Calcium for pregnant women: daily requirement, deficiency, sources of calcium. Why is calcium important during pregnancy? How to make up for the deficiency? Can too much harm? Do pregnant women need to take extra calcium?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother devotes a lot of her body's resources to the development of the baby. And if the reserves in a woman’s body are not replenished, then her condition noticeably worsens: the condition of her teeth and bone tissue deteriorates. Therefore, the correct balance of minerals and vitamins is the key to the health of the newborn and mother. One of the main “building blocks” of fetal construction is calcium during pregnancy.

Calcium is a necessary element for pregnant women. It creates the musculoskeletal system and helps in the continuous functioning of the nervous system of a pregnant woman.

The lack of this mineral in the body of pregnant women will make itself felt. Basically, the problem is acute in the last weeks before childbirth. The following factors are identified:

  • the mother's immunity decreases;
  • the condition of the teeth worsens, including the appearance of caries;
  • sensitivity increases;
  • allergic reactions appear;
  • the skin becomes dry and flaky;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • pain appears in the bones;
  • chills and weakness occur;
  • poor blood clotting is diagnosed;
  • the condition of the hair worsens, even to the point of loss;
  • bothered by leg cramps;
  • limbs go numb;
  • the condition of the nails worsens;
  • there is no mood, there is irritability;
  • the work of sweat and sebaceous glands in the hair increases.

All the minerals needed to create a person are passed from mother to child, so if a pregnant woman does not replenish mineral reserves, pregnancy can lead to osteoporosis (a disease that involves brittle bones). If there is a shortage, the child also suffers. The baby will have problems with the skull, bones, blood circulation, nervous system, and may suffer from rickets. After birth, the baby will not gain weight well.

What is the role of calcium

The role of minerals in life is great. The mass of microelements makes up 2% of the total mass of a person. Calcium is everywhere: in teeth, bones, hair, nails, cartilage. It helps the mother during pregnancy, because the larger the belly, the greater the load on the spine. This macronutrient performs a huge number of functions, including:

  • management of all metabolic processes;
  • blood clotting (this is an important point, because during childbirth a pregnant woman will not lose much blood);
  • optimization of muscle function;
  • assistance in metabolism;
  • conduction of signals through nerve cells.
Every person needs minerals, but especially pregnant women, because they are an indispensable building material for the body.

Daily calcium requirement

Calcium during pregnancy should double. The daily requirement for an expectant mother is 1.5 g of microelement. The fact is that you can only take 0.5 g of minerals at a time, so pregnant women distribute the dosage three times.

In the first months, the baby consumes only 10 mg per day, but gradually the dose increases, and already before birth in the third trimester of pregnancy (30-36 weeks) it reaches 250-300 mg of calcium per day.

It is important to remember that the element should not be in excess in the body of a pregnant woman. Everything should be in moderation. But in the modern world, it is not enough for mothers to eat food with this microelement; the reason lies in poor nutrition.

It is worth noting that the mineral content in the blood should be 2.15-2.5 mmol/l.

In order not to harm the body of the pregnant woman and the child, it is worth visiting a doctor so that he can prescribe the right diet and prescribe pills. You should not take medications with a mineral substance for prevention, because it can harm the mother’s kidneys.

A woman also needs the mineral after childbirth, since breastfeeding also takes away these substances, so there is no need to relax and give up proper nutrition after pregnancy.

If after childbirth the condition of the mother’s teeth and hair has not deteriorated, and the child does not have congenital rickets, then the mineral was sufficient during pregnancy.

Calcium in reserve

Many pregnant women are afraid of a lack of macronutrients and play it safe by increasing the dose. But this leads to bad consequences.
An overdose of a mineral in the body occurs due to a large dose of the drug at a time or prolonged use.
Overdose symptoms:

  • constipation;
  • persistent nausea;
  • increased gag reflex;
  • unquenchable thirst.

Consequences of an overabundance of the mineral:

  • gastritis, developing into gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • gout;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • decreased absorption of magnesium in the body;
  • excessive blood clotting;
  • disturbance of normal heart rhythm (angina pectoris);
  • lack of smooth muscle tone;
  • stagnation of macronutrients in tissues and organs.

In addition, an overdose of the mineral will cause trouble during childbirth. Because due to an excess of microelements, the baby’s fontanelle will close prematurely, and the bones will harden and will not allow the baby to pass normally through the mother’s canals. The uterus will not be able to open sufficiently for the passage of the newborn.

If you notice symptoms, you should visit a doctor. Excess calcium can be resolved by restoring water and electrolyte balance. For this purpose, diuretic medications are prescribed to remove excess substances from the body, but before this it is worth taking tests to confirm the increased amount of minerals in the blood.

