Geography. Antarctica. Master class on making a model of Antarctica Crafts on the theme of Antarctica in a box

Shkand Natalia Alexandrovna

To make a layout you will need:

A piece of polystyrene foam or other durable material for the base;

Polystyrene foam for making icebergs and pieces of ice;

Cotton pads;


Blue colored paper;


Blue food coloring;

Gelatin (to simulate water);

PVA glue;

Double-sided tape;

Animal figures made of plasticine.

Step 1.

Glue two blue sheets of paper onto the base (imitation water).

Step 2.

We divide the cotton pad into two parts so that the surface of the disc is not smooth, but with broken cotton wool, we glue these discs onto the base, and on top of the discs closer to the blue paper we glue pieces of cotton wool. We cut out pieces of ice from a white sponge and glue them onto blue paper.

Step 3.

I found a polystyrene box that was useful for simulating a snowy mountain. Glue a blue sheet of paper into it.

Step 4.

We glue the container inside (When the layout is ready, pour jelly painted blue into it - imitation of water). We also glue cotton pads and cotton wool onto the box.

Step 5.

We glue the box to the base, but first we will make ice floes on it.

Step 6.

We make ice floes from polystyrene foam and glue them to one another.

Step 7

We cut out ice floes from polystyrene foam and glue them to each other using double-sided tape. We connect all the details.

Step 8

Let's make the ocean. We use blue dye and gelatin. Pour in and let it harden.

Step 9

When everything dries well and the gelatin hardens, we populate our model with residents.

The inhabitants of our Antarctica were penguins, which the children of the older group made during a modeling lesson.

Publications on the topic:

While implementing the “Flowers” ​​project, everyone liked the idea of ​​creating a “Flower Bed” model. The guys set to work with great desire. For this.

This is what we should get in the end. So friends and colleagues, let's get started. For the aquarium we will need: - a box, or rather its lid;

I bring to your attention a master class on making a “Dog with Puppies” game model from non-traditional materials and materials.

The proposed model of a flying saucer can be used as a decoration for entertainment for Cosmonautics Day, a sports festival dedicated to.

This is the layout I came up with “Landscape of my native land”. The kids really liked it! Many problems are solved through the use of a layout.

To make a model we will need: - a small basin (it can be any box); - stationery knife; - floral sponge;

In the fall of 2017, a month of T/B was held in the kindergarten. It was necessary to do something interesting and not complicated. I decided to make a layout of the roadway.

Olga Lyubash

I would like to bring to your attention a master class on making layout for children" Arctic" with animals Arctic.

For the manufacture of layout, us will be needed:

A piece of plywood or other durable material for the base;


White paper napkins;

Pieces of padding polyester;

Blue gouache, white acrylic paint;

Transparent sealant (to simulate water);

For the sleigh - wire, thin skewers and a piece of fur;

PVA glue;

Animal figurines;

We glue pieces of foam plastic onto the base, creating relief, snowy slopes. We cover them with white paper napkins. When the glue dries, cover the surface with white acrylic paint. Let it dry thoroughly. Then we paint the surface where the water will be with blue gouache. After drying, cover with a transparent sealant and use a stick to make small waves on the surface. When everything dries well, we populate our layout and decorate it with pieces of padding polyester.

Publications on the topic:

The boys and I started learning the rules of the road when we were still in the junior group. We got acquainted with the traffic light, with its signal eyes. Learned it.

Summary of integrated organized educational activities “The Arctic and its inhabitants” Video I bring to your attention a summary of direct educational activities with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Getting to know each other.

Abstract of the GCD in preparatory school “Journey to the north of our country. Harsh Arctic" Objectives: 1. To introduce children to the climatic zone of the Arctic, its climate, vegetation. 2. Deepen understanding of Arctic animals 3.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the art studio “The Arctic through the eyes of children” with children of preparatory age Program content: encourage an independent search for ways to depict northern animals based on representation or based on illustrations;

Layout “Arctic” Goal: In a playful way, clarify and expand the ideas of preschool children about the Arctic as one of the continents.

Visual aid "Layout "Forest". This manual is used to form children's ideas about the forest and wild animals. Intended.

I would like to present my work to your attention. Classes on traffic rules are always relevant in kindergarten for children of any age.

Conducting methodological days and organizing exhibitions of joint creativity between children and teachers are necessary and useful forms of methodological work with young teachers in preschool educational institutions. The purpose of such events is: encouraging young teachers to improve their professional teaching skills . In building No. 2 of MADOU d/s No. 155 of the city of Tyumen, an exhibition of game layouts ended its work on such a methodical day, at which teachers of senior and preparatory groups shared their experience of creating with preschoolers layouts of various natural zones as part of the educational project “Natural Zones of the Earth” and talked about the possibilities of their use in developing the director's play of older preschoolers.

The teacher of the “Yolochka” preparatory group, Elena Yurievna Marenina, spoke about the technology for creating the “Journey through the Desert” model,

what materials were used,

how children can participate in creating the layout.

Preparatory group teacher Marina Aleksandrovna Prikhnenko first discussed with the children what inhabitants of the deep sea could be placed on the model

after which we started work

This is what the Seabed layout looks like:

“The Nature of the Tundra” was depicted in an interesting way.

