Artist's professional profile. Brief description: An artist is a person who makes his living by drawing. Although artistic creativity can. Presentation "psychology of creative activity" Types of creative activity presentation

The entire history of mankind is a history of invention. Based on the clues of nature, people invented and began to improve tools, learned to make clothes and household items. With the development of science, technology, and technology, problems arose that became difficult to solve only by trial and error or by simply imitating nature. New tasks required deeper understanding and creative solutions, i.e. invention.

Invention is a creative activity, as a result of which, on the basis of scientific knowledge, technical achievements and the theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ), new operating principles and ways of implementing these principles in the designs of engineering objects are created. Let us briefly outline the main ideas and recommendations of TRIZ.

When solving any problem, a person can go in two ways: apply known standard solutions, generally accepted schemes - this is the executive level; inventing (creating, designing) a new way to achieve a goal or performing all elements of a design in a new, original way is a creative level.

There are many different definitions of the concept of creativity. For example, according to the American scientist P. Hill, “creativity is a successful flight of thought beyond the limits of the unknown. It adds to knowledge by facilitating the creation of things that were not previously known.” Polish researcher A. Matejko believes that the essence of the creative process lies in the reorganization of existing experience and the formation of new combinations based on it.

The Large Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following general definition of creativity: “Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific; for a person, since it always presupposes the creator of the subject (producer, bearer) of creative activity.”

We can obviously say that creativity is the solution of creative problems. At the same time, we define the creative task as follows. This is a situation that arises in any type of activity or in everyday life, which is recognized by a person as a problem that requires a search for new ones (objectively or subjectively) to solve it, i.e. methods and techniques unknown to this person, the creation of some new operating principle, technology.

A creative task is always the result of some kind of contradiction, a discrepancy between the real and the required, desired. There are different types of creativity: scientific, technical, artistic. The stages and procedures of the creative process are most easily illustrated using examples of technical creativity.

The process of creativity, in particular technical creativity, is always carried out in stages and includes the following procedures: awareness of contradictions, creation and justification of an idea; technical development of the task and practical work on it (design and construction); testing an object at work and evaluating the result of a creative solution.

Design, development and justification of the design of a machine, abstracted from the material form. Design precedes construction and represents a search for scientifically sound, technically feasible and economically feasible engineering solutions. The result of the design is a project of the object being developed (texts, graphics, drawings, calculations, models, etc.).

The design process can be represented as follows: research search for the best solution to a technical problem; formulation (justification) of the technical specifications; technical proposal (advanced project); preliminary design; technical design; detailed design.

Design development of a detailed diagram of the implementation of the planned object (system) and working drawings of all parts and individual parts of the machine. First, a prototype is made according to preliminary drawings and calculations. Next, all calculations are clarified, working drawings and technical documentation are drawn up for their use in production. The result of design is a specific product design

If the design is an invention, i.e. a new, previously non-existent engineering solution, then its innovative nature must be documented and the discovery patented. Therefore, every inventor, in order not to discover “America,” must be an erudite specialist who has a good idea of ​​what is being done in his field.

From this excursion into technical creativity, it is clear that the main qualities necessary for success in any business are: a creative mindset, a focus on creativity, a willingness to solve emerging tasks and problems, even the most seemingly unexpected ones. Psychology has created effective algorithms and methods for solving problems that develop creative abilities. We will look at these techniques in the following lessons.

Questions 1.What is invention? 2.What is TRIZ? 3.What is the performing and creative way of solving problems? 4.What is creativity? 5.What is a creative task? 6.What types of creativity do you know? 7.What does technical creativity entail? 8.What is the result of the design?

9.What stages can the design process be divided into? 10.What is a technical proposal called in one word? 11.What is design? 12.What is the result of the design? 13.What is a design? 14.What needs to be done if the design turns out to be an invention? 15.What is important for success in any business? Questions

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Basic aspects of creativity. Different approaches to defining creative activity. Procedural features of creative activity. The structure of the creative act. Creative tasks scheme for solving creative tasks. Definition of research activities. Literature.

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Definition of creativity on a philosophical level

Creativity is a purposeful activity, the result of which is the discovery (creation, invention) of something new, previously unknown or active, meeting the needs of the time

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Psychological aspect of creativity

Creative thinking is aimed not at searching for novelty in trifles and insignificant variations, not at recombining the old, but at comprehending the essence in phenomena, reflecting this essence in concepts, images and methods of action. It is not the objective, but the subjective side that comes to the fore.