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia

To find out the amount of minerals in a pregnant woman’s body, it is worth undergoing a complete biological blood test. To do this, you need to donate venous blood. Before the analysis, it is forbidden to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods and take medications for several days. But if a pause in taking medications is not possible, you should inform your doctor and the staff collecting blood about this.

During pregnancy, the analysis is done multiple times. And if the doctor does not prescribe medications with a mineral, then its level in the blood is normal, and no medications are required.
Based on the information from the biological blood test, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and diet. It is important to talk to your doctor and seek their advice in all matters.

How to eat if you have calcium deficiency

It is possible to avoid the use of drugs with calcium, which can be harmful to health, since there is calcium in products for pregnant women. To do this, it is worth getting the necessary supply of microelements from the food you consume. This is healthier, since calcium from foods is absorbed better. What foods contain calcium for pregnant women? The source of calcium can be either animal or plant foods.

The leader among animal foods is hard cheese. There is 1 g of calcium per 100 g of cheese. Cow's milk contains 0.2 g of the element, goat's milk contains more - 0.4 g, but it is quite difficult to obtain. Homemade cottage cheese contains 0.3 g of mineral matter per 100 g. Marine inhabitants are also “custodians” of calcium. The leaders among fish are sardine (0.24 g/100 g), salmon (0.15 g/100 g), and shrimp (0.13 g/100 g).

There is also calcium of plant origin during pregnancy. It is worth noting that sesame and sesame oil contain 0.9 g of calcium per 100 g, more is found in poppy seeds (1.5 g), but this product is difficult to obtain nowadays. A lot in legumes, nuts, green vegetables, persimmons (0.13 g), fruits. Vegetables include cabbage (0.1 g), celery (0.24 g), cucumbers, broccoli and carrots (0.5 g). Legumes include beans (0.15 g), peas (0.89 g). Fruits - oranges, currants, strawberries, figs (0.15 g) and peaches. Nuts – hazelnuts (0.2 g) and almonds (0.3).

A large amount of calcium is contained in nettle and plantain - 0.7 g and 0.4 g, respectively. And the leaders are dried savory (2.2 g), dill (1.8 g) and oregano (1.6 g).
The most popular source of calcium is fermented milk products. This is explained by the fact that microelements are better absorbed thanks to vitamin D.
It is important to monitor the expiration date of the product. Otherwise, you can contract intestinal diseases.

What interferes and helps the absorption of calcium from foods

It is worth clarifying that the figures presented above are inaccurate, since the body does not absorb all the calcium. For example, an adult will receive only 15% of microelements from cow's milk, while an infant receives 50%. The reason for this is lifestyle. There are factors that interfere with and help in the absorption of minerals.

Factors that interfere with the absorption of calcium into the body are:

  • sweet carbonated water, candy;
  • foods high in magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus;
  • excess or deficiency of fat, the ratio of calcium to fat should be 1:100;
  • alcohol, nicotine and energy drinks;
  • cocoa, coffee, tea, chocolate;
  • foods high in oxalic acid (sorrel, beets, spinach, rhubarb);
  • White bread;
  • oatmeal and semolina porridge, due to its phytin content.

This microelement is better absorbed next to vitamin D and phosphorus. Therefore, during pregnancy you should:

  • walk more in the sun, in this case the body produces vitamin D itself;
  • eat fish and fish liver;
  • do light exercise;
  • consume fermented milk products, as they contain lactose, which helps in the body’s absorption of the microelement;
  • There are onions and garlic, they contain sulfur, which also helps absorption.

By following all the tips, you can maximize the intake of minerals in the body during pregnancy. But there are cases when absorption depends on human physiology, for example, fragile blondes are susceptible to osteoporosis.

Group of calcium preparations

If the consumption of foods with minerals is not enough, mineral preparations are used. They are divided into three types.

Monopreparations containing only calcium salts

Calcium salts are: carbonate (the solution contains 40% of this mineral, that is, per 1 g of substance, there are 0.4 g of the trace element), citrate (21% of this trace element), gluconate (9%), lactate (13%).

The more popular, as you might guess, are carbonate and citrate. However, citrate absorbs the mineral through the digestive system, so it is more common in women during pregnancy. This has been scientifically proven.

When taking citrate, the amount of the mineral in the body reaches its peak. And for people prone to kidney stones, this salt has another advantage - when taken with urine, this trace element is excreted to a minimum. In addition, it helps to alkaline urine, which reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Carbonate in large quantities reduces the acidity of gastric juice. This can lead to digestive problems such as constipation or bloating. Therefore, to prevent troubles, you need to wash down the drug with carbonate with citrus juices, since they, on the contrary, increase acidity.

