The meaning of the name Evgeniy. The meaning of the name Evgeniya What can you call the name Evgeniya

Diminutive names: Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka.

1 option

Derived from an ancient Greek word meaning: noble. Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school he is among the best, writes essays well, and easily learns a foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and honesty. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and sometimes idealizes them.

Evgeniy is hardworking and shows great promise. He is fond of sports and shows a special interest in various types of martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. In his free time he can write poetry.

“Spring” Evgenias are more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.

In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity and subconsciously looks for some mystery. Evgeniy was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing other household work. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.
Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.

Their most successful marriages are with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.

Source - B. Khigir. The secret of the name.

Option 2


Noble (Greek)


In general, the energy of the name is quite calm, it clearly shows a tendency towards good nature and balanced mobility. It’s unlikely that little Zhenya will be too restless, but you can’t call him quiet either. Most often, this balance between mobility and calmness remains with him throughout his life. Despite the softness of the name, there is still a certain impulsiveness, the ability to respond to any irritation, but in combination with other qualities, this will most likely find its manifestation in Evgeniy’s irony. He is not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving disputes and the ideal of human qualities often seems to him to be inner intelligence. Meanwhile, sometimes he becomes capable of a decisive act, even a feat, but having accomplished it, he himself can subsequently be surprised for a long time by this fact.

The name is not without a certain charge of ambition, although even here there is a balance between the desire for fame and material wealth, and where there is balance, much begins to depend on upbringing. However, Eugene often chooses his path in life taking into account both of his needs, especially since career advancement is usually combined with improved well-being. He is unlikely to go out of his way at work, but he will try not to miss the chance to advance. He may try to start his own business, although most often his plans for independence remain at the dream level. The only exceptions are those cases when the benefits of this step are obvious or in childhood they managed to instill in him a craving for independence.

In relationships with women, Zhenya’s qualities such as lightness, sociability and a sense of humor come to the fore; he is a gallant gentleman, usually behaves very intelligently and often becomes irresistible in the eyes of the fair sex. There are even cases when the charming Evgeniy, having married several times, manages to maintain excellent relationships with all his ex-wives. Nevertheless, this is not enough for a full-fledged family, which means that such a Zhenya can only be called happy in marriage from the outside; he himself probably thinks differently, although he doesn’t show it.

Perhaps because from childhood Evgeniy attaches great importance to how he looks in the eyes of others, he is often characterized by well-developed artistry, which, along with intelligent charm, can ensure success in a creative career.


Often, Eugene’s poise allows those around him to easily win him over to their side, which can be falsely perceived as weak character. This is far from the case, and such an illusion quickly dissipates when Eugene’s interests are affected. Having entered into a confrontation with him, first of all one should be wary not of any decisive actions, but of his significant reserves of irony.

We celebrate name days:

Flavius ​​Eugene (Flavius ​​Eugenius, mind. 394), usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394)
Eugene I(Eugenius P.P. I, mind. 657), Pope
Evgeniy II (Eugenius P.P. II, in the world - Eugenio Savelli, mind. 827), Pope
Evgeniy III (Eugenius P.P. III, in the world - Bernardo Paganelli, mind. 1153), pope
Eugene VI (Eugenius P.P. VI, in the world - Gabriele Condulmer, 1383-1447), pope

Evgeny Baratynsky (Boratynsky, 1800-1844), Russian poet
Evgeny Vakhtangov(1883-1922) - Soviet actor and theater director, founder of the Student Drama Studio (now the Vakhtangov Theater)
Evgeny Mravinsky(1903-1988), Soviet conductor
Evgeniy Evstigneev(1926-1992), Soviet theater and film actor
Evgeny Morgunov(1927-1999), Soviet and Russian film actor
Evgeniy Svetlanov(1928-2002), Soviet and Russian conductor and composer
Evgeniy Yevtushenko(birth name - Evgeny Gangnus, genus. 1932), Soviet and Russian poet, prose writer, screenwriter
Evgeny Petrosyan(born 1945), Soviet and Russian satirist writer
Evgeniy Kaspersky(born 1965), Russian programmer, leading developer of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Evgeniy Platov(born 1967), Soviet and Russian figure skater
Evgeniy Kissin(born 1971), Russian pianist
Yevgeny Kafelnikov(born 1974), Russian tennis player
Evgeni Plushenko(born 1982), Russian figure skater

Evgeniy Grebenka (Evgen Grebinka, Evgen Grebinka, 1812-1848), Ukrainian writer
Evgeniy Seleznev (Evgen Seleznyov, genus. 1985), Ukrainian football player

