Why do you dream about being strangled? What does it mean according to the dream book when someone strangles you in a dream? Why do you dream about strangling in a dream?

There are many legends and beliefs about brownies that were created by our ancestors, but now you can hear stories about brownies being strangled in their sleep. You can find out why he does this and how dangerous it is for humans from this article.

In the article:

The brownie strangles in a dream - the reason is his dissatisfaction

The first reason is so obvious that the owners notice it very well - this is his dissatisfaction. If you don't pay attention to other signs it gives you, the spirit of the house may take extreme measures that are simply impossible to ignore.

You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because he really won’t choke you to death.

Think about it, what are you doing wrong? Perhaps your apartment needs some deep cleaning. Brownies love cleanliness and order; they are even more uncomfortable in dirty houses than people. Therefore, if you have accumulated a lot of dirt and dust, just clean up the mess, and then the night guest will leave you alone.

If the house is clean, pay attention to your behavior. Brownies strangle those who interfere with his goal - order, calm and harmony in the house. Perhaps you are the cause and initiator of scandals? If this is the case, you need to reconsider your family relationships.

The spirit of the house is concerned not only with the physical cleanliness of the house, but also with the energetic one. Maybe he is trying to draw your attention to a source of negativity associated with you, for example, damage or? By the way, the brownie's dissatisfaction is one of the reasons that many black magic rituals are performed on the street, especially those aimed at harming someone. The remnants of dark energy lead to dissatisfaction with the brownie, who begins to rather opaquely hint to its source that it is time to stop causing harm to the house.

If you keep your house clean in every sense of the word, maintain a cozy atmosphere and harmony in family relationships, try giving the house a treat. If he doesn’t lag behind after that, perhaps he’s just bored. Toys will help with this - cards, old beads and jewelry, beads and other trinkets that should be given to the brownie.

If you are sure that everything in your apartment is in perfect order and there is no need to take any measures, perhaps the matter is different. Many have noticed that brownies predict the arrival of guests, illness and death, as well as any changes in the life of the owners.

It is precisely for change that he is strangling. For some, this is a move, so he hints that you shouldn’t forget it in your old apartment, but you should. Sometimes he shows in this way that some important event will soon come in your life, for example, a wedding.

To choke you, try not to be scared and ask him (you can mentally), for better or for worse. Brownies communicate with different people in different ways, and it is impossible to predict which method the entity living in your house will choose. It may not respond at all, which means that the assumption from the warning is incorrect.

Why does a brownie strangle in a dream - antipathy

It also happens that, for unknown reasons, the brownie experiences antipathy towards one of the family members. Perhaps the reason is human behavior. As mentioned above, first of all, pay attention to your relationship with home and family, and then draw conclusions.

If you don’t find reasons for antipathy, you should try. You can read how to do this in the corresponding article on our website. Usually these are simple rituals of village magic that anyone can do.

In any case, it’s worth giving the brownie a treat and trying to talk to him out loud. He always listens to what is said to him and, perhaps, will adjust his actions.

What to do if a brownie strangles guests at night

If guests came to you for a few days or just stayed overnight, and in the morning they complained that someone was strangling them, remember this. Try to take a closer look at these people, even if you think you know them well, even if they are relatives.

The fact is that brownies have very powerful intuition; moreover, they always feel that the house is being harmed or is about to do so. Perhaps your guests were a danger to your family. This could be theft, lining, damage, the evil eye, severe envy and other negativity. Be sure to thank the brownie for revealing the evil.

A brownie can also strangle those who simply wish you harm in a dream. It could be a jealous girlfriend, a potential rival who wants to steal your husband, or your child's girlfriend or boyfriend who has bad intentions. Be sure to pay attention to such signs, because a brownie will not strangle a good friend for the whole family.

In general, this sign may not necessarily be negative, but you definitely need to listen to it, since the brownie has to go to extreme measures in order to convey something to you.

When we have pleasant, “sweet” dreams, we may not even remember what exactly we dreamed, wake up in a great mood, and everything will go great for us all day. “Bad” and unpleasant dreams are remembered very well, and we can replay them in our heads for more than one day. For example, what does it mean if you are being strangled in a dream?

If you see a story about “I’m being strangled,” you need to understand: your subconscious is giving you a hint about what’s stopping you from living life to the fullest. Therefore, it is very important to remember why you were choked. No less important is the image of the person who strangled you in the dream.

But you may dream that you yourself strangled someone or saw another person being strangled. Therefore, no matter how such a dream frightens you, you need to calm down and try to remember what exactly you dreamed about in your night visions:

  • The dreamer had the feeling “they wanted to strangle me” - then it is important who did it and why.
  • If you dreamed that you were attacking someone with the intention of strangling them, analyze what could have caused such strong anger.
  • If you dreamed that another person was being strangled before your eyes - pay attention to how many attackers there were and how you behaved.

Both dream books and doctors agree that if a person feels suffocated in a dream, but cannot understand why this happened and what was choking him, then most likely the reason for such a vision is of a medical nature. People suffering from apnea often wake up with the feeling of “I was being strangled in my sleep,” or this is how cardiovascular diseases make themselves felt. If a plot is often repeated in which you are strangled in a dream, and you wake up completely “broken” and not rested, this is a reason to turn to doctors, and not to interpreters.

If the dream of strangulation was very vivid, but you did not feel any physical weakness after waking up, then this is specific advice on exactly what problems need to be solved so that you can “breathe deeply.” If you dreamed of “being strangled,” and this happened in a dream for a very long time, interpreters say that in reality you are literally “suffocating” from lack of finances.

You try to be “no worse than people”, to acquire things that you don’t really need, just to emphasize your own “coolness”. You shouldn’t strain yourself so much for a ghostly result. Rest and relax, be content with what you have, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

Hostile Accessories

When it seems that someone is strangling you in a dream, but you cannot see the face of the attacker, such a vision may suggest that in reality you are in vain afraid to act on your own and are looking for approval and support from others. There are no objective reasons for fear; you have enough strength to move forward - both in the development of relationships and in what you love. Failures do not threaten you, you need to stop being afraid of them and move forward.

If you dreamed that your throat was being squeezed not by someone, but by something, then you need to pay attention to what kind of object it was. For example, when a man dreams of “my own tie is choking me,” it mostly means that the dreamer is overloaded with work and is so tired of it that he is literally suffocating.