Examples of prescribed drugs: Calcium Sandoz Forte (0.5 g); Calcium gluconate (0.5 g); Calcium citrate (0.5 g).

Preparations containing a combination of mineral salts and vitamins D or C

These are medicines that contain other substances in addition to mineral salts.

The following medicines are available:

  • Vitrum-calcium-D3, green tablets should be washed down with sour drinks, as they consist of carbonate and contain.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed - chewable tablets without obvious side effects, consisting of carbonate and vitamin D3.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte differs only in the large amount of vitamin D3 in tablets.
  • Calcemin is prescribed only after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Calcemin Advance is characterized by a large amount of carbonate, therefore it is prescribed to women with a significant deficiency of this mineral according to doctor’s indications.

Multivitamin complexes

Contains vitamin D3 and mineral salts.

In general, the body accepts such medications easily. However, there are cases when drugs negatively affect the digestive system of a pregnant woman, resulting in constipation, nausea and bloating.

It is necessary to separate portions of this microelement and remember that the daily norm for calcium for pregnant women is a maximum of 1.5 g and 600 IU of vitamin D.

Often, some women have to face a problem such as a lack of calcium during pregnancy, the symptoms of which can be noticed in the first stage. This element is needed not only by the expectant mother, but also by the fetus. With its participation, the skeleton is formed, the bones and cartilage of the baby are formed. A lack of the mineral in the body can have serious consequences for the woman and child, so during pregnancy you should consume large amounts of calcium with your food.

During pregnancy, a woman needs double the amount of calcium, since this is very important for the unborn baby. It is necessary to replenish the element in such an amount that it is enough for both her and the child. If a deficiency occurs, then all the calcium for the fetus is taken from the mother’s bones, resulting in a disease such as osteoporosis.

The baby needs the mineral to create organs:
  • skeleton;
  • muscle;
  • heart;
  • nails;
  • hairline;
  • ears and eyes;
  • setting of teeth;
  • internal systems.

If there is a lack of calcium, this condition negatively affects the development of the fetus, and the child may be born with defects. After birth, rickets usually develops, which leads to curvature of the bones.

When carrying a child, a woman also suffers from a deficiency of the element. Her hair becomes brittle, her teeth decay and her nails peel off. With a sufficient supply of microelements, she is less susceptible to stressful situations, and pregnancy proceeds easier. During childbirth, the risk of severe bleeding and convulsions is eliminated.

An adult should consume about 1000 mg of calcium from food per day. During pregnancy, this requirement increases to 1500 mg. The intrauterine development of the fetus depends on the mother’s nutrition.

You need to know that some foods contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body. Also, frequent urination is a cause of calcium deficiency. Therefore, during pregnancy, by increasing the consumption of foods rich in calcium, you do not have to worry about an overdose.

Almost all pregnant women face the problem of calcium deficiency in the body, but not everyone goes to the doctor because they do not know what causes this condition.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following severe symptoms:

  1. Goosebumps on the skin.
  2. Aching bones.
  3. Cramps.
  4. Preeclampsia.

The stronger the calcium deficiency during pregnancy, the higher the risk of developing serious pathologies. First of all, the woman herself suffers, as her condition worsens.

A lack of calcium can cause the following consequences:
  • toxicosis;
  • dry skin;
  • dental diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • leg cramps;
  • swelling;
  • insomnia and irritability.

Often, microelement deficiency occurs in the last stages of pregnancy, and newborn children suffer from rickets. They lag behind their peers in growth, and bone deformation is observed.

Every pregnant woman should monitor her health and, if there are such signs, consult a doctor. He will recommend taking vitamin complexes and foods rich in calcium.

In order for calcium to enter the body of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to eat foods rich in this mineral. Every day it is recommended to drink a glass of milk, eat 200 grams of cottage cheese and about 50 grams of hard cheese.

However, you must choose natural products. Industrial milk or cottage cheese contains much less of the mineral, since it loses its usefulness during heat treatment.

The diet of the expectant mother should include the following products:
  1. Milk, cheese, kefir and yogurt.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Marine seafood.
  5. Cabbage, broccoli, greens.

It is best if the menu is varied, since this microelement has one feature - it is poorly absorbed and it is impossible to fill the daily requirement by consuming one cottage cheese. It is also recommended to choose low-fat foods, as they contain more of this mineral.

Some foods interfere with the absorption of calcium, so it is recommended to limit them.

These include:
  • coffee Tea;
  • confectionery with rich cream;
  • chocolate;
  • sour vegetables and fruits;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Calcium is also absorbed by interacting with vitamin D, so pregnant women and newborn children are advised to spend more time in the fresh air, especially during the day when the sun is shining.

