minute-by-minute plan).

A wide variety of work can be done using a computer:
♦ Working with texts
♦ Working with static images
♦ Working with video information
♦ Obtaining information from the Internet
♦ Working with multimedia products
♦ Creation of multimedia products
♦ Presentation of information

So, the computer is a tool, not a subject of educational activity; it is an assistant to the teacher, and not his replacement. A computer for a student is a tool for creative search, self-expression and self-realization.

Computers make it possible to achieve a qualitatively higher level of clarity of the proposed material, significantly expand the possibilities of including a variety of exercises in the learning process, and continuous feedback, supported by carefully thought-out learning stimuli, enlivens the learning process, helps to increase its dynamism, which ultimately leads to the achievement of barely Isn’t it the main goal of the actual procedural side of learning – the formation of a positive attitude towards the material being studied, interest in it, and, as a result, improving the quality of education.

I believe that without computer knowledge, without the ability to use information, computer, information and communication technologies, a biology teacher, like any other subject teacher, cannot be called a fully modern teacher.

Let us remember the words of A.A. Ukhtomsky: “New interpretations of one’s own and others’ experience, the fruits of thinking, are always a project and anticipation of the upcoming reality.” And whether we want it or not, information and communication technologies are our reality today, and we must learn to use them in our lessons, because the future of our students depends on it.

Profile training in biology

From a speech at a regional master class, 2008.

Questions regarding specialized biology education began to appear in the methodological literature from the very beginning of the experiment. Magazines “Biology at School”, “Public Education”, newspaper “Biology”, websites of IPKiPPRO OGPU, RCRO, OSU, newspaper “First of September”, festival “Open Lesson”, etc. – here is an incomplete list of sources of information about specialized training. However, almost all of this information is devoted to specialized biology education in general, without taking into account the variety of models of majoring and the specifics of schools.
When introducing specialized education in grades 10-11 of a general education school, based on the goals of specialized biological education, the following areas of teacher work can be distinguished:
- organization of specialized training;
- content of basic, specialized, elective courses;
- technologies, forms and methods of work;
- assessment of students’ knowledge and achievements;
- extracurricular subject activities and specialized practices;
- pedagogical support for students.
Profile training, carried out along individual routes, includes several components. The set of educational subjects offered to the student by the school for choice includes additional two-hour and one-hour specialized courses, short-term elective courses (17 hours, 9 hours). Each student selects from the proposed subjects the subjects necessary for further professional self-determination for study at the profile level (4-5 hours). These can be sets of specialized courses: 2 two-hour and 1 one-hour courses; 1 two-hour and 3 one-hour courses. Each student chooses at least two elective courses for compulsory attendance: one (17 hours) in each semester. The list of academic subjects for choice and elective courses is determined by diagnosing the interests of students, their professional inclinations, and the social needs of parents.
A student has the right to take a set of courses in the same field of study or in different ones. Along with specialized ones, universal (basic) courses are conducted, in which students are trained within the framework of traditional programs and class groups.
This model assumes: 1) an individual set (profile route) for 10th and 11th graders of educational courses at three levels - basic, specialized, elective; 2) formation of individual educational plans and schedules for students; 3) integration of classroom-lesson and subject-group forms of organizing the educational process; 4) specialized courses, consisting of hours of basic courses (taught in class groups) and additional specialized hours (taught in subject groups), requiring clear coordination of the schedule, calendar-thematic, lesson plans of the basic and specialized level; 5) the presence of mandatory (additional specialized and elective courses, professional testing or practice, certain types of activities and work of students) and optional components (activities in non-state educational institutions, participation in intellectual and practical marathons, olympiads, competitions); 6) more complex teacher preparation for classes, involving differentiation of content, forms and methods of work in lessons at the basic and specialized levels; 7) psychological and pedagogical support for students’ movement along individual profile routes.
However, despite the complexity of this model, according to the results of diagnosing the opinions of students, parents, society, and teachers, it is more flexible and mobile in relation to the interests of high school students. An analysis of the individual profile routes of students in grades 10-11 shows that often - 70% of students choose two subjects and at least one elective course of one direction, 20% - three subjects and elective courses of different directions, 10% - the entire set corresponds to one profile direction.