If work has completely replaced your real life, you should stop and catch your breath, relax. Think, maybe it makes sense to delegate some of your powers and not decide every little detail yourself? Then you will have more energy for what really matters.

If a woman was “strangled” by her scarf or necklace in a dream, then there may be two explanations. If a lady feels like “an item of clothing is suffocating me,” then she, like a man, can “suffocate” from the rush of work - if she devotes a lot of time to her career.

And when a lady who is not too “concerned” with career issues dreamed about this, it means that she has too many household chores. “Unload” yourself, shift some of the worries to your household, and then you will stop “suffocating” in everyday life.

Why might you dream that a cross placed around your neck prevents you from breathing? Interpreters say that if you dream about this, it means that a person is haunted by a feeling of guilt for some unfair act towards another. If possible, ask the offended person for forgiveness in person, and if he does not want to talk, at least pray for forgiveness of sins - the feeling of guilt will probably subside and allow you to sleep peacefully in the future.

Why in a dream can a sleeper be strangled by a precious jewelry worn around his neck? Most likely, this is a signal that you pay too much attention to the external attributes of status, while forgetting about friendship, love, and compassion. You may dream of suffocating amulets or talismans to remind you of your own life principles, which should not be compromised for the sake of momentary desires.

Real opponents

Why do I dream that a real person is strangling me? The explanation depends on who exactly the strangler in your dream turned out to be.

When a woman in a dream or a loved one tries to strangle her with his hands, such a dream suggests: there are problems in the couple’s relationship. But the dissatisfaction that a woman pushes inside herself breaks out in the form of such “bad” dreams.

This means that you need to take action - for example, talk frankly with your husband. If you can divide problems equally and solve them together, it will only strengthen your marriage. In the same case, when your “hope and support” does not want to take part in solving family problems, then perhaps it is better to separate than to “pull the cart” of problems for two?

A plot where a brownie strangles you in a dream may be a signal that something is wrong in the house. Check the water pipes and gas supply system (if your home has one) - there may be a leak somewhere. Or did you dream about being strangled by a brownie because you are simply not happy with the interior of the house, and you feel stuffy in it?

Do you dream that the strangler is your own? By the way, such a dream can visit both a man and a woman, and in both cases it will have the same meaning.

The parent takes up too much space in the sleeping person’s life - she makes decisions for him, knows better what he needs, tries to control his whole life. In order not to suffocate from overprotection, it’s time to take your own life into your own hands.

In your night dreams did you see the plot “a dead man is strangling me”? In this case, the deceased symbolizes past events that you cannot emotionally “digest.” A person who is being chased by a dead man in a dream and wants to strangle him is tormented by fears from the past - you need to understand what scares you so much and figure out: maybe everything is actually not as scary as you think?

There is another interpretation of why a dead person tries to strangle him in a dream, especially if he appears. It is possible that the dreamer experiences a feeling of guilt due to the fact that a once close person, and now a deceased person, has been forgotten by him. It is worth remembering the deceased and praying for him.

If a mother dreams that her own child is strangling her, then, most likely, the health or upbringing of the child will require a lot of effort from her. Sometimes it will even seem to her that she has no time left for her own life.

Dreamer Strangler

When you dreamed that you were ready to strangle someone with your own hands, such a dream indicates a conflict brewing in the soul of the sleeper. You may not be satisfied with your relationships with your family, colleagues, friends, acquaintances... With whom exactly - the image of the one you tried to strangle will tell you.

Why does a female person dream of strangling a woman? Dream books claim that such dreams indicate the dreamer’s uncertainty in her current relationship with her boyfriend or beloved man. There may be reasons for jealousy, but more often than not this jealousy is not supported by anything - you need to figure out what is really happening and make a decision based on the real situation.

Choking a stranger in a dream means that you harbor a grudge against the whole world for something. Try to figure out who or what annoyed you so much that you are ready to turn away from the whole world? Is your abuser worth it for you to give up a lot of positive experiences when communicating with good people?

Why dream of strangling your own mother? If in reality you are in a quarrel with your mother, the dream indicates that you are experiencing a breakup very hard, although you try not to show it. Try to make peace with your mother, and you yourself will feel better, and the “bad” dreams will recede.

If in reality you have a good relationship with your parent, then strangling your mother in your night dreams means that in reality you are harming yourself and your reputation by abandoning the standards of behavior that your parents tried to instill in you. You don’t need to “go over your head” to achieve your goal for circumstances to favor you.

When a husband dreams that he is about to strangle his wife, this indicates that a split has already occurred in family relationships. And, most likely, through the fault of the dreamer himself. He should try to regain the goodwill of his “other half” so as not to bring the matter to a divorce.

If you dreamed that you strangled some animal, it is worth remembering exactly what it was. When this turns out to be the case, in business you should be guided primarily by your own interests, and only then take into account the opinions of others. Strangled - beware of offending a good friend - you will be able to give a worthy rebuff to your ill-wishers.

Save and save

In dreams of strangulation, you can not only “participate” yourself, but also become a witness to assault. If you dreamed that someone was strangling a person unknown to you, your further actions are important.

Did you get scared and run away? This means that in reality you will be able to avoid seemingly imminent danger. But the real situation will require you to concentrate, be observant and accurately calculate your actions.

When in your dreams you rush to help the victim, and you manage to recapture him from the attacker, in reality you will be able to protect your friend from a rash and short-sighted act. But if you didn’t manage to come to the rescue in time, and there was no trace of the strangler, most likely your friend will need something more from you than just moral support.

A plot where in your dream a robber strangles a stranger means that you have an ill-wisher at work. If you have your own business, take a closer look at your partners. And if you are employed, then you probably have a competitor in your career advancement who will try to get ahead of you.

Did you dream that one person was strangled by several villains at once? See if everyone who calls themselves your friends really are? It is possible that some of these people simply benefit from being “friends” with you for one reason or another, and only you yourself can separate real friends from “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

Sometimes people dream that some fairy-tale monster is trying to strangle them or someone else in their dreams. Interpreters believe that such a dream foreshadows fraud. In order not to be cruelly deceived, in the near future it is better to refuse various “super profitable” offers, no matter how tempting they may seem at first glance.