If nutrition cannot compensate for the mineral deficiency, the doctor may recommend taking medications containing calcium and other vitamins. However, these drugs are taken after the 12th week of pregnancy, 500 mg is divided into several doses per day.

To avoid calcium deficiency, a pregnant woman should eat right, walk in the fresh air more often, and do light exercise. This is the only way to prevent various pathologies that can affect the health of mother and baby.

During this period, a woman’s body experiences serious stress and heavy load, sometimes there is even a need to additionally feed it with special medications in order to avoid a deficiency of any mineral necessary for proper development. Most often, the doctor observing the expectant mother prescribes calcium supplements, which for pregnant women has long been the most essential macronutrient and building material for both her bone tissue and the proper formation of the fetal skeleton.

The role of calcium for the body

In the adult human body, calcium is found mainly in the skeleton and teeth, but besides this, it also participates in various life processes:

  1. Muscle and neural reactions.
  2. Affects blood clotting.
  3. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
  4. Takes part in the activation of certain enzymes and hormones.
  5. Participates in the nucleus, cell membranes, tissue fluids.
  6. Increases the body's resistance to stress.
  7. Helps remove heavy metal salts from the body.
  8. Has an antioxidant effect.
  9. Positively affects the level of insulin and glucose in the blood.

But the most important function of this useful macroelement is its participation in the formation of bones, hair, teeth, and nails. Therefore, its biological role is so great for a woman while she is expecting a child, especially for strengthening her bones, on which a heavy load gradually increases with each trimester.

How much do you need?

The daily requirement of calcium for pregnant women differs significantly from the norm for a person who is not experiencing a significantly increasing load. During the exciting period of gestation, it increases by about one and a half to two times. According to medical scientific calculations, the daily requirement of a woman in position is 1500 mg per day.

A ripening fetus in the womb actively absorbs calcium as it grows; in the first trimester it should receive at least 3 mg per day, and already during the third trimester - the main stage in the formation of the baby’s skeleton, it needs a dose of 250 or even 300 mg building macroelement.

Deficiency Symptoms

As you know, the macronutrient so necessary for the human body is not produced independently, so it is taken, due to the developed reflex habit, from food and special medications.

The lack of this mineral, especially during the period of bearing a child, threatens miscarriage and premature hypertension, cramps of the calf muscles and the most dangerous thing - eclampsia.

To prevent an impending deficiency of an element, you need to understand in time the alarm signals that the body gives, that is, symptoms of this problem:

  1. The very first sign of deficiency is anxiety, tension and irritability - a detrimental effect on the nervous system.
  2. Increased fatigue.
  3. Vomiting and nausea in the first trimester.
  4. The appearance of dryness, a noticeable loss of its elasticity, its “lifeless” appearance.
  5. and nails become dull.
  6. Caries and defects in tooth enamel appear.

Important! At the first suspicion of a calcium deficiency and, especially, when the first symptoms are detected, you must urgently contact your gynecologist. Indifference to this condition and self-medication in the future can lead to irreversible tragic consequences.

How to make up for the deficiency?

If a deficiency of a “building” mineral does arise for some reason, the doctor monitoring the current pregnancy prescribes to the expectant mother all the necessary recommendations for replenishing it in the mother’s body.

Calcium rich foods

First of all, you should pay attention to products containing useful substances, including calcium, which will be well suited for the daily diet of pregnant women. It is now common knowledge that it is best will be absorbed together with the following foods:

  • Cod liver, fish (in addition to the “building” macronutrient, it is enriched with vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium).
  • Beets, garlic, celery, parsley, legumes.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, cheese.
  • Fruits and berries: currants, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, etc.
  • Rye bread and nuts.
  • Broccoli, white cabbage, turnip leaves.
  • Egg shells, previously calcined in a frying pan and ground to a powder state, egg yolk.
  • Sesame and poppy seeds are the leaders on this list; they contain much more of this mineral than cottage cheese and milk (10 times).

Did you know?The best period for calcium absorption is at night. It is at this time that the parathyroid glands work. Thus, drinking a glass of milk before bed ensures complete absorption of the element it contains.

Pharmacy drugs

If it is impossible to correct hypocalcemia using natural nutrition, the doctor prescribes the expectant mother to take calcium, which is contained in special mineral complexes suitable for pregnant women, always in tablets and with an individual recommendation on which one to choose.

As a rule, mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor already include auxiliary vitamins and substances to normalize calcium absorption. The use of such drugs is usually prescribed already in the second trimester, no earlier than the 12th week, and their daily dose is divided into several doses to increase the efficiency of absorption into the body’s cells.

It should also be remembered that any advertised calcified preparations are not dietary supplements, and they require strict control in use under the supervision of a physician. Even such a famous complex as Calcium D3 Nycomed can be very dangerous during pregnancy if the intake was started chaotically, without calculating the dosage.

