E 426 food additive is dangerous or not. Food additives e - harmful and harmless. How to reduce E additives in food

We are already so accustomed to these familiar E with three digits that sometimes we don’t pay attention to them at all, we consider such supplements an integral part of our diet. And then we wonder where our health problems come from. It seems that the food looks fresh, and we always wash our hands before eating, but nevertheless, sometimes we get an upset stomach after a completely ordinary-looking meal. And we don’t at all associate heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, and surges in blood pressure with food additives, although some additives are quite capable of causing all these symptoms.

Variations in taste and color

What are food additives? These are substances that are added by manufacturers to food products in order to improve certain qualities or properties of these products. For example, with the help of dyes a pleasant color and appearance of the product is achieved, with the help of flavorings a “delicious” smell is achieved. With the participation of stabilizers, the consistency of the product is homogeneous, and preservatives can extend the shelf life of any food product for a very long time.

Invention of new additives

Every year, new food additives are developed in the laboratories of technological scientists, currently numbering one and a half thousand items. Unfortunately, many of them are harmful E-additives, but this harm is not immediately detected, and this information is not always made public. Sometimes advertisers shamelessly distort the facts, making the presence of various additives in the product almost their main advantage.

Conditionally harmless additives

Of course, not all code E supplements are harmful. For example, regular baking soda has code E500, lemon acid - code E330, pectin, a natural thickener - code E440. Some additives have not yet been well studied, and therefore one cannot categorically declare their harmful or beneficial effects on the body; others are extremely dangerous to human health, development and life - and this is an established fact. Moreover, some harmful additives have a bad effect on the body on their own, while others are capable of creating new toxic compounds with certain amino acids. Some food additives become harmful when exposed to various factors, such as heat.

Types of additives

All food additives are divided into groups:

  • Dyes – provide the color of the product (from E100 to E199);
  • Preservatives – regulate shelf life, prevent food spoilage (from E200 to E299);
  • Antioxidants – slow down the oxidation process (from E300 to E399);
  • Stabilizers – give texture and shape to products (from E400 to E499);
  • Emulsifiers – impart homogeneity to any mixtures of products (from E500 to E599);
  • Flavor and aroma enhancers - everything here is clear from the name (from E600 to E699);
  • Anti-flamings - prevent the formation of foam (from E900 to E999).

Starting from E1000, there are already various food additives with an enzyme base, and free indexes from E700 to E899 are intended to encode other technological information about products. So, let's figure out exactly how harmful additives act on our body, and what consequences their regular intake with food leads to.

Table of harmful additives

Select the table tab of interest and compare it with the composition of the products in the store.


E102Causes skin rash, increased excitability of the nervous system, headache, provokes cancer
E103Promotes the appearance of cancerous tumors
E104Causes hyperactivity syndrome in children
E106Negatively affects kidneys and vision, provokes allergies
E107Allergic rash
E110Skin dermatitis, rhinitis, stomach problems, loss of appetite
E120Skin rashes
E122Strong allergen
E123Prohibited substance. Causes disturbances in intrauterine development of the fetus, severe allergies in adults and children, cancer
E124Hyperactivity, allergies, asthma and asthma attacks
E125Abdominal organ dysfunction
E126Provokes the formation of malignant tumors
E127Causes asthma, disrupts the functioning of the endocrine glands and many organs, and can cause infertility


E209Irritates mucous membranes and causes dermatitis
E211An additive better known as sodium benzoate. Has a strong carcinogenic effect, disrupts the structure of DNA molecules, causes cirrhosis of the liver
E212Causes the development of sarcoma of internal organs
E213Oncological diseases, asthma attacks, skin rashes
E216Strong carcinogen
E217Headache, hyperactivity, cancerous tumors
E220Irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, causes coughing, and interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins
E221Allergies, indigestion, dehydration
E222Stomach and intestinal upsets, allergies
E226Negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, causes allergies and asthma
E231It provokes the development of skin diseases, causes rejection of eaten food, affects blood vessels and the heart, and can cause coma
E232Irritation of mucous membranes, convulsive muscle contractions
E233Change in skin color, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, intestinal upset, loss of energy
E235Heaviness in the stomach, nausea, possible vomiting
E236Causes gastroenteritis, liver cirrhosis and kidney failure. Impairs vision and can cause blindness
E239Oncological diseases
E240Severe allergies, malignant and benign tumors
E241Disturbs digestion, causes diarrhea
E249In large quantities it is a strong poison, a carcinogen, and disrupts the process of cellular respiration. Another name is potassium nitrite.
E250Extremely toxic substance, carcinogen
E251An additive better known as sodium nitrate. Relatively safe, but reacting with amino acids can become carcinogenic
E252Potential carcinogen, causes pyelonephritis
E266Accumulates in the body and is poorly excreted. Forms toxins with the participation of amino acids
E284Very toxic substance. Disturbs the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Inhibits reproductive function
E285A food additive banned in many countries. Provokes seizures, severe allergies, skin diseases


E309Refers to prohibited additives. It causes infertility, damages red and white blood cells, causes obesity and disruption of the functioning of almost all internal organs.
E310Allergic rash, nausea, vomiting
E311Allergy, gastric ulcer
E313This additive is prohibited. Causes brain dystrophy, inhibits the development and growth of the body, affects the liver
E320Causes tumor formations in the body
E321Allergic skin rash, damage to the digestive system, hyperactivity syndrome in children
E323General negative health effects
E324Very toxic substance, causes cancer
E338Another name is orthophosphoric acid. “Washes away” calcium from the body and thereby contributes to bone fragility and is one of the causes of caries
E339Negatively affects digestion
E340Digestion and intestinal metabolism disorders, diarrhea
E341Another name is calcium orthophosphate. Causes nausea, increases gag reflex
E352Disturbs the functioning of the stomach and intestines