There can be a great variety of stories about strangulation. As almost any dream book says, strangling or being strangled in your dream means being very afraid or hating something or someone in your own life. After waking up, try to calm down the adrenaline and think - do you need this fear and hatred? And what is the best way for you to get rid of them?

Dreams about suffocation can be a medical symptom, especially if we are not talking about a one-time dream, but about recurring nightmares. Sometimes a brownie who doesn’t like the state of things in the house makes himself known by strangulation in a dream. The dreams of strangulation themselves are most often a warning that something is wrong in the dreamer’s life, and this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will worsen. In addition, these dreams can indicate illness, stress, and chronic fatigue.

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      When a dream has extraneous causes

      Choking in a dream often happens for technical reasons that have nothing to do with prophetic signs or the work of the subconscious.

      It is important to distinguish between dreams caused by similar reasons and dreams with meaning.

      Physiological reasons

      Sometimes a person dreams that he is being strangled if he does not have enough air in reality. This happens if something is squeezing the sleeper’s throat or the bedroom is stuffy - dreams in such situations are solely the body’s reaction to inconvenience.

      • Pregnant women often have dreams about suffocation. In this state, a woman needs more oxygen, because she actually breathes for two, so sensitivity to air quality increases.

        Some people experience episodes of shortness of breath at night, called sleep apnea. This may be explained by problems with blood vessels or the heart, allergies or asthma, anatomical features, etc. Since this condition is dangerous and significantly reduces the quality of life, a person who has had sleep apnea several times should consult a doctor.

        Mystical reasons

        If a person wakes up because someone is strangling him and pressing on his chest, it is considered that he is being strangled by a brownie. In this way, the keeper of the house survives an unwanted guest or tries to warn the owners that something is wrong in the house.

        In this case, you should ask (at least mentally) the brownie, for better or for worse. Usually he answers in one way or another that is understandable to the owners.

        Why do you dream of dollars - interpretation from dream books

        Why do you dream of strangulation?

        Since a dream about strangulation is a dream about violence and attempted murder, in most cases it is difficult to interpret it in a positive way.

        The meaning of dreams about strangulation depends on who is being strangled. Sometimes you dream that the dreamer is being strangled, and sometimes he does it himself.

        If the dreamer is strangled

        Dreams about the dreamer being strangled foreshadow a lack of freedom of action in the future.

        If a specific person, familiar in reality, even if he looks unusual, is being strangled, such a lack of freedom will be the work of his hands. If a child is strangling, this can be understood as problems due to a business, a project that takes too much effort and attention. And if a stranger is strangling you, the dream can be interpreted as a message that the dreamer is afraid in vain, his problems are far-fetched and have no basis in reality.

        If you dreamed that a dead person was strangling, then this is a sign that not all things have been completed with this person. Either the dreamer owes him something, or did not express something, or did not let him go emotionally, or promised something during his lifetime, but did not fulfill it. In such cases, you should remember the deceased, try to remember what was promised, and fulfill it. Believers can perform the required rituals - light a candle, pray for him on their own or with the help of a clergyman, and do a good deed in his memory.

        Dream books offer other meanings of strangulation in a dream:

        • accumulated fatigue and stress;
        • powerlessness to change anything in your life, real or imaginary;
        • the dreamer is already in a hopeless situation, there is no point in trying to do anything about it;
        • feeling of guilt, especially if the chain from a cross or similar object is strangling you;
        • someone or something (that which is suffocating) requires too much effort and time;
        • if a fabulous, non-existent monster is strangling, you should be wary of fraud;
        • disease;
        • in Islam: the dreamer will be entrusted with a secret, and if he dies in a dream from suffocation, then in real life he will become poor.

        The result of the struggle should also be taken into account when interpreting the dream. If in a dream you managed to defeat the attacker, everything will be resolved for the better, although you will have to make some efforts. If a person wakes up with the realization that he has been killed, then the prognosis is unfavorable.

        Another interesting factor is why or why the dreamer began to be strangled. If you manage to remember such a detail, it can become the key to understanding the dream: it is in this area of ​​life that something is wrong.

        If the dreamer himself strangles

        If the dreamer strangles a specific person - perhaps in the form of an animal or object, but clearly understands who he is talking about - this means that he will have to fight, compete with this person.

        Another option is that there is already a conflict with this person in real life, but outwardly it is not yet noticeable. The situation has already reached the stage of development when it would be wiser to move on to open confrontation. Or at least openly discuss all the accumulated problems.

        The result of the struggle is also important. If you managed to strangle your opponent in a dream, then obstacles in life will be successfully overcome.

        If a man dreams that he is strangling his wife, this is a bad symbol, predicting that she will soon leave her husband. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat her with more respect.

        If the dreamer strangles an unfamiliar child, this means that one of his current projects is interfering with him, he would like to get rid of this matter. Another option is that the dreamer is trying to kill the child in himself, abandon childish character traits, and become more mature.

        If the dreamer strangles himself

        Such dreams warn that the dreamer is interfering with his own life. Perhaps he has internal conflicts and contradictions, or he is confused, not knowing how to act correctly in a particular situation. Perhaps he is doing harm to himself without realizing it.

        Such dreams are dreamed by those people who do too much against their will, as well as by those whose words are at odds with their thoughts, and their actions with their intentions.

        Dreams in which a person strangles himself are serious warnings that are worth listening to. It makes sense to consult a psychologist, talk to a person who can give advice. It is the view from the outside that will help, from someone who is not involved in the situation and has no interest in it, and therefore is able to see contradictions and inconsistencies.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream that you are being strangled in a dream” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Dreams of strangulation are one of the most unpleasant, but at the same time very informative. What such a plot means in a dream can symbolize problems in the body, subconscious anger, and events that will happen in the future. Remember, did you strangle someone in a dream, or did someone squeeze your throat?

This dream also needs to be considered in conjunction with the real life situation, with the emotional and mental state of the dreamer. Only a combination of the interpretation of the dream book and all the listed details will give a complete picture of the meaning of the dream.

If the dreamer feels suffocated while sleeping

When asked who can strangle you in a dream, our grandmothers will gasp and start making assumptions – one more supernatural than the other: the brownie doesn’t like something about you, the devil has come to avenge your sins, and the Antichrist himself demands your soul. Such explanations are quite acceptable for those who believe in the other world.