What is needed for better absorption?

To promote better calcium absorption, you need to follow some rules. For example, for this, a person needs daily saturation with vitamins A, C, E, D, the entire composition of group B, organic fatty acids and amino acids. And digestibility is favored by:

  • Sun exposure is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the skin.
  • The vitamins mentioned above, as well as the macroelement phosphorus.
  • Vitamin B6, magnesium and silicon - the latter is similar to calcium in the process of bone compaction.
  • Selenium, which promotes the transport of calcium into bone cells.
  • Sufficient level of gastric acidity.
  • Iron.

Important! Vitamin D is essential for the full absorption of calcium. It helps it to be absorbed and properly “processed” in the body. Without this vitamin, the building macroelement will be excreted from the body unchanged, without being retained anywhere. That is why all calcium supplements for all people, including pregnant women, contain both of these components-and calcium and vitamin D.

Is excess dangerous?

Just like a deficiency, an excess of something useful can cause irreversible consequences, especially when it comes to medications or vitamin preparations. The macronutrient calcium is no exception.

This situation can occur if a pregnant woman abuses calcium complexes and foods high in calcium. Increased absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is also possible.

Symptoms of hypercalcemia are as follows: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, impaired renal function, weakness, confusion and even hallucinations.

In order to quickly remove a large amount of the mineral, it is urgent to reduce the sources of calcium entering the body, as well as drugs and products that help it be absorbed. In addition, intensively drink large amounts of fluid to quickly flush it out, but provided that kidney function is not impaired.

The danger with excess calcium is the risk of developing malignant tumors, paralysis and other severe hereditary diseases. The maximum concentration of the mineral in the blood should not exceed 2.6 mmol/l.

Did you know? Recent studies have shown that excess calcium in the body can have a positive effect on the growth of certain cancer cells, especially prostate cancer. But at the same time, it reduces the possibility of breast cancer.

In addition to a proper, balanced diet and calcium-containing medications prescribed by a doctor, the expectant mother should not forget about walks in the fresh air and a good mood.

Every woman knows that acute calcium deficiency during pregnancy can negatively affect not only her health, but also the development of the baby. It is calcium that acts as the basis of bone tissue, as well as hair and teeth, and is directly involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Such a valuable microelement as calcium is simply necessary for the correct and complete development of all systems, tissues and organs of the child.

It will be quite easy to independently determine the lack of calcium in the body, as characteristic signs begin to appear:

  • increased fragility of nails appears, they begin to peel off;
  • the condition of the teeth sharply and severely deteriorates, and such an unpleasant disease as caries may develop;
  • the hair becomes very dry and brittle, dullness appears, the ends begin to split intensively, and intense hair loss may also develop;
  • During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, severe cramps in the calf muscles may occur.

How to compensate for calcium deficiency?

It is worth remembering that the maximum amount of calcium enters the human body precisely with products that include this valuable microelement and should be included in the daily diet.

Therefore, without fail, during pregnancy, it is necessary to diversify your diet with cod liver, since it contains not only calcium, but also phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D. You should also regularly eat fish, eggs, fish oil, cabbage, rye bread, parsley, celery, currants, strawberries, nuts and cherries.

Quite a large amount of calcium is also found in fermented milk products, as well as milk. But it is worth considering the fact that they should not be too fatty. The fact is that calcium, interacting with saturated animal fats, will be practically not absorbed, therefore, there will simply be no benefit from consuming such products. The ideal option would be to choose natural yogurt (without adding various flavoring additives), kefir, cheese and low-fat cottage cheese.

However, getting calcium into the body of a pregnant woman through food may have certain difficulties. The fact is that full absorption of this microelement will occur only in combination with potassium, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. But at the same time, iron can seriously slow down this process and reduce the efficiency of calcium absorption into the intestinal walls.

When preparing a daily diet, it is recommended to supplement foods that contain calcium with bran, cabbage, legumes, cod liver, and egg yolk. However, you should not combine foods containing calcium with the main sources of iron, which include meat, beef tongue and liver, apples, buckwheat, pumpkin, and apricots.

To compensate for the lack of calcium in a pregnant woman’s body, special preparations can be used. However, when choosing a particular vitamin complex, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who is monitoring the course of your pregnancy, since he will be the one who will be able to select the ideal drug that meets all the needs of your body.

For a pregnant woman, the daily calcium intake is 1500 milligrams, and during breastfeeding this figure increases to 2000 milligrams. It is advisable to take calcium vitamin complexes on an empty stomach and before bedtime, since this element will be absorbed much more effectively by an empty stomach.