Evgeny Vatutin (Yaugen Vatucin, genus. 1962), Belarusian checkers player, grandmaster

Eugene O'Neill (Eugene O'Neill, full name - Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, 1888-1953), American playwright, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
Gene Kelly (Gene Kelly, full name - Eugene Curran Gene Kelly, 1912-1996), American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director
Gene Simmons (Gene Simmons, real name - Chaim Witz, genus. 1949), one of the founders of the group “Kiss”

Prince Eugene of Savoy(fr. François-Eugène de Savoie-Carignan, German Eugen Franz, Prinz von Savoyen-Carignan, 1663-1736), Austrian commander of French origin
Evgeniy Dühring (Eugen Dühring, Eugen Duhring, full name - Karl Eugen Dühring, 1833-1921), German philosopher and economist

Eugene de Beauharnais (Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais, full name - Eugene Rose de Beauharnais, 1781-1824), son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy
Eugene-Francois Vidocq (Eugene-François Vidocq, 1775-1857), French criminal, later the founder and head of the General Directorate of National Security (Sûreté Nationale), as well as the world's first private detective bureau
Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix, full name - Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix, 1798-1863), French artist
Eugene-Charles Catalan (Eugene-Charles Catalan, 1814-1894), Belgian mathematician
Eugene Ionesco(fr. Eugene Ionesco, rum. Eugen Ionescu, 1909-1994), French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd

Eugenio Beltrami (Eugenio Beltrami, 1835-1900), Italian mathematician
Eugenio Montale (Eugenio Montale, 1896-1981), Italian poet, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature

Eugenio d'Ors (Eugenie d'Ors, full name - Spanish. Eugenio d'Ors Rovira, cat. Eugeni d'Ors i Rovira, 1881-1954), Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist

Eugenio de Castro (Eugenio de Castro, full name - Eugenio de Castro e Almeida, 1869-1944), Portuguese poet and novelist
Eugenio German (Eugenio German, full name - Eugenio Maciel German, 1930-2001), Brazilian chess player

Evgeniy Ermenkov (Evgeni Ermenkov, genus. 1949), Bulgarian and Palestinian chess player, grandmaster

Eugenius Romer (Eugenius Romer, full name - Eugeniusz Mikołaj Romer, 1871-1954), Polish geographer and cartographer

Evgen Zamechnik (Evžen Zámečník, genus. 1939), Czech violinist, conductor and composer

Evgenia Kolosova(maiden name - Neelova, 1780-1869), Russian ballerina
Evgenia Sokolova(1850-1925), Russian ballerina, choreographer and teacher
Evgenia Mravina(real name - Evgenia Mravinskaya, 1864-1914), Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano)
Evgenia Simonova(born 1955), Soviet and Russian theater and film actress
Evgenia Dobrovolskaya(born 1964), Russian theater and film actress
Evgenia Shishkova(born 1972), Russian figure skater
Evgenia Rodina(born 1989), Russian tennis player
Evgenia Kanaeva(born 1990), Russian gymnast

Evgenia Miroshnichenko (Evgeniya Miroshnichenko, 1931-2009), Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano)

Evgeniya Yanishchits (Yaugeniya Yanishchyts, 1948-1988), Belarusian Soviet poetess

Eugenia Price (Eugenia Price, 1916-1996), American writer

Eugenie de Guerin (Eugenie de Guérin, 1805-1848), French writer
Eugenie Doche (Eugenie Doche, real name - Marie-Charlotte-Eugénie de Plunkett, 1821-1900), Belgian actress

Eugenia Montijo (Eugenia Montijo, Spanish Eugenia de Montijo, fr. Eugenie de Montijo, birth name - Eugenia Maria Ignacia Augustina Palafox de Guzmán Portocarrero y Kirkpatrick de Closebourn), Spanish aristocrat, French empress, wife of Emperor Napoleon III
Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg(full name - English) Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena of Battenberg, Spanish Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena de Battenberg, 1887-1969), granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, wife of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, grandmother of the current reigning King of Spain Juan Carlos

Eugenia Ratti (Eugenia Ratti, genus. 1933), Italian opera singer (soprano)

Eugenia Golya (Eugenia Golea, genus. 1969), Romanian gymnast

Eugenia Uminska (Eugenia Umińska, 1910-1980), Polish violinist

Evgenia Zhivkova (Evgenia Zhivkova, genus. 1965), Bulgarian fashion designer, granddaughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov (1911-1998)

Evgenia Manolidou (Ευγενία Μανωλίδου , genus. 1975), Greek conductor and composer

Choosing a name for a child is always a difficult and responsible task. When deciding what to name their daughter, parents sometimes consider many options. Evgenia is a name for a girl that attracts attention and causes a lot of discussion.