But if a hardened realist woke up in the morning with a clear memory: “I dreamed that I was being strangled,” and at the same time everything in the dream was as if in reality, then this is the first alarm bell for contacting a cardiologist.

Below we will consider both from the perspective of the dream book and from the point of view of official medicine, if you are being strangled in a dream as if in reality. But you need to take into account that a supernatural or scientific explanation for such a plot can only be given if you do not see someone who is squeezing your throat, but simply feel suffocated.

The most common interpretation is that a brownie strangles in a dream, and at the same time the dreamer can even see shaggy hair and a vague image of the protector of our home. What can be done to prevent this from happening again? The dream book advises to tidy up thoroughly, move furniture, or even make repairs.

Check the plumbing for leaks, see if the corners are damp from high humidity: the brownie really doesn’t like dampness. The dream book also advises that if someone is strangling you in a dream, and you believe that it is a brownie, then place bread and milk next to the bed to appease the harmful old man.

Experts in occult sciences say that if you dreamed that you were being strangled in a dream, and at the same time you experienced an uncontrollable feeling of fear, then it is a demon or Satan himself who is encroaching on the immortal soul. Invite your priest home, place icons in the corners - this will help avoid a repeat of the nightmare.

From a scientific point of view, if you dream that you are being strangled, then apparently there are problems with the blood vessels and respiratory tract. You can find out exactly where the problem lies by feeling it: a pressing feeling in the chest that makes it impossible to breathe is a clear sign of problems with the heart.

Sensations localized specifically in the throat are a spasm of the bronchi or trachea; it is worth thinking about the health of the respiratory system. Psychologists also have their own interpretation if you had to strangle yourself in a dream. This carefully hidden bitter resentment towards a loved one just begs to come out.

There is another scientifically based explanation, not related to health, of what it means if you are strangled in a dream. A stuffy room, tightly closed windows, or even a fumigator turned on at night can cause a suffocating sensation associated with the body's defensive reaction.

From the outside, seeing someone being strangled in a dream, or squeezing your fingers on the victim’s neck is a dream that does not fall within the purview of occultism and medicine. Here you need to completely rely on the predictions of the dream book, especially if there are no strong emotions and feelings.

Why do you dream of strangling a person or animal?

If a girl had to strangle a woman in a dream, then the dream book indicates the precarious state of the relationship with her lover. Jealousy, especially unjustified, will lead to a painful and final break in the relationship.

The excessive seriousness of the dreamer's judgment is indicated by what he dreams of strangling a child in a dream. The dream book interprets such a plot as an attempt to eradicate all the good, positive qualities in oneself, leaving only gloominess and unsociability.

For a man, strangling his wife in a dream is a bad symbol. The dream book predicts that her betrayal and departure are already very close, and if you do not start treating your spouse with respect, she will leave you completely.

If there is no tension in your relationship with your mother, and you do not hold a grudge against her, then strangling your mother in a dream is a warning from the dream book about danger. Circumstances force you to make wrong decisions, which can completely destroy your positive spiritual qualities.

Why do you dream of strangling a dog? The dream book associates such a picture with the envy that you feel towards your good friend. You need to independently strive for your cherished goal, and not waste yourself on a base feeling of envy.

Choking a rat in a dream is a positive omen in the dream book. Soon the mask of a deceiver and sycophant will be revealed in one of your friends. When you lose the company of a two-faced person, everything in life will immediately begin to improve.

Why dream of strangling a snake? The dream book says that in reality you are trying to take into account multiple interests – both your own and others’ – in fulfilling your mission. Try to achieve your goal first, and then help others, and then the strength will return to you.

The dream book gives an ambiguous prediction about why you dream of strangling a cat. If the animal resists and scratches, then enemies will lie in wait for you at every step of your life’s path, building barriers.

But if you had to strangle a kitten in a dream, then the dream book predicts that you will get rid of the bad influence of your ill-wishers quickly and easily. Intuition and a sense of self-preservation will help you with this.

Why do you dream of strangling a cat? For a woman, this is a warning from the dream book that she should not fall for the bait of an insidious and selfish seducer. Take a closer look at your fans, some of them are not attached to you enough to live their whole lives - they pursue their own base goals through communication with you.

Who was squeezing your throat?

If you are being strangled by a deceased person who was a good friend during his lifetime, then it is better to visit his burial place, clean it up and bring food. In this way, the person reminds you of the friendships that previously connected you.

According to another interpretation of the dream book, if a deceased relative is strangled in a dream, then in reality you lack humanity to achieve real goals. What such a picture means in a dream means that you forget about the interests of others, pursuing only your own.

If in a dream a snake is strangling you, then the dream book signals danger. You should expect unpleasant events both from competitors and enemies, and from law enforcement officers, especially if you are involved in illegal matters.

The personification of a dream book with immoral temptation can be a plot where the devil strangles you in a dream. Moderate your base lustful desires, they will interfere with your life's journey, not bringing proper pleasure, and delaying the fulfillment of desires for a long time.

If a demon strangles you in a dream, then in reality you are going the wrong way. The meaning of such a picture suggests that at some point you made the wrong decision, and if you don’t change anything, then events will turn against you.

For a woman, a picture where a man strangles her in her sleep is unfavorable. The dream book advises not to get involved with attractive and dangerous representatives of the opposite sex. Such communication will bring nothing into life except negativity and bad memories.

On the contrary, if a faithful wife is strangled by her husband, the dream book predicts a strengthening of the relationship due to the obstacles that you have to overcome hand in hand. A plot where a woman strangles her is unfavorable for a married woman. Your spouse is looking to the left, be careful and do not become a victim of betrayal.

If a witch strangles in a dream, then this may be a real touch of the supernatural in the life of the dreamer. This is a warning that serious damage may be sent to you. Go to church and order a prayer service for your health, and maybe then troubles will bypass you.

Nightmares involving strangulation cause people to wake up in a cold sweat. However, they are able to both predict the future and inform the dreamer about disorders in the body that he is not aware of. So, what should a person who is trying to strangle someone in a dream expect and fear? The interpretation of a dream depends on its details that need to be remembered.