When should you take calcium during pregnancy?

The fact is that most of the calcium is concentrated in the skeletal system and teeth of the female body. If the concentration of this mineral in the blood decreases, then its gradual “washing out” begins. This causes bones to become more brittle and teeth may suffer from caries. It is as a result of a serious lack of calcium that during pregnancy you may simply have an irresistible desire to eat a piece of chalk.

During pregnancy, additional calcium intake may be needed in the following cases:

  • severe and rapid tooth decay begins;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair appears;
  • there is a risk of premature labor;
  • the development of preeclampsia in pregnant women begins, that is;
  • early toxicosis manifests itself, which is severe;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • concerns about increased nervousness and anxiety;
  • cramps appear in the legs;
  • primary weakness of labor is observed.

Why is calcium supplementation necessary during pregnancy?

Calcium makes up approximately 2% of the total human body weight, while it is the most important element for the creation of cartilage and bone tissue. If this element is missing, the process of metabolism of cholesterol and fatty acids, from which the synthesis of steroid hormones occurs, becomes simply impossible.

It is calcium that is responsible for the functioning of muscular organs and muscles, which also includes the uterus. Therefore, if there is a lack of this element in the body, labor will have a negative effect.

Calcium effectively regulates the functioning of the coagulation system, as well as the functioning of the kidneys, therefore, during pregnancy, additional intake of calcium supplements is completely justified, and sometimes simply irreplaceable.

During pregnancy, the female body's need for calcium doubles, and the daily requirement should be at least 1500 milligrams (as written above). The fact is that during this period, which is not the easiest for the female body, calcium is consumed quite quickly, which leads to a decrease in bone mass, while it can be fully restored only after the menstrual cycle has normalized.

If the developing fetus does not receive a sufficient amount of calcium through the bloodstream, there is a possibility that not only physical but also mental development will stop. The risk that a child will develop such a dangerous disease as is also significantly increased. That is why, during intrauterine development, the baby must receive the required amount of calcium.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that an excessive amount of calcium in the body is not capable of making a child an outstanding athlete or a genius, but at the same time there is a possibility of it having a negative impact on the development of the child. The most important thing here is to observe moderation, which is why you should take medications containing calcium only after consulting your doctor.

Before you start directly saturating your baby’s body with calcium, it is imperative to consult your doctor. The fact is that it is necessary to determine the safe dosage of the drug as accurately as possible, and the period of pregnancy at which calcium deficiency began to be experienced will also be important.

It is important to take into account the fact that in almost all cases, calcium supplements are taken starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and no earlier than the 13th week of gestation. Taking calcium supplements should continue for a fairly long period of time, without interruption, but not more than one month.

It is not recommended to take additional calcium supplements after the 35th week of pregnancy. The fact is that as a result, this can provoke the onset of premature ossification of the fetal head, therefore, its passage through the birth canal will be difficult.

In order to restore the correct balance of calcium in the body, you can take special medications, which can be in the form of powder, tablets, or solution.

You can take the following medications:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Calcium Carbonate) – contains 500 milligrams of calcium, as well as essential vitamin D, which significantly improves the absorption of this mineral;
  • Calcium gluconate contains 500 milligrams of calcium in each tablet;
  • Vitrum, Elevit, Pregnavit and other multivitamin complexes intended for use not only by pregnant women, but also by nursing mothers;
  • Calcemin (Calcium Citrate) is absorbed much better and faster by the female body, unlike other forms of this element, while one tablet contains 250 milligrams of calcium.

Contraindications for taking calcium during pregnancy

Despite the fact that calcium is one of the most important microelements in the human body, at the same time, its intake may have a number of certain contraindications, namely:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of such drugs;
  • the presence of various malignant neoplasms;
  • development, which is chronic;
  • development ;

Only a doctor should choose a particular drug containing calcium, since he evaluates not only its effectiveness, but also the possibility of developing characteristic side effects that are present in all medications.

How to properly take calcium during pregnancy?

  • the human body is simply not able to absorb more than 500 milligrams of calcium at one time. That is why the daily norm should be divided into several doses, which are carried out throughout the day;
  • if this is possible, then calcium supplements should be taken with meals, at lunch or in the evening, before bed, on an empty stomach;
  • very carefully it is necessary to take calcium supplements at the same time as it has the ability to accumulate in the body and pass into breast milk;
  • During breastfeeding, the body remains in an increased need for calcium, which is why, after the birth of the baby, it is recommended to resume taking the vitamin complex, but only if the doctor allows it.

In case of excess calcium in the body, there is a possibility of such consequences as:

  • the formation of calcium deposits directly in the placenta, which also disrupts the proper fetal-placental blood flow;
  • The fetal bones begin to lose their elasticity.

