How to cook a delicious pig dish. Pig mushrooms. Step-by-step recipe for pickled pigs for the winter

Lovers of forest gifts are looking forward to the autumn period, when they can pick mushrooms. Of course, they already know which of them are edible: boletuses, boletuses, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and others. But there are lesser known ones, which are often found in coniferous and deciduous forests. We are talking about pigs.

What are svinushki (pigs)?

Thin and thick pig is a mushroom that grows in coniferous or deciduous forests. It has a brown color, a small leg, a cap with curved edges, and yellowish plates. Of course, there are cases of poisoning with these mushrooms, but if prepared correctly, you can get a completely tasty and satisfying dish. The only thing is that this mushroom is not stored for a long time, therefore it requires immediate heat treatment, otherwise it will spoil. Let's look at what to do with pigs, how to cook and eat them.

Thick pig is suitable for pickling, salting, frying and cooking many dishes. The only important thing is to properly prepare it for use and carry out special processing. Then you can safely eat mushrooms without fear for your health.

How to cook pigs?

First, the mushrooms are soaked in water for about five hours, and the procedure is repeated at least three times, changing the salted water. Then they are thoroughly washed, boiled in the first water for five minutes, the resulting broth is drained and boiled a second time for half an hour, and a third time for forty minutes. A sign that the pigs are ready is when they drop to the bottom of the pan. Ready-made mushrooms can be used at your discretion. Let's look at several recipes for their preparation.

Pig fried in sour cream

Ingredients: one kilogram of mushrooms, one onion, three tablespoons of sour cream, two cloves of garlic, salt, vegetable oil, herbs to taste.


If you don’t know what to do with pigs, you can simply fry them with sour cream. This dish can become unique if you add your favorite herbs, various spices, onions and garlic. In addition, it is very filling, so it can easily replace meat.

So, pre-cooked mushrooms are coarsely chopped. In a frying pan, fry the onion in oil until golden brown, add the pigs and fry for twenty minutes, adding salt. Don't forget to stir them constantly. Then add sour cream and garlic and simmer for five minutes. The finished dish is left to brew for fifteen minutes, after which it is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Marinated pigs

Ingredients: two kilograms of mushrooms. For the marinade (per liter): two tablespoons of coarse salt, half a glass of table vinegar, five black peppercorns, two bay leaves, five dill stalks, a pinch of cinnamon, two spoons of sugar, ten cloves of garlic.


Marinated pigs, the recipe for which we are considering, are an excellent savory snack that can be stored for a long time.

First prepare the marinade. To do this, add salt, spices, and vinegar to the water and cook for twenty minutes, periodically skimming off the foam. The cooked mushrooms are chopped, placed in a jar and poured with the cooled marinade. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to each jar.

Hot salting of pigs

Ingredients: five kilograms of mushrooms.

For the brine: six hundred grams of water, two hundred grams of salt, one gram of bay leaf.


Many people wonder what to do with pigs. The answer is simple: they can be pickled. To do this, the mushrooms are cleared of soil and washed well. Then they are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and brought to a boil. After this, they are mixed and the resulting foam is removed. The pigs cook for twenty-five minutes.

After time, the mushrooms are removed, placed in prepared jars and filled with cold brine, after which they are sealed and placed in a cold place for storage. This is how pigs are prepared for the winter.

Cold salting of pigs

Ingredients: one kilogram of mushrooms, ten grams of salt, two grams of citric acid, another fifty grams of salt for sprinkling.


Before preparing the pigs, they are soaked in one liter of water, where salt and citric acid are first added, for one day, changing the brine twice. Then the mushrooms are placed in barrels, where a small layer of salt is first added. The pigs are placed so that a six-centimeter layer is formed. They are covered with caps down and covered tightly with salt.

Then the barrels are covered with cloth and placed under a press for three days. During this time, they will thicken, release juice and become covered with brine. The containers are placed in a cold place or preserved using traditional preservation recipes. Svinushki (we already know how to cook them) can be stored in this way for quite a long time.

with pigs

Ingredients: two hundred and fifty grams of chicken meat, one hundred grams of pickled cucumber, one hundred grams of fresh cucumber, fifty grams of radish, one hundred and fifty grams of celery stalk; two hundred grams of pork, half an onion, one bunch of lettuce, two spoons of mayonnaise, as well as one and a half spoons of lemon juice, one bunch of parsley, half a spoon of sugar, one spoon of mustard, salt to taste.