Strangle in a dream: Miller's dream book

A famous psychologist believes that the meaning of a dream with a similar plot can be different. Why do you dream of strangling a person in a dream according to Miller? If the dreamer manages to kill (strangle) the victim in his nightmare, in real life he risks becoming a participant in shameful events, which will negatively affect his reputation. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and temporarily refusing to communicate with potentially “dangerous” people.

Night dreams in which they try to strangle the dreamer himself do not promise anything good. He should be wary of trouble that will strike suddenly, coming from an unexpected direction. Should a person who is choked by sudden spasms in a nightmare be afraid? Yes, since such a dream warns of the presence of a large number of envious people who can seriously harm in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If a person tries to strangle someone in a dream, in real life he is worried about serious problems, the solution of which he constantly postpones because of his fear. If the dreamer does not pull himself together and deal with the accumulated problems, a “dark streak” awaits him. It is possible that significant financial difficulties will arise, and dismissal from work is also likely.

If the “owner” of the nightmare acts as a victim, someone attacks him and tries to strangle him, such a plot also does not bode well. It is likely that the dreamer in reality is missing out on a profitable deal due to his own indecision. Excessive caution does not allow him to succeed in life.

Esoteric dream book

Why dream of strangling someone in a dream, if we rely on the opinion of the compilers of the Esoteric Dream Book? This “guide” to the world of dreams claims that such dreams are almost always associated with the sphere of health. The “owner” of the dream should definitely undergo a medical examination and check the condition of the respiratory system.

The exoteric dream book does not exclude the possibility that a nightmare in which strangulation appears can be seen by an absolutely healthy person who does not experience illness in real life. In this case, you should definitely evaluate the comfort of your sleeping place. Sometimes frightening dreams are associated with such a banal problem as the wrong pillow.

If the dreamer knows the person he is trying to strangle in a dream, such a nightmare can warn of problems in his relationship with this person. Most likely, the “owner” of the dream is not satisfied with the actions of his “victim,” but he does not have the opportunity to prevent her. It is possible that this problem can be resolved through a heart-to-heart conversation, no matter how serious it may seem.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Choking people in a dream - how does the Wanderer explain a nightmare with a similar plot? If the dreamer himself acts as a strangler, this may indicate that in real life the person will have an unpleasant task. Unfortunately, all attempts to shift this task onto someone else's shoulders will not be successful. Most likely, this case is related to the professional sphere, but problems in the family are also possible.

In their nightly dreams, people often see someone trying to kill them by strangulation. The Wanderer believes that this is a signal of finding himself in a hopeless situation. If the dreamer does not turn to relatives or friends for help in a timely manner, he faces changes that negatively affect his quality of life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Interpretations of the famous sorceress Medea were also combined into a popular dream book. Why dream of strangling a person in a dream, if you listen to the words of the sorceress? Medea believes that in reality the dreamer is worried about a long-lasting conflict that he cannot resolve. It could be a quarrel with loved ones, work colleagues, or housemates.

What does a dream warn about in which its “owner” becomes the victim? Medea argues that in real life, a person is bothered by the subordinate position in which he finds himself. However, it is unlikely that he will be able to get rid of the “bosses”, since circumstances are not favorable for this.

If you dreamed of a child

If a dreamer tries to strangle a person in a dream, realizing that his victim is a child, what does such a nightmare promise him? Such a dream predicts the start of a new business in real life, but the “owner” of the dream will quickly lose interest in his project. It is possible that this will result in the loss of some amount that was invested by him. Factors such as a nervous breakdown or resentment can lead to abandonment of a new business. Perhaps the dreamer will abandon his project without meeting understanding and approval from his immediate circle.

There are also nightmares in which children strangle the dreamer himself. Unfortunately, this dream does not bode well either. In reality, his “owner” may turn out to be a victim of his own unrealizable dream, which will consume him completely, taking away his time, energy and money.

What do night dreams warn about if your own child acts as a strangler? It is very likely that in real life the heir will drag the dreamer into serious troubles, from which it will be difficult to get out without losses.

If you dreamed of a woman

To strangle a person in a dream, realizing that this is a representative of the fair sex - what does such a nightmare promise? The meaning of a dream depends on whether a man or a woman is its “owner”. If such a plot appears in a girl’s night dreams, in reality she should think about her relationship with her chosen one. It is possible that her constant attacks of jealousy, which have no basis, will cause a painful breakup.

A woman can strangle a representative of her sex in night vision for other reasons. The role of the victim can be played by a rival who hinders her career growth, or an envious friend who tries to harm in every way. Also, a dream can only predict the imminent appearance of such a competitor.

If the dreamer is male, why dream of strangling someone, realizing that she is a woman? The plot of the nightmare indicates that in real life some lady intentionally or accidentally offended his “master.” If the role of a man’s victim in a dream is his wife or beloved, in reality he should prepare for the worst. It is possible that the chosen one has met someone else and is about to leave for him. The dream may also signal a cooling in the relationship and the need to devote more time to the other half.

Strangle your husband in a dream

Not only men strangle women in their nightmares, the fair sex also has similar dreams. What should a woman be afraid of if in her nightly dreams she tried to strangle her husband or lover? It is likely that in real life she is too eager to dominate and suppresses the masculine principle in her partner. The result of such behavior can be a painful breakup if the woman does not reconsider her attitude towards her chosen one.

Also, a female representative may dream of being strangled by her husband. Such a plot informs about problems in family relationships, which can take any form.

Why do parents dream?

To strangle a person in a dream - why would you have such a nightmare if the dreamer’s mother or father appears in the role of the victim? Night dreams with such an unpleasant plot may signal tension that has arisen in relations with parents. It is likely that a person still cannot forgive his mother or father for childhood grievances that poison his soul. Also, a dream can appear as a result of remorse that torments its “owner” in reality. Perhaps a person is ashamed that he devotes little time to his parents and offends them in one way or another.

What does such a nightmare predict if there are no mutual grievances or any tension in the relationship with the mother and father? In this case, a person who is in serious danger in real life may strangle one of the parents in a dream. Under the pressure of circumstances, the dreamer may make wrong decisions that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Choking a dead man in a dream

Why dream of strangling someone, knowing that he is already dead? Nightmares with a similar plot are also not uncommon. Most likely, the dreamer cannot “let go” of his past, and again and again returns to events that happened a long time ago, which can be joyful or sad.