It is advisable that the expectant mother receives calcium through food. To this end, your own diet will need to be diversified with products that contain this valuable mineral. In this way, it will be possible not only to prevent the likelihood of its excess in the body, but also to minimize the risk of side effects that occur when taking this drug (extreme thirst, vomiting, and others).

To avoid taking additional medications containing calcium, you need to add milk and other fermented milk products to your diet. The fact is that the maximum amount of this microelement is contained in these products.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume low-fat cheeses, yogurt, natural yogurt, and milk containing a minimum percentage of fat content. At the same time, it is recommended to replace homemade cottage cheese, which many pregnant women simply adore, with a less fatty product, since it has approximately the same calcium content, but significantly fewer calories.

In order to significantly increase the level of calcium absorption by the body, it is worth combining dairy products with vegetables and fruits, but not with fats, as they will interfere with the absorption of this valuable microelement.

During pregnancy, regular walks in the fresh air, a balanced and proper diet, and, of course, staying in a good mood will help cope with a lack of calcium.

The balance of vitamins and microelements in the body of the expectant mother is the key to her well-being and the health of the baby. A lack of any mineral leads to undesirable and sometimes dangerous consequences. This is especially true for calcium (Ca), a building material for bones, teeth, enzymes and hormones.

To prevent insufficient intake of this microelement and its poor absorption by the body, expectant mothers are often prescribed calcium supplements. In what cases are they indicated, will they harm the fetus? Is it worth taking them, or is it better to replace them with foods rich in calcium?

Why do pregnant women need calcium, and why is its deficiency dangerous?

In the body of the expectant mother, calcium for pregnant women does double duty. It protects the fetus from rickets, and the mother from brittle bones and stress, and at the same time neutralizes the consequences of poor ecology.

If it enters the female body in insufficient quantities, the fetus takes it from the mother’s musculoskeletal system. This leads to osteoporosis - decreased bone density.

Why does the fetus need calcium? For the formation of bone and nervous systems, development of sensory organs, muscle fibers. Thanks to calcium, the baby’s fingernails grow, the bloodstream develops, and the heart and kidneys prepare for full function.

Ca helps the expectant mother to remain calm in stressful situations and reduces the risk of premature birth and bleeding during childbirth. Calcium regulates the functioning of muscle fibers, including the heart and uterus, which is important during contractions. The trace element is responsible for blood clotting, normal kidney function, and plays an important role in the first weeks after conception. A sufficient amount of it reduces the likelihood of allergic manifestations from the skin and respiratory system.

Lack of calcium is observed in every second woman who is preparing for motherhood. This condition is especially dangerous from the 12th week, when the fetus begins to actively grow and develop. Every day the child needs more and more calcium, which affects the mineral metabolism in the body of the expectant mother.

With calcium starvation, the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens: weakness, increased heart rate, and changes in blood counts. The fetus also suffers: delays in its physical and mental development may occur.

Daily intake of calcium for pregnant women, symptoms of its deficiency in the body

What is the daily intake of calcium for the female body? From 19 to 50 years old he needs 1000 mg Ca per day. From the moment of conception, the daily dose increases by 50% and is 1500 mg. About 300 mg of the mineral passes through the placental barrier daily. A nursing mother needs at least 2000 mg.

Ca loss during pregnancy is possible due to frequent urination and mineral metabolism disorders. Calcium hunger is more common in white-skinned and light-eyed women, expectant mothers who smoke, and those who have limited mobility. Hypocalcemia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • brittle nails;
  • cramps in the muscles of the calves at night (more details in the article: cramps during pregnancy in the muscles of the calves);
  • dryness, peeling of the skin;
  • changes in eating habits (for example, the desire to eat chalk);
  • feeling of “goosebumps” all over the body;
  • lack of shine and elasticity of hair;
  • fragility of bones.

If measures are not taken and calcium levels are not raised, a pregnant woman may experience:

  • hair loss;
  • gestosis;
  • severe manifestations of toxicosis;
  • caries, rapid tooth decay;
  • tachycardia;
  • premature birth;
  • weak labor activity.

Correcting the microelement balance in the body is very important. A doctor will help with this and prescribe a special diet and medications.

Diagnostic tests

Lack of calcium, or hypocalcemia, is confirmed by blood biochemistry. This test is often done for pregnant women, so diagnosing calcium deficiency is not difficult.

If, based on the test results, the doctor did not focus on the lack of a microelement and did not prescribe maintenance therapy, then the blood counts are normal.

However, if the expectant mother notices symptoms of calcium deficiency, she should tell the doctor about this and ask for advice on how to deal with this situation. The doctor can prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, calcium supplements, and develop a healthy and nutritious menu.