As part of this methodological event, Marina Aleksandrovna also introduced her colleagues to the experience of designing children’s creative works made of plasticine in the form of sea depths.

Senior group teacher Perevezentseva Nadezhda Hristova told young teachers about options for creating models “Winter Forest of Our Region”, “Inhabitants of Antarctica”

It took teacher Natalia Vladimirovna Popova and the pupils of the senior group “Romashka” a lot of time to make the “Steppe” and “Ancient Inhabitants of the Earth” models, but both the children and the teacher were happy with the result.

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During the joint discussion, teachers noted that play is the leading activity of the preschool period, the main content of children's life. While playing, the child communicates with other children and learns about the world around him, learns to search, think and create.

At each stage of preschool childhood, play has its own characteristics. Thus, in the lives of older preschoolers, a new form of story-based play - director's play with small toys - occupies a large place. But in order for it to develop, kids need an attractive play space. Such a space could be a layout.

When playing with models, the child creates an imaginary situation and plays one or several roles. Simulates real situations or social relationships in a playful way. Layouts may have different themes, but in the process of using them it is decided several tasks:

Consolidating and generalizing children’s knowledge on a particular topic;

Activation of the lexical dictionary;

Development of logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, fantasy;

Development of general and fine motor skills of the hands;

Development of communication skills.

The event contributed to:

  • familiarizing young teachers with the technology of creating game layouts;
  • expanding the possibility of using them in director's games for preschoolers;
  • creating a “piggy bank” of methodological findings.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

From the editors of the online publication “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”
All authors of reports in the “Preschool News” section, which are published under an editorial agreement with a preschool educational institution, can order

If you are a preschool teacher in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug or Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, you can publish your news material. Apply for a one-time publication of a report, registration and sending of a “Certificate of Publication in the Media”. (Paper or electronic version).

At the end of the academic year, the editors select the most successful works and, together with the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, encourage the authors with valuable gifts and letters of gratitude.

Master class on making the “Arctic” model.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 34”, Ivanovo
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, additional education teachers, and caring parents.
The "Arctic" layout is a box of materials. All components of the layout are mobile. Children fill it with content as they wish. Playing with it promotes the development of creative thinking and the development of the makings of a landscape designer.
Purpose: design of a nature center (educational area - cognitive development), use as a visual and didactic aid, for independent games.
Making the “Arctic” model
- expand children’s understanding of different continents;
- to develop an interest in the animal world and the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of the Arctic;
- create conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of children.

Arctic(from the Greek - “ursa”, “located under the constellation Ursa Major”, “northern”) - a single physical-geographical region of the Earth adjacent to the North Pole and including the outskirts of the continents of Eurasia and North America, almost the entire Arctic Ocean with islands ( except the offshore islands of Norway), as well as adjacent parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The Arctic is home to a number of unique animals: musk ox, wild reindeer, bighorn sheep, polar bear, arctic fox and wolf. The polar bear is a predator; it prefers to hunt sea animals from the ice. Cold regions are home to many species of birds and marine life. The Arctic seas are home to seals, walruses, as well as several species of cetaceans: baleen whales, narwhals, killer whales and beluga whales. In addition, wolverines, stoats and long-tailed ground squirrels live in the Arctic. (From the Internet)

Materials for work:
A lid from a box of copier paper, the remains of light blue embossed wallpaper, colored paper, cardboard, 2 pictures depicting Arctic nature, 2 files, scissors, glue, a simple pencil, ruler, double-sided tape, white foam rubber, animal figurines .

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

1) Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2) Place the scissors with the rings facing you and the closed blades away from you.
3) Do not leave cutting tools open.
4) Don't leave tools on the edge of the table.
5) Watch the movements of the blades while cutting, take care of the fingers of your left hand.
6) Pass the scissors only closed, with the rings facing forward;
7) Do not play with cutting instruments, do not bring them to your face.
8) Use scissors only at the table.

Work process:

1. Measure strips of wallpaper equal to the sides of the cover in width, length, and height. Cut a rectangle equal to the bottom of the box.

2. Cover the sides of the box and glue a rectangle to the bottom.

3. Cut out the letters A, P, K, T, I using a stencil. (The stencil is larger than A4 format, I had to scan it 2 times, otherwise the edges would not fit).

4. Trace along the outline on blue paper and cut out.

5. Glue the letters onto the box where the front will be. You can decorate with a picture or sticker based on the theme.

6. Print pictures or photographs of Arctic landscapes. I suggest these:

7. Seal them with cardboard and put them in a file to preserve their appearance. If possible, you can laminate it.

8. Stick pieces of double-sided tape on both sides along the length and width.

9. Glue the pictures on these sides.

10. Cut two pieces of arbitrary size and shape from foam rubber. “Pluck” them with scissors for relief. These will be ice floes and pieces of ice.

11. Place them in a box in any shape.

12. Place animals.

Children play with great pleasure with such models, look at animals, draw and sculpt new “residents”. And if questions arise during the game, we look for answers in encyclopedias.