It is necessary to remember whether the victim injured in the dream was known to the strangler. If yes, then it is with this person, who has already left this world, that the dreamer’s emotional experiences are connected. Choking a stranger in a dream, knowing that he is dead, means an attempt to drive away painful memories. If a person makes an effort, he will be able to cope with this task, “free himself” from his past and begin to live in the present time.

Vanga's Dream Book

What should a dreamer who is trying to strangle a person in a dream prepare for? Vanga's dream book also offers an interesting interpretation of a nightmare with a similar plot. If the “owner” of a dream tries to strangle someone who is unfamiliar to him in real life, this is a good omen. It is likely that in reality a person has embarked or is about to embark on the path of getting rid of the shortcomings that prevent him from living.

A dream in which an attempt on the life of someone from one’s inner circle appears, committed by the sleeper himself, does not predict anything good. There is a high probability that people who acted as victims in night dreams will quarrel with the dreamer in real life. A quarrel can develop into a protracted conflict if a person does not take precautions.

The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud also has his own opinion about nightmares with a similar plot. According to him, dreams that involve strangulation can have different meanings. If a person dreams that he is trying to strangle his sexual partner, in reality he suffers from monotony in the intimate sphere. Also, a dream can be a manifestation of regrets experienced in real life that a partner no longer evokes the same passion.

If a sleeping man sees himself strangling a woman, in real life he is forced to restrain sexual aggression. A guy may dream of strangling a girl in his night dreams as a sign of an offensive refusal that he will receive from her in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Choking a person in a dream - why do you dream about this, if you believe the interpretation proposed by Juno’s dream book? It can be assumed that in real life a person is forced to communicate with people whom he does not like at all. If it is impossible to change the environment, which would be the ideal way out of the situation, a temporary change of environment and a long rest will help solve the problem.

Various items

You can strangle someone in a dream not only with your hands. If the dreamer uses a chain to strangle a victim, in reality a gnawing sense of guilt causes him serious suffering. You should not leave such a nightmare unattended; it is better to remember which person was offended, and then apologize to him. Even if the relationship is not restored, the “owner” of the dream will be able to forgive himself and regain lost spiritual comfort.

Most often, people predisposed to sleep apnea suffer from suffocation during sleep. In this case, such a dream should not be interpreted, since it is caused by an illness, and the signs are unlikely to come true.


The only thing that can be interpreted as some kind of sign is a dream about suffocation that a healthy person had. If in a dream you have to suffocate for a long time and painfully, most likely this is a sign of a lack of finances, which occurs in the sleeping person in reality. Apparently, the issue of money is of paramount importance at the present time, and the one who causes such inconvenience in a dream is connected with this in one way or another. Most of the strength and energy in life is now aimed at solving this problem. Perhaps, through a dream, the subconscious mind gives a sign of nervous exhaustion on this basis and it’s time to give yourself a short break.

A dream about strangulation may mean that a person is currently in an intermediate state, perhaps on the verge of making some important decision for himself. The burden of accumulated problems can also be suffocating, and such a dream is a sure sign that at least some of them need to be resolved in the near future, otherwise unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. A dream in which a person or someone is suffocating

It may be a very real sign of incipient health problems. After such a dream, it would be a good idea to visit a doctor and check at least the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

If a person dreams of someone strangling him, this is often a sign that in reality this person is trying to cut off oxygen, exert pressure in one way or another, create obstacles and hindrances. If in a dream the face of the strangler is clearly visible, then in reality you need to take a closer look at his behavior and stop communicating or teach him a lesson. Such a dream may indicate internal struggle, uncertainty, and indecision. In a dream you can clearly see what waiting for everything to resolve itself can sometimes lead to, and in reality it is better to avoid this. Perhaps this dream comes to a person dependent on circumstances or on another person. Then it does not need interpretation - such a situation cannot but be upsetting, especially if nothing can be done, and the dream will most likely be repeated again and again.

Some dream books interpret strangulation in a dream as an unpleasant reality of coming to terms with a subordinate position for an indefinite amount of time. If the strangler attacks you from behind and you cannot see his face, the dream warns of misfortune that will come from an unexpected direction. If you can’t make out the face and features of the one who is strangling, this is a sign of impending troubles that will require outside help. The same dream may mean that the person seeing the dream has a lot of ill-wishers and envious people. Perhaps this dream warns of a hopeless situation that a person may find himself in.

Why do you dream about being strangled?

In the dream book, strangling as an action was written down with a very negative interpretation. This is understandable, the subconscious is trying to convey important information through a dream: in some matter they are “cutting off the oxygen.”

But, be that as it may, with a sufficient number of accompanying events recalled in a dream, it is possible to reveal a detailed answer to the interpretation. Usually, when you have a nightmare, people wake up sweating and often scream. After waking up, your body is pumping with adrenaline.

If you or I are strangled until we turn blue in the face in a dream, then none of us, immediately after waking up, will go to the Internet with an imposing step to find out why this could be a dream. Roughly speaking, a person is “shaking.”

And only then, when the psyche calms down, curiosity awakens. If you dreamed of a nightmare event, then the impressions will haunt you throughout the day. A person, of course, is most concerned about the moment of suffocation. And thoughts will revolve around this episode.

Why do people observe or experience suffocation in a dream?

Let’s look into the details of the dream, which will help you understand the essence of the difficulties, because they have a chance to manifest themselves in reality.

1. In a dream, you see from the side how a person is being strangled. The context of the dream is important.

  • If you get scared and run away, then the subconscious mind speaks of the approaching danger that can be avoided. Then salvation lies in having time to discern the danger in real life.
  • If you rush to help, but don’t have time to save the person. The criminal managed to escape. This means that well-being depends on the condition of the person who needs help. Most likely, you can even guess who has problems.

2. You dream that you are being strangled. Of course, when you are being strangled, even in a dream, these sensations will not seem pleasant. And a dream can only mean one thing: in real life, some impact will be made on you, your business, and social position.

The main thing is to distance yourself from the emotions of “what, I was attacked?!” Cool down the impressions with your mind: if you dreamed about it, then why would it matter? If it’s negative, then how to avoid problems.

When the mind is occupied by the analyst, emotions go away, you can begin to analyze the warning of the subconscious. Assess the situation: who in life threatens you personally, your business or social status. Sometimes, just knowing about it is enough to deal with a problem.