Calcium-rich foods indicated during pregnancy

Calcium levels largely depend on how varied and balanced the expectant mother’s diet is. There are foods that interfere with the absorption of calcium and even accelerate its loss by the body. These are flour products (white bread, pasta, baked goods), bran, semolina, coffee, spinach, sweet carbonated drinks. Many of them should be excluded from the diet due to their high calorie content.

Products containing it will help the expectant mother replenish calcium deficiency:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • parsley, celery, red beans (vegetable calcium);
  • seafood and fish (cod, salmon);
  • white cabbage, broccoli;
  • almond;
  • Sesame oil;
  • figs

From the first days of pregnancy, it is important for women to drink a glass of milk, yogurt or curdled milk every day, eat a sandwich with cheese and 150 g of cottage cheese. Instead of white bread, it is better to choose grain bread, and for snacks, carry nuts with you. In this case, it is possible to normalize the calcium imbalance in the body, which will help during childbirth.

Vitamins and other drugs prescribed for calcium deficiency in pregnant women

Along with a proper diet, the use of a natural calcium supplement is recommended for preventive purposes. The type of product and the duration of its use are selected individually with the help of a doctor.

  • Monopreparations with calcium salts. This is calcium gluconate or citrate, Calcium Sandoz. Forte. It has been proven that citrate is absorbed better than calcium carbonate. After its use, there is a rapid increase in calcium levels in the blood. Carbonate reduces stomach acidity, which can lead to colic and constipation.
  • Multivitamins. These are Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal and other complexes. The body absorbs no more than 500 ml of a microelement at a time, so the daily dose is usually divided into several doses.
  • Combined products (with vitamin D and mineral complex). These are Calcemin D3 tablets Nycomed, Kalcemin, Vitrum-Calcium-D3 (we recommend reading: Kalcemin: instructions for use for pregnant women).

When prescribing a complex or drug with calcium, the doctor takes into account the daily diet of the expectant mother and all the medications she uses. The dosage is selected taking into account the fact that a pregnant woman should not take more than 600 IU of vitamin D3 and 1500 ml of Ca per day. An increased dose will not benefit the mother and will be toxic to the baby.

How to take calcium supplements correctly, how much should you take?

Before using calcium supplements, it is important to read the instructions and dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, they are prescribed from 20-28 to 35 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a lack of minerals in the female body, the doctor may decide to prescribe calcium at an earlier date. Use of the drug in the last month of the third trimester can lead to premature ossification of the fetal head, which will create difficulties during childbirth and provoke rupture of the birth canal.

How long should a pregnant woman take calcium supplements? If there are no other doctor's recommendations, they are drunk for a month. The tablets are taken during meals with half a glass of water or milk. The frequency of use is 2-3 times a day, depending on what is stated in the instructions for use.

When using products, take into account that not all microelements can interact effectively with each other. It is advisable that the use of calcium goes in parallel with the intake of vitamin D3, for which special complexes have been developed. Vitamins C and B12 also contribute to better absorption of calcium.

Calcium and iron have poor compatibility - they prevent each other from being properly absorbed. 2 hours should pass between the use of drugs; you do not need to stop taking even one of them. Laxatives and diuretics should also be taken with caution (see also: can pregnant women use diuretic tablets?). If the expectant mother takes antibiotics, you need to warn the doctor about this. For example, calcium weakens the effect of tetracyclines. Any combination of calcium supplements with other medications (especially laxatives and diuretics) should also be discussed with your doctor.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions in pregnant women, overdose

Each calcium supplement has its own restrictions on intake. Contraindications:

  • intolerance to components;
  • stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • excess Ca and vitamin D3 in the body;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • excessive secretion of the parathyroid glands.

Among the adverse reactions to drugs, skin itching, indigestion, dizziness, and convulsions are most often noted. In this case, the appointment is canceled, a diet or substitute medications are selected.

In case of an overdose, hypercalcemia develops - a dangerous condition for mother and baby. It accelerates the aging of the placenta, accompanied by migraines, irregular heartbeat in women, and increased urination (we recommend reading: reasons for frequent urination during pregnancy). In this case, the fetus develops incorrectly, which is fraught with the occurrence of mental and physical abnormalities. To avoid the negative impact of an overdose on the health of a pregnant woman, activated charcoal and gastric lavage are indicated.

With proper nutrition, sufficient exposure to the sun in the morning and evening, and the absence of disturbances in mineral metabolism and the risk of gestosis, the expectant mother can easily do without calcium tablets. However, when the last trimester falls in the autumn-winter period, health is not ideal, physical activity is reduced, you should consult a doctor about taking additional complexes. You can’t do without them if you have calcium deficiency, which is important to identify and eliminate in time.