This is the feminine form of the name Eugene, which is of ancient Greek origin. In Russia it gained popularity in the 19th century. Notable people of the noble class more often called their daughters Eugene.

In those days, it was common to shorten the name in the French style - Eugene. Subsequently, it was transformed into a more familiar form for us - Zhenya.


To find out the interpretation of the name Eugene, let’s turn to its origins. Translated from ancient Greek εὐγενής (eugenes) – “noble”, “descendant of a noble family”. Consequently, the meaning of the female name Evgenia is “noble”, “noble”, “high-born”.

In addition to the literal interpretation, any name contains a certain sound code. It leaves an imprint on a person, his character and destiny. Letter decoding of the name Evgeniy:

  • E stands for impulsiveness and emotionality.
  • B – uncertainty, secrecy, tendency to creativity.
  • G – high intelligence, self-confidence, practicality.
  • E – repetition of the first letter, which enhances its significance.
  • N – conflict, critical thinking.
  • And – intuition.
  • I am leadership qualities.

Based on the information above, we can conclude that the name is inconsistent. This is confirmed by other facts.

Since the vowel comes first, Evgenia has a strong feminine element. But, at the same time, this name is derived from a masculine name, which means it endows its owner with some masculine traits - the desire to dominate, activity, assertiveness.

In addition, the full form – Evgeniya is used less often than Zhenya. And the contraction brings to the fore the consonant letter “F”, which is associated with hot temper and stubbornness.


How does the name Evgenia influence fate and what is its meaning for a girl? Zhenya is growing up as an inquisitive and sociable child, but conflicts with peers are not uncommon for her. Since childhood, Evgenia cannot stand hypocrisy and lies.

The girl is successful in her studies, but results are achieved at the cost of hard work. Little Evgenia has a penchant for the humanities and often has creative potential.

Zhenya’s health as a child was quite good. At an older age, diseases of the cardiovascular system are possible.

Evgenia’s career is going well, thanks to her hard work. Typically, women with this name are very punctual and efficient, and have the ability to organize social activities.

The greatest success awaits Evgenia in the profession of teacher, secretary, social worker, lawyer, and doctor. She rarely strives for a leadership position, but, if necessary, she can cope with it. Evgeniy makes strict and demanding bosses. But in business, failures are possible due to excessive conservatism and a tendency to make impulsive decisions.

In her personal life, Zhenya is very emotional and amorous. Starting from adolescence, she easily gets carried away, but Evgenia’s inherent conservatism helps her refrain from rash actions.

Zhenya is able to close her eyes to many of the shortcomings of her chosen one, but does not forgive betrayal. Evgenia, as a rule, makes a strict and demanding wife, but even in conflict situations she tends to preserve the marriage, even if it is not entirely successful. The reason for the separation may be the struggle for leadership in the family, which Evgenia, being a strong personality, does not intend to give up.

Zhenya is hospitable and always greets loved ones with luxurious treats, but does not like unexpected visits. She often has a knack for needlework.

Evgenia easily copes with the housework, sometimes completely devoting herself to children and everyday life. As a mother, she is strict and restrained in her expressions of love. Often her parenting talent is fully revealed only with the advent of her grandchildren.


Evgenia is a female name with a difficult character. One of the factors influencing a person’s personal qualities is the numerological code of the name. Evgenia is usually associated with the number 5. Women bearing this name are characterized by independence. They rarely listen to other people's advice and trust only their own opinion.

The energy of the number 5 is high, which is reflected in Evgeniy’s life position. They love travel and new experiences, are prone to adventurism, and can act under the influence of impulse.

Evgenia’s character is similar to a man’s, but this has its advantages. It is easier for her to find a common language with the opposite sex, and perseverance helps in building a career.

When communicating with women, Evgenia is reserved; she usually has no more than two close friends, with whom she tries to maintain friendship for life. At first glance, Zhenya seems too strict and unapproachable, but, seeing a good attitude towards herself, she becomes a pleasant and understanding interlocutor.

Negative qualities include excessive touchiness and the inability to forgive others for their weaknesses. With age, Evgenia’s character changes, not for the better – she becomes more conservative and categorical. These problems may be accompanied by an apathetic attitude towards life, laziness, and a tendency to exaggerate one’s illnesses.