E405Provokes allergic reactions, causes diarrhea, inhibits growth hormone
E407Causes gastrointestinal distress
E410An alternative name is gum. In large quantities, it disrupts kidney function and damages the liver.
E412Another name is guarana. Causes various abnormalities in the body, which manifest themselves both externally and internally
E420This code is used to encrypt the sweetener sorbitol, which can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
E421Causes dehydration
E422The more common name is glycerin. Causes great harm to the liver as a flavor stabilizer
E430Causes various neoplasms in tissues
E450Provokes the accumulation of elements such as phosphorus and calcium in the kidneys, causing osteoporosis
E452Causes diarrhea and dehydration
E459It is a genetically modified substance, which already poses a potential health hazard
E461Diseases of organs involved in digestion
E462Diarrhea, stomach pain, intestinal cramps
E463Intestinal disorder
E465Negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Flavor and aroma enhancers

Antiflamings and other additives

E906Causes loss of strength and general deterioration of health
E924Oncological diseases
E926Destroys vitamin E entering the body
E950A new, not yet sufficiently studied sweetener. Addictive. Possibly carcinogenic
E951An alternative name is aspartame. Is a sweetener, causes skin diseases, rashes
E953Diarrhea, abdominal and stomach pain
E958Headache, swelling, rapid heartbeat
E965Has a laxative effect on the intestines
E967Another name is xylitol. Causes the formation of kidney stones
E1101Leads to skin rashes and other allergies
E1442This code encrypts modified starch, which negatively affects the pancreas

The most harmful products

Now that you have studied the table of harmful additives and the negative consequences of their use, it has probably become clear to you that stomach upset and allergies are not the only problems that harmful E-supplements lead to. Now let's look at the list of products containing the largest amount of them.

  • Chewing gum. It contains about 12 different harmful additives: sweeteners, dyes and emulsifiers, many of which cause stomach upset and are potential allergens.
  • Sweet desserts. Behind the bright packaging are hidden products of dubious benefit, the main ingredient of which is harmful food additives in an amount of about 15 items! This applies to a greater extent to shelf-stable desserts, since in addition to “regular” sweeteners, dyes and emulsifiers, they also contain preservatives.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. The composition of soda, beloved by many, contains nothing but water and a whole range of harmful food additives, among which, by the way, there are dangerous carcinogens.
  • Sausages. In the production of such delicious-looking sausages, small sausages and sausages, preservatives, dyes (that’s where the pleasant pink color comes from), flavor enhancers, and emulsifiers are used. There can be up to 10 such additives in sausage, the most dangerous of which is sodium nitrate: in case of an overdose, severe poisoning is possible.
  • Yogurts on store shelves are not at all as healthy as advertised. Of course, there are also products that are close to natural, but often the thickness of yogurt is achieved due to modified starch, and the delicate fruity smell is just a consequence of the action of flavorings.
  • French fries. The flavor stabilizers contained in such potatoes may be genetically modified, and the flavor-enhancing sodium gluconate is very dangerous to health. Plus, fast food potatoes are often fried, which have been used for frying many times before, and therefore have accumulated a fair amount of carcinogens.


How to protect yourself and avoid the influence of harmful food additives?

  • Do not buy foods with too long a shelf life, fast foods, or foods that have an unnaturally bright color.
  • Avoid vegetables and fruits that have an unnatural shine and no smell at all. They were almost certainly stored and transported for a long time, treated with compounds containing harmful substances for better preservation. Choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, “ours”, not imported ones. They may not be so perfect in shape, but they won’t reward you with another nutritional supplement in addition.
  • At least occasionally look through the list of harmful food additives, remember at least the most dangerous of them, so that later, by reading the composition of the product on the packaging, you can avoid getting these substances into your body.
  • Give preference to dishes... Even ice cream and mayonnaise can be prepared at home, rather than buying these products in the store.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid many hazardous health consequences. After all, you must agree: it is easier to prevent some diseases than to treat them later.

It's no secret that modern man eats differently than his ancestors. Over the past 100 years, completely new products have become widely available, resulting from the use of the latest technologies in food production. The way food ingredients are stored and transported has changed significantly, and people around the world are now able to regularly consume foods that their grandparents never knew existed.

However, along with positive changes, industrial food production has brought a number of negative aspects into our lives. In an effort to improve consumer qualities (appearance, taste, shelf life, etc.), manufacturers began to include special substances in food products, most of which are not as harmless as they seem. We present to our readers the top 10 most harmful food additives found in common food and cosmetic products.

Artificial sugar substitutes improve the taste of food and reduce its cost. Two of them are especially dangerous: aspartame and acesulfame potassium. The first has a proven carcinogenic effect; with prolonged use, it causes skin lesions and destruction of tooth enamel. In addition, aspartame contains phenylalanine, a substance that has a negative effect on the psyche. Its accumulation in the body is fraught with the development of panic attacks and depression. The use of acesulfame potassium leads to kidney pathologies, including malignant neoplasms.

In food formulations, aspartame appears under the designation E951, and acesulfame potassium - E950 (also Sunett). Both substances are widely used in the manufacture of sweet drinks, confectionery, bread and baked goods. Some drug manufacturers add E950 sweetener to the glaze that coats the tablets.

Source: depositphotos.com

Corn syrup itself is neither synthetic nor particularly harmful, but during the production process it is enriched with enzymes and additional fructose. The result is an additive that is many times more saturated with harmful components than regular sugar. Almost all sodas, drinks and children's treats (gummies, hard candies, etc.) contain corn syrup as one of their main ingredients. With frequent consumption of these products, the body receives a load that it cannot cope with. Blood sugar levels increase excessively. Long-term consumption of corn syrup is fraught with the development of type 2 diabetes, obesity and food addiction.

Source: depositphotos.com

Flavor enhancer. On product packaging it is designated as E621 or MSG. When accumulated in the body, it can cause erosive damage to the digestive organs. However, the main danger of using monosodium glutamate is different: for people who constantly eat food containing this substance, any other food seems bland and tasteless. Thus, glutamate causes addiction to certain types of foods, which, as a rule, are far from the most beneficial for health. Children and adolescents who are not yet able to assess the consequences of their actions and are not inclined to control their eating behavior are at risk.