Before cooking pork, you need to clean them, then boil them using the above method. Chicken meat is boiled and cut into strips along with celery. Finely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in oil. All cucumbers are cut into strips, radishes into thin strips. Parsley is finely chopped. Mix meat, mushrooms, celery, radishes and cucumbers in a bowl. Next, prepare the dressing. To do this, mayonnaise is mixed with lemon juice, mustard and sugar are added.

Lettuce leaves are placed on a large dish, the prepared mixture is poured on top, the dressing is poured over everything and decorated with herbs.

A few final words

Now it has become known what to do with pigs, how to cook and eat them. It must be said that the scope of using mushrooms is quite wide, you just need to show a little imagination. You can create very interesting and satisfying dishes from them. The main thing here is the correct heat treatment of pigs, since recently there has been an opinion that they can cause poisoning. And properly prepared and cooked mushrooms can even replace meat, as they are very rich in protein. However, it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities as they are difficult to digest.

At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, mushroom season begins in central Russia. Of course, anyone can go into the forest to pick mushrooms, but not everyone is given the ability to understand these gifts of nature well. It is known that mushrooms can be very dangerous for the human body, so you need to approach the process of collecting them with extreme caution. In addition to such noble mushrooms as porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms and honey mushrooms, no less common pig mushrooms may end up in your basket. Let's figure out whether they can be eaten and, if so, what to cook from these mushrooms.

According to the mushroom classification, the pig is thin and thick. The first type of this mushroom is considered poisonous. It should absolutely not be placed in the cart. Fat pig is recognized as a conditionally edible mushroom. This means that you need to approach the process of its preparation with special care.

You can meet a pig in the forest on the edges and sunny hills. Also, its gangs can be found along the edges of potato fields and in forest clearings. Other names for these mushrooms are pigsties, chushkars and even cowsheds. If you come across pigs along the road, it is better not to collect them. They perfectly absorb all harmful exhaust gases and toxins, which is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Before using thick pork when preparing various dishes, you need to soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours, and then boil it for half an hour, drain the resulting broth. Next, these mushrooms are salted and marinated, and fried. They are usually not put into soups, and they are not very suitable for drying.

Not every housewife knows how to prepare salted and. It is believed that the best container for pickling is a wooden barrel. But it is unlikely to be found in a modern kitchen, so it is better to take any ceramic container. Pre-boiled and washed pigs are laid in layers, sprinkled with table salt. If you want the mushrooms to be crispy, add cherry and horseradish leaves. Also added for flavor are dill stems, allspice and a few cloves of garlic. Next, the pigs are covered with clean gauze, a press is placed on top and put away in a cool place for salting. You can eat salted pigs after 40 days. Experienced cooks recommend storing these mushrooms at a temperature of at least 5 degrees, otherwise there is a risk that the pigs will freeze, causing their taste to be greatly affected. If the temperature is higher, the brine may turn sour and the mushrooms will have to be thrown away. During the salting process, it is also important to periodically add boiled water, since the brine tends to evaporate.

On the Internet you can also find recipes for making marinated pigs. To do this, mushrooms are placed in a special marinade, the production of which uses vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. It is believed that in this case the brine for pigs should be slightly sweeter than when preparing other types of mushrooms. Another highlight when preparing can be added by wine vinegar used instead of regular vinegar. Pre-boiled and washed pigs are boiled in the resulting brine for about 10 minutes, then rolled into pre-sterilized jars or served immediately. Marinated pigs can also be prepared. With it, the mushrooms are not boiled in brine, but simply poured over it.

But that’s not all! If you are thinking about how to diversify your daily menu and what to cook for lunch or dinner, try making English salad with pigs. For this you will need celery, chicken, mushrooms and pickles. All ingredients are finely chopped and seasoned with mayonnaise. This dish is very unusual and surprisingly tasty.