Name day

When is Eugene's name day celebrated? Angel Day, according to the Orthodox calendar, falls on January 6 and 18, August 1 and September 12. According to the Catholic calendar, Eugenia celebrates her name day on December 25 and February 7.

Name color

Each name has a certain connotation. For Evgenia, the color of the name is dark green. It symbolizes perseverance, health and strength, makes a person principled, striving for leadership, and sometimes prone to excessive moralizing.

Name flower

Zhenya is a female name that is usually associated with the thistle flower. Like this plant, Eugenia is gentle and charming, but can sting painfully.

Church name, calendar

The church spelling of the name is unchanged, so at baptism the girl is given the same name. In Orthodoxy, the days of remembrance of saints, patrons of Eugenia, fall on the following dates:

  • August 1 and September 12 – Princess and nun Eugenia of Serbia;
  • January 18 – martyr Evgenia Domozhirova;
  • January 6 – Virgin, Venerable Martyr Eugenia of Rome.

Translation of name in different languages

Due to the fact that the name is in both the Catholic and Orthodox calendars, it is widespread throughout the world. Depending on the country, its spelling and pronunciation varies.

For example, in French Eugénie is Eugénie. When registering for a foreign passport, in accordance with transliteration rules accepted in Russia, Zhenya is written as EVGENIIA.

Translation of the name Evgeniy in different languages:

  • Eugenia (Eugenia) - in English;
  • Eugenia (Oygenia) - in German;
  • Eugenia (Eugenia) - in Italian;
  • Eugenia (Eugenia) - in Spanish;
  • Eugenia (Eugenia) - in Polish;
  • Evženie (Evzhenie) - in Czech.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Everyone knows that Zhenya’s full female name is Evgenia. But few people know what else to call its owners. Zheka, Enya, Eva, Genya (Polish), Genia (German), Gina (English) - all this is an abbreviation of the name Evgeniy.

In Russia it is customary to affectionately address little Zhenya:

  • Zhenechka.
  • Evgesha.
  • Evgeshka.
  • Evgenya.
  • Zhenyushka.
  • Zhenyusha.

Less common options for calling Evgenia diminutively are Enyuta, Enyasha, Enyusha, Evgenyushka.

Name compatibility

From the point of view of astrology and numerology, successful compatibility of the name Eugene is possible with Arkady, Peter, Konstantin, Egor, Gleb, Vladimir. Marriage and relationships with them promise to be strong. But a man whose name is Vitaly, Maxim, Vsevolod or Afanasy is not the best match for Evgenia.

How to incline

The name is declined according to cases as follows:

  • Evgeniya is nominative.
  • Evgeniya – genitive.
  • Evgeniya – dative.
  • Evgeniy – accusative.
  • Evgeniya, Evgeniya - instrumental.
  • Evgeniya – prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Evgenia achieves success in various activities. Among them are many writers, journalists, musicians, athletes, and artists. The most famous women who bore this name:

  • Evgenia Kolosova (1780–1869). Famous Russian ballerina and pantomime dancer.
  • Eugenia Conradi (1838 – 1898). Writer and journalist of Russian origin. She advocated for women's equality and the promotion of women's acquisition of higher education.
  • Eugenia Smith (1899 – 1997). American artist and writer.
  • Evgenia Ginzburg (1906 – 1977). Russian journalist, candidate of historical sciences.
  • Eugenia Uminska (1910 – 1980). Polish violinist and teacher, rector of the Krakow Conservatory in 1964-1966.
  • Evgenia Polat (1937 – 2007). Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Conducted research on the theory and practice of distance learning.
  • Evgenia Simonova (1955). Soviet theater and film actress. She starred in the films “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” “Afonya,” “Flight Delayed” and others.
  • Evgenia Zhivkova (1965). Famous Bulgarian designer.
  • Eugenia Estes (1975). Volleyball player, master of sports of Russia.
  • Evgenia Volodina (1984). A sought-after top model from Russia, lives in Paris.

Evgenia is a beautiful female name that gives its owner a strong character. This has its pros and cons, so opinions are divided on whether it is suitable for girls. But, despite the inconsistency of the name, it has not lost its relevance for centuries.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Evgeniya

The ancient Greek name Eugene means “noble,” “with good genes,” “high-born, descendant of a noble family.”

The name Evgeniy has variations: Eugenios, Oyen, Augen, Eugenis, Eugen, Eugene, Eugeniusz, Eugen, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Evgen, Eugen, Eugenio, Yugin, Owen.