The E621 additive is actively included in fast food, a variety of chips, crackers and snacks, canned food, sausages, smoked meat and fish, that is, products that you can afford to eat only occasionally and in small quantities. Manufacturers encourage excessive consumption of such food, without caring about the health of consumers.

Source: depositphotos.com

Trans fats

These substances do not make food healthier or tastier, but they significantly reduce the cost of its production. They replace natural animal and vegetable fats, which undoubtedly benefits unscrupulous manufacturers. Eating trans fats contributes to negative changes in the composition of the blood and the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in it. This increases the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, obesity, metabolic disorders (in particular, diabetes), and problems in the reproductive sphere, especially in men.

Most civilized countries have adopted laws requiring consumers to be warned that products contain trans fats, but manufacturers do not always follow them.

Source: depositphotos.com

Natural dyes are isolated from plant materials. They are harmless, but are not always resistant to heat. In addition, vegetable dyes can rarely give a product a very bright color.

The more intense the color of the food you buy, the more likely it is to contain synthetic dyes. They are added to confectionery products, sausages, cheeses, fish delicacies, drinks and many other finished products, and are also used in the production of perfumes and cosmetics.

All food dyes can cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders. Some of these substances affect the central nervous system, which is very dangerous for children - big fans of bright candies, gummies and other attractive sweets. In children, artificial dyes cause increased excitability, impaired ability to concentrate and, as a result, problems with intellectual development.

Source: depositphotos.com

Preservative and emulsifier (E514), widely used by manufacturers of shampoos, rinses and hair conditioners. It provokes allergic reactions (especially skin rashes), severe headaches and difficulty breathing.

Source: depositphotos.com

Preservative (E250), which is added to food products (sausages, meat and fish gastronomy) to fix color and protect against oxidation. Toxic. Poisoning dangerous to human life is caused by a dose of 2 to 6 g.

Once in the body, sodium nitrite enters into chemical reactions, the products of which are strong carcinogens. The additive itself can provoke the development of intestinal and liver pathologies, as well as the appearance of allergic reactions.

We often hear that E-additives in foods are a direct path to oncology, hypertension, allergies, and eating disorders. But are they really that dangerous?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Let's jump ahead: not everything is so simple. If you decompose the chemical formula of an ordinary apple from a personal plot, it will consist of almost only E indices. But there is not a drop of “chemistry” in the generally recognized dangerous substances - nicotine and alcohol. We have tried to systematize information from different sources for your convenience.

“Eshki” supplements are not a joke

You can find food additives in almost every product. Even bread is no exception. Almost 500 (!) “eshek” are known. They are used to please us, the customers, so that the product tastes better, looks good, gives off an appetizing aroma, and stays fresh longer. Isn't it a disservice?..

Supporters of everything natural (and, by the way, there are many of them) will begin to prove that carriers of the “E” marking on labels cause many terrible diseases, including cancer. For example, tests on poor hamsters and rats showed that butylated hydroxyanisole (E320) is capable of triggering the cancer process in them and causing mutations in the DNA of cells.

This dangerous additive can be found on labels and is permitted. But don’t be alarmed: E320 is contained in products in small quantities and does not cause harm to human health. Unless, of course, you eat this “food” from morning to evening.

Chewing gum is not your friend

The E320 additive is hidden in chewing candies and gum. Therefore, the advice is obvious: do not overuse them. As well as all kinds of concentrates and semi-finished products. Also, when buying some confectionery and fat-containing products, keep in mind: they may also contain harmful butylhydroxyanisole. Study the composition.

Of course, science does not stand still: permitted additives are sometimes discovered to have insidious properties. Let's say dye E128 turns out to be a carcinogen! But this turned out to be true after three decades of its use... Now this additive has been rejected in almost all developed countries.

Also, do not get carried away with foods that contain E239 - hexamethylenetetramine, or methenamine. It helps preserve some meat and fish products, but is carcinogenic to the body. Although E239 is added in minimal doses, a toxin is a toxin, and no substitute has been invented for it.

Phenols and gallates, which cause allergies, are often used for surface preservation of citrus fruits. No problem! Trim the peel or wash the fruit thoroughly with soap and you will avoid problems.

But it’s completely in vain that people are afraid of the E300 supplement - this is ascorbic acid, vitamin C, familiar to everyone! Also, feel free to take products if the label says E330: this is citric acid. And E162 is just beetroot extract. That is, many food additives even hide beneficial substances.

Food additives that are included in many products are mainly of synthetic origin. Their uncontrolled use does not leave its mark on health. A table that explains the meaning of the E symbol, which is used to label flavors, thickeners and other additives used in the food industry, will help you avoid harmful effects.

There will be no problems with decoding if you arm yourself with a decoder sign indicating the dangerous ingredients in advance. The international classification system makes it easy to identify the most undesirable of them. The group of additives with a code starting with the number 1 immediately after the E index includes food colorings. The two at the beginning of the code indicates the presence of preservatives. The number 3 indicates which antioxidants are used. The list goes on.

Today, the Codex Alimentarius classification system for food additives has been adopted throughout the world. According to this code, each class of food additives receives a serial number and an “E” index:

  • food dyes are hidden under codes from E100 to E182;
  • E200 - E299 are preservatives;
  • E300 - E399 - antioxidants that protect food from spoilage;
  • E400 - E499 - food additives-stabilizers that maintain the consistency of products (for example, jelly or ice cream);
  • E500 - E599 - emulsifiers whose action is similar to stabilizers;
  • E900 - E999 - anti-flaming agents (food additives that reduce the formation of foam, for example, in the production of juices);
  • E600 - E699 - flavor and aroma enhancers;
  • E1000 - sweeteners for confectionery products and juices, substances that prevent the caking of sugar and salt.

There are products containing benzoic acid. The most dangerous additives include E219, the purpose of which is to extend shelf life. Products accompanied by such a code belong to the category of crustaceans. Harmful substances tend to accumulate in the body. Not all E are harmful, but the number of harmless ones in the total mass is small.

The consumer should be especially wary of the long shelf life of food products. It means the presence of preservatives, which even use formaldehyde.

Yes or no?