The only thing is that when you dream that a dead person is strangling, the dream should be regarded differently. The deceased is the personification of the departed. You are burdened by the past, get rid of the burden through forgiveness.

3. Dreams of involuntary suffocation. Sometimes in a dream you will see or feel how objects worn around the neck can involuntarily strangle you: chains, beads, amulets or amulets. What is it for? There are several possible answers.

The meaning of some items

  • A chain with a cross squeezed my throat . Guilt. Remember, have you recently had the thoughts “someone doesn’t like me because...”? Remember who you recently offended. It might be worth asking for an apology.
  • Expensive jewelry presses on your throat . This is a dream of satiety with the blessings of life. The best remedy is charity. But not in order to “be known and idolized.” No. Donate secretly.
  • An amulet or amulet squeezed my throat. What you see in a dream can be interpreted as a deviation from principles. What did you prefer? Didn't they cheat?
  • A tie or scarf puts suffocating pressure on your throat. When you dream about this, it speaks of accumulated worries and problems. Need to unload. If it’s work-related, then think about how much of the work you can delegate to your subordinates. If these are household chores, then you also need to think about what burden and how you can get rid of it.

If you are strangling

An equally shocking dream is when you yourself strangle someone. To determine why this is a dream, it is important to remember who was strangled.

1. Choke a woman. If you are a man, then perhaps the dream is about being offended by some lady. If the woman themselves strangles the woman, then in reality a strong rival will appear in business or personal life.

2. Your victim is a dead man. The dead are the past, fight the ghosts of the sunken. Determine whether the deceased was a familiar person. If yes, then you know how to let go of the past. If the deceased is not familiar, then no matter who is being strangled, this is interpreted as follows: you are haunted by the past, and you are trying to forget about something.

3. Choke animals: cat, dog, rat, snake, etc. It doesn’t matter which animal you strangle, it always means that you are fighting with yourself, with your inner “dragons”.

Choking a cat. We know about the cat - it is a symbol of independence. If you kill a cat, you kill independence. This is one meaning.

Seeing a cat in a dream is almost always a mystical connotation. It is possible that you have extraordinary abilities, but when you kill a cat in a dream, it means that something is forcing you to give them up.

Choking a dog. Interpretations about the dog agree that it is a sign of devotion. To kill a dog is to betray a friend. Or, if you kill a dog in a dream, you will lose a friend in real life. You can choke your dog in self-defense. In this case, the dream notifies you that you are being monitored.

Choking a rat. Seeing a rat is an unpleasant experience in itself. Most likely, by strangling a rat in a dream, you will get rid of something vile and unpleasant. Seeing a rat means seeing theft, that is, you can prevent losses.

Catching a rat eating your pantry could mean you've discovered a traitor on your team. Accordingly, strangling a rat means getting rid of minor but unpleasant dirty tricks.

Choking a snake. Interpretations about the snake are contradictory: for some it is a symbol of wisdom, but for others it means an insidious attack. In any case, killing a snake is a negative sign that requires attention.

To strangle a snake for the purpose of self-defense means that among those whom you bestowed patronage and protection, you will find an ungrateful person. You will tell this “snake” everything that you think about him.

In any case, despite the adrenaline after a nightmare, dreams are primarily a warning. If you use it correctly, the future event or situation will end happily.

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When we have pleasant, “sweet” dreams, we may not even remember what exactly we dreamed, wake up in a great mood, and everything will go great for us all day. “Bad” and unpleasant dreams are remembered very well, and we can replay them in our heads for more than one day. For example, what does it mean if you are being strangled in a dream?

If you see a story about “I’m being strangled,” you need to understand: your subconscious is giving you a hint about what’s stopping you from living life to the fullest. Therefore, it is very important to remember why you were choked. No less important is the image of the person who strangled you in the dream.

But you may dream that you yourself strangled someone or saw another person being strangled. Therefore, no matter how such a dream frightens you, you need to calm down and try to remember what exactly you dreamed about in your night visions:

  • The dreamer had the feeling “they wanted to strangle me” - then it is important who did it and why.
  • If you dreamed that you were attacking someone with the intention of strangling them, analyze what could have caused such strong anger.
  • If you dreamed that another person was being strangled before your eyes - pay attention to how many attackers there were and how you behaved.

Both dream books and doctors agree that if a person feels suffocated in a dream, but cannot understand why this happened and what was choking him, then most likely the reason for such a vision is of a medical nature. People suffering from apnea often wake up with the feeling of “I was being strangled in my sleep,” or this is how cardiovascular diseases make themselves felt. If a plot is often repeated in which you are strangled in a dream, and you wake up completely “broken” and not rested, this is a reason to turn to doctors, and not to interpreters.

If the dream of strangulation was very vivid, but you did not feel any physical weakness after waking up, then this is specific advice on exactly what problems need to be solved so that you can “breathe deeply.” If you dreamed of “being strangled,” and this happened in a dream for a very long time, interpreters say that in reality you are literally “suffocating” from lack of finances.

You try to be “no worse than people”, to acquire things that you don’t really need, just to emphasize your own “coolness”. You shouldn’t strain yourself so much for a ghostly result. Rest and relax, be content with what you have, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

When it seems that someone is strangling you in a dream, but you cannot see the face of the attacker, such a vision may suggest that in reality you are in vain afraid to act on your own and are looking for approval and support from others. There are no objective reasons for fear; you have enough strength to move forward - both in the development of relationships and in what you love. Failures do not threaten you, you need to stop being afraid of them and move forward.

If you dreamed that your throat was being squeezed not by someone, but by something, then you need to pay attention to what kind of object it was. For example, when a man dreams of “my own tie is choking me,” it mostly means that the dreamer is overloaded with work and is so tired of it that he is literally suffocating.

If work has completely replaced your real life, you should stop and catch your breath, relax. Think, maybe it makes sense to delegate some of your powers and not decide every little detail yourself? Then you will have more energy for what really matters.

If a woman was “strangled” by her scarf or neckerchief in a dream, then there may be two explanations. If a lady feels like “an item of clothing is suffocating me,” then she, like a man, can “suffocate” from the rush of work - if she devotes a lot of time to her career.