Diminutive or endearing the name Evgeniy is pronounced like: Genik, Evgenyo,

Zhenya, Genko, Jean, Zhenya, Geni, Zhenechka, Genis, Zhenyura, Zhenko, Oigi, Zhenyusha, Henyo, Zhesha, Eugenito, Evko, Zheka, Eugeniu, Evgekha, Ninyu, Evgesha, Zheninyu, Gesha, Enya, Zhenya, Enyuta, Jenu, Enyukha, Yenzi, Enyusha, Genek, Enyakha, Genyo, Enyasha, Evzha, Evgenyushka, Evzhik, Evgenya, Evzhenek, Genya, Gen, Gena, Evgenko, Gencho, Evgenonko, Geno, Evgenochko, Genyush, Evgentsio.

Little Eugene Doesn't cause much trouble for parents. He loves his own inner world, his fantasies, he is comfortable in his own world, but the real world is not like that at all, so Eugene does not want to put up with its realities. He already knows the alphabet at an early age, successfully learns to write and read, and learning comes easily to him. It is difficult for him to concentrate on any task, he is indecisive, so he needs to fight self-doubt; parents are advised to help their son with this. Evgeniy’s indecisiveness does not extend to communicating with children; he fully communicates with peers of different sexes. The boy is savvy, he can come up with a game from scratch himself. The boy prefers energetic and noisy games, in which good always defeats evil and he is the main winner. In real life, Evgeniy finds a peaceful resolution to problems. The boy studies well, his parents are proud of their son, because their son is one of the best in school. Evgeniy grows up as a literate boy who expresses his thoughts correctly, writes poetry himself, loves mathematics and foreign languages, his speech is literate, and has a considerable vocabulary. Writes essays better than anyone else. He has many friends among his classmates and is respected for his decency and reliability. He grows up to be a real gentleman, respects girls, treats them nobly, like a real man, idealizes some. He goes in for sports and prefers martial arts.

Adult Evgeniy He can be quick-tempered, his indecisiveness gets on his nerves, so he is often “twitchy,” irritated, and easily hurt. Reacts sharply to any comments and takes criticism to heart. Evgeniy tries not to open his soul to anyone; he hides his fears behind the guise of arrogance, shamelessness, unceremoniousness, or indifference. Evgeny is a compassionate man, he will always come to the rescue, his loved ones can count on him. Evgeniy’s intuition is at a high level, he is perceptive, no smallest detail can be hidden from him, so he always knows what is happening, “keeps his finger on the pulse.” He is a comprehensively developed personality, erudite, so it is interesting to communicate with him, argue, and talk on many topics. He easily becomes the life of the party because he is sociable, pleasant to talk to, and intelligent. He has artistry, knows how to present any story, funny incident, anecdote, fable, of which he has a great variety, in a believable and funny way.

Evgeniy is a discreet man with refined taste. Cannot tolerate monotonous and monotonous work. Doesn't like to fight life's obstacles. The bearer of this name has a penchant for literature and theater, because he is a romantic by nature. Evgeny prefers a life in which everything is clear and logically placed in its place. His life must flow correctly, the emphasis of all actions and deeds must be correctly placed. Life prefers stable and reliable. He works conscientiously, with diligence, is moderately ambitious, and will not miss a career chance. He loves technology, delving into it, loves logic, general math problems, puzzles, crosswords. Among the bearers of this name there are many representatives of technical professions. In extreme situations, he may have a slow reaction and become confused.

Evgeny "spring" precise in his desires and actions, he knows what he wants and strives to achieve his goal in life. He is more specific than Eugene, born at other times of the year. They get married more than once, communicate with “bohemians”.

Evgeniy is looking for an open, sincere wife with a rich inner world. She must be a mystery. Such an ideal woman is hard to find. Evgeniy is looking for a long time, he may make a mistake. He is disappointed, jealous, doubts, so he may not be constant in his feelings for the object of love, because not every woman can live up to his ideal. Evgeniy is a good family man, a loving husband and father. Patient and wise, not grumpy. In the family he is a peacemaker, he makes peace with everyone, finds a compromise, and does not allow fights among children. He enjoys doing housework and recognizes and maintains an atmosphere of love and respect for each other in the house. Due to the reluctance to disturb the peace in the house, it does not prevent the wife from thinking that she is “in charge” in the house. Narrow-minded wives mistake Evgeniy’s peaceful policy for his weak character and try to sit on his head, which is why Evgeniy has more than one marriage.

Evgeniy can succeed in his profession engineer, actor, programmer, journalist. architect, writer, designer. Success is expected in the field of exact sciences and literature.