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Pedagogical aspect of creativity

Students' creativity has as its ultimate goal not so much the creation of a specific product that has its own significance or obtaining a product using a new method, but rather a cognitive and educational effect - the formation of knowledge, skills, interests and inclinations.

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The main methodological and pedagogical approaches to defining creative activity consider it as an activity as a result of which something new is born. According to A.V. Khutorskoy: creativity is always going beyond boundaries, it is a change in essential knowledge, understandings, norms, the creation of new content that is not included in the learning program.

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I.P. Kaloshina offers a detailed definition of creative activity through a system of characteristics, according to which creative activity: is aimed at solving problems that are characterized by the absence in the subject area (or only the subject) of both a method for solving problems and the subject-specific knowledge necessary for its development;

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is associated with the creation of subjects at conscious or unconscious levels of new knowledge as an indicative basis for a method of solving a problem; characterized for the subject by an uncertain possibility of developing new knowledge and on the basis of their method of solving the problem (uncertainty is due to the absence of any other knowledge that strictly determines the specified development).

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V.A. Dahlinger understands creative activity as any activity that is carried out not according to a predetermined algorithm, but on the basis of self-organization, the ability to rationally plan one’s activities, exercise self-control, rearrange one’s actions depending on the situation that arises, the ability to revise and, if necessary, change your ideas about the objects included in the activity.

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AND I. Lerner identifies the following procedural features of creative activity:

independent implementation of intrasystem and interpersonal transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation; seeing a new problem in a familiar situation; vision of the structure of the object; vision of the variability of the solution and its progress, that is, possible different solutions to this problem, methods of solution; construction of a fundamentally new solution method, different from previously known methods.

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However, today the most valuable traits seem to be those that determine the creation by students of fundamentally new information, their independent development of ideas and hypotheses, the formulation of problems, and the setting of tasks of different levels of complexity.

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The structure of the creative act

Accumulation of knowledge and skills necessary for a clear understanding and formulation of the problem Concentrated efforts and searches for additional information Avoidance of the problem (incubation period - switching to other activities) Illumination or insight (insight is not always a brilliant idea, but sometimes a guess on a modest scale) Verification

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Structure requirements:

adequacy; novelty and originality; refinement; grace and simplicity; creative thinking changes essential methods, less often traditions, even less often basic principles, very rarely people’s view of the world).

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The most important component of organizing creative activity in the process of teaching mathematics is a clear understanding by students of what they should receive (create) as a result of the activity and how this product will be assessed.

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To reveal the creative potential of a student in the process of studying mathematics, creative tasks are used:

Non-standard tasks Research projects Working with mathematical text for reconstruction Systematization and generalization of material Performing abstract genre works Varying and composing tasks

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Scheme for solving creative tasks

a) consideration of the need or difficulty of the task; b) analysis of this need or difficulty; c) viewing available information; d) the birth of a new idea or principle; e) deployment of the principle of the scheme; f) assessing the correctness of the decision.

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In the process of teaching mathematics, we will highlight a part of the entire volume - research activities.

Research activity is a creative activity, the product of which is new knowledge, either about the subject himself or about the research method.

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Blinova, T.L. Modern aspects of mathematics teaching methods: textbook. allowance / T.L. Blinova, E.A. Vlasova, I.N. Semenova, A.V. Slepukhin; edited by I.N. Semenova, A.V. Slepukhina; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural. state ped. univ." – Ekaterinburg, 2007. – 190 p. Ganeev, Kh.Zh. Ways to implement developmental teaching in mathematics: textbook. allowance / Kh.Zh. Ganeev; Ural. state ped. univ. – Ekaterinburg, 1997. – 102 p. Dahlinger, V.A. Creative activity in the preparation of planimetric construction problems / V.A. Dahlinger // Science of Education: collection. scientific articles. – Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2004. – Issue 22. – P. 405 – 414 Kaloshina, I. P. Psychology of creative activity: textbook. manual for university students. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2003. – 431 p. Khutorskoy, A.V. Modern didactics: a textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, – 2001. – 544 p.

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Creative activity is a specific type of human activity aimed at knowledge and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself.