It is better for children, elderly people and allergy sufferers to protect themselves from additives that are questionable. And since it is completely difficult to do this (after all, even baked goods contain “eeshki”), it is worth checking the body’s reaction to “E”. Eat a little bit of the product first! After all, a healthy adult can absorb the supplement without affecting their well-being, but for an asthmatic, for example, it can become dangerous.

It is important

Healthy people do not need to panic when they see the “E” index. Of no less concern is the excessive consumption of salt, sugar and the consumption of trans fats.

Marking E: dangerous or not?

For clarity and convenience, we have divided the properties of food additives with the E index into categories: harmful, safe and questionable.

The most dangerous food additives

  • E 110 - very dangerous;
  • E 120 - extremely dangerous;
  • E 122 is a carcinogen. Banned in several countries. Negatively affects health;
  • E 124 - extremely dangerous;
  • E 129 - extremely dangerous;
  • E 131 - extremely dangerous;
  • E 150 - dangerous due to allergenic properties;
  • E 172 - be careful when using;
  • E 219 is one of the most dangerous carcinogens;
  • E 220 - medium degree of danger. Toxic;
  • E 244 - harmful to health;
  • E 250 - permitted in EU countries, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Medium level of danger. Toxic;
  • E 251 - medium degree of danger. Use with extreme caution. Exceeding the dosage can provoke allergies and asthma attacks;
  • E 320 - extremely dangerous;
  • E 322 - negatively affects the liver and kidneys;
  • E 330 - requires caution in use;
  • E 341 - dangerous because it accumulates. Not recommended for people suffering from gout, stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • E 415 - dangerous;
  • E 451 - dangerous;
  • E 452 is a carcinogen. Accumulates and is practically not excreted from the body;
  • E 461 is dangerous. Banned in several countries. Allowed in the Russian Federation and Ukraine;
  • E 470 - refers to additives of medium hazard category;
  • E 476 - the additive has a negative effect on the liver;
  • E 536 - damages the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E 553 - dangerous: carcinogen;
  • E 952 - use with caution for people with kidney disease;
  • E 954 is unsafe.

Safe E-supplements

  • E 100 - safe;
  • E 101 - harmless;
  • E 104 - harmless;
  • E 132 - safe;
  • E 153 - the additive is approved as safe;
  • E 160 - allowed. Non-toxic, harmless. Strengthens immunity;
  • E 163 - safe;
  • E 170 is safe. Approved for use;
  • E 200 is an antagonist of vitamin B12 and can negatively affect the psyche. Low toxic. Approved for use;
  • E 223 is safe. Allowed;
  • E 224 - permitted in the Russian Federation and Ukraine;
  • E 252 - allowed. Requires caution in use. May cause kidney disease;
  • E 260 - harmless;
  • E 261 - approved and low-toxic, has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E 262 - allowed. Safe;
  • E 296 - useful. Tones, relieves fatigue;
  • E 300 - allowed. Has beneficial properties;
  • E 301 - the supplement is useful;
  • E 306 - allowed in most countries;
  • E 307 - useful. Saturates cells with oxygen. Safe;
  • E 319 - safe;
  • E 321 - approved for use;
  • E 331 - approved in Ukraine and Russia. When consumed in moderation, it is useful: eliminates heartburn, reduces acidity;
  • E 332 - allowed. Useful for metabolic processes. Removes toxins;
  • E 339 - approved. Risks leaching of calcium from bones;
  • E 401 - not dangerous. Approved in most countries;
  • E 406 is safe. Reduces appetite;
  • E 410 - safe;
  • E 414 - absolutely harmless;
  • E 420 - allowed. Not recommended for use by persons suffering from cholelithiasis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • E 422 - harmless;
  • E 426 - not dangerous;
  • E 440 is extremely useful. Recommended for improving the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E 460 - indicated for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Completely harmless;
  • E 464 - safe;
  • E 466 is safe. Useful as an antiseptic;
  • E 471 - approved for use in the EU and the Russian Federation;
  • E 475 - harmless;
  • E 481 - non-toxic. Allowed;
  • E 491 - safe;
  • E 492 - allowed;
  • E 501 - allowed;
  • E 503 - harmless;
  • E 509 - considered safe in EU countries;
  • E 575 - universally approved and safe;
  • E 621 - a harmless and at the same time useless additive - taste enhancer;
  • E 903 - safe;
  • E 920 - harmless;
  • E 951 - allowed;
  • E 955 - approved for use;
  • E 960 - harmless;
  • E 968 is safe. Indicated in the treatment of the endocrine system;
  • E 1400 - safe;
  • E 1414 - approved for use;
  • E 1442 - allowed;
  • E 1422 - allowed.

Questionable food additives

  • E 102 - not fully explored. Allowed;
  • E 133 - not fully explored. Opinions about safety are mixed. It is recommended to use with caution;
  • E 141 - safety has not been fully proven;
  • E 214 - safety has not been fully proven. May cause allergies;
  • E 270 - conditionally harmless (lactic acid);
  • E 304 - not fully studied;
  • E 385 - safe when strictly dosed;
  • E 433 - not fully studied;
  • E 450 - not permitted in all EU countries. Allowed in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Dangerous for allergy sufferers;
  • E 500 - use with caution for heart and kidney diseases. If the dosage is observed, it is useful.

Read the ingredients of products carefully and be healthy!

After reading this article, you will learn to recognize beneficial and harmful E supplements.

What are food additives? These are various preservatives, leavening agents, thickeners that improve the aroma and taste of the finished product.

Additives are:

  • Natural – from plants; minerals and animal origin
  • Obtained in the laboratory, but similar in properties to natural ones
  • Synthetic, man-made, nothing like it exists in nature

At first glance, there is nothing wrong. But the problem is that artificial additives, while improving taste, can be harmful to the body, and no one knows how they will behave, for example, when heated.

Are E additives in food harmful?