Evgeniy is compatible in a couple with Augusta, Larisa, Nina, Maria, Natalya, Elizaveta, Marina, Faina, Tatyana, Lyudmila, Yulia, Khristina.

Evgeniy is incompatible in a couple with Aurora, Greta, Mila, Kora, Maya, Jadwiga.

Let's call our beloved affectionate. Variants of names in diminutive form.

You want to constantly see, cherish and cherish your dear and beloved person. Let's remember how we address our loved ones in an affectionate manner.

The article will present diminutive forms of the most common names. We will also explain and tell you how to call a man, child, girlfriend, and so on with a gentle word.

How to affectionately call your beloved man

If you are eager to call the man you have chosen in your heart not just by name, but somehow affectionately and unusually, then we offer the following options:

  • zushnya;
  • my knight;
  • super man;
  • my hero;
  • darling;
  • my dear;
  • my macho;
  • little leopard;
  • bead;
  • hamster.

How to affectionately call a guy list

If you have found a boy who is simply crazy about you, then he will probably be pleased to hear such delightful messages from you:

  • sweeties;
  • my Hercules;
  • kitty;
  • slutulik;
  • relative;
  • my sugar;
  • my chipmunk;
  • bunny;
  • tiger;
  • fluffy.

How to affectionately call your husband

If you want to somehow diversify your relationship with your rightful gentleman, that is, with your spouse, then try to start with affectionate words addressed to him. For example, name the permanent resident of your heart like this:

  • my wall is made of stone;
  • assistant;
  • support;
  • My little Hermes;
  • Apollonushka;
  • my lion;
  • papulik;
  • murzichek;
  • donut;
  • my light is clear.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

The boy will need this list of sweet words addressed to his beautiful girlfriend:

  • little star;
  • my marmalade;
  • pretty pet;
  • fox;
  • my dawn is clear;
  • my sunbeam;
  • my tenderness and fluffiness;
  • forget-me-not;
  • queen;
  • cutie.

How to call a guy affectionately and unusually

If you want to call the boy in a special way, then this list of cute addresses will be useful to you:

  • pampusie;
  • beauty;
  • cute;
  • darling;
  • hero;
  • affectionate;
  • clear falcon;
  • mosaic bunny;
  • defender;
  • music

How to affectionately call your wife

It is useful for men to keep in stock such a mini-arsenal of affectionate addresses to their beloved wife:

  • bead;
  • sugar cranberry;
  • panther;
  • button;
  • my strawberry;
  • fun;
  • pulp;
  • beauty;
  • matryoshka;
  • My beloved minx.

How to affectionately call a friend

Surely you have bosom girlfriends, and they will undoubtedly be pleased if you call them something sweet and gentle. For example, this is how you can call your girlfriend:

  • Masyanya;
  • old lady;
  • mother;
  • Sun;
  • darling;
  • dear heart;
  • my soul;
  • darling;
  • girlfriend;
  • lighter.

How to affectionately call a friend

Praise your family and loved ones more often, because this only has a strengthening effect on relationships. For example, you can affectionately call a friend:

  • dear;
  • friend;
  • my right hand;
  • buddy;
  • friend;
  • Handsome;
  • a man with a capital “H”;
  • awesome guy;
  • my goldenrod;
  • started it.

How to affectionately call a boy

If you need to find the most pleasant reviews about a certain boy, then we offer the following list to help you:

  • kitty;
  • Baby;
  • mischievous;
  • naughty girl;
  • little baby;
  • bunny;
  • kolobocha;
  • sweet pie;
  • klopenok;
  • little doll.

How to affectionately call a girl

You can caress a girl with these unusual words:

  • Musenka;
  • sweetie;
  • little one;
  • bunny;
  • little girl;
  • little fish;
  • little daughter;
  • girl;
  • princess;
  • fashionable girl.

How to affectionately name a child

If you have children in your family or your friends already have children, then you can address them with these kind words:

  • baby;
  • Puska;
  • little bunny;
  • Kisulka;
  • cubs;
  • my little bird;
  • little baby;
  • yuushenka;
  • little son;
  • daughter.

How to affectionately call Sasha

Sashas are avid workaholics. They are always at work. It’s just a pity that they don’t value their work at all and allow themselves to be manipulated by careless bosses. There are quite a lot of Alexandrovs now divorced. If you think about it, every person has at least one Sasha in their family or circle of friends. So, if you want to please a person with that name, then first try to address him affectionately, for example, like this:

  • Sashok;
  • Sandro;
  • Sanyok;
  • Sashulik;
  • Shurik;
  • Sancho;
  • Sasha;
  • Sashik;
  • Sashenka;
  • Xandric.