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The incentive to do so is a problematic situation that cannot be resolved by traditional methods. An original product of activity is obtained as a result of formulating a non-standard hypothesis, considering non-traditional relationships between elements of a problem situation, attracting implicitly related elements, and establishing new types of interdependence between them.

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The prerequisites for this type of thinking are flexibility of thinking (the ability to vary solutions), criticality (the ability to abandon unproductive strategies), the ability to bring together and link concepts, integrity of perception, etc. The makings of creative abilities are inherent in any person, any normal child. You need to be able to reveal them and develop them. Manifestations of creative abilities vary from large and bright talents to modest and inconspicuous ones. But the essence of the creative process is the same for everyone. The difference lies in the specific material of creativity, the scale of achievements and their societies, and significance.

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An important place in creative activity is occupied by combining and varying existing knowledge and known methods of action. The need that motivates activity can be a source of imagination, fantasy, that is, reflection in a person’s consciousness of the phenomena of reality in new, unusual, unexpected combinations and connections. The most important mechanism of creativity is intuition - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

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Creativity is the process of creating a subjectively new thing, based on the ability to generate original ideas and use non-standard methods of activity. In essence, creativity is “the ability to create any fundamentally new opportunity” (G.S. Batishchev).

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Creativity can be considered in various aspects: the product of creativity is what is created; creative process - how it is created; the process of preparing for creativity - how to develop creativity.

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Products of creativity are not only material products - buildings, cars, etc., but also new thoughts, ideas, solutions that may not immediately have material embodiment. In other words, creativity is the creation of new things on different plans and scales.

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STRUCTURE OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY 1. Accumulation of knowledge and skills necessary for a clear presentation and formation of a problem, the emergence of a problem (setting tasks). 2. Concentrating efforts and searching for additional information, preparing to solve the problem. 3. Avoiding the problem, switching to other activities (incubation period). 4. Illumination or insight (a brilliant idea and a simple guess of modest proportions - that is, a logical break, a leap in thinking, obtaining a result that does not clearly follow from the premises) 5. Testing and finalizing the plan, its implementation.

Introduction to the psychology of creative activity

MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

G. Simferopol

Sevastyanova Irina Valerievna

Creativity is:

An activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before;

Creating something new, valuable not only for one person, but also for others;

The process of creating subjective values.

Vitaly Tepikin, a researcher of the human creative factor and the phenomenon of the intelligentsia, identifies the following types of creativity:

  • artistic,
  • scientific,
  • technical,
  • sports-tactical, in
  • military-tactical creativity

Stages of Creative Thinking G. Wallace

  • Preparation- formulation of the problem; attempts to solve it.
  • Incubation- temporary distraction from the task.
  • Insight - emergence of an intuitive solution.
  • Examination- testing and/or implementation of the solution.

Stages of the inventive process

P.K. Engelmeyer(1910) believed that work inventor consists of three acts:

desire, knowledge, ability.

  • Desire and intuition, the origin of the plan. This stage begins with an intuitive glimpse of an idea and ends with its understanding by the inventor. A plausible principle emerges inventions. In scientific creativity this stage corresponds to a hypothesis, in artistic creativity it corresponds to a plan.
  • Knowledge and reasoning, developing a scheme or plan. Developing a complete, detailed idea of ​​the invention. Production of experiments - mental and actual.
  • Skill, constructive execution of the invention. Assembly of the invention. Doesn't require creativity.

Artistic creativity begins with keen attention to the phenomena of the world and presupposes “rare impressions”, the ability to keep them in memory and comprehend them.

An important psychological factor in artistic creativity is memory. For an artist, it is not mirror-like, selective and of a creative nature.

The creative process is unthinkable without imagination, which allows us to reproduce a chain of ideas and impressions stored in memory.

Consciousness and subconsciousness, reason and intuition participate in artistic creativity. In this case, subconscious processes play a special role here.

  • Scientific creativity, in contrast to artistic creativity, is an activity aimed at producing new knowledge, which receives social approval and is included in the system of science. Creativity in science requires, first of all, the acquisition of fundamentally new socially significant knowledge; this has always been the most important social function of science. The process of creative activity can be divided into the stage of finding the principle of the solution and the stage of applying the solution.
  • Scientific creativity is impossible without a high level of development of general and professional intelligence, spatial concepts and imagination, the ability to learn and business communication, i.e. without manifestation of social activity of the individual.