E supplements

To start decipher all food additives:

  • If after the letter E there is 1 and then 2 more numbers, this is a dye that gives a beautiful color to the finished product.
  • Number 2 is a preservative, protects the product from destruction by bacteria and fungi, and extends shelf life.
  • 3 – antioxidant, used to extend shelf life.
  • 4 – stabilizer, responsible for the consistency of the product.
  • 5 – emulsifier, helps the stabilizer maintain the beautiful appearance of the product and its uniform state.
  • 6 – aroma and taste enhancer.
  • 9 – defoaming agent that prevents the formation of foam.
  • All 4-digit numbers after E are sweeteners.

In order not to harm the body with additives, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

How not to harm the body with products containing E additives, and they are almost everywhere:

  1. Eating raw vegetables and fruits every day, the fiber and pectins in them can remove toxins from the body.
  2. Do not eat unnatural foods when you are sick; when you are sick, your body is not able to fight like a healthy one.
  3. If you know that a product contains unhealthy additives, do not eat a lot of it.
  4. Avoid buying brightly colored foods.
  5. If you notice late that the product contains a harmful additive, then do not heat it, because when heated, some additives become even more dangerous, for example, aspartame (E 951).

Useful E supplements

Useful E supplements

Healthy Supplements:

  • E 100 – curcumin(yellow-orange dye). The supplement is especially useful for people after illness to restore strength, cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, helps with the functioning of the liver, intestines, and weight loss, and is a preventive measure for diabetes, arthritis, and tumors.
  • E 101 – riboflavin, vitamin B2(yellow dye). The supplement is needed for the breakdown of fat, the absorption of other vitamins and microelements, helps cope with stress, depression, is needed for skin elasticity, and is useful for pregnant women.
  • E 160a – carotene. Supplements E 160 are close to vitamin A - strong antioxidants. Using supplements: improves vision, prevents the growth of cancerous tumors, strengthens the immune system.
  • E 160d – lycopene.
  • E 162 – betanin(red beetroot dye). Needed to participate in the breakdown of proteins, improves liver and blood function, strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, the risk of heart attack, prevents the development of cancer, helps with radiation exposure.
  • E 163 – anthocyanins, natural dyes from extract and marc from grape skins, red cabbage juice, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Used for coloring cheeses, confectionery products, ice cream.
  • E 202 – potassium sorbate (sorbic acid). Antimicrobial agent, prevents the growth of mold fungi. The preservative additive is used in the production of sausages, other smoked meats, cheeses, and rye bread.
  • E 260 – acetic acid. Acid diluted to 6 or 9% is useful for breaking down fat and carbohydrates. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery products, various sauces, and mayonnaise. Acid with a concentration of over 30% is dangerous; even on the skin it can cause burns..
  • E 296 – malic acid. Helps the liver absorb medications, reduces blood pressure, and has anti-cancer properties. Used in winemaking, pharmacy, and confectionery production.
  • E 300 – pectin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The supplement strengthens the immune system.
  • E 306-E 307 – tocopherol (vitamins of group E). The supplement removes toxins from the body, increases the vitality of the body, thins the blood, accelerates the healing of wounds, and, without leaving scars, slows down the aging process of the body. With the supplement, the cardiovascular system works better and blood composition improves.
  • E 322 – lecithin. The supplement improves blood and bile, prevents liver cirrhosis, supports the immune system, and removes bad cholesterol. But the supplement is not suitable for everyone; in some people it can cause stomach and liver diseases. It is used in the production of dairy products, fats, spreads and baked goods.
  • E 406 – agar. The supplement is obtained from red-brown algae, is rich in vitamins PP and microelements, is useful for diseases of the thyroid gland, intestines, and removes toxins.
  • E 440 – pectin, ascorbic acid. A moderate amount of the supplement cleanses the intestines of toxins, protects and heals the intestinal and stomach mucosa, and reduces cholesterol. In large quantities may cause allergies.

Relatively harmless E supplements

Relatively harmless additives:

  • E 160b – annatto extract (vitamin A), improves vision and immunity, prevents tumors. This additive must be used with caution as it is a strong allergen..
  • E 170 – calcium carbonate (chalk). The supplement improves blood clotting, restores calcium deficiency, but overdose can lead to serious illness, which in severe cases ends in death.
  • E 290 – carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Add to drinks. Such drinks will not harm healthy people, but those with gastritis and ulcers should avoid them, as they may cause belching, flatulence, and stomach problems. Frequent consumption of carbonated water flushes calcium from the body.
  • E 330 – citric acid. As an additive it is harmless, since it is added in small quantities, but in large quantities it can cause irritation in the stomach and respiratory tract, including vomiting blood, and in rare cases provokes cancerous tumors.
  • E 410 – carob gum(natural supplement). The gum is harmless, enhances the gelling of the finished product, preserves the taste and prevents crystallization. Add to desserts, ice cream, processed cheese, bread and rolls, sauces, pates, canned vegetables and fruits.
  • E 412 – guar gum.
  • E 415 – xanthan gum.
  • E 420 – sorbitol(natural preservative and sweetener). With the help of the supplement, the body's consumption of B vitamins is reduced. Do not use it if you are on a diet, since it is higher in calories than sugar. Excessive consumption may cause bloating, upset, and nausea.
  • E 471 – monoglyceride and diglyceride of fatty acids(natural supplement). This is a natural emulsifier and stabilizer, does not pose any harm, is absorbed by our body, like all fats, Eating in large quantities can cause obesity. It is added when making pates, margarine, mayonnaise, and yoghurts.
  • E 500 – sodium carbonate (baking soda). The supplement is safe. Used as a leavening agent in the confectionery industry, and also prevents caking and lump formation in dry products.
  • E 967 – xylitol(natural sugar substitute). The supplement has a choleretic effect, is a non-carbohydrate sugar substitute, and is prescribed for diabetics. Used in dietary products. Overdose may cause diarrhea and flatulence.

Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food products with explanation

Additives are strong carcinogens and cause skin rashes:

  • E 131 – patented V(blue). Promotes cancer growth and leads to allergies. Can be found in meat products and drinks.
  • E 142 – green S. Promotes cancer growth, leads to allergies.
  • E 153 – black coal grows
  • E 210 – benzoic acid. Studies have shown that the additive causes cancer, severe allergies, nervousness, and a person becomes hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat or vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 212 – potassium benzoate. Studies have shown that the additive promotes the development of cancer, causes severe allergies, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and makes a person hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 213 – calcium benzoate. After research, it became known that the additive provokes cancer, causes severe allergies, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and a person becomes hyperactive. Found in canned meat, vegetables, juice, drinks, chips, ketchup.
  • E 214-E 215 – ethyl ether. It has a bad effect on children, causes cancer and allergies.
  • E 216 – propyl ether, contributes to poisoning. Unscrupulous business executives add additives to chocolate and candies, canned meat, and dry mixes for soups.
  • E 219 – methyl ether sodium salt. Promotes poisoning, especially in children, allergies, and cancer. Found in ketchup, mayonnaise, canned fish and caviar.
  • E 230 – biphenyl, biphenyl. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 240 – formaldehyde. Poisons like arsenic and hydrocyanic acid are deadly and toxic. Causes diseases: cancer, allergies, skin inflammation, has a bad effect on children. It is also found in sausage products, drinks, and sweets.
  • E 249 – potassium nitrite. Causes cancer and has a bad effect on children. Found in smoked meats.
  • E 280 – propionic acid. Causes cancer and has a bad effect on children. Found in dairy products, sauces, and bread.
  • E 281-E 283 – sodium, calcium, potassium propionate. It provokes cancer, migraines and vascular spasms, and has a bad effect on children. Found in dairy and bread products, sauces.
  • E 310 – drank gallate. Causes skin rashes.
  • E 950 – acesulfame potassium Artificial substitutes have more calories than sugar, and they cause appetite, so you won’t be able to lose weight on them.
  • E 952 – sodium cyclamate(artificial sugar substitute). Contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease.
  • E 954 – saccharin(artificial sugar substitute). Do not consume on an empty stomach. Constant consumption of saccharin can cause cholelithiasis, and large amounts can cause cancer.
  • E 957 – thaumatin(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 965 – maltitol(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 968 – erythritol(artificial sugar substitute).

There may be E additives here

Some supplements cause skin rashes

Additives that cause stomach upset:

  • E 338 – orthophosphoric acid and its derivatives provoke diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • E 339, E 340, E 341 – sodium, potassium, calcium orthophosphate.
  • E 343 – magnesium orthophosphate. Provokes disorders in the intestines and stomach.
  • E 450 – pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 461 – methylcellulose. It provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines and negatively affects the child’s body.
  • E 462 – ethylcellulose
  • E 463 – hydroxypropylcellulose. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 465 – ethyl methylcellulose. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 466 – carboxymethylcellulose. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of cheeses and other dairy products, mayonnaise, ice cream, and sweet products.

E supplements that cause stomach upset

Additives leading to skin diseases:

  • E 151 – black shiny BN(synthetic black dye). Causes stomach, skin, and allergies. Banned in many countries. Can be found in dairy products, canned fruit and vegetables, pasta, seasonings, sauces, confectionery, ice cream, and drinks.
  • E 160d – red lycopene.
  • E 231 – orthophenylphenol. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 232 – calcium orthophenylphenol. Causes allergies, skin diseases, promotes the growth of cancer, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 239 – urotropine. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children. Found in cheeses and canned caviar.
  • E 311 – octyl gallate. Provokes allergies, stomach diseases, nervousness and skin diseases.
  • E 312 – dodecyl gallate. Provokes allergies, stomach and skin diseases, nervousness.
  • E 320 – butylated hydroxyanisole. Increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys, and skin. It is used to slow down oxidative processes in fat mixtures, meat, and chewing gum.
  • E 907 – poly 1 decene hydrogenated. Promotes skin irritation and rash.
  • E 951 – aspartame(artificial sugar substitute). Frequent use leads to a deficiency of serotonin in the brain, the development of depression, panic, elements of violence, and convulsions. They are used in the production of sweet carbonated drinks (especially imported ones) and chewing gum. Contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria. When heated, unexpected reactions occur and death may occur.
  • E 1105 – lysozyme.

E supplements that cause skin rashes

There may be harmful additives E

Supplements that cause intestinal upset:

  • E 154 – brown. Promotes cancer, disorders, allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 626 – guanylic acid
  • E 627 – sodium guanylate. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 628, E 629 – potassium, calcium guanylate. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 630 – inisinic acid. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 631 – sodium inisinate. Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 632, E 633 – potassium, calcium inisinate. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 634, E 635 – calcium, sodium ribunucleotides. Promotes intestinal disorders.

There may be E supplements leading to intestinal disorders

Supplements That Increase Blood Pressure:

  • E 154 – brown. Promotes cancer, stomach disease, allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 250 – sodium nitrite
  • E 252 – potassium nitrate. The additive has an irritating effect, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. It can be found when smoking meat, sausages, fish, bacon, in the production of ham, sausages.

There are E supplements that increase blood pressure

Additives that are harmful to children's bodies:

  • E 270 – lactic acid. The additive is a strong antioxidant, found in fermented milk drinks, sauerkraut, and pickles. Lactic acid improves intestinal flora, carbohydrate absorption, and adds energy to the body. Used in the manufacture of medicines, cheeses, yoghurts, mayonnaise. Give small children foods containing the additive carefully and little by little, since intolerance to it is common.

Attention. Children under 5 years old should not consume products even with the safest additives.

Children should be given foods with E additives carefully so as not to cause harm.