How to affectionately call Dima

Dmitry is a very beautiful and purely masculine name. Men with this name adore everything luxurious, including beautiful women. The justice of this guy is off the charts and from a young age he gives out not at all childish sayings and opinions about life. If there are Dimochkas in your circle, then try to paraphrase his name in these gentle ways:

  • Dimonchik;
  • Dimik;
  • Mityushechka;
  • Dimon;
  • Dimasik;
  • Mityai;
  • Dimusik;
  • Dimochka;
  • Dimoska;
  • Mityukha.

How to affectionately call Maxim

Maxims really don’t like it when people argue with them. If you make this man angry, you might really regret it. When enraged, he becomes almost uncontrollable. Nowadays there are still families who call their sons Maxim. If you have a friend whose dad and mom named him this way, then gently address him, something like this:

  • Maskyush;
  • Masya;
  • Maxik;
  • Maxonchik;
  • Masik;
  • Max;
  • Maksimushka;
  • Maksimchik;
  • Maksyunchik;
  • Masya.

How to affectionately call Denis

Denises carefully monitor their appearance and from a very early age, while still in kindergarten, they choose outfits and fashionable things for themselves. Sometimes they grow into handsome men who are fixated only on themselves. If you know Denisa among your circle, then take a look at the list of endearments for their names:

  • Denyushka;
  • Dinya;
  • Denisushka;
  • Denchik;
  • Denisik;
  • Denyukha;
  • Dinyushka;
  • Dinechka;
  • Disa.

How to affectionately call Nikita

A guy named Nikita is not used to losing at anything. He tries at all costs to achieve his plans and turn all his crazy ideas into reality. For comrades with the name Nikitka, this list of affectionate addresses is suitable:

  • Nikitushka;
  • Nikitochka;
  • Nikitos;
  • Nikitosik;
  • Kityulik;
  • Nikitusik;
  • Nikitik;
  • Nikityashka;
  • Nikituska.

How to affectionately call Andrey

Andrei is cunning and perspicacious. They are always immersed in some kind of dreams and peculiar plans for life. There are also a lot of Andreevs in our environment, and sometimes we don’t have enough imagination to somehow address them affectionately. This list of the most tender names will certainly be useful to you if you have Andryushka among your friends and relatives:

  • Dusha;
  • Andryusik;
  • Andreyka;
  • Andronchik;
  • Drone;
  • Andryushenka;
  • Dushenka;
  • Andrik;
  • Dryusya;
  • Dronchik.

How to affectionately call Matvey

Matveys are gentle and romantic men. They will try to constantly pamper their beloved and indulge her in everything. Matveyka always carefully calculates all her steps in advance. For those who were given the beautiful name Matvey from birth, the following list of affectionate addresses is suitable:

  • Matyusha;
  • Motya;
  • Matveyka;
  • Matveyushka;
  • Matveychik;
  • Motik;
  • Matyunya;
  • Motenka;
  • Motka;
  • Motyusya.

How to affectionately call Mark

Brands have their own view on everything and try to impose it on everyone, which sometimes makes others angry. Mark is not a very common name in our country, but still, if you know Mark, you can treat them as follows:

  • Marik;
  • Marochka;
  • Marushka;
  • Markusik;
  • Maricek;
  • Makusha;
  • Markushechka;
  • Mara;
  • Maryusik;
  • Markusechka.

How to affectionately call Sergei

Seryozha is a man you can safely rely on in everything. He will not let his friends down under any circumstances. Usually men with this name are talented and creative individuals. Almost any of us can find Sergeev among our friends, so the list of touching addresses to men with that name will be useful to many. Here is the list of pet names:

  • Seryozha;
  • Serezhenka;
  • Seryozhechka;
  • Serezhik;
  • Sergusha;
  • Sergunchik;
  • Sergusik;
  • Sergunya;
  • Sergunechka;
  • Gunya.

How to affectionately call Roma

Roman is a beautiful and sonorous name. This guy has a cheerful disposition, loves to relax for health benefits and hates when depression creeps up on him. The man who was given this name by mom and dad can be affectionately called as follows:

  • Chamomile;
  • Romochka;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romik;
  • Romantic;
  • Romanka;
  • Romichek;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romushechka;
  • Romasya.

How to affectionately call Alexey

Lech, in the minds of many, is a guy with an open soul and a kind heart. Alexey will never be afraid to stand up for the humiliated and insulted, because he cannot stand injustice. Here's how to access it:

  • Alex;
  • Alexyusha;
  • Leshik;
  • Leshechka;
  • Leshenka;
  • Alexeyka;
  • Alekseyushka;
  • Alekseenka;
  • Lesik;
  • Lelya.