Types of creativity, its functions and results:

  • artistic creativity - the creation of new emotions - works of art;
  • technical creativity - the creation of new means and objects of labor - technical improvement, - scientific creativity - the creation of new knowledge and inventions;
  • sports creativity - creation (achievement) of new results - record holders

The influence of creative activity on the development of personality traits.

10 simple and at the same time capacious commandments of the Creative Personality:

  • Be the master of your destiny.
  • Be successful at what you love.
  • Make your constructive contribution to the common cause.
  • Build your relationships with people on trust.
  • Develop your creativity.
  • Cultivate courage in yourself.
  • Take care of your health.
  • Don't lose faith in yourself.
  • Try to think positively.
  • Combine material well-being with spiritual satisfaction.

Exercise 1. Solving drudlov

Droodles(or droodles in English) is an interesting invention by the American humorist Roger Price and creative producer Leonard Stern, proposed by them in the 1950s. The name droodle comes from a combination of three words “doodle” (doodle), “drawing” (drawing) and “riddle” (riddle). Even the name of the invention entirely reflects the creative thinking of its authors.

Exercise 2.

Drawing up a chain of associations.

Choose any word and start building a chain of associations from it, writing them down on paper.

For example, “trainings - courses - lessons -”.

Try to write down associations as quickly as possible, and make the connections as unusual as possible.

Exercise 3.

Search for missing associations.

Choose any two words or phrases that should have as little in common as possible. Try to build an association that connects these two words.

For example, for the words “morning” and “food” the element complementing the associative series will be the word “breakfast”.

Try to find the missing link for the words:

  • movie and dream
  • elevator and car,
  • flower and skyscraper.

Exercise 4.

Suitable associations.

Choose two words and try to name associations that are suitable for each of these words at the same time. For example, for the words “white” and “light” one can name the following associations: snow, fluff, feather, etc. To complicate the exercise, you can choose not two, but three or even more words.

Exercise 5.

Unusual associations.

To develop associative thinking for the purpose of better memorization, it is useful to be able to look for the most striking and non-standard associations. In this case, the image will be better fixed in memory. Most people will give the following associations for these words and phrases:

Russian poet- Pushkin

Domestic bird- chicken

Fruit- apple

Part of the face- nose

Try to come up with other, less popular associations with the same words.

Exercise 6 .

You need to make a chain of associations, starting with any word and writing down on paper everything that comes to mind in connection with this word. You need to write down your associations quickly, and come up with unusual connections.

For example: face-nose-potatoes-garden-village-grandfather-old horseradish-radish-bitter, etc.

Brief description: An artist is a person who makes his living by drawing. Although artistic creativity may not generate income (like Van Gogh), if this is the main type of activity, then such a person can still be considered a representative of this profession.

Personal qualities and abilities creative personality rich imagination the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades originality, resourcefulness developed spatial-figurative thinking independence observation (the ability to notice even minor details and shortcomings) openness to perceive new things a sense of harmony and taste

Medical contraindications: problems with color vision, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially impaired hand movement. (Although there are also cases where people who have no hands at all became artists! They were able to learn to hold instruments with their mouths or feet, and the work they produced was very talented). significant decrease in visual acuity; allergy to paints and solvents.

Working hours: The working day of an artist is often associated with maximum freedom. There is even the expression “free artist”; it is applied not only to representatives of this profession, but to all those who can afford not to adhere to a schedule, but to work according to inspiration, whenever and however their heart desires. Indeed, some artists live like this: they create in the studio or at home, outdoors or on the street. Their workday can be spent at a computer or at a desk, at an easel or on scaffolding, standing or sitting, and sometimes even lying down! You can work to order, looking for clients and/or distribution channels for your works on your own, or in various companies. Freelance artists have the opportunity to submit their works to various galleries and shops.

Social significance: if the work of artists is in demand, this means that people have everything they need for life and they can afford the hobby of thinking and talking about art. In other words, the passion for fine arts depends on the economic situation in the country.

Demand on the labor market: What is more in demand is not painters who create monumental canvases, but specialists in decorative and applied arts, graphic designers. However, real works of art are always appreciated, and with the appearance of a name, the value of the artist’s work increases greatly. Some artists have customers waiting in line for years, and their works cost exorbitant amounts of money. There is also the prospect of opening my own art salon and studio.