Dangerous additives (many countries have banned their use in food; they are used in Russia and Ukraine), their effect has not yet been fully studied:

  • E 101a, E 106 – sodium salt, sodium phosphate. The additive causes allergies, impairs vision, and kidney disease. Found in dry baby food, dairy products, sweet products, and drinks.
  • E 102 – tartrazine. Causes asthma, food allergies, migraines, and vision impairment. It is added to sweets, confectionery, drinks and ice cream.
  • E 103 – alkanine. Provokes the manifestation of cancer. Found in a pastry shop.
  • E 105 – durable AB. The additive promotes the growth of malignant tumors and is toxic. Can be found in confectionery and drinks.
  • E 110 – yellow “Sunset” FCF. A very dangerous additive, carcinogenic, causes nausea and allergies. Particularly dangerous for children. Can be found in dairy products, crackers, sauces, seasonings, canned food, and sweet products.
  • E 111 – alpha-naphthol. The additive is carcinogenic.
  • E 120 – carminic acid. The danger is medium. Causes allergies. Used in sausages, yogurt and other dairy products, drinks, candies and sauces.
  • E 121 – citrus 2 red. The additive promotes cancer and is very toxic. Can be found on the packaging of ice cream, candies, drinks, and on the skins of oranges.
  • E 124 – red Ponceau 4R. The additive is a carcinogen and causes allergies.
  • E 125 – Ponceau red
  • E 126 – red 6R ponceau. Promotes the development of cancer. Dangerous.
  • E 127 – red erythrosine. Dangerous due to allergies, especially in children.
  • E 129 – charming AC. Carcinogenic.
  • E 130 – indanthren RS. Leads to the growth of cancer cells, stomach diseases, and negatively affects children.
  • E 143 – durable FCF. Promotes cancer growth. It is found in canned food, vegetables and fruits, sauces and seasonings, ice cream, and sweet products.
  • E 150a, E 150b, E 150c, E 150d – sugar color I-IV. Causes stomach diseases. Found in ice cream, chocolate butter, drinks, sauces, and sweet products.
  • E 152 – black coal(artificial). Leads to cancer and stomach diseases. Found in cheeses and confectionery.
  • E 155 – chocolate brown HT. A dangerous additive that provokes allergies in adults and children.
  • E 180 – ruby ​​lithol VK. Promotes liver diseases and allergies. Dangerous.
  • E 201 – sodium sorbate. Provokes allergies. Dangerous for children. It is found in cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, dumplings and confectionery, during the processing of vegetable oil.
  • E 211 – sodium benzoate. The additive leads to cancer, causes severe allergies, nervousness, and the person becomes hyperactive. Found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 221 – sodium sulfite(preservative). Promotes stomach diseases, allergies, irritation in the respiratory tract, especially dangerous for children. Used to disinfect boxes.
  • E 222 – sodium hydrosulfite
  • E 223 – sodium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing products containing the additive is broken, death. It is found in canned fruit, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wines, and is used in the processing of dried fruits.
  • E 224 – potassium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing the product containing the additive is broken, death. Found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wine, and used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 228 – potassium hydrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, then asthma, stomach diseases, and if the instructions for preparing products with E-shka are not followed, death. It is found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals (mashed potatoes), tomatoes, wine, and is used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 233 – thiabendazole. Dangerous. It provokes cancer, skin diseases, allergies, and has a bad effect on children. Used to treat vegetables and fruits against mold development.
  • E 242 – dimethyl dicarbonate. Dangerous, but allowed.
  • E 251 – sodium nitrate. Used as a dye, preservative and seasoning. It has an irritating effect on the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, and for making ham, sausages and sausages.
  • E 321– butyl hydroxytoluene. It provokes diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, allergies, and increases bad cholesterol. It is used in the production of spreads, canned fish, and beer.
  • E 400 – alginic acid. Very dangerous.
  • E 401 – sodium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 402 – potassium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 403 – ammonium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 404 – calcium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 405 – propane 1,2 diol alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 407 – carrageenan. Causes stomach and intestinal diseases. Used in the production of sausages, dairy products, ice cream, and sweet products.
  • E 501 – potassium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 503 – ammonium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 620 – glutamic acid. Causes allergies, especially dangerous for children.
  • E 636 – maltol. Very dangerous.
  • E 952 – cyclamic acid, salt. Highly toxic. It is used in the production of ice cream, dietary products, sweets and chewing gum.

Types of E additives

Types of E additives

Additives prohibited in Russia.

About 200 types of harmful additives are banned in Russia, many of them are listed in this article.

Supplements, poorly studied, suspicious:

  • E 104 – quinoline(yellow and yellow-green). Causes allergies and intestinal diseases, especially in children. It is used for smoking fish, making drinks, sweets, and chewing gum.
  • E 122 – carmoisine, azorubine. A very dangerous additive that causes allergies and stomach diseases. Used in drinks and sweet products.
  • E 141 – green(synthetic dye). Causes stomach diseases. Found in dairy products.
  • E 173 – aluminum metallic. Promotes liver diseases.
  • E 241 – guaiac resin. Causes stomach diseases.
  • E 477 – propane diol fatty acid esters.

E supplements

The most harmful food additives in foods, bread, sausage, chocolate, dried fruits: list, codes

Very dangerous additives that stimulate the growth of cancer cells are banned throughout the world, but are still sometimes used by unscrupulous industrialists:

  • E 123 – amaranth. The additive causes various pathologies in an unborn child, in adults - liver disease, kidney disease, skin rashes, chronic runny nose. Found in dry mixes for desserts, jellies, muffins and puddings, and ice cream.
  • E 510 – ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride(confectionery improver). Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes upset, liver disease. Used in the production of yeast, flour, seasonings, sweets and dietary products.
  • E 513 – sulfuric acid. Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes upset, liver disease. Used in the production of yeast and drinks.
  • E 527 – ammonium hydroxide. Very dangerous, banned in many countries. Causes diarrhea and liver failure. They are used if you need to obtain a homogeneous state from non-mixable products - water and oil.

Food additive E 171, E 220, E 250, E 450, E 451, E 452, E 621: harmful or not?