How to affectionately call Yulia

Julia's character is very soft. She hates getting into arguments with anyone, but still she always has her own opinion in everything. Girls are called Julia no longer as often as, say, in the late 80s. Back then this name was quite common and fashionable. If you have Yulka in your circle of girlfriends, then you can gently address her like this:

  • Yulenka;
  • Yulyashka;
  • Julek;
  • Yulechka;
  • Yulik;
  • Yulyakha;
  • Yulyushka;
  • Yulyashechka;
  • Yulcha;
  • Yulyashik.

How to affectionately call Veronica

Veronica knows how to be affectionate and fluffy only with those whom she completely trusts. In general, this woman is not used to giving in to anyone and will not mince words in an argument. If you have a friendship with some Veronica, then call her like this:

  • Nika;
  • Nikushka;
  • Veronica;
  • Veronichechka;
  • Nikusya;
  • Nikushechka;
  • Nikulka;
  • Veronicushka;
  • Veronicochka;
  • Nikulenok.

How to affectionately call Zhenya

Evgenia is a girl who is used to achieving everything herself. She has a cache of masculine character traits, which she displays at every opportunity. If there is Evgenia in your circle, then you can love her with one of the following affectionate addresses:

  • Zhenyok;
  • Evgeshka;
  • Evgesha;
  • Evgenka;
  • Gesha;
  • Geshulka;
  • Zhenyulka;
  • Geshechka;
  • Zhenyushka;
  • Zhenechek.

How to affectionately call Marina

Marina is a woman with an assertive disposition and stubborn character. If she doesn’t like you, then no matter how you approach her, your attempts will not be crowned with success. If you are on good terms with some Marina, then you can affectionately call her like this:

  • Marisha;
  • Marishka;
  • Marinushka;
  • Marinochka;
  • Marinusik;
  • Marishechka;
  • Marie;
  • Mary;
  • Marinchik;
  • Marinushechka.

How to affectionately call Katya

Ekaterina is a name that carries the spirit of a self-confident woman; she will not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles on her life path. If there is at least one Katyukha among your close associates, then try to affectionately call her one of the options proposed in the list:

  • Katie;
  • Katyusha;
  • Katyunechka;
  • Katenok;
  • Katenka;
  • Katyushka;
  • Katyulya;
  • Katyushechka;
  • Katyunyashka;
  • Katechka.

How to affectionately call Dasha

Daria tries her best to please everyone and always. She is very sweet and extremely courteous. At the same time, she has an inner core that will help her achieve unprecedented heights in business and career. You can address a girl with the expressive and gentle name Daria like this:

  • Dashenka;
  • Dashulik;
  • Dasha;
  • Dashik;
  • Daryushka;
  • Daryasha;
  • Dashulya;
  • Dashulka;
  • Daryashechka;
  • Dashulenok.

How to affectionately call Milana

The girl who is named Milana will go towards her goal, even if those around her suffer. She is overly selfish and loves to boast about herself. This character trait can do a lot of harm to her in life. Milanese can be affectionately addressed by one of the following names:

  • Cutie;
  • Mila;
  • Milanochka;
  • Milasik;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Milanushka;
  • Milusik;
  • Milanchik;
  • Darling;
  • Milanusya.

How to affectionately call Diana

Diana is a girl with a soft character. She simply cannot pass by if someone has grief. As a child, her mother often scolded her for bringing abandoned puppies and kittens into the house. If you have a Dianka friend among your friends, then you can call her affectionately like this:

  • Dianochka;
  • Dinochka;
  • Dinusik;
  • Dinushka;
  • Dianusya;
  • Dinulechka;
  • Dinusya;
  • Diasha;
  • Dianchik.

How to affectionately call Alina

Alina always tries to be ahead of the rest in everything. She is such a self-confident person that sometimes her friends simply cannot cope with her and try not to even argue. Anyone who has a girl with the lovely name Alina in a family circle or in a group of friends can call her like this:

  • Alinushka;
  • Linusechka;
  • Alinusya;
  • Linushka;
  • Alinya;
  • Alinochka;
  • Alinusechka;
  • Alinchik;
  • Linux;
  • Alinyashechka.

Video on how to affectionately call your loved one

We offer a short video for viewing. It clearly and clearly shows how you can affectionately call your lover.

Now you know what abbreviated affectionate names you can use to address your family and friends. Surely you yourself will like it if they call you something special, tenderly and with ardent love in your heart.