You can also make a vinaigrette with salted or pickled pigs. It is enough to add them to assorted vegetables prepared according to traditional recipes. As a dressing, you can use a mixture of vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and sugar.

As you can see, svinushki are quite widely used in Russian cuisine. If you yourself harvested these mushrooms or bought them from a trusted place, if you met all the necessary conditions for their preparation, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the resulting product and feel free to eat it.

One of the earliest harvests harvested this year was that of the first spring root vegetable, radishes. The name of the vegetable comes from the Latin word “radix”, which means “root”. According to legend, the first variety of radish was grown by a French peasant in the Middle Ages. He saw small pink tubers near the radishes and decided to grow them into an independent vegetable. In fact, Central Asia is considered the homeland of radishes, where it has been known since ancient times. From time immemorial, radishes were known in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient Japan. The ancient Romans ate radishes with honey, salt and vinegar. In the 16th century, Europeans began to grow radishes as a vegetable crop. At that time, radishes with a white root vegetable in the shape of a carrot were common. Radishes appeared in Russia under Peter I, who brought the strange vegetable from Amsterdam.

Mushrooms are considered an exquisite delicacy. They contain many useful substances, for example, there is more protein in mushrooms than in meat. Delicious and aromatic soups, broths, juliennes, truffles, gravies, sauces, cutlets, purees and even caviar are prepared from mushrooms. Mushrooms can be eaten fresh, dried, salted, pickled, fried, boiled, stewed, grilled, stuffed, cooked in batter, ground into powder, extracted, etc. In this article, “House of Guru” will tell you about the main methods of cooking mushrooms, the peculiarities of their processing and the secrets of preparing delicious mushroom dishes. Mushrooms go well with vegetables, especially potatoes, herbs, spices, sour cream, cheese, seafood, meat, and fish. Mushrooms complement the taste of foods and make dishes more aromatic and tastier.

At the end of winter and at the beginning of early spring, many people suffer from a lack of vitamins. Various vitamin drinks - fruit drinks, compotes, decoctions, teas and many others will help solve the problem of seasonal vitamin deficiency and compensate for the deficiency of nutrients. They are prepared from various berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and honey. You can choose a variety of ingredients and combine them with each other.

Pizza is a dish of Italian folk cuisine. This dish is loved by residents of all countries of the world. In ancient times, pizza or plakuntos was a flatbread made of unleavened dough, on which cheese was placed. Tomatoes began to be added to pizza only in the 17th century; this tradition was introduced by Neapolitan sailors.

For some reason, this mushroom is called: thin svinushka, although it looks more like milk mushroom or white steppe mushroom. Of course, in form. And its color is yellow-brown, and the leg darkens at the break.

These mushrooms are very large in adulthood, and their cap reaches 25 cm in diameter.

What pigs to collect

But you shouldn’t collect such large specimens. Because all mushrooms tend to accumulate harmful substances: radiation, toxins. And especially the pigs!

Some mushroom pickers even consider them poisonous, as there have been cases of poisoning by pigs, even with fatal consequences.

Therefore, only young pigs are suitable for food. They are easily distinguished from adults by the curved edges of their caps.

But even young pigs require a special approach when preparing them. Svinushki cannot be stored for a long time after collection. Therefore, they need to be treated as soon as possible after arriving home.

Pig mushrooms are not as susceptible to worm infestation as some other fungi. But still, they need to be sorted out first.

Sort through the mushrooms.

Remove overripe ones if they still end up in the basket. Rotten mushrooms, dry ones or spoiled by pests are also not suitable.

Trim the bases of the stems, and at the same time check the mushrooms for the presence of worms and various kinds of larvae.

Remove large debris, twigs, and leaves. Using a knife or brush, scrape off any dirt stuck to the cap, if any. There is no need to remove the skin, such as butterfish.

Pour cold water over the mushrooms and add a little salt. After half an hour, all the debris stuck to the cap can be easily removed. Rinse the mushrooms and transfer them to another bowl with clean water for another half hour.

Cover clean mushrooms again with water and leave for several hours. During this time, it is advisable to change the water twice. Soaking helps remove toxins and harmful substances from mushrooms.