Meat products with E additives

There are different additives, harmful and not so:

  • E 171 – titanium dioxide. Promotes liver and kidney diseases, especially in children. Found in dry formulas and powdered milk.
  • E 220 – sulfur dioxide. Dangerous, especially for people with kidney diseases and children, causes stomach diseases, allergies, and irritates the respiratory system. The additive disinfects containers for dried fruits and is also used in the manufacture of canned meat and fruit.
  • E 250 – sodium nitrite. Used as a dye, preservative and seasoning. The additive has an irritating effect on the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, and for making ham, sausages and sausages.
  • E 450 – pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. Used in the production of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 451 – triphosphate. It provokes inflammation in the stomach, and cancer, and accumulates bad cholesterol. The additive is almost universally used in making sausage, especially boiled sausage, because it retains moisture and the sausage doubles in size.
  • E 452 – polyphosphate. The additive can seriously harm your health: it accumulates in the body, and then causes allergies, and, together with bad cholesterol, can turn into cancer. It is found in processed cheese, dry and condensed milk, and canned food.
  • E 621 – monosodium glutamate (sodium salt). This salt occurs naturally in legumes, algae, and living organisms, like protein. If there is a small amount of it in food, it is safe. The danger is the constant consumption of chips, condiments and sauces with additives. This can be expressed in the form of blurred vision, allergies, nervous conditions, headaches, increased heart rate and general weakness.

So, by at least learning about healthy supplements, you will know which products you can buy in the store and which you cannot.

Video: E supplements

List of harmful food additives E...

Designations of food additives starting with the letter E appeared on all food packaging in Russia after 1996.
The inscription on the packaging “E124 is a safe food additive approved by ES standards” does not guarantee the safety of the additive! Firstly, this does not mean that this supplement can be consumed in any quantity.

Secondly, not everything that is permitted in Europe is permitted in Russia.

The results of new scientific research lead to the creation of some and the restriction of the consumption of other additives, even those previously considered safe.

E 100 - 199 - dyes
Products with red and yellow dyes, such as tartrazine E102, often cause food allergies. This dye is used in candies, ice cream, confectionery, and drinks.

E127 has a toxic effect, causing thyroid diseases.

E 200 - 299 - preservatives
The infamous sodium nitrites and nitrates are E250 and E251. They are still used everywhere, despite the fact that they cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headaches, liver colic, irritability and fatigue.

Substances designated by code E231 and E232 are harmful to the skin. These additives are used in the production of various sausages, meat products with a long shelf life and canned food.

Dyes and preservatives have a bad effect on the immune system and disrupt the natural intestinal microflora. And functional disorders of the intestine sometimes lead to cancer and cardiovascular pathologies. Metabolism and liver suffer. On February 22, 2005, the use of additives with the index E216 and E217 was prohibited in Russia in order to prevent the threat of mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) of the population. Scientists speak out more harshly - these substances can provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors. Previously, these additives were used in the production of meat and confectionery products.

E 300 - 399 - antioxidants
Antioxidants (also called antioxidants) slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil emulsions. Fats thus do not go rancid and do not change their color over time.

E311 can cause allergies and asthma attacks. An asthma attack can also be triggered by the supplements E320 and E321 (found in some fatty foods and chewing gums). E320 retains water in the body and increases cholesterol levels.

E 400 - 499 - thickeners, stabilizers
Thickeners and stabilizers increase viscosity. They are almost always added to low-fat products - mayonnaise and yoghurt. The thick consistency creates the illusion of a “quality product”. May cause diseases of the digestive system.

E 500 - 599 - emulsifiers
Emulsifiers create a homogeneous mixture of immiscible products, such as water and oil. They have a negative effect on the liver and cause stomach upset. Emulsifiers E510, E513 and E527 are especially dangerous in this regard.

E 600 - 699 - taste enhancers
“Miracle seasoning” allows you to save on natural meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and seafood. A few crushed fibers of a natural product or even its extract are added to the dish, generously flavored with an enhancer, and you get a “real” taste. The additive successfully masks the low quality of the original product, for example, old or low-grade meat. The flavor enhancer is found in almost all fish, chicken, mushroom, and soy semi-finished products, as well as in chips, crackers, sauces, various dry seasonings, bouillon cubes and dry soups. Not a single recipe in a fast food restaurant is complete without flavor enhancers. In this case, the permissible standards may be exceeded; the maximum dosage of this additive should create the illusion of a “quality product.” May cause diseases of the digestive system.

The most famous flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate E621. There has been fierce controversy surrounding this supplement for many years. American neurophysiologist John Olney discovered in the mid-70s that monosodium glutamate can cause brain damage in rats. And Japanese scientist Hiroshi Oguro recently proved that this food additive has an adverse effect on the retina. 30% of people who frequently eat foods containing monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, increased heart rate, muscle weakness, fever, and bloating in the chest. This additive is especially often used in oriental cuisine, so experts have combined the described symptoms with the term “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamine. There is a lot of it, for example, in celery root. This amino acid and its salts are involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, have a stimulating effect and are used in psychiatry. In its pure form, this substance has neither taste nor smell, but enhances the taste of any dish. To a person who often consumes monosodium glutamate, natural food seems tasteless because taste recognition receptors lose sensitivity. This is how a person becomes dependent on the “tasty seasoning.” In order not to scare away the buyer, manufacturers do not always call the E621 seasoning by its name. It is often referred to as “flavoring additive” or “taste improver.” Sometimes this formulation also hides E622 - monopotassium glutamate, which is prohibited for use in Russia. Of the 18 known flavor enhancers, 6 are allowed in Russia, but they can hardly be considered useful.

E 900 - 999 - defoamers, glazing agents, sweeteners, disintegrants.
These additives prevent or reduce the formation of foam, create a shiny, smooth shell, provide the product with a sweet taste and make the dough more fluffy. Defoamers, glazing agents and disintegrants do not pose a great danger to the body.

The most serious claims are made against the sweetener aspartame.
It is included in more than 6,000 products. At 30 degrees Celsius, aspartame begins to break down into methanol (methyl alcohol) and formaldehyde, which is considered a carcinogen. Chronic use of aspartame often causes headaches, ringing in the ears, allergies and depression.
Another sweetener, cyclamate, has been banned in the USA, France, Great Britain and some other countries since 1969. It is believed to cause kidney failure. These sweeteners are widely used in the production of soft drinks. They increase appetite and cause thirst.

E-additives banned in Russia
E121 - citrus red, dye
E123 - red amaranth, dye
E240 - formaldehyde, preservative
E-additives allowed in Russia, but considered dangerous
Causes the growth of malignant tumors: E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152,
E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.
Cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466.
Allergens: E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-313.
Causes liver and kidney diseases: E171 173, E320-322.