With this model of specialized education, the model of biological education for schoolchildren also changes. Of course, all the conditions for specialized training in biology, laid down in the requirements for specialized education developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, are fully observed in this model: the subject at the specialized level is taught in the amount of 3 hours per week; The level of requirements for graduate training corresponds to the profile; students study using recommended textbooks.
This model has its own distinctive features. The teacher is given new tasks:
1. Develop individual multi-component profile routes.
2. Create a methodological model of individual profile routes in biology.
3. Create conditions for the correct choice of an individual profile route.
4. Create mobile individual educational routes.
5. Coordinate the activities of students in basic, specialized, elective courses of biological orientation, practice, non-technical education in grades 10-11.
6. Use modern technologies for teaching and supporting students along individual profile routes.
7. Develop a new system for assessing the knowledge and achievements of schoolchildren, tracking their movement along individual profile routes.

Profile training in biology along individual routes, in order to enhance the motivation of choice, should be preceded by pre-professional training (Table 2), conducted by a biology teacher and students of specialized groups.
It includes several areas of work:
1. diagnostics of the interests, abilities and inclinations of students in grades 8-9, monitoring the formation of professional interests;
2. information work;
3. vocational guidance – career guidance lessons and career guidance minutes;
4. profile orientation;
5. work on the formation of individual educational routes.

Even in the 9th grade, students, under the guidance of teachers and class teachers, begin to build their educational route. The biological educational route is chosen by students who are most motivated in this area of ​​knowledge. By tracking the movement of 9th graders along the routes, we can assume their choice of major in high school. The itinerary for a 9th grader includes attending an elective course, participating in full-time and extramural Olympiads, biology competitions, events at the natural sciences stage of the intellectual-practical marathon, and participating in the work of the department of natural sciences at the Eureka National Educational Institution. Students keep creative books, some master portfolio technology.

An individual educational route in this case is a broader concept than a profile route. It includes all possible components of a high school student’s biological education at school: basic, specialized and elective courses, professional tests and practices, distance learning, activities in non-governmental educational institutions, subject Olympiads, competitions, festivals, intellectual and practical subject marathon, self-study, student portfolio.

In September, a tenth-grader is given a special route sheet. For two years, all the student’s achievements are noted in the route sheet. It becomes one of the components of the student's portfolio. After finishing the tenth grade, an individual educational rating in biology is calculated, and an overall rating in the group is built. In the eleventh grade, the completion of the route sheet continues with the obligatory calculation of the educational rating for the year and the final rating for two years.

One of the areas of work in this model of biological education is the teacher’s design of calendar-thematic and lesson plans. Several features of this model of specialized training can be noted, which a biology teacher must take into account when planning: 1) 1 hour of the basic course is accompanied by 2 additional hours, expanding the course to a specialized one; 2) the basic course is “immersed” in the profile course; 3) the lessons of the basic course may be on the schedule days earlier than the additional ones, or they may be after these additional specialized lessons. All this requires more careful design of both calendar and thematic plans, and each topic, each lesson. It is advisable to draw up a unified calendar and thematic planning for two levels of training – basic and specialized.
The teacher, designing calendar-thematic planning and drawing up lesson plans, relies on the requirements of the standard of biological education at two levels of education. In the first lessons of the basic and specialized courses, it is necessary to familiarize students with these requirements. In a specialized course, differences in requirements need to be outlined. For this work, it is best to involve high school students themselves, who can, using the “Comparison” information frame, analyze the standards of two levels. It is also advisable for the teacher to place requirements on this topic in the student’s corner at the beginning of each topic, creating conditions for increasing students’ motivation by setting them the necessary level of requirements. As the main textbook, based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region, both at the basic and specialized levels I use the textbook by V.B. Zakharov, S.G. Mamontov, N.I. Sonin “General Biology. 10-11 grades." In this model, using one textbook in different courses is the best option. However, the teacher must clearly know what content and how the student should work in class and at home. Therefore, in my work I use methodological recommendations for using this textbook when studying biology at a basic and specialized level.