Then drain the water and sort the mushrooms by size. Use a knife to separate the caps from the stems. Cut large caps into several pieces. Small mushrooms can be left whole.

Before the main cooking, the pork should be boiled for 30 minutes in salted water. Both the mushrooms and the water turn dark due to the pigment found in the mushrooms. This water must be thrown away! Rinse the mushrooms under running water. Some mushroom pickers finish their preliminary preparation at this point. But you still need to pour clean water over the mushrooms again, put it on the fire and cook for another 30-40 minutes, adding salt.

I wrote this recipe for fried pigs for those housewives who understand wild mushrooms. Although pig mushroom is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, it is quite edible. Our grandparents ate pigs for years and rarely complained of stomach problems. It is impossible for healthy people to be poisoned by properly collected and properly prepared pigs. The weak and children should not eat any mushrooms at all, regardless of their usefulness. So, fried pig mushrooms.

We collected small, thick pigs, 200 km from the city in a deep forest. This is a big plus. For frying, take olive oil and onions. You will also need a lot of salt: both for soaking and for pre-cooking the mushrooms.

Fresh pigs are poured into a basin and soaked for 12-15 hours in cold salted water. During this process, all debris is removed and the water is changed every three hours. I don’t know what word these mushrooms come from, but it’s simply impossible to make them completely clean.

Next, the pigs go into the cooking pot. It is also recommended to salt the water well. The mushrooms are brought to a boil three times. At the same time, the foam is removed and the water is changed. Cook the pork until it completely sinks to the bottom of the pan. I definitely cooked them for 1.5-2 hours.

The boiled pigs are removed in a colander and washed well with water again. If the color of your mushrooms becomes too brown after cooking, this is normal.

While the pork belly is draining, chop the onion into cubes. Fry in olive oil until lightly golden.

Add boiled pigs to the onion. Continue frying the pigs with onions until done. It took me almost 45 minutes. During the frying process, the pig must be stirred regularly. The pan remains open.

Meaty and delicious fried pigs are ready! Who came up with the idea that they are poisonous, I can’t imagine?

I am writing the recipe two days after eating the dish. As you can see, everyone is alive and well, but still, the abuse of any mushrooms can lead to some kind of imbalance in digestion.

Fried pigs are served warm with herbs or a side dish. Have a nice mushroom harvest!

Pigs and svinushki are delicious mushrooms that you need to know how to cook. Every mushroom picker should know how long to cook pigs until they are fully cooked, since these mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. That is, they are, of course, edible, but it is not necessary to collect them and, among other types of mushrooms, pigs are not considered a delicacy.

How long to cook pigs before frying

If you cook pigs correctly, they turn out very tasty, especially fried. They taste like honey mushrooms, have a rich mushroom aroma and a dense consistency similar to champignons.

Peeled, washed mushrooms, from which all darkened areas have been removed, need to be cut into pieces. But before cooking, they need to be soaked overnight in salt water to remove all insects.

Pour cold water over the mushrooms, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. After this, drain the water and add new water, add salt, bay leaf, a couple of clove buds and allspice peas. The time required to cook pig mushrooms until tender in the second water is 45 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Boiled pigs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, but it is better to immediately fry or freeze them. However, you should not collect such mushrooms if you are not sure that these are pig mushrooms, since they are prohibited for sale, it is better not to risk it.

Although frying is an additional method of heat treatment of mushrooms, edible mushrooms have their own cooking rules.

Prepare the water, add the mushrooms to boiling water and after 20 minutes, drain the water. Refill the pig mushrooms with water, add salt, pepper and bay leaves to taste and a couple of cloves. After which the time until the pig mushrooms are ready to cook will be 45 minutes from the moment of boiling.

And frying them is very simple: for 1 kilogram of boiled pigs you need to take 2-3 medium onions, salt and pepper to taste, butter and at the end add sour cream to taste. Cut the onion into rings and lightly fry in oil, add mushrooms and fry everything until golden brown.

How long to cook pigs before freezing

The time it takes to cook pig mushrooms in order to freeze them for the winter is about 1 hour. To do this, first they are cooked after boiling for 20 minutes, then the water is changed and the time to cook the pigs is another 45 minutes after the water boils.