And when a lady who is not too “concerned” with career issues dreamed about this, it means that she has too many household chores. “Unload” yourself, shift some of the worries to your household, and then you will stop “suffocating” in everyday life.

Why might you dream that a cross chain placed around your neck prevents you from breathing? Interpreters say that if you dream about this, it means that a person is haunted by a feeling of guilt for some unfair act towards another. If possible, ask the offended person for forgiveness in person, and if he does not want to talk, at least pray for forgiveness of sins - the feeling of guilt will probably subside and allow you to sleep peacefully in the future.

Why in a dream can a sleeper be strangled by a precious jewelry worn around his neck? Most likely, this is a signal that you pay too much attention to the external attributes of status, while forgetting about friendship, love, and compassion. You may dream of suffocating amulets or talismans to remind you of your own life principles, which should not be compromised for the sake of momentary desires.

Why do I dream that a real person is strangling me? The explanation depends on who exactly the strangler in your dream turned out to be.

When a woman’s husband or beloved man tries to strangle a woman with his hands, such a dream suggests: there are problems in the couple’s relationship. But the dissatisfaction that a woman pushes inside herself breaks out in the form of such “bad” dreams.

This means that you need to take action - for example, talk frankly with your husband. If you can divide problems equally and solve them together, it will only strengthen your marriage. In the same case, when your “hope and support” does not want to take part in solving family problems, then perhaps it is better to separate than to “pull the cart” of problems for two?

A plot where a brownie strangles you in a dream may be a signal that something is wrong in the house. Check the water pipes and gas supply system (if your home has one) - there may be a leak somewhere. Or did you dream about being strangled by a brownie because you are simply not happy with the interior of the house, and you feel stuffy in it?

Do you dream that the strangler is your own mother? By the way, such a dream can visit both a man and a woman, and in both cases it will have the same meaning.

The parent takes up too much space in the sleeping person’s life - she makes decisions for him, knows better what he needs, tries to control his whole life. In order not to suffocate from overprotection, it’s time to take your own life into your own hands.

In your night dreams did you see the plot “a dead man is strangling me”? In this case, the deceased symbolizes past events that you cannot emotionally “digest.” A person who is being chased by a dead man in a dream and wants to strangle him is tormented by fears from the past - you need to understand what scares you so much and figure out: maybe everything is actually not as scary as you think?

There is another interpretation of why a deceased person tries to strangle him in a dream, especially if he is a deceased relative. It is possible that the dreamer experiences a feeling of guilt due to the fact that a once close person, and now a deceased person, has been forgotten by him. It is worth remembering the deceased and praying for him.

If a mother dreams that her own child is strangling her, then, most likely, the health or upbringing of the child will require a lot of effort from her. Sometimes it will even seem to her that she has no time left for her own life.

When you dreamed that you were ready to strangle someone with your own hands, such a dream indicates a conflict brewing in the soul of the sleeper. You may not be satisfied with your relationships with your family, colleagues, friends, acquaintances... With whom exactly - the image of the one you tried to strangle will tell you.

Why does a female person dream of strangling a woman? Dream books claim that such dreams indicate the dreamer’s uncertainty in her current relationship with her boyfriend or beloved man. There may be reasons for jealousy, but more often than not this jealousy is not supported by anything - you need to figure out what is really happening and make a decision based on the real situation.

Choking a stranger in a dream means that you harbor a grudge against the whole world for something. Try to figure out who or what annoyed you so much that you are ready to turn away from the whole world? Is your abuser worth it for you to give up a lot of positive experiences when communicating with good people?

Why dream of strangling your own mother? If in reality you are in a quarrel with your mother, the dream indicates that you are experiencing a breakup very hard, although you try not to show it. Try to make peace with your mother, and you yourself will feel better, and the “bad” dreams will recede.

If in reality you have a good relationship with your parent, then strangling your mother in your night dreams means that in reality you are harming yourself and your reputation by abandoning the standards of behavior that your parents tried to instill in you. You don’t need to “go over your head” to achieve your goal for circumstances to favor you.

When a husband dreams that he is about to strangle his wife, this indicates that a split has already occurred in the family relationship. And, most likely, through the fault of the dreamer himself. He should try to regain the goodwill of his “other half” so as not to bring the matter to a divorce.

Why do you dream of strangling a child? Most likely, you are in reality trying to “stifle” childish traits in yourself - spontaneity in the perception of the world and people, the joy of learning something new, trust in people... Maybe you shouldn’t be so serious, because small joys make our lives better?

If you dreamed that you strangled some animal, it is worth remembering exactly what it was. When it turns out to be a snake, in business you should be guided primarily by your own interests, and only then take into account the opinions of others. If you strangled a dog - be careful not to offend your good friend or cat - you will be able to give a worthy rebuff to your ill-wishers.

In dreams of strangulation, you can not only “participate” yourself, but also become a witness to assault. If you dreamed that someone was strangling a person unknown to you, your further actions are important.

Did you get scared and run away? This means that in reality you will be able to avoid seemingly imminent danger. But the real situation will require you to concentrate, be observant and accurately calculate your actions.

When in your dreams you rush to help the victim, and you manage to recapture him from the attacker, in reality you will be able to protect your friend from a rash and short-sighted act. But if you didn’t manage to come to the rescue in time, and there was no trace of the strangler, most likely your friend will need something more from you than just moral support.

A plot where in your dream a robber strangles a stranger means that you have an ill-wisher at work. If you have your own business, take a closer look at your partners. And if you are employed, then you probably have a competitor in your career advancement who will try to get ahead of you.

Did you dream that one person was strangled by several villains at once? See if everyone who calls themselves your friends really are? It is possible that some of these people simply benefit from being “friends” with you for one reason or another, and only you yourself can separate real friends from “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

Sometimes people dream that some fairy-tale monster is trying to strangle them or someone else in their dreams. Interpreters believe that such a dream foreshadows fraud. In order not to be cruelly deceived, in the near future it is better to refuse various “super profitable” offers, no matter how tempting they may seem at first glance.

There can be a great variety of stories about strangulation. As almost any dream book says, strangling or being strangled in your dream means being very afraid or hating something or someone in your own life. After waking up, try to calm down the adrenaline and think - do you need this fear and hatred? And what is the best way for you to get rid of them?